GWT designer size limitation - gwt

I am designing a home page by using the GWT designer.But when I reached the height of more than 600 the images are not displayed.I have placed some images and run the application then it will show.But in the design mode it is not visible.Is there any such limitation in the size ?.I am unable to align the text in the footer which is obviously at the end ....

This is a known limitation of GWT Designer. There's no way around this limitation so far.

This is a known operating system limitation (it won't render anything larger than the physical display). Use a larger physical (or virtual) display.


Publishing Multi size Images in Google Web Desinger have ... scrollbars

I'm realy buffled here, i'm getting scrolbars on my published multi size images in Google Web Deigner.
So, I just want to create multiple sizes of image ads in Google Web Designer.
I go to File / New file / and i select Image (new) and multi size format. In my Responsive window i select multi-size layout, and i select 2-3 different sizes (ie 300x250, 970x250, 300x600).
Next, i import some images in the Library, and i do my design setup for each size in Edit Base document. Then, i make the needed changes for every size.
Bare in mind that since my sizes are completely different, my imported image in some of them is bigger than my actual ad size and leaks out of the borders of the ad.
When i Publish, in every size that my image is bigger than the ad size, i get... scrollbars in my result.
I'm using version In Windows 10
What i'm i doing wrong? I can't find any posted bug in Google Search, so, any ideas would be appreciated...
Same problem but no answer. I made the ad bigger and cut it out by hand.
New update really ain't good, Googles doing a very poor job.

SapUI5 UI Controls Size Issue

I would like to make responsive (combobox,input etc.) ui controls in sapui5. But on the web environment some of components such as combobox and input are looking so large. I've uploaded an image regarding to this problem. How can I change view sizes of these ui controls ? Is there a simple way to do this like using sap.m.size ? I hope I made make myself clear.
Here is the link of image;
It's event simplier than resizing each control to a given size...
SAPUI5 has a feature called 'content density' mode. Which stablishes the controls/paddings/margins sizes depending on the selected mode.
There are 2 main modes. 'Cozy' which is the large one, and it is meant for touchable devices (your finger is a thick pointer) and 'compact' for desktop devices (with a mouse you can point accurately).
So all you need to do is setting one of this modes based on the device.
Here the tutorial to know how to do it.
And here the documentation about the 'content density'

Keeping GWT widget size propotional to screen size

Most of my views will have 5 - 10 widgets and I am trying to figure out how to make the buttons, dropdowns look their best.
I have tried setting their dimensions as a % of the current screen size but this is not an ideal solution for very large screen or very small ones. Mobile users will be the primary end users.
What is the best way to effect this So a mobile user will actuall be able to see a decent sized button a small screen while a PC user will not end up looking at some huge buttons if they are full screen.
You can use ViewPort Meta tag to maintain proper widths and heights for your web applications on mobile devices too.. with out changing all the layouts .
The viewport meta tag to control layout on mobile browsers.
See the below question also ,which I already answered to set the viewport .
Achieving min-width with viewport meta tag
In modern browsers, apart from the viewport as is mentioned in the other response and which applies to the entire document, you could use css scale transformations.
See this pure html/css example
What I do in GWT is whether, I have different .ui.xml or css bundle for desktop and mobile permutations with different scale values, or I change it by code (computing scale factor in base of window size, browser type, etc).
In the second case you can use gwt element methods:
panel.getElement().getStyle().setProperty("WebkitTransform", "scale(0.65, 0.65)");
panel.getElement().getStyle().setProperty("MozTransform", "scale(0.65, 0.65)");
or I'd rather use the gwtquery syntax:
$(panel).css($$("-webkit-transform: scale(0.65, 0.65); -moz-transform: scale(0.65, 0.65);"));

iPad Catalog app with 1000s of images

I am building an apparel catalog on the iPad. The app will contain over 2000 jpg product images at 2048 x 1536 # 72ppi, plus 2 sizes of thumbnails for each image. The large size of the primary images is to allow for zooming in on the products at reasonable resolution. The larger thumbnails will be displayed on each page to show alternate colors for each product. The smaller thumbnails are used in a side-scrolling pop-up filmstrip-style page browser.
I am dynamically resizing the larger thumbnails from the full-sized images as each page is displayed (in a paging UIScrollView). The smaller thumbnails are pre-rendered in photoShop to maximize the performance of the side-scrolling page browser.
Aside from the space taken up on the device from so many images, what other issues or concerns are there around the large number of images in an app like this? Memory management is under control because I am paging the large images in and out as needed as the user moves between pages in the main UIScrollView.
You are going to want to take a look at the PhotoScroller sample code. Those are mighty large images, and will cause your app to crash with the amount of memory they consume.
To page between pages, that means you'll have 2 images always loaded. If you can tile the images, I strongly suggest you do, that will further reduce your memory footprint.
Keep in mind that just because you can use say, 80 MB of memory for your application, does not mean you SHOULD use that much. Be a nice neighbour, your application will run along side other applications which themselves, use memory. Try and reduce your footprint however possible.
If you are dealing with the large image memory management properly (by tiling) and your customers are aware of the sizes of the app and/or downloads then there really isn't much other concerns.
The iPad has enough processing power to handle this kind of image processing pretty swiftly, but I wouldn't expect this to run great on an older iPhone.
To prevent crashing, I would quadruple check that your memory management works the way you say it does, and that you definitely don't ship with NSZombieEnabled on.
In my opinion, if you're dealing with that much data you should build a hybrid app, and host all the images on a web server somewhere. An image that size can approach 1 MB: 1MB * 2000 images = 2 gigabytes of storage space on the phone consumed.

Blurred text in Iphone 4 browser when loading content dynamically

I am using the Jquery/Jqtouch libraries for an iphone compatible site. I am now stuck with a problem just in iPhone 4 (not in 2g, 3g or 3gs) where the text becomes blurry on one specific scenario. Below is how it happens
The site has one common div container.
<div id="container"></div>
The container is filled with content dynamically based on the user action. Below is the function that does that.
function loadPage(url, section, callback) {
$('#container').load(url + ' ' + section, loadComplete(section));
One sample call to the above function
loadPage("Data.htm", "#Friends", null);
Basicaly eveything works fine except on one scenario where the amount the data on the container is huge (ie the #container height increases to 1500px+ not predictable). Now if i replace it with smaller data for different tabs on the same container then the text becomes blurry. Attached is the image
Did anyone come across this scenario. Thanks in advance.
Try closing all your running apps besides safari. It sounds crazy but we have the same problem on the ipad and it just seems to be running out of memory at some point. Closing all the apps stops it. Other thing that seems to make a difference is -webkit-overflow-scrolling:touch, if it doesnt have this property then it doesnt seem to have the problem described.
i was able to fix this by applying the same settings to reduce flicker on the element in webkit browsers:
-webkit-perspective: 1000;
-webkit-transform-style: preserve-3d;
-webkit-backface-visibility: hidden;
Graphics elements must be "aligned" with the pixels on the screen; coordinates must always expressed as integral values and not floating values. If not, the subpixel rendering engine of the GPU would make it blurry, which is not a problem with animation but definitely one with static images.
In the native SDK, we have to make sure everything is aligned (such as using CGRectMakeIntegral()).
Since you're using a web framework, it's more difficult to tell how to exactly how fix the problem, but I would try to adjust the sizes of your to a precise size and not let the framework figure it out.
What content do you load? Images? Text? There's an internal limit on image sizes for the iPhone (about 4 Megapixels or so). It looks like the phone is trying to reduce the memory load of your website and reduces the resolution to non-retina values.
I can't say more without you posting code.
This is a shot in the dark, but have you aset your sizes using pt values for your block elements, and em for your text?
The iphone4 resizes your content to fit its higher-res Retina display (compared to the older iphone), and with that scaling i have sometimes noticed blur when using pixel values for block height, width, font size, etc.
Very hard to diagnose without seeing the actual code, but could be the issue.
In my case it was CSS
-webkit-transform: translateZ(0);
applied to one of the elements in body. So as Ariejan said, it's removing transition property that fixes it.
body{ text-rendering: optimizeLegibility}
could solve this issue, worth a shot if you haven't included it already
Sometimes, Text blurry may be cause of the iScroll Plugin. Did you use this?
Try to comment
trnOpen = 'translate' + (has3d ? '3d(' : '('),
trnClose = has3d ? ',0)' : ')',