How to improve edge detection on IPhone apps? - iphone

I'm currently developing an IPhone app that uses edge detection. I took some sample pictures and I noticed that they came out pretty dark in doors. Flash is obviously an option but it usually blinding the camera and miss some edges.
Update: I'm more interested in IPhone tips. If there is a wat to get better pictures.

Have you tried playing with contrast and/or brightness? If you increase contrast before doing the edge detection, you should get better results (although it depends on the edge detection algorithm you're using and whether it auto-magically fixes contrast first).
Histogram equalisation may prove useful here as it should allow you to maintain approximately equal contrast levels between pictures. I'm sure there's an algorithm been implemented in OpenCV to handle it (although I've never used it on iOS, so I can't be sure).
UPDATE: I found this page on performing Histogram Equalization in OpenCV


Algorithm for ortho-rectification; mosaic-ing aerial images [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm working on ways of collecting farm aerial images (images collected from a helicopter in a perpendicular fashion) that I'd want to stitch them together to build the whole photo of the area that's being covered and then I wanted to run analytics.
I'm assuming the images will come with [latitudue, longitude] coordinates, to help me determine the spots to place the images.
To understand the issues with this technology, I tried manually stitching pictures taken from my phone of some sample area in my back yard. I experienced that the edges don't usually look the same because they are being seen by the camera from different sides or angles. I guess this is a distortion in image that could potentially be fixed by ortho-rectification (not completely sure).
I quickly created the following picture to help explain my problem.
My question to you:
What are the algorithms/techniques used to do ortho-rectification?
What tools would best suit my needs: opencv, or processing or matlab or any other tool that could easily help in rectification of images and creating a mosaic photo?
What other issues should be considered in doing aerial imagery mosaic-ing and analytics?
Thank you!
Image stitching usually assumes that the camera center is fixed across all photos, and uses homographies to transform the images so that they seem continuous. When the fixed camera center assumption is not strictly valid, artifacts/distortions may appear due to the 3D of the scene. If the camera center moved by a small distance compared to the relief of the scene, "seamless image blending" techniques may be sufficient to blur out the distortions.
In more extreme cases, ortho-rectification is required. Ortho-rectification (Wikipedia entry) is the task of transforming an image observed from a given perspective camera into an orthographic (Wikipedia entry) and usually vertical point of view. The orthographic property is interesting because it makes the stitching of several images much easier. The following picture from Wikipedia is particularly clear (left is an orthographic or directional projection, right is a perspective or central projection):
The task of ortho-rectification usually requires having a 3D model of the scene, in order to map appropriately intensities observed by the perspective camera to their location with respect to the orthographic camera. In the context of aerial/satellite images, Digital Elevation Models (DEM) are often used for that purpose, but generally have the serious drawback of not including man-made structures (only Earth relief). The NASA provides freely the DEM acquired by the SRTM missions (DEM link).
Another approach, if you have two images acquired at different positions, you could try to do a 3D reconstruction using one of the stereo matching technique, and then to generate the ortho-rectified image by mapping the two images as seen by a third orthographic and vertical camera.
OpenCV has several interesting function for that purpose (e.g. stereo reconstruction, image mapping functions, etc) and might be more appropriate for intensive usage. Matlab probably has interesting functions as well, and might be more appropriate for quick tests.
First, rectification is some kind of warping, but not the one that you need. Regular rectification is used in stereo to ensure that matching points lie on the same row - not your case. Ortho-rectification warps perspective projection into orthographic - again not your case. Not only you lack a 3D model for this warping to calculate but also you dont need it since your perspective distortions are negligible and you already have image pretty close to ortho ( that is when the size of the objects is small compared to the viewing distance perspective effects are small).
You problems in aligning two images stem from small camera rotations between shots. To start fixing the problem you need to ensure that your images actually overlap by say 30%. To read about this see chapter 9 of this book.
What you need is to review a regular image stitching techniques that use homography to map two images. Note that doing so assumes that images are essentially flat. To find homography you can first manually select 4 points in one image and 4 matching points in another image and run openCV function findHomography(). Note that overlap is required to find the matches (in your picture there is no overlap). warpPerspective() can warp images for you after homogrphy is found.
"What are the algorithms/techniques used to do ortho-rectification?
If you want a good overview of the techniques, then the book "Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision" by Hartley & Zisserman might be a good place to start:
Andrew Zisserman also has some tutorials available here at which might be more accessible/make it easier for you to find the particular technique you want to use.
"What tools would best suit my needs: opencv, or processing or matlab or any other tool that could easily help in rectification of images and creating a mosaic photo?"
OpenCV has a fair few number of tools available - take a look at Images stitching for starters. There's also a lot available for correcting distortion. However, it doesn't have to be the tool you use, there are others!

Taking Depth Image From Iphone (or consumer camera)

I have read that it's possible to create a depth image from a stereo camera setup (where two cameras of identical focal length/aperture/other camera settings take photographs of an object from an angle).
Would it be possible to take two snapshots almost immediately after each other(on the iPhone for example) and use the differences between the two pictures to develop a depth image?
Small amounts of hand-movement and shaking will obviously rock the camera creating some angular displacement, and perhaps that displacement can be calculated by looking at the general angle of displacement of features detected in both photographs.
Another way to look at this problem is as structure-from-motion, a nice review of which can be found here.
Generally speaking, resolving spatial correspondence can also be factored as a temporal correspondence problem. If the scene doesn't change, then taking two images simultaneously from different viewpoints - as in stereo - is effectively the same as taking two images using the same camera but moved over time between the viewpoints.
I recently came upon a nice toy example of this in practice - implemented using OpenCV. The article includes some links to other, more robust, implementations.
For a deeper understanding I would recommend you get hold of an actual copy of Hartley and Zisserman's "Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision" book.
You could probably come up with a very crude depth map from a "cha-cha" stereo image (as it's known in 3D photography circles) but it would be very crude at best.
Matching up the images is EXTREMELY CPU-intensive.
An iPhone is not a great device for doing the number-crunching. It's CPU isn't that fast, and memory bandwidth isn't great either.
Once Apple lets us use OpenCL on iOS you could write OpenCL code, which would help some.

Overlay "Structured Glas" Effect on iPhone Camera Feed - General Directions

I'm currently trying to write an app, that would be able to show the effects of glas, as seen through the iPhone Camera.
I'm not talking about simple, uniform glas but glass like this:
Now I already broke this into two problems:
1) Apply some Image Filter to the 2D-frames presented by the iPhone Camera. This has been done and seems possible, e.g. in the app: faceman
2) I need to get the individual lighting properties of a sheet of glas that my client supplies me with. Now basicly, there must be a way to read the information about how the glas distorts ands skews the image. I think It might be somehow possible to make a high-res picture of the plate of glasplate, laid on a checkerboard-image and somehow analyze this.
Now, I'm mostly searching for literature, weblinks on how you guys think I could start at 2. It doesn't need to be exact, in the end I just need something that looks approximately like the sheet of glass I want to show. And I'm don't even know where to search, Physics, Image Filtering or Comupational Photography books.
EDIT: I'm currently thinking, that one easy solution could be bump-mapping the texture on top of the camera-feed, I asked another question on this here.
You need to start with OpenGL. You want to effectively have a texture - similar to the one you've got above - displace the texture below it (the live camera view) to give the impression of depth and distortion. This is a 'non-trivial' problem, in that whilst it's a fairly standard problem in its field if you're coming from a background with no graphics or OpenGL experience you can expect a very steep learning curve.
So in short, the only way you can achieve this realistically on iOS is to use OpenGL, and that should be your starting point. Apple have a few guides on the matter, but you'll be better off looking elsewhere. There are some useful books such as the OpenGL ES 2.0 Programming Guide that can get you off on the right track, but where you start would depend on how comfortable you are with 3D graphics and C.
Just wanted to add that I solved this old answer using the refraction example in the Khronos OpenGl ES SDK.
Wrote a blog-entry with pictures about it :
simulating windows with refraction

iphone, Image processing

I am building an application on night vision but i don't find any useful algorithm which I can apply on the dark images to make it clear. Anyone please suggest me some good algorithm.
Thanks in advance
With the size of the iphone lens and sensor, you are going to have a lot of noise no matter what you do. I would practice manipulating the image in Photoshop first, and you'll probably find that it is useful to select a white point out of a sample of the brighter pixels in the image and to use a curve. You'll probably also need to run an anti-noise filter and smoother. Edge detection or condensation may allow you to bold some areas of the image. As for specific algorithms to perform each of these filters there are a lot of Computer Science books and lists on the subject. Here is one list:
Many OpenGL implementations can be found if you find a standard name for an algorithm you need.
Real (useful) night vision typically uses an infrared light and an infrared-tuned camera. I think you're out of luck.
Of course using the iPhone 4's camera light could be considered "night vision" ...
Your real problem is the camera and not the algorithm.
You can apply algorithm to clarify images, but it won't make from dark to real like by magic ^^
But if you want to try some algorithms you should take a look at OpenCV ( there is some port like here
I suppose there are two ways to refine the dark image. first is active which use infrared and other is passive which manipulates the pixel of the image....
The images will be noisy, but you can always try scaling up the pixel values (all of the components in RGB or just the luminance of HSV, either linear or applying some sort of curve, either globally or local to just the darker areas) and saturating them, and/or using a contrast edge enhancement filter algorithm.
If the camera and subject matter are sufficiently motionless (tripod, etc.) you could try summing each pixel over several image captures. Or you could do what some HDR apps do, and try aligning images before pixel processing across time.
I haven't seen any documentation on whether the iPhone's camera sensor has a wider wavelength gamut than the human eye.
I suggest conducting a simple test before trying to actually implement this:
Save a photo made in a dark room.
Open in GIMP (or a similar application).
Apply "Stretch HSV" algorithm (or equivalent).
Check if the resulting image quality is good enough.
This should give you an idea as to whether your camera is good enough to try it.

Why do images for textures on the iPhone need to have power-of-two dimensions?

I'm trying to solve this flickering problem on the iphone (open gl es game). I have a few images that don't have pow-of-2 dimensions. I'm going to replace them with images with appropriate dimensions... but why do the dimensions need to be powers of two?
The reason that most systems (even many modern graphics cards) demand power-of-2 textures is mipmapping.
What is mipmapping?
Smaller versions of the image will be created in order to make the thing look correctly at a very small size. The image is divided by 2 over and over to make new images.
So, imagine a 256x128 image. This would have smaller versions created of dimensions 128x64, 64x32, 32x16, 16x8, 8x4, 4x2, 2x1, and 1x1.
If this image was 256x192, it would work fine until you got down to a size of 4x3. The next smaller image would be 2x1.5 which is obviously not a valid size. Some graphics hardware can deal with this, but many types cannot.
Some hardware also requires a square image but this isn't very common anymore.
Why do you need mipmapping?
Imagine that you have a picture that is VERY far away, so far away as to be only the size of 4 pixels. Now, when each pixel is drawn, a position on the image will be selected as the color for that pixel. So you end up with 4 pixels that may not be at all representative of the image as a whole.
Now, imagine that the picture is moving. Every time a new frame is drawn, a new pixel is selected. Because the image is SO far away, you are very likely to see very different colors for small changes in movement. This leads to very ugly flashing.
Lack of mipmapping causes problems for any size that is smaller than the texture size, but it is most pronounced when the image is drawn down to a very small number of pixels.
With mipmaps, the hardware will have access to 2x2 version of the texture, so each pixel on it will be the average color of that quadrant of the image. This eliminates the odd color flashing.
Edit to people who say this isn't true anymore:
It's true that many modern GPUs can support non-power-of-two textures but it's also true that many cannot.
In fact, just last week I had a 1024x768 texture in an XNA app I was working on, and it caused a crash upon game load on a laptop that was only about a year old. It worked fine on most machines though. It's a safe bet that the iPhone's gpu is considerably more simple than a full PC gpu.
Typically, graphics hardware works natively with textures in power-of-2 dimensions. I'm not sure of the implementation/construction details that cause this to be the case, but it's generally how it is everywhere.
EDIT: With a little research, it turns out my knowledge is a little out of date -- a lot of modern graphics cards can handle arbitrary texture sizes now. I would imagine that with the space limitations of a phone's graphics processor though, they'd probably need to omit anything that would require extra silicon like that.
You can find OpenGL ES support info about Apple Ipod/Iphone devices here:
Apple OpenES support
OpenGL ES 2.0 is defined as equal to OpenGL 2.0
The constraint about texture size's has been disappear only from version 2.0
So if you use OpenGL ES with version less then 2.0 - it is normal situation.
I imagine it's a pretty decent optimization in the graphics hardware to assume power-of-2 textures. I bought a new laptop, with latest laptop graphics hardware, and if textures aren't power-of-2 in Maya, the rendering is all messed up.
Are you using PVRTC compression? That requires powers of 2 and square images.
Try implementing wrapping texture-mapping in software and you will quickly discover why power-of-2 sized are desirable.
In short, you will find that if you can assume power-of-2 dimensions then a lot of integer multiplications and divisions turn into bit-shifts.
I would hazard a guess that the recent trend in relaxing this restriction is due to GPUs moving to floating-point maths.
Edit: The "because of mipmapping" answer is incorrect. Mipmapped, non-power-of-two textures are a common feature of modern GPUs.