Set selected row for a given value in UIPickerView iPhone - iphone

In my app, I ask a worker to choose a letter from the alphabet (for example A) and the alphabet will have some explications that will appear in a UIPickerView with 3 # rows.
I want my UIPickerView to be display contents based on the indicator that has been chosen by a worker.
How do I do this?

selection. in this case, it means showing the appropriate row in the middle
- (void)selectRow:(NSInteger)row inComponent:(NSInteger)component animated:(BOOL)animated;
scrolls the specified row to center.
please provide some code so That I can Get What exact issue is


Collapsable Table Cells [Swift 3] [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Accordion table cell - How to dynamically expand/contract uitableviewcell?
(5 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I am trying to recreate the collapsable date picker that the calendar app uses when creating a new event. I've put an example of what I'm trying to do on github
In short, I've created a static table, added three cells. The first cell is for the date, and contains a button to toggle the second cell. The second cell is the date picker. The third cell is arbitrary. In the code I'm trying to set the height of the table cell (and the date picker if needed) to zero, and then toggle the size whenever the user clicks the button. No matter what I've tried, I can't a) get the cell to collapse without some sort of gap, and 2) get the animation to smoothly transition from expanded to collapsed and back again.
Edit: This question is not the same as the duplicate answer, in that I wanted to expand a separate table cell and not the same cell as being selected. But, I personally can live with using a same-cell expansion. I also updated my github project so future people can see a working example.
It's very simple; you are probably over-thinking things here. This functionality is built in; Apple wants you to be able to expand and contract a cell. You just aren't using the API Apple has provided. Use it! Here's how.
The date picker cells are always present. But their height is zero (and their clipsToBounds is true) so you don't see them. So implement heightForRowAtIndexPath to return zero for those cells.
To show a date picker cell, change what heightForRowAtIndexPath returns (this is easiest if you have a property that holds this value, so you can just change the property value and have heightForRowAtIndexPath read it from there) and say:
That's all there is to it!
Here's a quick demo I made. The red and orange things are cells. The table has three cells but the second one, containing the date picker, starts out with zero height:

iOS 5 Picker View update based on selection?

I am working on a project where I want to have a picker view with 3 columns.
In the first column I want the user to select a letter.
Once the letter is selected I want the second column to update with a list of last names that start with that letter. When a last name is selected I want the third column to update with a list of first names who have the selected last name.
Can this even be done? Help!?
Get the letter that they selected using this pickerview delegate method:
- (void)pickerView:(UIPickerView *)thePickerView didSelectRow:(NSInteger)row inComponent:(NSInteger)component{
You could load the next picker at this point but it would be better to populate the next picker when the done button on each picker is selected:
This is a nice SO post that describes how to use picker views very well: Dismissing UIPickerView with Done button on UIToolBar

Objective C - Create Multiple TextFields for the User, then randomly select one and output the Entered Data

Basically what I am trying to do is:
1) The user sets the number of choices he wants e.g. 3 choices which are "A", "B", "C"
[Done this]
2) The next view is loaded and the right amount of boxes are created, 3 in this case. The boxes need to be blank at first and then the user enters their choices into the boxes.
e.g. "A", "B", "C"
Note: I tried create multiple text boxes automatically, but I found that after about 6 boxes the screen wouldn't scroll and therefore looked very tacky
3)At a click of a button, one of the textboxes is selected randomly. The inputed data from this randomly selected box is then displayed in NSLog or Label or file, which i will then use in another view.
Hey, you could make a scrollView out of the 2th view. That way, you can still automatically create textfields, and the screen will scroll. Check out this link for more information on how to create a scrollview. Perhaps you can make the scrollview's size dynamically (depending on how much textfields you have).
About selecting a random textfield, use arc4random() More about that can be found here.

UIPickerView disable column

How can i disable UIPickerView column?
I want to disable only one column of picker. Lets say i have picker with 3 column and i want to disable second column.
There are a couple options here.
1) Capture interaction with the second column and override it.
- (void)pickerView:(UIPickerView *)pickerView didSelectRow:(NSInteger)row inComponent:(NSInteger)component;
This method can be implemented to simply go back to where it was before the selection. However, they will still be able to interact with the second column.
2) Simply remove the column from the picker.
I believe this is the best option. Have some boolean 'showSecondColumn'. Then, in:
- (NSInteger)numberOfComponentsInPickerView:(UIPickerView *)pickerView
you can simply check your little flag and return the appropriate number. UIPickerView has a method: reloadAllComponents
Good luck!
It seems there is no way to disable column. I solved(not best solution) like this:
get column as "image" (snapshot)
grayscale "image"
set "image view" user interaction enabled
add "image view" to picker as subview
If there is any better way it would be great.

UITableView: moving a row into an empty section

I have a UITableView with some empty sections. I'd like the user to be able to move a row into them using the standard edit mode controls. The only way I can do it so far is to have a dummy row in my "empty" sections and try to hide it by using tableView:heightForRowAtIndexPath: to give the dummy row a height of zero. This seems to leave it as a 1-pixel row. I can probably hide this by making a special type of cell that's just filled with [UIColor groupTableViewBackgroundColor], but is there a better way?
This is all in the grouped mode of UITableView.
UPDATE: Looks like moving rows into empty sections is possible without any tricks, but the "sensitivity" is bad enough that you DO need tricks in order to make it usable for general users (who won't be patient enough to slowly hover the row around the empty section until things click).
I found that in iOS 4.3, the dummy row needs to have a height of at least 1 pixel in order to give the desired effect of allowing a row to be moved into that section.
I also found that the dummy row is only needed in the first and last section; any sections in between don't have this problem.
And it looks like in iOS 5.0, no dummy rows or special tricks are needed at all.
While managing the edit, you can monitor if the table view is in Edit Mode. Use that flag inside of cellForRowAtIndexPath to decide weather or not to display the 'blank' row. While in 'regular' mode, the row will not display, but when the user taps 'edit' cellForRowAtIndexPath should get called again and this time decide to display the row. The details of how to do that depend on your data source and how you are gluing it to the display. If you aren't getting the call again, you can manually inject rows with insertRowsAtIndexPaths / deleteRowsAtIndexPaths and/or call reloadData to force a refresh.
I found that if you return -1.0 from the heightForRowAtIndexPath method it will remove the 1 pixel line.