Looking for a standalone, command line, code generator script - code-generation

I'm looking for a library or command line script that will allow me to create custom templates that I can generate from the command line. The ruby on rails scaffolding generator is almost identical to what I am trying to do. I would even prefer that it be written in Ruby (yet it cannot require Rails because I may not be using it on a Ruby application). What sorts of scripts like this are already available?

I've also been on the lookout for something like this -- haven't found what I hoped for. The two approaches I've used instead have been acceptable. But I'm still hoping to find the real thing.
obvious, but sed for simple use cases
for medium-complexity use cases, if you can assume some version of Python is present on the machine, string.Template in the standard library works well. You could write a small Python script that uses this function, and since it is Python, tests / looping etc. that might normally be provided by the template engine could pretty easily be handled in the Python code instead.
I've just discovered Mustache (see http://mustache.github.io/). Seems like a solid, purpose-built solution. From its web site, Mustache has implementations in Ruby, JavaScript, Python, Erlang, PHP, Perl, Objective-C, Java, .NET, Android, C++, Go, Lua, ActionScript, ColdFusion, Scala, Clojure, Fantom, CoffeeScript, D, and node.js. If those choices suit your environment, you could script or compile Mustache support to be a command line utility pretty easily.
UPDATE 15-OCT-2013
Now that I've used Mustache for a while -- it's a great tool, simple but powerful.

Try this one: https://gomplate.hairyhenderson.ca
Rich set of functions and just a stanalone binary (written in Go)

For simple use cases you can use envsubst fom the gettext GNU package.
Basically, it reads any (text) file from stdin, replaces all occurrences of $VARIABLE or ${VARIABLE} from environment and writes the result to stdout. Little more, nothing less.
Full documentation is here.
It is a small binary, no python (or other runtime) required
It is very fast and has tiny memory footprint
It does just that. No special interpolations and functions (like loops, conditionals etc.)
It doesn't support special bash-like "Parameter Expansion"
For more advanced use cases I recommend j2cli, a "standalone" Jinja2 templating engine you can install from pip as it is in Python. Code can be found here (though it looks like a little bit stale...) and documentation is there too.
It's Jinja2 with all bells and whistles!
You need full Python runtime to run it and PIP to install it.
Computing resources could not be negligible in constrained environments.


How could I run a single line of code (not script) from command prompt?

Simple question here, just can't seem to pass it google in a way it can understand.
Say I wanted to execute a line of actual programming code (c++ or java or python... etc) like SetCursorPos or printf from the command prompt command line. I vaguely imagine I would have to invoke the compiler and pass the command to it like a parameter, where from it would then be converted into machine language and passed to... where exactly?
Okay so that was kind of two questions.
How to run actual code from the command line and
what exactly is happening when a fully compiled program, or converted line of code (presuming these are essentially binary containers at that point), is executed?
Question one takes priority obviously. Unfortunately, I can not find any documentation on it, just a bunch of stuff vaguely related to it.
How to run actual code from the command line
Without delving into the vast amounts of blurriness between them, there are two major categories of language implementations: interpreters and compilers.
With many interpreters (or implementations with implicit compilation, such as V8 JavaScript's jit compiler, or pretty much anything with a repl), running a single line from the command line should be fairly trivial. CPython (the standard implementation of Python) has the -c command option:
$ python -c 'print("Hello, world!")'
Hello, world!
Language implementations with explicit compilation steps will tend to be decidedly less simple. In particular, the compiler would need to either accept source either from directly out of the argument list, or from standard input (via piping or redirection). On the output side, your compiler would have to support immediately executing that program, or outputting it to standard out, so that an operating system feature (if it exists) can execute it from a pipe.
To my knowledge, most explicit compilers are not designed with such usage in mind. In such cases, your best bet is to see if there is a REPL available for the language in question, preferably one as compatible with your compiler as possible, or to create (or find) a wrapper that makes it look like your language has a REPL. The wrapper would:
Accept input along the lines of CPython above.
Create a temporary source file behind the scenes with the code to be run and any necessary boilerplate.
Pass that file to the compiler.
Automatically run the resulting executable.
Delete the source file and executable. These may be cleaned up by the operating system later instead, if they're in a temp directory.
From the point of view of the user, this should look pretty similar to the CPython example, as they wouldn't have to interact with or see the compiler or temporary files.

Using system commands in Perl instead of built in libraries/functions [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Using Perl modules vs. using system() calls
(1 answer)
Closed 9 years ago.
On occasion I see people calling the system grep from Perl (and other scripting languages for that matter) instead of using the built-in language facilities/libraries to parse files. I would like to encourage people to use the built-in facilities and I want to solicit some reasons as to why it is good practice to use the built-in tools. I can think of some such as
Using libraries/language facilities is faster. Performance suffers due to the overhead of executing external commands.
Sticking to language facilities is more portable.
any other reasons?
On the other side of the coin, are there ever reasons to favour using system commands instead of the built-in language facilities? On that note, if a Perl script is basically only calling external commands (e.g. custom utilities without libraries), might it be better just to make a shell script of it?
Actually, when it matters, a specialized tool can be faster.
The real gains of keeping the work in Perl are:
Portability (even between machines with the same OS).
Ease of error detection.
Flexibility in handling of errors.
Greater customizability/flexibility.
Fewer "moving parts". (Are you sure you correctly escaped everything and setup the environment correctly?)
Less expertise needed. (You don't need to know both Perl and the external tools (and their ports) to code and maintain the program.)
On that note, if a Perl script is basically only calling external commands (e.g. custom utilities without libraries), might it be better just to make a shell script of it?
Possibly. You can configure some shells to exit if any program returns an unsuccessful error code. This can make some scripts quite robust. For example, I have a couple of bash scripts featuring the line
trap 'e=$? ; echo "Error." ; exit $e' ERR
"On the other side of the coin, are there ever reasons to favour using system commands instead of the built-in language facilities? On that note, if a Perl script is basically only calling external commands (e.g. custom utilities without libraries), might it be better just to make a shell script of it?"
Risking the wrath of Perl hardliners here. But for me there is an easy reason to use system grep instead of perl grep: I know its syntax.
Same reason to use a Perl script instead of a bash script: I know how to do stuff in Perl and never bothered with bash script syntax.
And as we are talking scripts here, my main concern is getting it done fast and reliable (and readable). At work i do not have to bother with portability as all production is done on the very same system, down to the same software versions of everything for the whole product lifespan.
At home i do not have to care about lifetime or whatever either as the script most likely is single-purpose.
And in neither case i care about performance or software security as i would be using C++ or something else for commercial software or in time or memory limited scenarios.
edit: Not saying these reasons would apply to anyone, or even anyone else. But while in reality i know how to use Perls grep, i really have no idea how to write a bash script and most likely never will. Just putting a few lines in Perl is always faster for me.
Using external tools lead to do more error.
Moreover you have you to parse the results (if any) of the external command, which is an other source of error.
No need to say that it is bad in terms of security.

Is there runtime flow chart for Perl?

I am trying to better understand logic and flow of exceptions. So i got to state that i really feeled lack of understanding how Perl interpretes and runs programs, which phases are involved and what happens on every phase.
For example, I'd like to understand, when are binded STD* IO and when released, what is happening with $SIG{*} things, how they are depended with execepions, how program dies, etc. I'd like to have better insight of internals mechanics.
I am looking for links or books. I prefer some material which has also visual charts involved but this is not mandatory. I'd like to see some "big picture" of whole process, then i have already possibilities to dig further if i find it necessary.
I found Chapter 18th in Programming Perl gives overview of compiling phase and i try to work it trough, but i appreciate other good sources too.
Some alternative sources (there are not very many):
Mannning's Extending and Embedding Perl, which is the go-to reference on Perl's internals outside of the source
The chapter on the Perl internals in Advanced Perl Programming, which may be exactly what you want
Simon Cozens's Perl internals FAQ
Those may be more focused to what you're looking for. I'm not sure any of them explicitly spells out the interpreter's runtime execution order, though. The first one is a better "I want to work with this stuff" book; the second two are probably good introductory references.
Some of the questions you ask are not, as far as I know, explicitly documented - the I/O question being one I can't think of a good source for in particular. Exception handling is documented very well in Try::Tiny's documentation, and it's what we use for exceptions. Signal handling is messy, but perlipc documents it pretty well. With threads, you may be stuck with unsafe signals - I generally avoid threads in favor of multiple processes unless I must have shared memory.
You might start with these topics accessible via the perldoc program:
Internals and C Language Interface
perlembed Perl ways to embed perl in your C or C++ application
perldebguts Perl debugging guts and tips
perlxstut Perl XS tutorial
perlxs Perl XS application programming interface
perlxstypemap Perl XS C/Perl type conversion tools
perlclib Internal replacements for standard C library functions
perlguts Perl internal functions for those doing extensions
perlcall Perl calling conventions from C
perlmroapi Perl method resolution plugin interface
perlreapi Perl regular expression plugin interface
perlreguts Perl regular expression engine internals
perlapi Perl API listing (autogenerated)
perlintern Perl internal functions (autogenerated)
perliol C API for Perl's implementation of IO in Layers
perlapio Perl internal IO abstraction interface
perlhack Perl hackers guide
perlsource Guide to the Perl source tree
perlinterp Overview of the Perl interpreter source and how it works
perlhacktut Walk through the creation of a simple C code patch
perlhacktips Tips for Perl core C code hacking
perlpolicy Perl development policies
perlgit Using git with the Perl repository

How can i test Perl code for DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself)

For Python, we could use something like Python Code Clone Detector
But i just could not find anything for Perl.
With reference to DRY, Catalyst mentions that its build on DRY principle. and if it is i would imagine some tool might have been used to verify that claim.
Furthermore does Perl promote DRY or not ? I know for sure it promotes repeat Others by using CPAN.
You probably mean "Perl promotes 'do not repeat others' by providing CPAN", and that is certainly true.
However, DRY is more of a general programming principle (write many specialized, small functions that can be parametrized properly by their arguments instead of writing monolithic functions that "do it all") than a language feature. You can write DRY-compliant code in C++, Python, Perl, Ruby, C and most others. Some languages require more boilerplate, some less.
Perl definitely allows for small functions with few boilerplate by providing concise language constructs.
I don't know of tools detecting non-DRY code for Perl, though.

Code generator for CLI based on CLD file

Although programming using the CLI$ routines is not very hard, it would be nice if there were a code generator for the basic stuff based on the CLD file. Does anyone have something like that, or is there anyone interested in it?
There is a code generator of sorts at http://www.tomwade.eu/software/vmsarg.html
This is designed for when you're porting a C program onto VMS that is set up to use the typical terse and unfriendly qualifiers like
$ mumble -f -l foo.txt
that Unix loves. It generates code that allows the program to accept
$ mumble /fast /log=foo.txt
and translates it into the hieroglyphics that the program expects. Add CLD like functionality to the program with minimal C coding.
It sounds like you have used enough of the features of CLDs that it would be a project to write a TECO macro to massage the CLD into the corresponding MUMPS code. (Sorry, wrong language?) Even LIB$TPARSE, or its Alpha replacement, would take some time to wrangle. Sounds like you have a "boring job" ahead of you, or a co-op. (Named for the sound it makes when it hits the wall.) Or find a YACC guru or someone with facility at various other parsing tools and turn them loose.