can you DUMP the DOM to a file? - dom

I am using Firefox with Firebug, and came to a point where I have a more mature version of my page that has more features, but apparently one feature has gone bad, and I have an earlier version in which it works, but is way behind.
I was thinking that I may make use of dumping the DOM of both versions and compare them,
how can I do that ?
Thanks !


Which commands and functions are not supported in TCL based on the version

SO far I've been using TCL 8.6 , but recently I had to move back to 8.0 because the program I am using only supports 8.0
The issue is that I can't find a documentation or a comparison between what new commands and functions are compatible and what are not
Are there any websites that contain such info
//please note that I checked the website and it only features what is new per version but not so specific
This page, and the pages it links to, have fairly detailed information on command and syntax changes. You may have to search backwards to find the first version that supports the feature you're wondering about. has links to documentation for Tcl commands in various versions from 7.5 to 8.6, though it skips 8.1 for some reason.
Only supporting 8.0? That's rather old. (I've still got some systems like that, but they're really just on life support.)
The second-most definitive source of what has changed between versions is the changes file in any Tcl source code distribution. (The first most accurate source is comparing the source code, but that's a bit annoying prior to 8.1 for various unimportant reasons.) You can use the current version for this, since those old parts of that file are effectively static; here's the equivalent for Tk. The file includes a lot more information than you probably need, including mentioning many of the more significant bugfixes as well as some cases where functionality flapped a bit during betas (we try to avoid doing that, but it happens occasionally).
However, the big things that far back are fairly simple, so we can probably narrow the things to watch out for to these big-ticket items:
Expansion syntax ({*}...) was introduced in Tcl 8.5. Before that, you use eval a lot more.
There's a large bunch of commands in modern Tcl that simply weren't there back then. There are workarounds for some of these; easier to just try and see what's actually missing that you expect and then ask here again than to try to anticipate them all. Some known exceptions that are known to be entirely unavailable for 8.0:
the TclOO object system
the Ttk widget set
Tcl 8.0 assumed that characters were always 8-bit quantities and made no attempt to understand encodings. It just slings bytes around. (This also means that the encoding command was absent, and so too was the -encoding option to fconfigure.)
Make sure you only use ASCII in your scripts themselves. Saves pain.
The RE engine in 8.0 was different to the one used from 8.1 onwards. It's much simpler, and supports only a fraction of what the newer engine does.
Threading support in 8.0 and before is not for the faint of heart. Assume your code is single-threaded and avoid a lot of difficult debugging.

Human editable snippet store in eclipse

I am looking for a easier way to manage my eclipse code snippets. I know and have used Eclipse's template and snippets features. But as far as I have found, they can only be exported and imported as XML files.
Since I use many versions of eclipse and I keep migrating between machines managing the snippets is a hassle. I am looking for a UltiSnips like method to manage these snippets/templates. Is there one?
I also looked at snip2code, but it didn't appeal to me because I sometime work offline. Also, I want to have much greater control over the snippets using version control.
Oh well! I couldn't find anything that matched the set of requirements I had. So, I've ended up creating my own.

Does the latest version of SquishIt still have the issues with JavaScript closures

While doing some analysis on the usage details for the SquishIt framework, I came across a link as mentioned below:
which describes that SquishIt is having some problems with getting to work with JavaScript closures.
I am currently using the latest version : of SquishIt.Mvc. Can anyone help me to know whether this version has still the issues while working with JavaScript closures.
I am not aware of any issues at this time (was not aware of any in 2010 either however). It seems like any issues with closures are probably really issues with the minification library used, or files incorrectly terminated. At some point in the last couple years I think we did start adding semicolons between concatenated files if not present to deal with the latter. If you do find any I would love to hear about them.

ExpressionEngine 1.6.8 Contact Form

I've been asked to make some changes to a site that was built with Expression Engine 1.6.8. Even though I'm not familiar with this CMS, I can find my way around to make the updates, except I'm not sure about adding a contact form. I'm guessing that ultimately I'll have to upgrade this version to the newest (2.7, I believe?) in order to get the tags found on this page to work:
My only hesitation in making the upgrade is my unfamiliarity with EE, and the fact that someone else is probably creating a brand new website for the one I'm working on, and very likely without EE (so I'm learning something that I may not need again).
Any suggestions for a quick fix, or should I just bite the bullet, upgrade, and use what I've found?
Take a look at the EE 1.x docs.
At a glance it appears that syntax has changed little bit. Maybe that's why your EE2 tags were not working in EE1.
I would definitely try to use the tags as shown in the EE1 docs if this site is that old. Making a jump from 1.6.8 to 2.7 can become treacherous due to variables such as how the templates were coded, which add-ons were used, if those add-ons are even available any longer, what functionality was deprecated or absorbed, etc...
I only say ditch the efforts because you mentioned having another site in progress. If you would like to work through the updates/upgrades, follow the docs here and here and learn it. It is definitely worth the learn. Once you tap into EE, it's hard to roll back.
I ended up writing my own html code within the template and processed it with a php script to send the form input to an email address, just as I normally would on a website. Not being familiar with ExpressionEngine, I don't think I understood why I was continually being referenced to use a module in order to do this, but I suppose for anyone who is not a coder but is experienced with EE, that would be the way to go. From what I understand, the email module is not free and does not come with the core version, which is what I had to work with, but comes with the licensed version, which made this all the more confusing.

why is Catalyst::Helper::View::TTSite deprecated?

I've just started getting into Catalyst, and I've been finding it really helpful. One of my favorite things about it was TTSite in that it got me going fast and gave me something to develop with without just black text (and it required no work from me to setup). However, I've been reading in a lot of places that it's buggy, or even deprecated as mentioned here on the actual Catalyst tutorial. However I've found it nothing but helpful and have had no issues, so basically I'm wondering is there reason for me to be worried and not use it? And if so, does anyone know of a similar alternative that kind of gives you a base template set up to work within? Thanks a lot!
I don't think TTSite is officially deprecated in terms of support .. it is still included in the Catalyst::View::TT distribution as of 0.39 (released 10-April 2012). I suspect it is more a case of some developers disliking the base templates that are provided and TTSite no longer being recommended as part of the default Catalyst tutorial.
TTSite provides a very simple base that has some quirks. For example, the context object is called Catalyst instead of c, and the use of TT's WRAPPER command can get in the way of AJAX and non-html views.
More background reading:
Discussion on the Catalyst-Dev mailing list regarding changing the Catalyst tutorial from TTSite to straight TT
Catalyst wiki: disabling TT wrapper for AJAX requests
A blog post on TTSite including changing Catalyst context reference to c
A modern base theme would probably start with something like Bootstrap or one of the 960 Grid HTML/CSS frameworks. I'm not aware of an actively maintained Catalyst::View helper that would be a better replacement for TTSite, but also don't find it too onerous to drop in the latest version of Bootstrap :)