GNU emacs lisp: what does the with-wrapper-hook macro do? Could you provide a description and examples? - emacs

I find the online help uninformative for this macro. Perhaps Stackoverflow can do better?
I am using emacs trunk ( in case that makes a difference.

First you'll want to read in the manual on hooks, and possibly around advice which the documentation compares this macro to. The macro enables you to write code that can be wrapped around by some future code to change how it works.
(with-wrapper-hook hook-name ()
your code here)
Then somebody else can add a function to hook-name that is something like this:
(defun my-hook (your-code)
(let ((original-result (funcall your-code)))
(modify original-result)))
The argument your-code stands for your code here above, encapsulated in a function object. The wrapper can call your original code with (funcall your-code), but it is not required to do so, in which case it completely overrides your code. The hook can even include several functions, each of which receives the next function as its first argument, so there can be a chain of wrappers, each modifying the results of the next one. It is also possible to define some additional arguments for each of these functions (that's what the empty parens above are for).
To find examples, you might want to grep around the source. One use is expand-abbrev:
(with-wrapper-hook abbrev-expand-functions ()
The expand-abbrev function is used to, well, expand abbreviations, and it makes sense that you have a hook (abbrev-expand-functions) to customize how this is performed in different modes. This hook cannot be "normal", because it has to be able to modify the results, and it needs to be able to return some results to the calling code. (As explained in the documentation on hooks, a normal hook is called without arguments and its return value is ignored, so it is called only for its side effects on the buffer.)
The function on this hook can do its own abbrev expansion and ignore the wrapped code, or call the wrapped code and modify the results, or call the wrapped code many times with different inputs. An example of using that hook is mail-abbrev-expand-wrapper, which checks if you are typing a To: header in an email, and in that case expands your mail aliases instead of your standard abbreviations. The function modifies various pieces of the environment that affect abbrev expansion (the syntax table, the abbrev table) and then calls the wrapped function with (funcall expand) to do the actual work and returns its results directly.


Questions about Execution Order

I'm trying to learn Common Lisp, and found something unexpected (to me) when trying something out in the repl. Based on order of execution in most programming languages, and the great first class function support I'd always heard about from lisp, I'd think the following should work:
((if t 'format) t "test")
In Ruby I can do:
if true
My thinking in how the above lisp code should work is that it should evaluate the inner lisp form, return format, then begin evaluating the outer lisp form, with format then being the first atom. I'd read that the first form needs to be a symbol, so I also tried ((if t format) t "test") even though my initial thought was that this would try to evaluate format before returning from the inner form.
I've noticed that sometimes lisp forms need to be preceded by #' in order for their results to be callable, but using (#'(if t 'format) t "test") doesn't work either. I'm sure I'm just misunderstanding something basic as I'm pretty new to lisp, but what's going on here?
Common Lisp doesn't evaluate the first element of an expression normally. It has to be either a literal symbol naming a function, or a lambda expression.
If you want to call a function determined dynamically, you need to use the FUNCALL function:
(funcall (if t 'format) t "test")
This is analogous to the need to use the .call() method in Ruby.
What you tried would work in some other Lisp dialects, such as Scheme.

Bizarre quoted list example from On Lisp

This passage from On Lisp is genuinely confusing -- it is not clear how returning a quoted list such as '(oh my) can actually alter how the function behaves in the future: won't the returned list be generated again in the function from scratch, the next time it is called?
If we define exclaim so that its return value
incorporates a quoted list,
(defun exclaim (expression)
(append expression ’(oh my)))
Then any later destructive modification of the return value
(exclaim ’(lions and tigers and bears))
(nconc * ’(goodness))
could alter the list within the function:
(exclaim ’(fixnums and bignums and floats))
To make exclaim proof against such problems, it should be written:
(defun exclaim (expression)
(append expression (list ’oh ’my)))
How exactly is that last call to exclaim adding the word goodness to the result? The function is not referencing any outside variable so how did the separate call to nconc actually alter how the exclaim function works?
a) the effects of modifying literal lists is undefined in the Common Lisp standard. What you here see as an example is one possible behavior.
(1 2 3 4) is a literal list. But a call to LIST like in (list 1 2 3 4) returns a freshly consed list at runtime.
b) the list is literal data in the code of the function. Every call will return exactly this data object. If you want to provide a fresh list on each call, then you need to use something like LIST or COPY-LIST.
c) Since the returned list is always the same literal data object, modifying it CAN have this effect as described. One could imagine also that an error happens if the code and its objects are allocated in a read-only memory. Modifying the list then would try to write to read-only memory.
d) One thing to keep in mind when working with literal list data in source code is this: the Lisp compiler is free to optimize the storage. If a list happens to be multiple times in the source code, a compiler is allowed to detect this and to only create ONE list. All the various places would then point to this one list. Thus modifying the list would have the effect, that these changes could be visible in several places.
This may also happen with other literal data objects like arrays/vectors.
If your data structure is a part of the code, you return this internal data structure, you modify this data structure - then you try to modify your code.
Note also that Lisp can be executed by an Interpreter. The interpreter typically works on the Lisp source structure - the code is not machine code, but interpreted Lisp code as Lisp data. Here you might be able to modify the source code at runtime, not only the data embedded in the source code.

How can I jump only to the exact function name with etags?

I wanted to find the following function with etags:
but as I go through the tag table, I keep hitting functions with dt in their names, like
making the definition of dt() extremely difficult to find.
Is there some way to search only for the exact function that I'm searching for with etags?
Open up your TAGS file and see what it is actually indexing (which will vary by language, of course).
For instance, if the relevant entry looked like this:
function ds(^?6140,232332
Then you could use function ds( (or potentially just ds( ) as your search term, to ensure that you weren't matching other functions.
You could omit the "function" part of that, except that typing SPC at the find-tag prompt will invoke TAG completion. You could avoid that by typing C-qSPC instead, or alternatively utilise find-tag-regexp bound to C-M-. which does not have the completion binding.
So C-M-.SPC ds( RET might be convenient.
You may also want to look at the etags-select library and binding M-. to etags-select-find-tag, which I find provides a much better interface.
You can get that from the EmacsWiki, or Marmalade:
Packages like Icicles and Helm also provide alternative interfaces. You can start reading at

Are there whole-program-transforming macros in Lisp or Scheme?

I have seen one answer of How does Lisp let you redefine the language itself?
Stack Overflow question (answered by Noah Lavine):
Macros aren't quite a complete redefinition of the language, at least as far as I know (I'm actually a Schemer; I could be wrong), because there is a restriction. A macro can only take a single subtree of your code, and generate a single subtree to replace it. Therefore you can't write whole-program-transforming macros, as cool as that would be.
After reading this I am curious about whether there are "whole-program-transforming macros" in Lisp or Scheme (or some other language).
If not then why?
It is not useful and never required?
Same thing could be achieved by some other ways?
It is not possible to implement it even in Lisp?
It is possible, but not tried or implemented ever?
One kind of use case
As in stumpwm code
here are some functions all in different lisp source files
uses a dynamic/global defvar variable *screen-list* that is defined in primitives.lisp , but used in screen.lisp, user.lisp, window.lisp.
(Here each files have functions, class, vars related to one aspect or object)
Now I wanted to define these functions under the closure where
*screen-list* variable available by let form, it should not be
dynamic/global variable, But without moving these all functions into
one place (because I do not want these functions to lose place from their
related file)
So that this variable will be accessible to only these functions.
Above e.g. equally apply to label and flet, so that it will further possible
that we could make it like that only required variable, function will be available,
to those who require it.
Note one way might be
implement and use some macro defun_with_context for defun where first argument is
context where let, flet variables definend.
But apart from it could it be achieved by reader-macro as
Vatine and Gareth Rees answered.
You quoted Noah Lavine as saying:
A macro can only take a single subtree of your code, and generate a single subtree to replace it
This is the case for ordinary macros, but reader macros get access to the input stream and can do whatever they like with it.
See the Hyperspec section 2.2 and the set-macro-character function.
In Racket, you can implement whole-program-transforming macros. See the section in the documentation about defining new languages. There are many examples of this in Racket, for example the lazy language and Typed Racket.
Off the top of my head, a few approaches:
First, you can. Norvig points out that:
We can write a compiler as a set of macros.
so you can transform an entire program, if you want to. I've only seen it done rarely, because typically the intersection between "things you want to do to every part of your program" and "things that you need macro/AST-type transformations for" is a pretty small set. One example is Parenscript, which transforms your Lisp code ("an extended subset of CL") into Javascript. I've used it to compile entire files of Lisp code into Javascript which is served directly to web clients. It's not my favorite environment, but it does what it advertises.
Another related feature is "advice", which Yegge describes as:
Great systems also have advice. There's no universally accepted name for this feature. Sometimes it's called hooks, or filters, or aspect-oriented programming. As far as I know, Lisp had it first, and it's called advice in Lisp. Advice is a mini-framework that provides before, around, and after hooks by which you can programmatically modify the behavior of some action or function call in the system.
Another is special variables. Typically macros (and other constructs) apply to lexical scope. By declaring a variable to be special, you're telling it to apply to dynamic scope (I think of it as "temporal scope"). I can't think of any other language that lets you (the programmer) choose between these two. And, apart from the compiler case, these two really span the space that I'm interested in as a programmer.
A typical approach is to write your own module system. If you just want access to all the code, you can have some sort of pre-processor or reader extension wrap source files with your own module annotation. If you then write your own require or import form, you will ultimately be able to see all the code in scope.
To get started, you could write your own module form that lets you define several functions which you then compile in some clever way before emitting optimized code.
There's always the choice of using compiler macros (they can do whole-function transformation based on a lew of criteria, but shouldn't change the value returned, as that would be confusing).
There's reader macros, they transform the input "as it is read" (or "before it is read", if you prefer). I haven't done much large-scale reader-macro hacking, but I have written some code to allow elisp sourec to be (mostly) read in Common Lisp, with quite a few subtle differences in syntactic sugar between the two.
I believe those sorts of macros are called code-walking macros. I haven't implemented a code walker myself, so I am not familiar with the limits.
In Common LISP, at least, you may wrap top-level forms in PROGN and they still retain their status as top-level forms (see CLTL2, section 5.3). Therefore, the limitation of a macro generating a single subtree is not much of a limitation since it could wrap any number of resulting subtrees within PROGN. This makes whole-program macros quite possible.
(my-whole-program-macro ...)
= expands to =>
(load-system ...)
(defvar ...)
(defconstant ...)
(defmacro ...)
(defclass ...)
(defstruct ...)
(defun ...)
(defun ...)

uses for dynamic scope?

I've been getting my hands wet with emacs lisp, and one thing that trips me up sometimes is the dynamic scope. Is there much of a future for it? Most languages I know use static scoping (or have moved to static scoping, like Python), and probably because I know it better I tend to prefer it. Are there specific applications/instances or examples where dynamic scope is more useful?
There's a good discussion of this issue here. The most useful part that pertains to your question is:
Dynamic bindings are great for
modifying the behaviour of subsystems.
Suppose you are using a function ‘foo’
that generates output using ‘print’.
But sometimes you would like to
capture the output in a buffer of your
choosing. With dynamic binding, it’s
(let ((b (generate-new-buffer-name " *string-output*"))))
(let ((standard-output b))
(set-buffer b)
;; do stuff with the output of foo
(kill-buffer b))
(And if you used this kind of thing a
lot, you’d encapsulate it in a macro –
but luckily it’s already been done as
This works because ‘foo’ uses the
dynamic binding of the name
‘standard-output’, so you can
substitute your own binding for that
name to modify the behaviour of ‘foo’
– and of all the functions that ‘foo’
In a language without dynamic binding,
you’d probably add an optional
argument to ‘foo’ to specify a buffer
and then ‘foo’ would pass that to any
calls to ‘print’. But if ‘foo’ calls
other functions which themselves call
‘print’ you’ll have to alter those
functions as well. And if ‘print’ had
another option, say ‘print-level’,
you’d have to add that as an optional
argument as well… Alternatively, you
could remember the old value of
‘standard-output’, substitute your new
value, call ‘foo’ and then restore the
old value. And remember to handle
non-local exits using ‘throw’. When
you’re through with this, you’ll see
that you’ve implemented dynamic
That said, lexical binding is IMHO much better for 99% of the cases. Note that modern Lisps are not dynamic-binding-only like Emacs lisp.
Common Lisp supports both forms of binding, though the lexical one is used much more
The Scheme specification doesn't even specify dynamic binding (only lexical one), though many implementations support both.
In addition, modern languages like Python and Ruby that were somewhat inspired by Lisp usually support lexical-binding in a straightforward way, with dynamic binding also available but less straightforward.
If you read the Emacs paper (written in 1981), there's a specific section "Language Features for Extensibility" that addresses this question. In Emacs, there's also the added scope of buffer-local (file local) variables.
I've quoted the most relevant portion below:
Formal Parameters Cannot Replace
Dynamic Scope
Some language designers believe that
dynamic binding should be avoided, and
explicit argument passing should be
used instead. Imagine that function A
binds the variable FOO, and calls the
function B, which calls the function
C, and C uses the value of FOO.
Supposedly A should pass the value as
an argument to B, which should pass it
as an argument to C.
This cannot be done in an extensible
system, however, because the author of
the system cannot know what all the
parameters will be. Imagine that the
functions A and C are part of a user
extension, while B is part of the
standard system. The variable FOO does
not exist in the standard system; it
is part of the extension. To use
explicit argument passing would
require adding a new argument to B,
which means rewriting B and everything
that calls B. In the most common case,
B is the editor command dispatcher
loop, which is called from an awful
number of places.
What's worse, C must also be passed an
additional argument. B doesn't refer
to C by name (C did not exist when B
was written). It probably finds a
pointer to C in the command dispatch
table. This means that the same call
which sometimes calls C might equally
well call any editor command
definition. So all the editing
commands must be rewritten to accept
and ignore the additional argument. By
now, none of the original system is