How to connect Database - zend-framework

Thanks for previous replies
How to connect mysql to zend framework. i created table in mysql. i used
$config = array(host' => 'localhost',username' => 'userName','password' => 'sqlpass',
'dbname' => 'databasename',$db = Zend_Db::factory('PDO_MYSQL', $config);
print_r($db->fetchAll("SELECT * FROM tablename")); this command to connect with database, but whenever i tried this, nothing is displayed. Is there any tutorials to connect database with zend framework. i am new to this topic. pls guide me.

try this:
$config = array('host' => 'localhost',
'username' => 'userName',
'password' => 'sqlpass',
'dbname' => 'databasename');
$ResourceDb = Zend_Db::factory('PDO_MYSQL',$config);
and now try with fetchAll().
which error do you receive?


Connect With PostgreSQL in Phalcon Framework

Phalcon is not able to connect to postgrsql. Here are my settings in config.php
return new \Phalcon\Config(array(
'database' => array(
'adapter' => 'Postgresql',
'host' => 'localhost',
'username' => 'postgres',
'password' => 'root',
'dbname' => 'mydb',
'charset' => 'utf8',
'application' => array(
'controllersDir' => __DIR__ . '/../../app/controllers/',
'modelsDir' => __DIR__ . '/../../app/models/',
'viewsDir' => __DIR__ . '/../../app/views/',
'pluginsDir' => __DIR__ . '/../../app/plugins/',
'libraryDir' => __DIR__ . '/../../app/library/',
'cacheDir' => __DIR__ . '/../../app/cache/',
'baseUri' => '/test/',
Page is blank showing no errors.
DI service implementation
use Phalcon\Db\Adapter\Pdo\Postgresql as DbAdapter;
$di->set('db', function () use ($config) {
return new DbAdapter(array(
'host' => $config->database->host,
'username' => $config->database->username,
'password' => $config->database->password,
'dbname' => $config->database->dbname,
"charset" => $config->database->charset
There is no port in db connection array you used. Default postgresql port is 5432. so use this in your db connection and try to pass array directly to postgresql adapter constructor.
install postgres pdo /php pdo again.
I think that code is fine.
I was working a project where i had to use MySQL and PostGres.I connected my Postgresdb by following-
Below default 'db' connection string i wrote the following code inside services.php-
$di->setShared('pgphalcon', function () {
$config = $this->getConfig();
$adaptar = "PostgreSQL";
$class = 'Phalcon\Db\Adapter\Pdo\\' . $adaptar;
$params = [
'host' => "localhost",
'port' => "5432", // for localhost no need to put this line unless u change the port
'username' => "postgres",
'password' => "12345",
'dbname' => "phalcon",
$connection = new $class($params);
return $connection;
Then your controller function
do the following-
public function yourcontrollernameAction()
$con = $this->di->get('pghalcon');
$post = $con->fetchOne("SELECT * FROM blog ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1", Phalcon\Db::FETCH_ASSOC);
$this->view->data= $post;
For better Understanding I'd like to suggest visit this url
One thing to clarify- I was failed to do db operation by Model for PostGreSQL. That's why I used this way.

how to connect to the database in zend with dsn line

zend framework 1.x
how to receive zend db_adapter and connect to mysql having dsn like
previously was always using this way:
$connectParams = array('dbname' => MY_DB,
'password' => MY_PASS,
'username' => MY_USER,
'host' => MY_HOST,
'slave' => array(),
'maxQueryAllowedTime' => 500,
'logQueries' => false);
return new \Db_Adapter_Pdo_Mysqlreplicator($connectParams);
sure i can parse dsn and use usual way, just curious if i can use DSN directly, coz PDO can use it but i cant find how to use it through Zend Db_Adapter
If you are using ZendFramework 1.x ->Try this:-
$config = array('dbname' => 'yourDbName',
'password' => 'yourpassword',
'username' => 'root',
'host' => 'localhost',
'slave' => array(),
'maxQueryAllowedTime' => 500,
'logQueries' => false);
$adapter = new Zend_Db_Adapter_Mysqli($config);
if ($config) {
echo ' connected';

How to set table schema at table name with Cake?

PostgreSQL, Oracle and many other DBMS's use SCHEMA, so, the table name is
But CakePHP manuals not say anithing about this. What about Model, View and Controller names in the CakePHP defaults? I can use a solution like prefix, that is, where the same schema name will be used at all database operations.
PS1: please not to be confused with method Modelschema, and questions about accessing this method.
PS2: the Bill's 2006 solution is not the better one, because is not updated (I am using CakePHP2) and is not a "official cakePHP solution".
PS3: database.php have some schema attribute? What the link to CakePHP documentation?
Good news for me, there are CakePHP 2.0 documentation about SQL-Schema... No other documentation or examples, but a starting point...
In CakePHP you must define more database config.
In CakePHP 2:
set the 'schema' param to your config
create new configs for all of your schema
use the right schema in your models
For example, database conf:
public $default = array(
'datasource' => 'Database/Postgres',
'persistent' => false,
'host' => 'localhost',
'login' => 'my_db_user',
'password' => 'my_db_passw',
'database' => 'my_project_db',
'prefix' => '',
'encoding' => 'utf8',
'schema' => 'postgres'
public $other_schema = array(
'datasource' => 'Database/Postgres',
'persistent' => false,
'host' => 'localhost',
'login' => 'my_db_user',
'password' => 'my_db_passw',
'database' => 'my_project_db',
'prefix' => '',
'encoding' => 'utf8',
'schema' => 'other_schema'
If you want to use it in a model:
class AppModel extends AppModel {
public $useDbConfig = 'other_schema';
In CakePHP3 is the same way, just there the database is config/app.php and you must use
use Cake\Datasource\ConnectionManager;
$connection = ConnectionManager::get('default');

zend framework 2 Authentication with mysqli fail

I have followed the zend instructions for implement my web Authentication using a database table with Mysqli driver configured.
When render the page, the following exceptions appears after execute authenticate method:
Commands out of sync; you can't run this command now
It seems to be that it happen because the driver don't can execute multiples querys without free the results of the previous query first (multiquery problem).
I discovered that if changed the driver of the dbAdapter to pdo_mysql, authenticate method works ok. But I don't want use PDO drivers by performance reasons.
How I configure the Mysqli driver for can do it?
My code bellow:
$dbAdapter = new DbAdapter(array(
//'driver' => 'Mysqli', //This driver fail when call authenticate method
'driver' => 'Pdo_Mysql', //This driver works ok
'database' => 'securedraw',
'username' => 'root',
'password' => ''
$authAdapter = new AuthDbTableAdapter($dbAdapter);
$authResult = $authAdapter->authenticate(); //Method fail
I am pretty sure what the problem is is that you are mixing up the ways execute the query. So what you have is for a PDO call and to use MySQLi you need to do
$dbAdapter = new DbAdapter(array(
'driver' => 'Mysqli', //This driver fail when call authenticate method
'database' => 'securedraw',
'username' => 'root',
'password' => ''
$adapter = new Zend\Db\Adapter\Adapter($configArray);
$adapter->query("QUERY HERE");
I would reference this page here as I am trying to learn how to do this myself

Using Zend Framework Db Tables without MVC

I am trying to use the Zend Framework without using the MVC structure, specifically the Db_Table classes.
I have created a couple of classes representing my database tables, i.e.
class DBTables_Templates extends Zend_Db_Table_Abstract
protected $_name = "templates";
When I try to instantiate this class (it is included fine), I get the following error:
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Zend_Db_Table_Exception' with message 'No adapter found for DBTables_Templates'
Does anyone know how I create and include the database adapter for the Db_Table classes to use?
Any pointers are greatly appreciated! I am using the latest version of ZF.
You need to create a Zend_Db_Adapter, which is the class you use to connect to the database.
$db = new Zend_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Mysql(array(
'host' => '',
'username' => 'webuser',
'password' => 'xxxxxxxx',
'dbname' => 'test'
Or you can use the factory() method to make instantiation more configurable:
$db = Zend_Db::factory('Pdo_Mysql', array(
'host' => '',
'username' => 'webuser',
'password' => 'xxxxxxxx',
'dbname' => 'test'
Then specify this adapter object to your table class. There are at least three ways to do this:
Set an application-wide default for all tables:
Specify the adapter to the table constructor:
$table = new MyTable( array('db'=>$db) );
Store the adapter in the registry and specify it to the table or set it as default:
Zend_Registry::set('my_db', $db);
$table = new MyTable( array('db'=>'my_db') );
// alternatively: