For reasons outside of my control I'm stuck using python 2.6.6 and IPython 0.10.2. I also normally use the tcsh shell, and have gotten quite used to completing a command from the history using <A-p> (i.e. pressing the ALT key and p). However, this doesn't work in IPython. I know I can press <C-r> and then start typing a command, but what inevitably is happening is that I start a command, press <A-p>, get a colon indicating some weird state, then exit out of that state, delete my command, press <C-r> then search for my command. It's getting rather irritating. Is there any way to make <A-p> complete my already started command by relying on the history?
Ouch, this is an old version of IPython, Python (and pip). The bad news is I don't have much experience with such an old version of IPython, the good new is; it was way simpler at that time.
Most of the shortcut and feature are provided using readline, and the python bindings of stdlib. Meaning that most likely what you are trying to configure is readline itself and not only IPython; so you can find more information on that outside of IPython !
The secret is to grep in the source-code for parse_and_bind, then you'll find the following example configuration, leading me to change the ~/.ipython/ to be like so at around line 99 (all indented an extra 4 space to be in the main() function):
import readline
readline.parse_and_bind('set completion-query-items 1000')
readline.parse_and_bind('set page-completions no')
rlopts = """\
tab: complete
"\C-l": possible-completions
set show-all-if-ambiguous on
"\C-o": tab-insert
"\M-i": " "
"\M-o": "\d\d\d\d"
"\M-I": "\d\d\d\d"
"\C-r": reverse-search-history
"\C-s": forward-search-history
"\C-p": history-search-backward
"\C-n": history-search-forward
"\e[A": history-search-backward
"\e[B": history-search-forward
"\C-k": kill-line
"\C-u": unix-line-discard"""
for cmd in rlopts.split('\n'):
The repetition of commands make me think that what \C,\M or [e mean might be system dependant. I would bet on \C being Control, and \M being Meta (Alt, Opt), but at least one of these line did the trick for me (and also now tab allows to complete). See also man readline for the list of commands you can bind to what, and enjoy! Hoping you can upgrade to Python 3 and IPython 6 at some point.
See Eric Carlsen second comment under this answer for how it was resolved.
I just wrote my first extensive Python tutorial using IPython notebooks. All went well, except I did a lot of testing and moving blocks around. How do I reset the In [ ]: numbering? I have tried quitting and reloading, but that doesn't seem to work.
I think, the only way to to what you want is:
- 'Kernel > Restart' (restart the kernel) and then 'Cell > Run All' (run the script).
Every .ipynb file can be opened in an editor. Everything written there is in plain text (JSON). For each cell which has the "cell_type": "code" there'd be another key-value pair as "execution_count": <number>. As you might have guessed, that is the prompt numbering. Hence, if the notebook contains code which will take time to execute (as was, in my case) this method would be time efficient.
Now, either you can manually change each execution_count or write a simple script to get the numbering right. To check the results just refresh the notebook in the browser without stopping the kernel. And, everything will be as per your needs, even all the variables/loaded data will remain in the environment.
You can reset the kernel (shortcut: C-m .) and re-run the whole notebook.
Quitting and reloading doesn't work because the code is not re-evaluated.
'Kernel' -> 'Restart & Run All'
Just make sure you saved your Notebook. You can also bind/assign keyboard key for running this command.
'Help' -> 'Edit Keyboard Shortcuts'
If what you want is to remove the numbers themselves, so that each cell shows In [ ] (instead of something like In [247] which is leftover from some previous incarnation of the kernel), use "Cell" > "All Output" > "Clear" (in Jupyter Notebook 5.4.0) or "Edit" > "Clear All Outputs" (In Jupyter Lab 0.32.1).
This will remove all the numbers, even if you're in the middle of running a notebook. It will not reset the numbering back to 1; e.g. if the last cell you executed was 18, the next will be 19.
If you're using this because you want clarity about which cells you've executed during this run of the kernel and which cells you haven't executed yet, use "Cell" > "All Output" > "Clear" (or "Edit" > "Clear All Outputs") immediately after you start (or restart) the kernel. This can be useful when restarting a kernel, or when opening a saved or duplicated notebook.
This will also remove all outputs from the notebook.
Thanks to user2651084 in a previous comment for this.
I'm a bit too late, but I had the same problem, and since my notebook had cells with execution time up to 5 minutes, I had to wait a long time until Restart & Run All finished.
So I've made a Python script to make this task for me:
import json
file = '/your/notebook/path/Notebook.ipynb'
# Since every notebook is actually a JSON (JavaScript
# Object Notation), then its contents can be represented
# in a dictionary (or a list of dictionaries)
with open(file, encoding='utf-8') as f:
nb = json.load(f)
count = 1
for cell in nb['cells']:
# Markdown cells doesn't have execution count,
# so apply this only to cells that have one
if 'execution_count' in cell:
cell['execution_count'] = count
count += 1
# Not all code cells have output, such as functions
# that return None or simple declarations, so apply
# this only to cells that have some output
for output in cell['outputs']:
if 'execution_count' in output:
output['execution_count'] = cell['execution_count']
except KeyError:
with open(file, 'w+') as f:
json.dump(nb, f, indent=2, ensure_ascii=False)
But be careful with the execution order and the variables in your cells, since applying the script above on your notebook can generate a different output if you run the notebook again. For example, let's suppose your notebook have the following cells with the execution order in square brackets:
In [2]: a = 1
In [1]: a = 2
In [3]: a
Out[3]: 1
If you apply the above script into your notebook, it'll show the following:
In [1]: a = 1
In [2]: a = 2
In [3]: a
Out[3]: 1
But if you run the notebook again, it'll show the following:
In [1]: a = 1
In [2]: a = 2
In [3]: a
Out[3]: 2
This can be a bit confusing for people who are downloading your notebook via GitHub for example, since they can see an output in the repository, but when they run on their machine, the output will be different.
Cell > All Output > Clear Clear all In []: numbers but do not reset them back to 1 for the next cell you run.
Kernel > Restart & Clear Output Restart the kernel, clear output, clear In []: numbers and reset them to 1, and clear output.
Restart & Run All isn't a good solution, because simply I don't want to run all (and that's the purpose of a notebook to run things cell by cell).
Anyways, I found this solution more plausible:
Main Menu > Cell > All Output > Clear
For those coming from Google:
This is useful when you want to reset all variables after a certain point in the notebook. It is going to ask if you are sure that you want to reset. If you want to force reset without asking, then use:
%reset -f
Here is how to clear the execution numbers to [ ] without re-running the whole notebook:
Just to be safe, make a copy of your notebook:
cp notebook.ipynb notebook_copy.ipynb
Open your notebook with vim:
vim notebook.ipynb
In vim, reset the execution numbers with the following search-replace command:
:%s/"execution_count":.*/"execution_count": null,/gc
You will then get the following prompt. Type a to replace all occurrences:
replace with "execution_count": null, (y/n/a/q/l/^E/^Y)? a
Save notebook and quit vim:
In iPython, when using the command shell command (the exclamation point operator), is there a way to do line continuation of long string literals?
t = !echo "Hello"\
produces ['Hello'] as the value for t instead of the expected ['HelloWorld'].
You can use a "cell magic" (which is basically a multi-line version of other magics like !). If you enter %%bash at the command prompt, it will give you a new line with ..., meaning that you should type your command. Press enter again, and you get another ..., until you just hit enter twice in a row, and it runs your commands. For example, you can type just the following.
%%bash --out t
echo "Hello "\
(and hit enter twice at the end). It works as expected. In particular, note the --out t, which stores the standard output in the variable t. If you evaluate that now, you get 'Hello World\n'. You can also get the standard error output with --err, as described nicely on this page.
In the ipython notebook, you just put the whole thing in one cell and evaluate it all together. (If you haven't tried the notebook, I highly recommend it.)
I'm writing a script in Python 2.7 exploring the use of the multithreading and Queue modules. the script just defines two functions, one of which will be started in a thread instance to fill a Queue, and a second one which will be started in a second thread instance to pull something off the Queue. However, I cannot even get this script to execute, as it chokes on one of the function definitions even before it executes. The code snippet with the problem is:
def listenThread(counter):
while queue.empty() != True:
outcome = queue.get()
print outcome
counter -=1
print counter
return 'queue.get() command loop failing.'
The error message I am getting is:
$ python
File "", line 34
IndentationError: unindent does not match any outer indentation level
I've searched SO and checked the docs for correct formation of the try-except construct, and it seems OK. I had earlier versions of the code (without the try-except ) working, so I am getting suspicious about the text editor, TextWrangler v4.0.1.
Can anyone suggest a debug approach or code correction?
As you have already suspected, it is most likely an indentation error. Your text editor is probably mixing the use of tabs and spaces. Replace all tabs with spaces (or vice versa though the standard in python is 4 spaces) and you should see the error disappear.
For those who find this question later like I did it's easy to fix TextWrangler's settings and stop this issue altogether; Go to "Preferences" -> "Editor Defaults" -> "Auto-expand tabs" then set tabs to 4 spaces. Restart TextWrangler for changes to take affect. For existing documents that continue giving you a problem read this.
I find when I'm typing a line like this to a clisp program's standard input ...
((74 25 80))
... the cursor seems to dance, and it doesn't matter whether I'm doing
(read-from-string (read-line))
That is, when I type each right parenthesis, the cursor briefly hovers over the matching left parenthesis. If I type ahead, sometimes the whole line typed up to that point is re-echoed back to me.
This would be fine, I guess, but I'm doing this over a pty, and I want the input from that pty (what shows up on the clisp program's standard output and error output) to be "clean". No dancing cursor, no re-echoing of the line.
I suppose I could use named pipes for the input and output, but I want to handle this through the pty.
How do I make standard input be purely vanilla? No dancing cursor? No re-echoing of typeahead? Can I just modify a configuration file somewhere?
Sounds like GNU Readline is being used. There's a -disable-readline command line flag for clisp according to this page. Failing that, I think you're going to have to use a pipe to either convince readline that it isn't reading from a terminal or that it isn't outputting to a terminal.