Implementing uitable like iphone email overview - iphone

I have a table (UITableView) and shall implement therefore the functions like in the iphone email-interface. This means: In the header right up I need a edit-button. When pressed, some cells can be marked and in the footer there appear several buttons.
Is there a library, where I can take the functionality from? If not, any idea, how I can Implement the "marking function"?

There's a cool example among the apple docs, which I guess meets well your request. Inspect it, I think you'll find much useful there:


Is there an existing iOS component to type in a UITextView? [duplicate]

In my app I want the user to type names into a UITextField (or equivalent) and then when they press return, it will put that word(s) in a blue bubble that's usually associated with tags. The cursor then moves to the end where they can add more "tags".
This can be seen when adding contacts in the To, CC & BCC fields in the Mail app, and also when selecting contacts in the Messages app.
How is this done? Is it something that's provided in the UIKit or available somewhere else?
Many thanks,
Venmo just open sourced their token field.
The equivalent control in desktop Cocoa is an NSTokenField, but there doesn't seem to be an equivalent for Cocoa Touch.
Since iOS 13 there exists UISearchTextField.
You can see that component in action in the Photos App.
That should fit for many use cases. By removing the leftView you can also get rid of the search icon.
But be aware: You can‘t mix text and tokens at various positions.
From the docs:
Tokens always occur contiguously before any text in the search field.
Adding this here for reference:
Feel free to check out TaggerKit (a library I made), it's more or less what OP was talking about. You can basically add tags functionality to your app by just adding a view and a couple of properties.
I dont think you can do it with any built in functionality in the SDK, never seen such a feature. What you could do however is implement it yourself, have some custom blue button with some text over it, and when the user hits return you can have some code that takes the text and returns you the button that you need, shouldnt be too bad to implement

The best way to create an "instruction view" for my app?

Im planning on adding a instructions view to my app. Whats the best way to do it? Load a PDF into a webview or..?
Please suggest anything I might find helpful.
I also want it to look good for the user, not to plain.
You might want to consider using a UIWebView to load content that resides on your web server. The downside is that the user needs network connectivity to see the instructions and you need to know your way around at least some web development. However, you'll be able to use HTML+CSS+Javascript to create interesting content and you'll be able to change/update/correct that content without going through the hassle of releasing the app again.
I've seen a few apps put screenshots into a scrollview with a paging control. I really like that design, and there are plenty of tutorials online that explain how to do this.
You can implement instruction view different ways:
1) Just put textview and make scroll. (very simple)
2) Design the HTML instruction, and load it to the webview. (medium in look vise)
3) Create attractive design for instruction pages and implement scroll view with pages. (very attractive)
Please review above point and let me know in case of query.
I would use a info button (the lowercase "i" button, can be accessed by inserting "Round Rect Button" and changing type to one of the "Info" buttons or in code you could init a button with type: "UIButtonTypeInfoDark" or "UIButtonTypeInfoLight") on your main or first view controller. Inside that view you could put an UITextView with editing OFF and that would contain all your instructions that the user could scroll through and get to quickly, easily, and intuitively

Create springboard like main view

Is there some sample code, or an easy way, to implement an application with as its first view something like Springboard?
What I am looking for is just a view with basic icons which after a tab on an icon tells the view-controller to push the view associated with the selected icon.
This in itself is not that difficult off-course (just putting images on a view), but is there an easy way to implement all the extra functionality as well (as e.g. moving the icons around (start 'vibrating' when when you push hold them), multiple pages etc.). The Facebook App seems to have this. It is probably not worth my while to write it myself, but it would be nice if there is something 'out of the box' to give the App a bit more of an iPhone feel.
Thanks in advance!
Facebook uses the Three20 library for its UI. The specific view used for the SpringBoard-like interface is known as TTLauncherView.
This is not an endorsement (I have yet to really check this out, and I may be too entrenched in using Three20 at this point to even bother), but here is another project that implements the springboard functionality: myLauncher on Github
You can use UICollectionView to create this
Look at this example

Data driven UITableViewController implementations?

I have a UITableViewController which is starting to get a bit crazy with all the switch statements for each UITableView delegate.
Does anyone have any suggestions or examples of more of a data driven implementation for a UITableViewController? I'm thinking some type of data structure which would hold references of where to go to get cells for certain section/rows, where to get the section names, etc.
I think the More iPhone Development book describes something like this, just wanted to poll the community and see if anyone had some lessons learned on their own implementation.
I don't think there is a standard one that is generally suitable for everyone, but it's not too hard to whip up your own to suit the needs of your application. Basically, you want an array/list of sections, and for each section, an array/list of items. For each item, you'll want to allow specification of an image, text, detail text, and some sort of action to be fired upon selection.
If you want to get fancy, you can specify background colors, fonts, and other such things for each section heading, section footer, and item.
If your list items don't all look the same, then your tableView:cellForIndex: implementation needs to be smart enough to use different reuse identifiers for different-looking items.
A nice thing about this approach is that you can often use the same view and same controller for many "screens".
Consider using Core Data and NSFetchedResultsController.
Core Data's NSFetchedResultsController will do most of the data work for you. It might be overkill if your model is simple or not persisted though.

Is there an iPhone equivalent to the NSTokenField control?

In my app I want the user to type names into a UITextField (or equivalent) and then when they press return, it will put that word(s) in a blue bubble that's usually associated with tags. The cursor then moves to the end where they can add more "tags".
This can be seen when adding contacts in the To, CC & BCC fields in the Mail app, and also when selecting contacts in the Messages app.
How is this done? Is it something that's provided in the UIKit or available somewhere else?
Many thanks,
Venmo just open sourced their token field.
The equivalent control in desktop Cocoa is an NSTokenField, but there doesn't seem to be an equivalent for Cocoa Touch.
Since iOS 13 there exists UISearchTextField.
You can see that component in action in the Photos App.
That should fit for many use cases. By removing the leftView you can also get rid of the search icon.
But be aware: You can‘t mix text and tokens at various positions.
From the docs:
Tokens always occur contiguously before any text in the search field.
Adding this here for reference:
Feel free to check out TaggerKit (a library I made), it's more or less what OP was talking about. You can basically add tags functionality to your app by just adding a view and a couple of properties.
I dont think you can do it with any built in functionality in the SDK, never seen such a feature. What you could do however is implement it yourself, have some custom blue button with some text over it, and when the user hits return you can have some code that takes the text and returns you the button that you need, shouldnt be too bad to implement