I am beginner for interactions on iphone. I have 3 buttons, one on the left, and the 2 other ones on the right. I would like to push the left button with finger and display a line real time stretching with my finger moving on screen that goes to the other button I am going to go to on the right - and then I reach the button on the right and release my finger the line stays on screen.
Where should I start in the manual to understand how to do something like this?
- please don't say page 1 ;-)
thanks for all the pointers so I can learn and write the code myself
Wow, uh, you're jumping right into the deep end.
First, the answer to your question is ... check out the Sample Code at developer.apple.com. By playing with those sample projects, and running them in the debugger, and reading that code, you can learn a whole lot about what you're trying to do.
Using those samples as your tutorial, refer to specific information in the reference docs also available at developer.apple.com. There are specific docs on the classes you'll be using (e.g. UIButton Class Reference), and there are high level guides that talk about different areas, like the Event Handling Guide for iOS, and Drawing and Printing Guide for iOS.
Here are some of the issues you're going to face, and some of the areas that you should read up on:
UIButtons are going to respond to your touch and won't allow any other view to receive that touch without some special handling in your code.
Check out samples that deal with UITouch events, Quartz 2D drawing, creating custom controls
Try doing this without any buttons first, that's fairly simple. Just figure out how to detect a TouchDownInside event, track the finger movement across the screen, and detect a TouchUpInside event, all in a normal UIView. (There may be a sample for this.)
I want to make an endless vertical scrolling layer that gives the impression that the main character is moving upwards. I have been brainstorming on how to achieve this.
My issue is that I want objects to appear as if they are coming from above and below the screen at the same time. Secondly, I want to be able to move the main character to create and destroy box2d joints between it and some of the objects appearing on the screen. What is the best way to achieve this with consuming too much memory? I would appreciate any help on this.
Apple did a wonderful tutorial of this in a WWDC 2011 video session. It was "UITableView Changes, Tips & Tricks" and it's about 35m40sec into the video.
Since the use of the UITableView is really just a UIScrollView for the purposes of the background, you could just use a UIScrollView and you can either have it move on timer or events as needed.
Think of your player as moving within a stationary bounding box. The background can scroll using the aforementioned pooling method (as the background tile scrolls off the screen it is placed into a pool, and before a new tile is instantiated the pool is checked for available reusable tiles). Thirdly, your enemy objects will simply approach from either the bottom of the screen or the top.
Imagine your idea without the scrolling background (flying effect) and you should find that the problem is relatively straightforward.
I also needed and endless scrolling background layer. This can do exactly that, and it is super simple to set up and use. Just copy the four files in to the cocos2d folder in your project, then follow the quick tutorial seen on the github. Make sure the image you use is seamless (when you line them up vertically you can't tell where one ends.
I am not a newbie to Cocos2D but I am building quite an advanced HUD with several sliding and overlapping CCLayer and CCMenu/CCMenuItemImage objects.
They are all responding to touches correctly in turn. However when things overlap, it seems the buttons underneath take priority over the things on the top, no matter what order I add them to the world.
Indeed, even implementing the registerWithTouchDispatcher method and returning YES/NO ccTouchBegan:withEvent: seems not to have the correct effect. It also appears that ccTouchBegan:withEvent: is then called on all buttons/menus in the world rather than just those underneath the touch.
I'd really like advice on a reliable way to detect and consume a touch on an object that is top most in the view without anything else hearing about the touch.
Thanks in advance!
How about this commit for develop branch of cocos2d-iphone?
v1.0.0-rc3 or earlier doesn't have the mechanism for touch priority. This commit seems to implement it.
Why can't you use tags? I'm not sure at the moment how to check z order but I would personally probably just use tags.
I want to have multiple buttons on the screen that continuously move. When they touch the sides, they should bounce back. How do i do this? Any helpful links? Ideas? Thanks!
you go through the apple animation document.
Introduction to Core Animation Programming Guide
Check the following SO post.
How to move several buttons throughout the screen
Move a button in the screen
Also have a look at cocos2d which i think may make it easier to do something like this if they have to constantly be moving.
cocos2d is a game platform which has physics etc but also i believe has support for buttons so it should not be hard to achieve something like this. Check out the cocos2d website and documentation.
I am in process of creating a multiplayer game similar to the Scrabble / Wordfued / Rummi. I am trying to see what would be best way go about implementing the UI and their interactions.
I would be having a framework which would keep track of all the pieces on the board and the AI for knowing if it is a valid move.
I am trying to figure out what could be best solution to handle the UI part. The game board would be larger than would the current iPhone screen could support. So the board would have an effect of a scroll view. The same goes for the game tiles using which user can play. These are not fixed amount of tiles/cards and the same could be more in numbers which would also need another scroll view kind of effect.
There would be many more effect's were the user can move a complete set of tiles/cards from the board and place it in another location of the board. Or even a tile in between the set of tiles on the board.
So I am trying so see if I should go with two scroll view provided by iOS and handle all the detaching the tile/card from one scroll view and placing the same in GameBoard scroll view
Should I go with something like cocos-2d which provides more advance game UI handling capabilities.
Please do let me know your thoughts and feedback on what could be the best choice for the same. Thanks in advance for all your help.
Words With Friends uses native UIKit views. It is quite simple and uses a transition to move between the two degrees of magnification (close up and not close up).
You can do everything quickly in UIKit with a UIScrollview. You can use drag events to move tiles around the screen, even changing their perspective/look during dragging. Using UIAnimation would allow you to do simple frame based animation for things like dropping a tile.
Cocos2d will be quicker if you already know a similar gaming library. However if you choose it you you'll miss out on using Interface Builder and a lot of conveniences in UIKit.
If you're starting from a base of zero with either approach, then only use Cocos2d if you want particle effects (like stars and sparkles, UIKit has nothing for this).
Otherwise I'd say try UIKit, it's easier and there are more resources on the web.
Straight forward question. I'm trying to understand UI design more and how to make it work with code. In particular there used to be an app that went through several design sessions, named Where To? by Tap Tap Tap. They had a table which they turned into a radio dial, screenshot:
(source: taptaptap.com)
My question is, is this nothing more than 22 or so images, with different states put together on top of a UIView? Each UIImageView is a button? How would something like this be put together? I'd love a tutorial on programmatically turning images into actual actions. If there's any book or blog which describes the process, that would be an ideal answer for me.
Any insight into how the above is done?
I actually think it's a single image that has it's layer rotated in response to touch events and then calculates which is the active button based on the radial distance from the original position. It's not horribly complicated code (touchset change is left or right and rotate in response to that, modify the hittest method to respect the radial deltas) but the math is more than I can do before six cups of coffee.