Facebook Graph API, mark inbox as read? - facebook

Okay I think the title pretty much sums it up but I'll explain my situation anyway. I have written a desktop app using the Facebook C# SDK and Graph API which notifys me when I have new notifications and new (unread) messages in my inbox and it seems to work but the facebook graph api even when I use Facebooks Graph API explorer to get /me/inbox (this is specific to my facebook account) has an inbox thread that is marked as unread but does not show up on facebooks website or any of the Facebook apps i use (android/iPhone) so I can see in the api explorer everything about the thread and theres a message under the "message" field but doesn't have anything in "comments". Anyway my problem is when I use this new app i've written this keep showing up and as it doesnt show in messages on facebooks website or the facebook mobile apps, I cannot mark it as read. So is there a way to do this manually using the graph API even just so I can do it with the api explorer because I dont want it forever showing in my app, I know that i can mark notifications as read this way but I cannot work out how to mark this inbox thread as read. I could always hardcode the thread id into my app and tell it to ignore it but this is an extremely unelegant solution especially considering I am not the only person who will use this app. Even a way to delete the thread completely by graph API, is this possible?
EDIT: I have tried POST https://graph.facebook.com/(thread_id) with fields "unread": 0 but that did not work

No, there is no permissions in the current APIs that Facebook has available other than Read-Only access to a user's Inbox.


Is Facebook Graph API the right tool for comment moderation?

I have a Facebook page that is attracting a lot of comments, and I need to stay on top of them, and Facebook notifications is not keeping up.
I am thinking of writing a small simple piece of software (Winforms/C# probably) that I can use to scan for new comments that I haven't responded to. I have created a Facebook app, and used it's credentials to run successful queries in Graph API explorer (except for not getting the "from" field from anyone that is "not me"), But it says I have to do an App Review, and for that my app has to be publicly accessible, but my tool is going to be strictly private.
Perhaps Graph API is not what I should be using for my purpose? What should I use otherwise?

Deprecated offline access in Facebook

I just created last week an App and I've read that offline access doesn't work with newly created apps.(I haven't found any tutorial on the web. I am really new to facebook apps)
with this new change in facebook, I don't know how to use the current thing.
I badly need this feature because I don't want the user keeps logging-in in facebook everytime he visits and posts a status in my site as well in his facebook wall. I just want the user to be stayed connected and be able to post on his wall automatically thru my site once he authorized my app.
Thank you.
There are very clear and simple instructions on the following documentation to explain what you need to do to switch to long-life access tokens:
Also, from your description, it sounds like you are spamming and breaking Facebook Platform Policies. Users will hate any app that automatically posts on their behalf, so I recommend you do not do that, as either people will stop using your app or they'll report it and it'll get banned.

Facebook shows news feed messages that aren't returned by any of the APIs

I noticed that my feedback news feed shows certain posts that aren't returned by any of the API's. (I tried the GraphAPI and the legacy REST API and FQL).
I can see those status updates at http://facebook.com on my news feed and I can also see them in the Facebook mobile app on iPhone and the mobile app on Windows Mobile.
Some of my friends seem to have set a privacy setting. I think it is this one: "How people bring your info to apps they use" - decheck "My Status Updates", although I can't confirm that is the only reason their posts don't show up, it seems one possible explanation.
So, what API are these facebook mobile applications using which returns the same data as the web site ? Is it possible for me to build another facebook client using that API?
Have you acquired the read_stream extended permission? This is required to see all postings. Typically without it you don't see any posts, but I think you can see posts that are marked as being completely public.

How to simulate silent login to Facebook Graph API?

I'm working on an API that will aggregate data from several website, including facebook. The API has an engine that harvests data on regular intervals, and then the client app polls the API to get the data from all websites centrally.
The problem is that the API has no way of authenticating on the regular, behind-the-scenes harvests, as Facebook insists that the user has to click on the OAuth Dialog. With the short story being that there is no way to login to graph API silently this almost means that developing such an API is not possible (except for harvesting only public data).
However, I'm not easily satisfied by "it's not possible" answers and my clients - even less so. Accessing private information on demmand is defnitely possible as Facebook apps do that. For example, the official Twitter app posts on my wall whenever I tweet. I guess apps only need a permission once and then can access the user's profile as much as they like.
So this leads me to think that I should do a combination of a Graph API client and an application that talk to each other, and whenever the API needs to harvest - it asks the app to get the data and fetch it to the API. Or maybe it should be a push model (the app sends the data whenever it's generated) rather than pull (the API requests the data at regular intervals).
Am I on the right track? Is any of these the correct design approach?
I did some searching but it's very hard to find any useful discussion on the topic as whatever keywords I try I only find "Can I login silently? No" type of discussions.
You'll want to look into the offline_access permission. This lets you access a user's data when they don't have an active session, or are offline. That's as close to "silent login" as you can get.

Hiding application source when posting to Facebook fan page via graph API

I've successfully posted to a fan page as the actual page via the Graph API.
The problem is that the post says it was posted at "time via application name". Is there any way to hide this, so my post looks exactly as if I typed it directly into Facebook?
I'm building a messaging center that can easily deliver messages on many different channels, Facebook being one of them. Clients probably won't appreciate their Facebook posts linking to my application, nor do I want to set up a new Facebook application for each client.
There is no way to disable this. It is an internal Facebook system and is very deliberate on their part to show users where content comes from and make it easier to report malicious and spammy apps.