T-SQL compilation issue for simple query involving DMV - tsql

For some reason, the following query which uses the sys.dm_exec_requests DMV and the sys.dm_exec_sql_text DMV fails to compile:
SELECT er.session_id, es.[text]
FROM sys.dm_exec_requests AS er
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(er.[sql_handle]) AS es
The query excerpt above is part of a much larger (and more complex) query which fails, because this smaller query will not execute, giving me the syntax error:
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 3 Incorrect syntax near '.'.
The query seems simple enough, yet it looks like the T-SQL parser is balking at the er.sql_handle. I thought this might be an escaping issue and tried er.[sql_handle], but sadly got the same error.

I get this error when running it in the context of a DB in SQL Server 2000 compatibility mode. Try running it under the context of one of the system databases instead.

If you are using 2008 or 2008 R2 and EXEC sp_dbcmptlevel 'databasename' give below 90 then use the script below:


Query returns Error despite being executed succesfully (Robot Framework / JayDeBeApi)

Using the Keyword Query from the Robot Framework DatabaseLibrary JayDeBeApi in conjunction with DB2 like this: ${results}= Query CREATE TABLE SCHEMANAME.TEST_TEMP (id BIGINT, name VARCHAR(25)) is being executed (table exists afterwards).
But nevertheless RobotFramework throws a FAIL and ${results} contains the Message DatabaseError: com.ibm.db2.jcc.am.SqlSyntaxErrorException: DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-601, SQLSTATE=42710, SQLERRMC=SCHEMANAME.TEST_TEMP;TABLE, DRIVER=4.14.122 and often even a very simple Message Error after running the same statement.
Running the query above (copy/paste) directly within a database SQL window doesn't return any errors.
How is it possible, in RobotFramework the query is executed successfully but nevertheless an error is thrown?
The error SQLCODE=-601 means that you are trying to create an object that already exists. So when you say that the table exists afterwards, it means that it existed before you ran the statement. I don't know the framework you are using, but the explanation by #pavelsaman in comment seems to be a very likely cause.

EXECUTE IMMEDIATE in Enterprise Postgres - query returned no rows error

I'm using Enterprise Postgres 9.5 with Oracle Compatibility. I have a problem with the EXECUTE IMMEDIATE command.
Say I have a table with few columns and one of them can accept NULLs. If I do
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'select null_col from '||table_name||' where col1=10' into x;
It sends the value to x, if null_col returns any.
When I given the condition col1=19, where 19 is not present in the table, then I get the error like this.
query returned no rows
and my execution stops. So how can I handle that. Oracle doesn't given any error for such statements, whereas EDB does. Please help.
I didn't find any EDB tags, so please tag if you think this is inappropriate question here. Thanks for understanding.

prepared statement - using parameter to specify table name

using pgadmin4, postgres 9.6 on windows 10
I'm trying to use parameter to specify table name in a prepared statement as in the code below. However I do get a syntax error as below. Note that I'm able to use the parameters with a where condition et al.
prepare mySelect(text) as
select *
from $1
limit 100;
execute mySelect('some_table');
pgAdmin message
ERROR: syntax error at or near "$1"
LINE 3: from $1
SQL state: 42601
Character: 50
It is not possible. The prepare statement is persistent execution plan - and execution plan contains pined source of data - so tables, column names cannot be mutable there.
When you change table, columns, then you change the semantic of query - you will got different execution plan and then this behave is not possible in prepared statements. The main use case of prepared statements is reusing of execution plans - plan once, execute more. But there are some principal limits - only some parameters can be changed.

How to guard execution when 'USE' not supported in SQL

When I'm sketching out SQL statements I have a file of all the queries I have used to analyse my live data. Each time I write a new statement or group of statements at the end of the fileI select them and click 'execute' to see the results. I'm paranoid that I may forget the selection stage and accidentally run all the queries sequentially in the entire file and so I head the file with the line
USE FakeDatabase
so that the queries will fail as they will be run against a non-existing database. But no, instead I get the error
USE statement is not supported to switch between databases
(N.B. I am using SQL Server Management Studio v17.0 RC1 against a v12 Azure SQL Server database.)
What tSQL statement can I use that will prevent further execution of tSQL statements in a file?
use is not supported in AZURE...you can try below ,but there can be many options depending on your use case
Replace use Database with below statement
if db_name() <>'Fakedatabase'
You could, instead, put something like this in each script:
IF ##SERVERNAME <> 'Not-Really-My-Server'
raiserror('Database Name Not Set', 20, -1) with log
-- Rest of my query...

SQL Server OpenQuery() behaving differently then a direct query from TOAD

The following query works efficiently when run directly against Oracle 11 using TOAD (with native Oracle drivers)
select ... from ... where ...
and srvg_ocd in (
select ocd
from rptofc
where eff_endt = to_date('12/31/9999','mm/dd/yyyy')
and rgn_nm = 'Boston'
) ...
The exact same query "never" returns if passed from SQL Server 2008 to the same Oracle database via openquery(). SQL Server has a link to the Oracle database using an Oracle Provider OLE DB driver.
select * from openquery( servername, '
select ... from ... where ...
and srvg_ocd in (
select ocd
from rptofc
where eff_endt = to_date(''12/31/9999'',''mm/dd/yyyy'')
and rgn_nm = ''Boston''
) ...
The query doesn't return in a reasonable amount of time, and the user kills the query. I don't know if it would eventually return with the correct result.
This result where the direct TOAD query works efficiently and the openquery() version "never" returns is reproducible.
A small modification to the openquery() gives the correct efficient result: Change eff_endt to trunc(eff_endt).
That is well and good, but it doesn't seem like the change should be necessary.
openquery() is supposed to be pass through, so how can there be a difference between the TOAD and openquery() behavior?
The reason we care is because we frequently develop complex queries with TOAD directly accessing Oracle. Once we have the query functioning and optimized, we convert it to an openquery() string for use in a SQL Server application. It is extremely aggravating to have a query suddenly fail with openquery() when we know it worked as a direct query. Then we have to search for a work-around through trial and error.
I would like to see the Oracle trace files for the two scenarios, but the Oracle server is within another organization, and we are not getting cooperation from the Oracle DBAs.
Does anyone know of any driver, or TOAD, or ??? issues that could account for the discrepancy? Is there any way to eliminate the problem such that both methods always give the same result?
I know you asked this a while ago but I just came across your question.
I agree, they should be the same. Obviously there is a difference. We need to find out where the difference is.
I am thinking out loud as I type...
What happens if you specify just a few column instead of select * from openquery?
How many rows are supposed to be returned?
What if, in the oracle select, you limit the returned rows?
How quickly does the openquery timeout?
Are TOAD and SS on the same machine? Are you RDPing into the SS and running toad from there?
Are they using the same drivers? including bit? (32/64) version?
Are they using the same account on oracle?
It is interesting that using the trunc() makes a difference. I assume [eff_endt] is one of the returned fields?
I am wondering if SS is getting all the rows back but it is choking on doing the date conversions. The date type in oracle may need to be converted to a ss date type before ss shows it to you.
What if you insert the rows from the openquery into a table where the date field is just a (n)varchar. I am thinking ss might just dump the date it is getting back from oracle into that text field without trying to convert it.
something like:
insert into mytable(f1,f2,f3,datetimeX)
select f1,f2,f3,datetimeX from openquery( servername, '
select f1,f2,f3,datetimeX from ... where ...
and srvg_ocd in (
select ocd
from rptofc
where eff_endt = to_date(''12/31/9999'',''mm/dd/yyyy'')
and rgn_nm = ''Boston''
) ...
What if toad or ss is modifying the query statement before sending it to oracle. You could fire up wireshark and see what toad and ss are actually sending.
I would be very curious if you get this resolved. I link ss to oracle often and have not run into this issue.
Here are basic things you can check for to see what the database is doing after it receives the query. First, check that the execution plans are the same in TOAD as when the query runs using openquery. You could plan the query yourself in TOAD using:
explain plan set statement_id = 'openquery_test' for <your query here>;
select *
from table(dbms_xplan.display(statement_id => 'openquery_test';
then have someone initiate the query using openquery() and have someone with permissions to view v$ tables to run:
select sql_id from v$session where username = '<user running the query>';
(If there's more than one connection with the same user, you'll have to find an additional attribute to isolate the row representing the session running the query.)
select *
from table(dbms_xplan.display_cursor('<value from query above'));
If those look the same then I'd move on to checking database waits and see what it's stuck on.
select se.username
, sw.event
, sw.p1text
, sw.p2text
, sw.p3text
, sw.wait_time_micro/1000000 as seconds_in_wait
, sw.state
, sw.time_since_last_wait_micro/1000000 as seconds_since_last_wait
from v$session se
inner join
v$session_wait sw
on se.sid = sw.sid
where se.username = '<user running the query>'
(again, if there's more than one session with the same username, you'll need another attribute to whittle it down to the one you're interested in.)
If the plans are different, then you need to find out why, or if they're the same, look into what it's waiting on (e.g. SQL*Net message to client ?) and why.
I noticed a difference using OLEDB through MS Access (2013) connecting to Oracle 10g & 11g tables, in that it did not always recognize indexes or primary keys on the Oracle tables properly. The same query through an MS Access 2000 database (using odbc) worked fine / had no problem with indexes & keys. The only way I found to fix the OLEDB version was to include all of the key fields in the SELECT -- which was not a satisfying answer, but it's all I could find. This might be an option to try through SSMS / OpenQuery(...) as well.
Besides that... you can try some alternatives to OPENQUERY, such as:
4-part names: SELECT ... FROM Server..Schema.Table
Execute AT: EXEC ('select...') at linked server
But as for why the OLEDB provider works differently than the native Oracle Provider -- the providers are not identical, and the native provider would be more likely to pave-over Oracle quirks than the more generic OLEDB provider would.