Does XText require minimum versions of Eclipse or Java - eclipse

While I can just try and run it and see if it fails I may not know if some internals will fail at inopportune times does anyone know if specific versions of java or eclipse are needed?

I'm sure, no special version of Java nor Eclipse is needed. It needs Java 1.5 and some Eclipse Modeling components (such as EMF); but they are already installed with Xtext.


ANTLR and Eclipse (or any decent IDE)

I have been using ANTLR with Eclipse for some time using the ANTLRv3IDE plugin. While it is not perfect, and a bit outdated, it does its job reasonably well.
Now I am looking to switch to ANTLRv4 for another DSL that I am creating. However, Eclipse support seems to be extremely thin. I decided to try out ANTLRWorks, which is a NetBeans plugin, but I could not get it to install (it seems to be locked to specific dated versions (201302132200 while I have something newer, still 7.3 as docs say) of dependencies).
So, the question: Has anyone set up any Java IDE (preferably Eclipse, but I could be persuaded to switch if support is good for something else) to integrate with ANTLR? With integrate, I mean: code generate on save/keyboard shortcut and syntax coloring (at the very least). Code completion and other features are of course nice to have, but I could live without them for now.
I am well aware of Xtext and I have had great success using it for some projects, but unfortunately it does not fit the needs here (need no IDE support, need my own DSL model not based on ECore, etc).
I know ANTLRWorks can be run as a standalone application without a Java IDE, but that I consider to be a last-resort solution as it is extremely cumbersome to work this way (switch between application, files out of sync, no VCS support etc). I tried the other way around: to install the Java parts into ANTLRworks (which itself is a NetBeans distro), but it did not end well (it seems basic project support etc was stripped out of ANTLRworks).
Antlr4 plugin for Eclipse is here:
ANTLRWorks 2 uses many non-public interfaces from NetBeans, which means it will always be bound to a particular version. The standalone download will always work because it bundles the dependencies itself.
The standalone build of ANTLRWorks 2.1 is available. This build includes support for ANTLR 4.1.
A new plugin build of ANTLRWorks 2.1 will be available once NetBeans 7.4 is released.
Moving forward, the code for ANTLRWorks post-2.1 is open-source under an LGPL license.
I think you have downloaded Netbeans 7.3.1.
Try download 7.3 from and install the ANTLRworks plugin there. (Link to the ANTLRworks Update Center: ).
Note that ANTLRworks v2 contains ANTLR v4.0, which is not the current version of ANTLR (4.1). So also download ANTLR v4.0 from the ANTLR download folder (The antlr-4.0-complete.jar file) and use it as library for compilation.
Now you can use nearly all things you wanted.
ANTLRv3IDE was opensourced. It should be compile-able for Juno. For stringtemplate (ST4) look at the Hastee plugin. It supports some of ST4 constructs.

What is the purpose of Java JDK to Eclipse?

I've just installed Eclipse, after i installed the java JDK.
The Getting Started guide (in Eclipse) says i should reference my JDK installation in Window>Preferences>Java>Installed JREs, but that a JRE would also work.
Select the Java > Installed JREs preference page to display the installed Java Runtime Environments. Confirm that a JRE has been detected. By default, the JRE used to run the workbench will be used to build and run Java programs. It should appear with a checkmark in the list of installed JREs. We recommend that you use a Java SDK instead of a JRE. An SDK is designed for development and contains the source code for the Java library, easing debugging.
There was already a JRE set up there (not a JDK), so i did nothing and tried to compile a Hello World (just to see what would happen). To my surprise, it compiled!
I searched a little bit and it looks like this works because Eclipse has a built-in Java Compiler. I tried debugging using the same eclipse set up, and it was also successful.
So, what is the difference between setting a JDK and JRE there? Why is it important to download the JDK, since in my default configuration Eclipse doesn't seem to use it?
Probably the main difference is you get the source to all of the Java runtime libraries (with the JDK) which can be a big help. I always use the JDKs for that reason.
Also if you are debugging, this will allow you to meaningfully step into Java runtime libraries.
There are a number of tools that come with the JDK that don't come with the JRE - JConsole ( springs to mind. This for example can help you understand & monitor the memory usage of your application and so on. Either way if you head into unfamiliar territory, I highly recommend you follow the Eclipse suggestion and use the JDK!
JDK is equipped with different helpful tools, as DotMasta mentioned. Eclipse's "version" of JDK is called JDT. Apart from range of shipped tools, there are also differences between javac and Eclipse built-in compiler ecj, so check here to see the comparison. One of the most important differences is that javac is strict, i.e. with ecj you can create a class file even in case of errors in code, which is perfectly suitable for testing phase, but not for launch :)
JDK contains software development tools which are used to compile and run the Java program.
Plenty of classes and methods in standard jdk library
Javac java compiler
Diffrences and why you will need this?
JDK includes the JVM, standard class libraries, and several other tools that a developer needs in order to create a Java program.
JRE includes the JVM, as the JRE provides some standard libraries and the JVM which can be used to execute a Java program.
You can even look there:

Which JRE version to use while making new Java Project in Eclipse and what are the drawbacks?

In Eclipse when i create new Java Project, i see options like:
Now i want to know, what is the safest option to use considering when i export jar file any user will be able to use it. If selecting the shown option, does that mean if someone has JRE 1.6, he will not be able to run that jar file, or is it backward compatible??
As such my project has no specific 1.7 dependencies.
This is very broad question, which JRE to use depends on your requirement. If you have multiple projects, each specific to a JRE, then you can use project specific JRE. If you are happy with eclipse default JRE you can continue. It is purely your decision.
Someone with JRE 1.6 should be able to run on 1.6 as long as compilation level is set to 1.6 (This may flag if your code has any 1.7 features which are not part of 1.6).
If you use features which are specific to JDK 7 (such as the new NIO.2/The path API ) then they most likely won't work on java 6. Furthermore Java 6 has been tested and withstood the test of time as a result most (if not all) bugs have been ironed out. Java 7 is still fairly new and even after it was released there was a pesky bug that showed up couple of days after release which had to the with the loop optimisation. So unless you specifically need JDK7 features I'd suggest you stick with JDK6, on the other hand if your project is not mission-critical then you might experiment with the new JDK7 features given that your user base has JRE 7. Just my 2 cents...

groovy plugin for eclipse

what is the best goovy plugin for eclipse (helios)? I have download Groovy-Eclipse but the plug-in seems not good? cant go to methods by clicking ctrl and also cant debug too
The best Eclipse Groovy/Grails support is provided by the STS Eclipse distribution. If you're not using Grails and are only interested in Groovy I don't think you'll find this much better than the Groovy-Eclipse plugin, because I expect STS itself uses the Groovy-Eclipse plugin.
The best Groovy/Grails support is provided by IntelliJ. Eclipse has always been a long way behind.
Unfortunately, groovy-eclipse is the best there is.
If you want to improve your experience, I can only recommend switching to IntelliJ IDEA.
Groovy-Eclipse is your only option for editing groovy code in Eclipse.
Since the behavior you describe that is missing is a fundamental part of Groovy-Eclipse (ie- navigation to method declarations), it sounds like something is not set-up properly in your project. Perhaps your groovy sources are not on the Eclipse build path of your project. Make sure this is the case and let me know if this fixes your problem.
Since SpringSource / VMWare embraced the Grails and Groovy community, SpringSource Toolsuite (STS) has really increased the quality and integration of Groovy into the Eclipse environment. If you haven't looked at it recently, STS 2.7.0 was just released, and it includes support for Gradle, Groovy 1.8, and initial support for Grails 1.4 / 2.0. Groovy-Eclipse is the bundled Groovy solution, and enables the Groovy compiler, Groovy project types, as well as a number of other areas.
It's also important to note that the development is going at a pretty good place - some of the standard editing features are fixed month to month as dot releases are released often.
Intellij is also continuing to provide a great solution - but now that the Eclipse support is improving, there are two viable choices for developers to look at.
STS is available for Eclipse 3.6 and 3.7.

My Eclipse can compile but I can't find a JDK!

I've installed Eclipse on a Windows machine some time ago. A couple of days back I was doing some Java coding and I noticed I don't have a JDK, but still Eclipse could compile & run the Java classes. Does it have a compiler included?
Yes Eclipse contains it's own incremental compiler.
An incremental Java compiler.
Implemented as an Eclipse builder, it
is based on technology evolved from
VisualAge for Java compiler. In
particular, it allows to run and debug
code which still contains unresolved
For some history take a look here:
Yes. And here's some more characters.