Are animations automatically removed from layers when switching viewcontrollers? - iphone

I've setup a simple CAKeyframeAnimation with infinite repeatcount and added it to a layer. All is fine except that the animation is removed when I switch to another tab (or very likely any other mechanism of changing the active view controller).
Is this documented anywhere, perhaps new in iOS 5, and is there another solution than starting the animation again in viewWillAppear? The timebase is irrelevant in this case, starting the animation from time 0 would be fine.

You should not perform any work with View while it is not on screen, because it's just waste of iPhone resources. Besides your application can get memory warning and view will be unloaded.
IMHO the best approach is to set up graphics in -(void) viewWillAppear and start animations in -(void) viewDidAppear.
P.S. In -(void) viewDidLoad parameters of frame of view are still not valid and if you try to use them, you can get something wrong.


Alternative way to load ViewControllers on a UIPageControl

In my project I'm using a UIPageControl as a container UIViewController for scrolling. I used this tutorial (using ARC and storyboards): and the source code:
As you can see there are 3 ViewControllers in the project, and they are added as child on the CustomPagerViewController. In that project there are only 3 ViewControllers that are added, but in my project I got more than 3 ViewControllers and I also reuse them with another text, image, label, etc. on it. The problem is that in the project all those ViewControllers are getting loaded whenever the CustomPagerViewController is loaded and this costs memory so I'm looking for another way how I can deal with this problem instead of loading them all at once?
You shouldn't try to optimise controller allocation in this way. Obviously retaining view controllers in memory takes up space, but believe me, not that much.
We have to difference here between the controller and its view. Views can take up a lot of memory in order to get themselves displayed on screen, but iOS already has its own mechanisms to free this memory when it's no longer required (ie: the view is not on screen / doesn't have a window).
iOS view controllers used to free views memory by themselves (this behaviour was in [UIViewControllers didReceiveMemoryWarning]), but that's no longer the case in iOS 6. Now you're responsible for doing so in you feel like it's needed by your app. Bear in mind that despite nilling these views in this method (or dealloc), you won't be saving much memory, as most part of the (graphical) resources used to display a view in screen may have already been released by iOS, and the amount of memory you may end up freeing close to 0.
To sum up, in your case I'd convert PagerViewController into a proper iOS container controller using this guide. The key is to call the following methods:
[UIViewController addChildViewController:]
[UIViewController willMoveToParentViewController]
[UIViewController removeFromParentViewController]
[UIView addSubview:]
[UIView removeFromSuperview]
in the right order according to your needs. In your case, you can add / remove these in the scrollViewDidScroll method. Use them in this way, and let Apple's magic happen.
You might as well use UIPageViewController which gives you some nice out-of-the-box features.

UIImage animations don't work in a view pushed without animation

I've got a view controller whose view contains a UIImageView that does animation:
//AnimationViewController::ViewDidLoad event:
var ctlAnimations = new UIImageView();
ctlAnimations.AnimationImages = list.ToArray(); //<--list contains the UIImages
ctlAnimations.AnimationDuration = 1.0 * list.Count;
This works perfectly: when I push AnimationViewController onto the navigation stack, it displays and animates the UIImage.
But now I need to show AnimationViewController with a custom animated transition:
var transition = CATransition.CreateAnimation ();
transition.Duration = 0.3f;
transition.TimingFunction = CAMediaTimingFunction.FromName(CAMediaTimingFunction.EaseInEaseOut);
transition.Type = CATransition.TransitionFade;
this.View.Layer.AddAnimation (transition, "fade");
//viewController is being pushed with animated=false, because we have a custom animation
base.PushViewController (viewController, false);
This also works perfectly, in that the new View transitions into place using the specified custom animation.
But when I push AnimationViewController onto the stack using an animated transition, it displays but the animation doesn't run. Instead, it shows the first frame of the animation (the first image in the list), and doesn't run it.
So, something about the transition is breaking the ability to animate a UIImage in the new view controller, but I simply can't figure out what to do about it.
Update: I've noticed that if I tap the NavigationController's back button, but then move off of the back button and let go (so I don't actually go back), the animation starts playing!
PushViewController works like this: Over the current view controller the next view controller is placed you can say pushed onto the stack. From Apple docs its clear that either you need to push view controllers either with animation or without.
Work around:
Set the frame of the next view controller's view's x position beyond
the screen's right
Suppose width of the screen is 320, then set the x position of next
view as 320.
Add the next view as subview to the existing one.
Now do your custom animation.
Another work around:(a bit more overhead though)
Take a snapshot programmatically of current view.
Add the snapshot image as the initial view of next view controller.
Now push view controller without animation. (User will still see the old view)
In viewDidAppear of new view controller start your custom animation.
[I have to warn you that this method of taking snapshot might give you a small delay in older devices. Newer devices are pretty fast enough you wont see any lag]
Let me know if any issues in case you are implementing any of these solutions.
Try putting the animating bit in ViewDidAppear rather than ViewDidLoad. Also, try using breakpoints and NSLogs to follow what happens after the animation, starting with the ViewDidLoad and ViewDidAppear. Try having the animation repeat forever so you can see if it has ever been animating or not.
I'm very curious what the culprit is here as well. Why is the animation not displaying correctly in some cases?
My theory is that you have placed animation code in viewWillAppear rather than viewDidAppear. Animation code does not run properly when placed in WILL or SHOULD methods.
Can you please post back what caused the issue?
Suspicion #1
I am betting that your code is not being called because it is in ViewDidLoad. I believe you are creating a customized view stack, that means you need to be using the ChildViewController methods from Cocoa.
I am unfamiliar with MonoTouch (I only write pure CocoaTouch), so this might not be 100% correct
I would be consoling out your viewDidLoad and viewDidAppear methods and absolutely make sure they are being called. It is my suspicion that viewDidLoad IS NOT. And this is causing viewDidLoad to not be called on the UIImageView.
In your code you probably need the equivalent of (from objective-c):
[self addChildViewController:viewController];
// OR?
[base addChildViewController:viewController];
This tells the 'parent' viewController that the Child has been made visible, so call the viewDidLoad/Appear and Unload/Disappear methods when appropriate. This might not exist in MonoTouch, or the Push methods might not be fully implemented, so you might need to do some hacky (bad) stuff like manually calling the viewDidLoad method manually.
Suspicion #2
It could also be that your 'list' variable (the one holding the images) is nil. If that happened the animation would not run. OR maybe it has something to do with the duration of your animation, try to set it to whatever would make it repeat forever. Be sure it isn't running REAL FAST somehow and you are just missing it.
begin philosophical musing
Either that or start learning actual Cocoa development :) Not meant as a flame, but definitely meant seriously, you are going to run into problems trying to develop applications through translation layers (custom language-bridges meant to get around writing the base language of a framework/application/platform).
Titanium/MonoTouch/PhoneGap will never produce as robust or high-quality applications as real Objective-C. And besides that, once you learn Cocoa it will change how you write everything else, and I doubt you will want to go back. As the wonderful website of the same name says, 'Cocoa is my girlfriend'
Let me tell the something about UI in IOS. In IOS access to the UI Elements is limited to a single thread.
The single thread would always be the mainThread except in the case when you are running an animation.
Hence when u are performing number of animation at the same instance you have to use
setFrame (or) some methods that changes state of UI element.
Repeat step2 for all those objects u are scheduling to animate.
comitAnimations to perform all animations at once. (using comit animations ensure all the animations are performed on same thread)
So, I guess here is what happening in ur case.
Viewcontroller started an animation to push the view controller into stack.
Image view started another animation before finishing first animation.
Look at the links to get a clear idea link1 and link2.
Well Let's get into the solution
Add an ivar and retained property named ctlAnimations to your class
In ViewDidLoad (or) ViewDidAppear
self.ctlAnimations = new UIImageView();
ctlAnimations.image=(UIImage*)[list.toArray() objectAtIndex:0];
[self performSelector:#selector(startAnimatingImage) afterDelay:0.1];
Create a private method named startAnimatingImage with below code
self.ctlAnimations.AnimationImages = list.ToArray();
ctlAnimations.AnimationDuration = 1.0 * list.Count;
On a brief we just shown first image for a moment when the firstanimation is taken place and then we delayed animation start for 1 second so that it performs after first animation and then starts animating the image.
Go ahead and give it a try
There is the concept for the Main thread. So UIAnimation are actually works on Main Thread and at the same time may be this was happen that another task is performing on the same Main Thread.So that was a case like IOS will give preference according to processes id of each process at a time and for the solution you need to make background thread for the same operations.
Well, I never figured out what the problem was here, but it also turned out that there was some sort of memory leak in UIImage such that on some phones my code was crashing.
So I rewrote it to do the animation manually. Now I set a timer and keep a frame index variable, and every time the timer rings I change the image myself. This amounts to the same thing, and it turns out it fixes this problem.

Poor animation performance transitioning to UIViewController (via UINavigationController) and not sure why

I have a simple UIViewController whose view is created via a Nib. Here's the structure of the Nib:
And a screenshot of the layout:
Whatever the previous view (there are 2 possibilities), there is significant stutter/lag when transitioning to this view. Even the keyboard animation is lagged. Also, this is only on an actual device.
I've tried removing the MKMapView to see if that was the case, but it didn't make a difference.
Is the Nib too complex? Should I load everything via code? I'm not sure what it could be, but its really annoying, especially when the rest of the app is super crisp.
As far as code goes, its nothing special: just alloc/init a view, push it onto a UINavigationController, etc. Nothing in the viewWillAppear:/viewWillDisappear:.
Coming from Reddit, where you posted code (probably want to do that here too):
My guess would be the lag is coming from the section from line 44 through 80ish, where you build the overlay. Something in there might be taking longer than you think (Spotpoint unSerialize sounds fishy). You typically want to do as little work as possible in viewDidLoad, since that is called as the UI is transitioning to the new view controller.
Try throwing that code into a GCD queue or running it in the background, and see if that helps the loading stutter.

"Unbalanced calls to begin/end appearance transitions" warning when push a view in a modal way in XCode 4 with Storyboard

After some research on the web without success, I come here to ask you the question about my warning.
Actually, I have a view V1 with a navigation controller and I want to push a modal view V2 when V1 has finished loading.
So I use the performSegueWithIdentifier method (I'm using storyboard).
Here is my code:
[self performSegueWithIdentifier:#"showConnexionViewSegue" sender:self];
And when I compile, I got this warning:
Unbalanced calls to begin/end appearance transitions for <UINavigationController: 0x6849b30>
Can anyone help me?
It sounds like you may be performing the segue in -viewWillAppear: thus generating two -viewWillAppear: messages without 2 corresponding -viewDidAppear messages.
Try performing the segue in -viewDidAppear.
I had this problem, but what I had done is on a UIViewController I had linked a Segue from a UIButton and also coded it into a nextBtnPressed: function, so I was actually pushing two new UIViewControllers on the one button press. Limiting it to just the one segue fixed it. But it took some investigating to see that I had done this double up.
'Unbalanced calls to begin/end appearance transitions for '
Says an animation is started before the last related animation isnt done.
So, are you popping any view controller before pushing the new one ?
Or may be popping to root ? if yes try doing so without animation
i.e. [self.navigationController popToRootViewControllerAnimated:NO];
And see if this resolves the issue, In my case this did the trick.
The reasons for this are manifold and are very specific to the context and the programming. For example, what I was doing was
initialising a sound file, playing it (asynchronously) for 1.4 seconds,
making an image move across the screen using animation timed to last 1.4 seconds and,
with a timer set to 1.4 seconds after step 2, pushing a viewcontroller.
What i discovered is that if I DO NOT have the instructions for these 3 steps one after the other (if I mix them up), then I get the error "Unbalanced calls...". Also, if I time the push of the viewcontroller to less than 1.4 seconds, I get the message as well.
So, check that the sequence and timing of your program instructions are correct.

viewDidAppear, but where is viewDidShowToUser?

I have an iphone3g with this function running in my ViewController
- (void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated {
[super viewDidLoad];
I use a TabBar iphone app. But when I click from tab 1 to tab 2 and debug the secondView Controller it is stopped before the view is actually in the users view.
So there for when you click tab 2 until every function inside - (void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated is complete the user gets to see the view.
Where is the function ViewDidShowToUser? Now I have a few functions running so it's sometimes slow and you're thinking the button is not working really..
First of all, you're calling [super viewDidLoad] instead of [super viewDidAppear:animated] inside your implementation of -viewDidAppear:
Secondly, using the debugger and breakpoints gives an artificial view of how your app behaves. In real world usage, users aren't going to notice that the -viewDidAppear: method returns before actually showing the view.
The real problem is your work that takes too long to complete and makes the app appear sluggish. You should consider performing the work asynchronously, and you have a couple of options to do that.
In your viewDidAppear: implementation you could use performSelector:withObject:afterDelay: to queue up the work. This method will return immediately and schedule your selector to be called in whatever time period you specify. If you pass 0 as the delay, it'll be queued up to run on the next iteration of the run loop, effectively giving you a way to return from the method and keep the user interface responsive.
You could use blocks, if you're not targeting anything below iOS4, and harness the power of Grand Central Dispatch to thread out your work nice and safely.
you are calling super on viewDidLoad: inside of viewDidAppear: ....change the line [super viewDidLoad]; to [super viewDidAppear:animated];
There's no easy way to tell.
UIKit makes UIViews. UIViews draw to CALayers. CALayers are handled by CoreAnimation.
CoreAnimation decides when to ask UIView to draw the layers. It draws all the layers on screen and then composites them on the GPU. Only after they're composited does the screen display the updated UI. This decoupling happens in order to allow CoreAnimation to do the majority of the work independently of the UI thread, but it means that you can't easily tell what's "actually on screen".
There is no easy way to tell when the screen has actually displayed something (apart from the now-private UIGetScreenImage()). viewDidAppear: gets called after UIKit finishes constructing (and animating) the views/layers. At that point, they will be "seen" by CoreAnimation after the next run loop, and displayed shortly thereafter. If you do lots of processing in viewDidAppear:, then CoreAnimation will never see the updated "model tree".