[TRAC]: Generate (welcome) pages for individual and specific user name? - plugins

I want TRAC to generate individual pages for specific user name.
For example USER1 after successful login will see:
The same way USER2 will see his/her individual page/pages. Especially I'm interested in putting links exclusive to user name in welcome page or sub pages.
Does anyone know a plugin or a way to do this?

[SOLVED]: Install those TRAC plugins: TracMyPagePlugin and TracUserPagePlugin. Read documentation for them on trac-hacks.org


How to hide a page based on the logged-in user in CQ5?

I want to hide a page in navigation component based on the logged in user. I have two approaches in mind. Set permissions on the page's node in CRX-DE; denying it for all users; and then allowing it for specific groups. I have been trying it; not found much success. Else; I can get the id of the logged in user in the jsp and based on the user group; I can set the page's property 'Hide in Navigation' . But I am not able to find how to set that property in jsp. Please suggest.
I am using the default authentication.I wanted to hide a page from navigation in the default 'list' component. If I use CUG; the users belonging to that group will still be able to see that particular page's link in the list component; and would be asked for login on clicking on that page.I want the link itself to be hidden if the user belonged to a particular group
If you are using the default authentication features in AEM (like Geometrixx), which rely on users that exist in AEM, you can use Closed User Groups. CUG allows you to set what users or groups can or cannot see a specific page. You can see where to set CUGs in the page properties dialog for each page. I'm pretty sure CUG settings inherit down the page hierarchy as well.
Using the JCR permissions for this is a good deal more complex, because it's such a low-level architectural thing. However, for more complex solutions, sometimes it's a necessary part of the equation.
I agree with ryanluka that going for JCR permissions should be avoided when the problem can be solved by much simpler approach. I modified the list.jsp of the default list component. Extracted the login user's id using Userpropertiesutil; and based on the group; wrote the code in jQuery to remove that particular page's div from list component.

SharePoint Site redirect based on SharePoint Group

I have three separate user group say HR, IT and Supplies this three groups have their own sub sites.
but they have a common top level site say "http://xyz.com"
When a user from HR opens the top level site he should be redirected automatically to the respective sub-site (site1) similarly IT to site2 and same with Supplies.
Can this be done using OOTB method.
If your site is using unique permissions at subsite level, following might work. I am explaining it for a single group IT:
[1] Add content editors in your welcome page of root lelvel site.
[2] Set chrome type to none, and set all it sharepoint groups in audience
[3] set content to
&ltscript type="text/javascript">window.location.href='/IT/';</script>
Same way add content editor web part for each subsite.
This way, if someone from IT group logs in, then and then the content editor web part become visible and the script redirects them to IT home page. This is just a hint, not a real solution.
Draw backs:
[1] Admins will also redirect to the same page and no one will be able to edit the page.
[2] Someone having permission to access more than one department will redirect to any site randomly based on script execution order.
There are ways to improve script written in content editor web part to overcome both of the above changes. You can simply using sharepoint javascript api to improve the script.
Let me know if this makes sense.

Group page not showing some members name from Graph API

Could someone explain to me why a few of my members from my group page have blank data for their names but their Facebook ID shows up just fine?
An example of what I am talking about would be:
<name>Bobby Bushay</name>
And the ones that show the fb id but not the name look like this:
<name> </name>
So I figure it has something to do with their privacy settings maybe? If so, where would I need to direct them in order to change that privacy setting so it can be read? Oddly enough though when I am using the Facebook Graph API Explorer and I click on their ID it gives me all their info including their first and last name?
What happens if you go to the User's profile page? E.g. facebook.com/{profile_id}
Its could be that those users are preventing their information being shared to the group / or members of it.
Ask the user to edit the How people bring your info to apps they use settings on their account, found under Privacy Settings > Apps, games and websites. Maybe that will make a difference. In particular, check if the Bio checkbox is checked.

How to find Facebook group id by name

I have a Facebook application, which I would like to be able to read facebook group feeds.
I have a user-input feed url, that looks like this: http://www.facebook.com/groups/music.sharing/
To access the feed though, I can only use its id, like this: http://graph.facebook.com/[id of group]/feed
I cannot find anything for that in the reference, FQL doesn't allow querying by name so .. I'm stuck. Any ideas ?
Its not possible right now, there are multiple open "bugs" and another stating the issue...
All the ways I have tried have failed... e.g. (below would work for pages)
fql?q=select id from profile where username='music.sharing'
We are facing this same problem on our current project. It is not an elegant solution that uses the API, but for now we will be using a workaround by scraping the HTML of the group landing page. The group ID number appears four times on this page in the html via links. The most reliable way to search for the ID is to search for "cid=" as it only appears once (right now, anyway) on the page (what follows cid= is the numerical ID). You'll see what I mean when you examine the html of a group page.
If you found a more efficient solution, I'd be grateful if you shared :)
A possible alternative until bug resolution could be: if you are asking your users for permissions then you can ask for the additional permission, user_groups, and then query graph api http://graph.facebook.com/[id of user]/groups. The returned data has group name, id, version, bookmark_order.

is it possible to customize bugzilla fields ( text fields, text area etc)?

I have one product and several components of this product. Each component have several reported bugs.
Every bug has been assigned to a specific user.
I want to customize some text fields/areas for that user, so that he/she can not edit that specific field.
I also want to customize some text fields/areas for for Bug Creator (who files the new bug) so that he/she can not edit his/her posted bug.
Is it possible ?
Can we customize these fields via making changes in code ? or by installing some plugins ? or any other way ?
Permission/restrictions on groups are also not working. For example I created 2 groups A and B. Group A have full permissions (Create and Edit bug) but group B don't have any permission but only READONLY. But there is no difference between the user's rights those either belongs to group A or B (both can create and edit bugs). How i can limits the users belongs to group B ?
Only Developer should able the create/edit the fields but Client should not able to edit the bug.
The following discussion was very helpful for me. As i have ProductA, ProductB and groups Client, Developer.
Product A:
ReadCreateA: Entry/Mandatory/Mandatory/-- EditA: --/NA/NA/Canedit Similar for Product B.
For this, you need to give editbugs privileges to developers. If you want to restrict editbugs privileges in other products, you need to set up a group they are not a member of as xx/xx/xx/Canedit for the other products. In your particular setup, this is already covered by the EditA and EditB groups.
(Works fine ) When I use the above guide , it works perfectly except posting comments. I am getting following error while posting comment --> "You are not permitted to edit bugs in product Product A"
but I want users of "Group UsersA" should not edit the bug (that is fine) but must be able to post the comment.
How can I manage this?
Any help would be appreciated!
You will need to modify code to accomplish this. See http://www.bugzilla.org/docs/4.2/en/html/cust-change-permissions.html for details.
Here is very nice discussion and I think my 75% problem has been solved.
but in this case user are not able to post the comments, now I need to find the ways that user should not able to edit the bug fields but user could post comments anyway.