google maps in UIWebView passing data from core - iphone

I want to use to UIWebView to display google maps mobile website for my app. However; I need the current user location to be passed into the webview so that it may show a route. What steps must I take in order to not only pass the current location to the google maps url but also pass what I want it to route(for example, Costco)?
Second, my app is going to be a paid app and I was wondering if it is even possible to use google maps due to this? The app does not only have gps but other sections as well that I created myself.
Thank you so much

I think you dont want to show google-maps in an UIWebView. You should use either the MapKit-Framework or any other maps-framework like for instance route-me.
In both framework it is possible to draw polylines (links: MapKit, route-me) (which represents a route) and any other stuff like pins and a bubble with a circle around it which indicates the current location (links: MapKit, route-me (should be somewhere in the sample-programs)).


Covering a MKMapView with an image

I want to create kind of a map view, just without the map..
Sound strange? I'll explain - I have a bunch of coordinates representing users location that I want to show on screen with there relative location from one another and from the user location (in center of the screen). But I don't want to show the map itself because I don't won't to expose the real address for privacy issues.
The map should look something like this:
I though of using the regular map kit so I have all of its functionality but I'm not sure how to do that. and I'm not sure if this is a violation of the google service license...
Any ideas?
You might want to consider to just ignore the mapkit and go with just location and images as pins. You can easily calculate where a person is standing in relation to another by just the longitude and latitude. it is not a violation of the terms as the gps from the iphone has nothing to do with google. Only the actual maps do.
(however if you are using google api related stuff without showing a map it might be a violation, for example you cannot query for altitude to google itself without showing a map. But then again the phone's gps gives you the altitude.)
Well, First of all it will be the violation of Google, as MKMapView by default will query map tiles from Google server behind your hidden Overlay. So don't do that,
What I would suggest is to look into third party customize map solution for iOS. Something like MapBox.
See : MapBox
iOS SDK of MapBox : SDK
In which you can customize the color and look and feel of your Maps and location. There are paid option and free options too. Regarding the privacy issue I suggest you shoot an Email to MapBox people and ask if you can just hide the street names from the App.

iPhone iOS should mapkit based apps look like the iPhone native maps app?

I'm building a map kit based app with a map view to display a list of pre-determined locations. I "borrowed" the look and feel of the maps app - the search bar with bookmarks list on top, the zoom to user location button in bottom left, the peel corner to reveal map type controls in bottom right.
To display a route to the map annotation, I'm opening the native maps app to plot the route.
Is this kind of "maps app" like look and feel of the maps app encouraged, or am I violating some clause ? I have not seen anything map specific in the app store review guidelines, but would like to make sure that I wont have any review trouble with my maps app.
Thank you for your input!
What does your app do? If all it does is let users search places and get directions to them, then yeah you're blatantly ripping off the built-in app. But if this is a small part of your app, and it does a bunch of other things with original UI, then sure - why not present the user with a familiar UI paradigm? It all depends on what your app does, and how much of it you're copying from other apps, and for what scenarios.
From the Location Awareness Programming Guide:
Important The Map Kit framework uses Google services to provide map data. Use of the framework and its associated interfaces binds you to the Google Maps/Google Earth API terms of service. You can find these terms of service at
In my experience, what you're doing is just fine as long as you don't obscure the google logo at the bottom of the map.

iOS Mapkit - Cache maps?

I need maps of certain areas available when no internet connection is available.
It would be like this:
User loads app internet connection is available
App downloads list of coordinates and places pins on the map
User leaves their house and has no internet connection
Pins and map remain readily available for user to interact with, even without internet connection
How do I do this?
You probably won't use MKMapView and MapKit for that, but the Google Maps Static API that allows you to download static images (even with pins on it) directly.
Here is the example given by the Google Maps API doc itself
Then you can store this image and display it in an UIImageView in a UIScrollView for example.
Possibly the above mentioned Google API achieves just this, but another approach is to create a KML file using Google custom maps or some other service and then download and display it. An example can be found here. Alternatively, MapBox has this functionality built in. Go to this webpage, click command-f and search for "offline", and you will find the relevant information. One last suggestion- as an inelegant hack, if no other option works, you could try saving the html of the google maps webpage for the area and then loading that html file from your main bundle into your map view. I have no idea if that would work, but in a last case scenario it would be worth a shot.

Standard practice for showing a location in IOS - mapkit or link to google map?

I have an app that I want to have a button that will show you the location of somewhere (it's a conference app, so want to show the convention centre on google map). At the moment my link opens up google maps with the long/lat.
My question is, is that standard practice in IOS? or it against some design guideline (seeing as it opens another app). Should I embed a mapkit view instead? I'm under a really tight deadline so don't want to get my app rejected, so thought I'd ask which was the generally accepted practice.
Neither will get your app rejected but using an embedded map will make your users happier. You might also give a button which opens the location in the maps app so the user can get directions.

How to implement google maps in my iPhone application

I am totally confused with google maps and maps of iPhone...
i have read that iPhone uses google maps.....and also spent some time on it....
But it never display the items like location pictures, balloons etc.
THIS is photo for of browser
and following is same place for iPhone maps
second one did not show the annotation added by people.....
(this is what i was asking for ballons or other pictures which people adds to location on oogle maps)
I want to display all those in my application....
what should i do...
if you suggests implement Google maps API, then please suggest a working link...or provide some sample code if possible.....if anybody has done it...then please mail me at
waiting for answer......
Points of Interests(location, pictures and baloons) that you are talking about can be shown in your maps, if you acquire the license for Google maps premier api. In that case you'd have to use dynamic maps by using google's web services. However if you want to implement it using MapKit framework on iOS devices, you'd have to draw your custom POIs using core graphics.
Apple has a special agreement with Google to use their maps on their platform. The internet is packed with examples of usage of MKMapView along with annotations (pins, there're no baloons on iPhone).