Valid identifier characters in Scala - scala

One thing I find quite confusing is knowing which characters and combinations I can use in method and variable names. For instance
val #^ = 1 // legal
val # = 1 // illegal
val + = 1 // legal
val &+ = 1 // legal
val &2 = 1 // illegal
val £2 = 1 // legal
val ¬ = 1 // legal
As I understand it, there is a distinction between alphanumeric identifiers and operator identifiers. You can mix an match one or the other but not both, unless separated by an underscore (a mixed identifier).
From Programming in Scala section 6.10,
An operator identifier consists of one or more operator characters.
Operator characters are printable ASCII characters such as +, :, ?, ~
or #.
More precisely, an operator character belongs to the Unicode set
of mathematical symbols(Sm) or other symbols(So), or to the 7-bit
ASCII characters that are not letters, digits, parentheses, square
brackets, curly braces, single or double quote, or an underscore,
period, semi-colon, comma, or back tick character.
So we are excluded from using ()[]{}'"_.;, and `
I looked up Unicode mathematical symbols on Wikipedia, but the ones I found didn't include +, :, ? etc. Is there a definitive list somewhere of what the operator characters are?
Also, any ideas why Unicode mathematical operators (rather than symbols) do not count as operators?

Working from the EBNF syntax in the spec:
upper ::= ‘A’ | ... | ‘Z’ | ‘$’ | ‘_’ and Unicode category Lu
lower ::= ‘a’ | ... | ‘z’ and Unicode category Ll
letter ::= upper | lower and Unicode categories Lo, Lt, Nl
digit ::= ‘0’ | ... | ‘9’
opchar ::= “all other characters in \u0020-007F and Unicode
categories Sm, So except parentheses ([]) and periods”
But also taking into account the very beginning on Lexical Syntax that defines:
Parentheses ‘(’ | ‘)’ | ‘[’ | ‘]’ | ‘{’ | ‘}’.
Delimiter characters ‘‘’ | ‘’’ | ‘"’ | ‘.’ | ‘;’ | ‘,’
Here is what I come up with. Working by elimination in the range \u0020-007F, eliminating letters, digits, parentheses and delimiters, we have for opchar... (drumroll):
! # % & * + - / : < = > ? # \ ^ | ~
and also Sm and So - except for parentheses and periods.
(Edit: adding valid examples here:). In summary, here are some valid examples that highlights all cases - watch out for \ in the REPL, I had to escape as \\:
val !#%&*+-/:<=>?#\^|~ = 1 // all simple opchars
val simpleName = 1
val withDigitsAndUnderscores_ab_12_ab12 = 1
val wordEndingInOpChars_!#%&*+-/:<=>?#\^|~ = 1
val !^©® = 1 // opchars ans symbols
val abcαβγ_!^©® = 1 // mixing unicode letters and symbols
Note 1:
I found this Unicode category index to figure out Lu, Ll, Lo, Lt, Nl:
Lu (uppercase letters)
Ll (lowercase letters)
Lo (other letters)
Lt (titlecase)
Nl (letter numbers like roman numerals)
Sm (symbol math)
So (symbol other)
Note 2:
val #^ = 1 // legal - two opchars
val # = 1 // illegal - reserved word like class or => or #
val + = 1 // legal - opchar
val &+ = 1 // legal - two opchars
val &2 = 1 // illegal - opchar and letter do not mix arbitrarily
val £2 = 1 // working - £ is part of Sc (Symbol currency) - undefined by spec
val ¬ = 1 // legal - part of Sm
Note 3:
Other operator-looking things that are reserved words: _ : = => <- <: <% >: # # and also \u21D2 ⇒ and \u2190 ←

The language specification. gives the rule in Chapter 1, lexical syntax (on page 3):
Operator characters. These consist of all printable ASCII
characters \u0020-\u007F. which are in none of the sets above,
mathematical sym- bols(Sm) and other symbols(So).
This is basically the same as your extract of Programming in Programming in Scala. + is not an Unicode mathematical symbol, but it is definitely an ASCII printable character not listed above (not a letter, including _ or $, a digit, a paranthesis, a delimiter).
In your list:
# is illegal not because the character is not an operator character
(#^ is legal), but because it is a reserved word (on page 4), for type projection.
&2 is illegal because you mix an operator character & and a non-operator character, digit 2
£2 is legal because £ is not an operator character: it is not a seven bit ASCII, but 8 bit extended ASCII. It is not nice, as $ is not one either (it is considered a letter).

use backticks to escape limitations and use Unicode symbols
val `r→f` = 150


Greedy negative lookbehind (in Swift)

I'm in need of a regular expression that acts like the following:
matches (any part of foo() in the following statement):
arg: foo()
(arg: foo()) {}
does not match:
I currently have the following, but it has some problems:
^\s*? includes any whitespace at the beginning of the line, which means arg: foo() doesn't match the foo() bit. I had to include this to get the # lookbehind working correctly;
(?<!#) is a lookbehind to discard the match if a # before the thing() is matched;
(\w+?)\( matches the part of thething( correctly, only if there's no # before it.
If there's no ^\s*? in the regex, it would be behaving partly correct, but this shouldn't happen. It should rather discard the match entirely (not just for one character):
It has to discard the match entirely if any # is before it, although it must match this correctly: #Mode foo() (the foo() bit, disregarding the #Mode before it).
If there are any tips to help me out, that would be awesome!
See regex proof.
(?<! look behind to see if there is not:
[\w#] any character of: word characters (a-z,
A-Z, 0-9, _), '#'
) end of look-behind
\w+ word characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _) (1 or
more times (matching the most amount
\( '('
\) ')'

Avoiding duplicate items in a comma-separated list of two-letter words

I need to write a regex which allows a group of 2 chars only once. This is my current regex :
This allows me to validate something like this :
The problem is that it validates also AL,AL and AL,RA,AL.
Here there are more details.
What is allowed:
What it shouldn't be allowed:
I need that every group of two characters appears only once in the sequence.
Try something like this expression:
I have no knowledge of swift, so take it with a grain of salt. The idea is basically to only match a whole line while making sure that no single matched group occurs at a later point in the line.
First of all, let's shorten your pattern. It can be easily achieved since the length of each comma-separated item is fixed and the list items are only made up of uppercase ASCII letters. So, your pattern can be written as ^(?:[A-Z]{2}(?:,\b)?)+$. See this regex demo.
Now, you need to add a negative lookahead that will check the string for any repeating two-letter sequence at any distance from the start of string, and within any distance between each. Use
See the regex demo
Possible implementation in Swift:
func isValidInput(Input:String) -> Bool {
return Input.range(of: #"^(?!.*\b([A-Z]{2})\b.*\b\1\b)(?:[A-Z]{2}(?:,\b)?)+$"#, options: .regularExpression) != nil
print(isValidInput(Input:"AL,RA,GD")) // true
print(isValidInput(Input:"AL,RA,AL")) // false
^ - start of string
(?!.*\b([A-Z]{2})\b.*\b\1\b) - a negative lookahead that fails the match if, immediately to the right of the current location, there is:
.* - any 0+ chars other than line break chars, as many as possible
\b([A-Z]{2})\b - a two-letter word as a whole word
.* - any 0+ chars other than line break chars, as many as possible
\b\1\b - the same whole word as in Group 1. NOTE: The word boundaries here are not necessary in the current scenario where the word length is fixed, it is two, but if you do not know the word length, and you have [A-Z]+, you will need the word boundaries, or other boundaries depending on the situation
(?:[A-Z]{2}(?:,\b)?)+ - 1 or more sequences of:
[A-Z]{2} - two uppercase ASCII letters
(?:,\b)? - an optional sequence: , only if followed with a word char: letter, digit or _. This guarantees that , won't be allowed at the end of the string
$ - end of string.
You can use a negative lookahead with a back-reference:
if, as in the all the examples in the question, it is known that the string contains only comma-separated pairs of capital letters. I will relax that assumption later in my answer.
The regex performs the following operations:
^ # match beginning of line
(?! # begin negative lookahead
.* # match 0+ characters (1+ OK)
([A-Z]{2}) # match 2 uppercase letters in capture group 1
.* # match 0+ characters (1+ OK)
\1 # match the contents of capture group 1
) # end negative lookahead
.* # match 0+ characters (the entire string)
Suppose now that one or more capital letters may appear between each pair of commas, or before the first comma or after the last comma, but it is only strings of two letters that cannot be repeated. Moreover, I assume the regex must confirm the regex has the desired form. Then the following regex could be used:
The regex performs the following operations:
^ # match beginning of line
(?= # begin pos lookahead
[A-Z]+ # match 1+ uc letters
(?:,[A-Z]+) # match ',' then by 1+ uc letters in a non-cap grp
* # execute the non-cap grp 0+ times
$ # match the end of the line
) # end pos lookahead
(?! # begin neg lookahead
.* # match 0+ chars
(?:^|,) # match beginning of line or ','
([A-Z]{2}) # match 2 uc letters in cap grp 1
, # match ','
(?:.*,) # match 0+ chars, then ',' in non-cap group
? # optionally match non-cap grp
\1 # match the contents of cap grp 1
(?:,|$) # match ',' or end of line
) # end neg lookahead
.* # match 0+ chars (entire string)
If there is no need check that the string contains only comma-separated strings of one or more upper case letters the postive lookahead at the beginning can be removed.

Swift Regex Search String Except \r\n and \t

I am attempting to match phone numbers that is 6 digits or more with the following regex in swift. Phone numbers can also possess paranthesis and + for country codes.
However, the above implementation matches \r\n and \t as well. How can I write the regex such that it will not match any \r\n or \t.
I attempted the following but didn't work:
"[0-9\\s\\-\\+\\(\\)(?: (\\r|\\n|\\r\\n|\\t)]{6,}"
I suggest using
let regex = "^(?:[ +()-]*[0-9]){6,}[ +()-]*$"
let regex = "^(?:[ +()-]*[0-9]){6,}[ +()-]*\\z"
^ - start of string
(?:[ +()-]*[0-9]){6,} - six or more repetitions of
[ +()-]* - zero or more spaces, +, (, ) or - chars
[0-9] - a digit
[ +()-]* - zero or more spaces, +, (, ) or - chars
$ - end of string (\z is the very end of string).
If the pattern is used inside NSPredicate with MATCHES you may omit the ^ and $/\z anchors.

Created unicode & unicode without whitespace generators in ScalaCheck

During testing we want to qualify unicode characters, sometimes with wide ranges and sometimes more narrow. I've created a few specific generators:
// Generate a wide varying of Unicode strings with all legal characters (21-40 characters):
val latinUnicodeCharacter = Gen.choose('\u0041', '\u01B5').filter(Character.isDefined)
// Generate latin Unicode strings with all legal characters (21-40 characters):
val latinUnicodeGenerator: Gen[String] = Gen.chooseNum(21, 40).flatMap { n =>
Gen.sequence[String, Char](List.fill(n)(latinUnicodeCharacter))
// Generate latin unicode strings without whitespace (21-40 characters): !! COMES UP SHORT...
val latinUnicodeGeneratorNoWhitespace: Gen[String] = Gen.chooseNum(21, 40).flatMap { n =>
Gen.sequence[String, Char](List.fill(n)(latinUnicodeCharacter)).map(_.replaceAll("[\\p{Z}\\p{C}]", ""))
The latinUnicodeCharacter generator picks from characters ranging from standard latin ("A," "B," etc.) up to higher order latin character (Germanic/Nordic and others). This is good for testing latin-based character input for, say, names.
The latinUnicodeGenerator creates strings of 21-40 characters in length. These strings include horizontal space (not just a space character but other "horizontal space").
The final example, latinUnicodeGeneratorNoWhitespace, is used for say email addresses. We want the latin characters but we don't want spaces, control codes, and the like. The problem: Because I'm mapping the final result String and filtering out the control characters, the String shrinks and I end up with a total length that is less than 21 characters (sometimes).
So the question is: How can I implement latinUnicodeGeneratorNoWhitespace but do it inside the generator in such a way that I always get 21-40 character strings?
You could do this by putting together a sequence of your non-whitespace characters, another of whitespace, and then picking from either only the non-whitespace, or from both together:
import org.scalacheck.Gen
val myChars = ('A' to 'Z') ++ ('a' to 'z')
val ws = Seq(' ', '\t')
val myCharsGenNoWhitespace: Gen[String] = Gen.chooseNum(21, 40).flatMap { n =>
Gen.buildableOfN[String, Char](n, Gen.oneOf(myChars))
val myCharsGen: Gen[String] = Gen.chooseNum(21, 40).flatMap { n =>
Gen.buildableOfN[String, Char](n, Gen.oneOf(myChars ++ ws))
I would suggest considering what you're really testing for, though—the more you restrict the test cases, the less you're checking about how your program will behave on unexpected inputs.

Why is there space at end of method names ending with an operator?

I've been learning Scala recently, and learned that for method names, if the method name ends in an operator symbol (such as defining unary_- for a class), and we specify the return type, we need a space between the final character of the method and the : which let's us specify the return type.
def unary_-: Rational = new Rational(-numer, denom)
The reasoning I have heard for this is that : is also a legal part of an identifier, so we need a way of separating the identifier and the end of the method name. But letters are legal parts of identifiers too, so why don't we need a space if we just have a method name that is all letters?
To quote the language spec (p. 12) or html:
First, an identifier can start with a letter
which can be followed by an arbitrary sequence of letters and digits. This may be
followed by underscore ‘_’ characters and another string composed of either letters
and digits or of operator characters
That is, to include operator characters into identifiers, they must be joined with an underscore.
Looking at def unary_-: Rational = new Rational(-numer, denom), with the underscore joining unary with -:, the colon is interpreted as part of the method name if there is no space. Therefore, with the colon being part of the method name, it can't find the colon precedes the return type.
scala> def test_-: Int = 1 // the method name is `test_-:`
<console>:1: error: '=' expected but identifier found.
scala> def test_- : Int = 1 // now the method name is `test_-`, and this is okay.
test_$minus: Int
If you want the colon to be part of the method name, it would have to look like this:
scala> def test_-: : Int = 1
test_$minus$colon: Int
Method names with just letters will not have this problem, because the colon isn't absorbed into the name following an underscore.