How to get Events Admin of Facebook event using Graph Api iphone dev? - iphone

Can any one help me on that how can i get Admin of events from facebook using graph api, i also search field of event which facebook provided to us but couldn't get admin field, kindly help me on that thanks in advance

You can try this:{event_id}/admins

Using FQL, query the event table ( and read the creator (id of user who created the event). More than likely they should be one of the admins for the event.


How can I query the subscribed webhook events for a Facebook app?

I would like to be able to query the webhook configuration of a Facebook app.
That is, when you setup a webhook for your FB app, you specify what events you want to subscribe to:
My question is pretty simple: is there a way to query which events have been subscribed to for a given FB app/page ID?
Thanks in advance.
Apparently you can do this by querying "subscriptions" of the Graph API.
Go to Graph API explorer tool on
In the "Access Token:" field, enter the string: YOUR_APP_ID|YOUR_APP_SECRET
In the GET/v2.8/ field, enter: YOUR_APP_ID/subscriptions
The resulting JSON will contain what events you've registered for: data[0].fields
A smart friend told me how to do this. :)

Facebook Graph Api - Event

Is there any methods/ways to create a Facebook event without using graph api?
Thank you in advance!
There is no way to automate it, if that is your question. You need to go to and create an Event as User or Page.

Get join date of a Facebook user

Is there a way to get the join date in facebook API?
Im looking on the API docs but I can't find anything.
reason: we don't want a user to register using new created account in our site to avoid multiple dummy accounts? Is there anyway to do this?
Unfortunately there is no such field in the Graph API. Have a look at

how to make a facebook app request a specific id for each user?

This is the first time I am using FB's API and I was wondering how would you make an app request a specific id for each individual user? Basically what I am doing is setting up a page hosting service and I would need to have the app request the specific page for each user apart. This might be trivial but I couldn't find any info on this! Any info is greatly appreciated!
Thank you,
You can achieve this by using :
By graph api :

facebook graph search for all events

Does somebody know how to load all events with the Facebook graph api? I want to query all public events, but I have to specify a search string.
This is how to query on 'graph':
But I can't seem to not use the 'q'.
Any help would be appreciated.
You would have to make sure you had the "user_events" permissions.
Then you can use open graph to get all the events a user is attending by:
You can find more details in the User API for OpenGraph here: