(defun dump-db ()
(dolist (cd *db*)
(format t "~{~a:~10t~a~%~}~%" cd)))
The dolist makes it go through every element of the list *db* with the variable cd right?
and ~a means print it in a more readable form, but these two confuse me.
~{ ~} does this mean anything in between will be the way every element of *db* will be formatted?
What's the : in ~{~a:?
[The] iteration directive ~{ [...] tells FORMAT to iterate over the elements of a list or over the implicit list of the format arguments. 1
The : isn't a format directive, it's just printed verbatim in after each element:
> (format t "~{~a: ~}" '(foo bar))
In Common Lisp, given that "a" is simply a character, what is the difference between #\a, 'a #'a?
My question comes from the tutorialspoint.com tutorial on Lisp. At one point the tutorial introduces:
; a character array with all initial elements set to a
; is a string actually
(write(make-array 10 :element-type 'character :initial-element #\a))
; a two dimensional array with initial values a
(setq myarray (make-array '(2 2) :initial-element 'a :adjustable t))
(write myarray)
With the output:
#2A((A A) (A A))
#' is not included in this example but I'm including it in the question because it can be confusing as well. 🙂
Thank you very much! 😊
To start, a is not "simply a character." The Lisp reader parses #\a as the character literal a, which is an object in Common Lisp. Note that #\a and #\A are different character objects.
When the Lisp reader encounters a single quote, the expression following the single quote is not evaluated. Specifically, 'a is treated as (quote a), where quote returns its argument unevaluated. Now, a is a symbol, so 'a evaluates to that symbol. But the Lisp reader upcases most characters it reads by default, so 'a really evaluates to the symbol A. The good news is that whether you type a or A, the Lisp reader will read A (unless you mess with the readtable), and both 'a and 'A evaluate to the symbol A.
When the Lisp reader encounters #'a, the entire expression is treated as (function a), which when evaluated returns the function associated with the name a. But, note that it is an error to use function, and by extension #', on an identifier that does not denote a function.
To clarify this last part a bit, consider the following REPL interaction:
CL-USER> (defvar a 1)
CL-USER> #'a
The function COMMON-LISP-USER::A is undefined.
[Condition of type UNDEFINED-FUNCTION]
Here the variable a is defined and given the value 1, but when we try to access the function denoted by a we get an error message because there is no such function. Continuing:
; Evaluation aborted on #<UNDEFINED-FUNCTION A {1002DDC303}>.
CL-USER> (defun a (x) x)
CL-USER> (a 'b)
CL-USER> #'a
Now we have defined a function named a that simply returns its argument. You can see that when we call a with an argument 'b we get the expected result: (a 'b) --> b. But, then when we evaluate a alone we still get 1. Symbols in Common Lisp are objects that have, among other cells, value cells and function cells. After the above interaction, the symbol a now has 1 in its value cell, and it has the function we have defined in its function cell. When the symbol a is evaluated the value cell is accessed, but when (function a) or #'a is evaluated, the function cell is accessed. You can see above that when #'a is evaluated, the function we defined is returned, and the REPL prints #<FUNCTION A> to show this.
As an aside, I wouldn't recommend using Tutorialspoint to learn Common Lisp. Glancing over the site, right away I see this:
LISP expressions are case-insensitive, cos 45 or COS 45 are same.
This is just wrong. And, Lisp is not written in all-caps. None of this inspires faith. Instead, find a good book. There are some recommendations on the common-lisp tag-info page.
This is to introduce a character.
CL-USER> #\a
CL-USER> (character 'a)
CL-USER> (character "a")
This is quote, to quote and not evaluate things and construct object literals.
=> error: the variable a is unbound.
CL-USER> (inspect 'a)
The object is a SYMBOL.
0. Name: "A"
2. Value: "unbound"
3. Function: "unbound"
4. Plist: NIL
> q
CL-USER> (equal (list 1 2) (quote (1 2))) ;; aka '(1 2)
T ;; but watch out with object literals constructed with quote, prefer constructor functions.
and #'
This is sharpsign-quote to reference a function.
CL-USER> #'a
=> error: The function COMMON-LISP-USER::A is undefined.
CL-USER> (defun a () (print "hello A"))
CL-USER> (a)
"hello A"
"hello A"
CL-USER> #'a
CL-USER> (function a)
One can ask Lisp to describe the data objects you've mentioned.
If we look at the expressions:
CL-USER 13 > (dolist (object (list '#\a ''a '#'a))
(describe object)
#\a is a CHARACTER
Name "Latin-Small-Letter-A"
Code 97
1 A
1 A
If we look at the evaluated expressions:
CL-USER 5 > (dolist (object (list #\a 'a #'a))
(describe object)
#\a is a CHARACTER
Name "Latin-Small-Letter-A"
Code 97
VALUE #<unbound value>
FUNCTION #<interpreted function A 422005BD54>
PACKAGE #<The COMMON-LISP-USER package, 73/256 internal, 0/4 external>
#<interpreted function A 422005BD54> is a TYPE::INTERPRETED-FUNCTION
Here's my macro, what it is supposed to do is to wrap a body in let with bindings from vars-alist
(defmacro with-vars-alist (vars-alist &rest body)
`(let (,#(mapcar (lambda (cell) (list (car cell) (cdr cell))) vars-alist))
When I am looking at what it expands to using following code
(defvar my-vars-alist '((var1 . "var1")
(var2 . "var2")))
(macroexpand-1 (with-vars-alist my-vars-alist `(concat ,var1 ,var2)))
I get an error cons: Wrong type argument: sequencep, my-vars-alist
However checking it (sequencep my-vars-alist) return t.
The error is probably has some simple solution, but I am just unable to find it.
Remember that arguments to macros are un-evaluated, which means that when you pass my-vars-alist as an argument, it is passed verbatim as the symbol my-vars-alist.
Therefore during the macro expansion, vars-alist evaluates to the symbol my-vars-alist rather than the list ((var1 . "var1") (var2 . "var2")).
So the error isn't complaining that the variable my-vars-alist doesn't contain a sequence as its value, but rather that the symbol my-vars-alist is not itself a sequence (which is correct -- it's a symbol).
checking it (sequencep my-vars-alist) return t.
Which is also correct, as there my-vars-alist is evaluated as a variable to its value of ((var1 . "var1") (var2 . "var2"))
So you need to eval that argument. e.g.:
,#(mapcar (lambda (cell) (list (car cell) (cdr cell)))
(eval vars-alist))
As vars-alist is already being evaluated to the symbol my-vars-alist, this change means that we are passing that symbol my-vars-alist to eval, which evaluates it as a variable to obtain the list needed for mapcar.
You probably also wanted to quote the form you pass to macroexpand-1 (or use M-x pp-macroexpand-last-sexp).
I looks like what you're trying to do is let-bind the keys of an alist to their values, so you can use the keys as variables in the let body. There's a built in macro for this in recent Emacs:
(let-alist '((a . 1) (b . 2))
(message "a: %d, b: %d" .a .b))
Is there a way in Lisp to format a string using named parameters?
Perhaps something with association lists like
(format t "All for ~(who)a and ~(who)a for all!~%" ((who . "one")))
in order to print "All for one and one for all".
Similar to this python question, or this scala one, or even c++, but in Lisp.
If this functionality isn't in the language, does anyone have any cool functions or macros that could accomplish the same thing?
String interpolation
For simple cases, you don't need FORMAT:
(lambda (who) #?"All for $(who) and $(who) for all!")
(funcall * "one")
=> "All for one and one for all!"
Interpret format directives
If you need to format, you can do:
(setf cl-interpol:*interpolate-format-directives* t)
For example, this expression:
(let ((who "one"))
(princ #?"All for ~A(who) and ~S(who) for all!~%"))
... prints:
All for one and "one" for all!
If you are curious, the above reads as:
(LET ((WHO "one"))
(WRITE-STRING "All for " #:G1177)
(FORMAT #:G1177 "~A" (PROGN WHO))
(WRITE-STRING " and " #:G1177)
(FORMAT #:G1177 "~S" (PROGN WHO))
(WRITE-STRING " for all!" #:G1177))))
Alternate reader function
Previously, I globally set *interpolate-format-directives*, which interprets format directive in all interpolated strings.
If you want to control precisely when format directives are interpolated, you can't just bind the variable temporarily in your code, because the magic happens at read-time. Instead, you have to use a custom reader function.
(lambda (&rest args)
(let ((cl-interpol:*interpolate-format-directives* t))
(apply #'cl-interpol:interpol-reader args))))
If I reset the special variable to its default value NIL, then strings where directives are formatted are prefixed with #F, whereas normal interpolated ones use the #? syntax. If you want to change readtables, have a look at named readtables.
I'm trying to write a Lisp macro that writes a bunch of macros, but I'm having problems generating macro code that uses the splice operator (in build-bind) that expands inside expressions first.
(defmacro define-term-construct (name filter-p list-keywords)
(let* ((do-list-name (output-symbol "do-~a-list" name))
(with-name (output-symbol "with-~a" name))
(do-filter-name (output-symbol "do-~as" name)))
(defmacro ,do-list-name
(ls (&key ,#(append list-keywords '(id operation))) &body body)
(with-gensyms (el)
`(loop-list (,el ,ls :id ,id :operation ,operation)
(let (XXX,#(build-bind ,,name ,el))
(when (,',filter-p ,el)
(,',with-name ,el
After the first pass I want to get:
(define-term-construct some some-p (args name))
Any idea what quote/quasiquotes should I use to get the desired code?
The output that you say that you want want to get has unbalanced commas. ,# already balances the backquote, so you cannot have ,SOME and ,EL. That's two levels of unquoting/splicing inside only one level of backquoting.
I suspect you want:
The some symbol comes in as an argument to the original macro and has to end up as a quoted symbol when passed to the build-bind function. The EL is evaluated straight. It's just a local variable introduced by the WITH-GENSYMS binding construct, and it is not in backquote context anymore because it is inside the splice.
Transliterating that back to the the original outer macro's backquote: SOME becomes ,name:
,#(build-bind ',name el) ;; two commas out balance two backquotes in
The symbol is spliced in under the umbrella of a protecting quote which will make sure it is treated as a symbol and not a variable.
The el does not need to be spliced in; it's not variable material but a hard-coded feature of the template being generated. If you were to put ,el it would look for an el variable in the define-term-construct macro's scope, where no such thing exists.
I want to do a macro in common lisp which is supposed to take in one of its arguments a list made of slots and strings. Here is the prototype :
(defclass time-info ()
((name :initarg name)
(calls :initarg calls)
(second :initarg second)
(consing :initarg consing)
(gc-run-time :initarg gc-run-time)))
(defun print-table (output arg-list time-info-list) ())
The idea is to print a table based on the arg-list which defines its structure. Here is an example of a call to the function:
(print-table *trace-output*
'("|" name "||" calls "|" second "\")
This print a table in ascII on the trace output. The problem, is that I don't know how to explicitely get the elements of the list to use them in the different parts of my macro.
I have no idea how to do this yet, but I'm sure it can be done. Maybe you can help me :)
I would base this on format. The idea is to build a format string
from your arg-list.
I define a helper function for that:
(defun make-format-string-and-args (arg-list)
(let ((symbols ()))
(values (apply #'concatenate 'string
(mapcar (lambda (arg)
(ctypecase arg
(cl-ppcre:regex-replace-all "~" arg "~~"))
(push arg symbols)
(nreverse symbols))))
Note that ~ must be doubled in format strings in order to escape them.
The printing macro itself then just produces a mapcar of format:
(defmacro print-table (stream arg-list time-info-list)
(let ((time-info (gensym)))
(multiple-value-bind (format-string arguments)
(make-format-string-and-args arg-list)
`(mapcar (lambda (,time-info)
(format ,stream ,format-string
,#(mapcar (lambda (arg)
(list arg time-info))
You can then call it like this:
(print-table *trace-output*
("|" name "||" calls "|" second "\\")
Please note the following errors in your code:
You need to escape \ in strings.
Second is already a function name exported from the common-lisp
package. You should not clobber that with a generic function.
You need to be more precise with your requirements. Macros and Functions are different things. Arrays and Lists are also different.
We need to iterate over the TIME-INFO-LIST. So that's the first DOLIST.
The table has a description for a line. Each item in the description is either a slot-name or a string. So we iterate over the description. That's the second DOLIST. A string is just printed. A symbol is a slot-name, where we retrieve the slot-value from the current time-info instance.
(defun print-table (stream line-format-description time-info-list)
(dolist (time-info time-info-list)
(terpri stream)
(dolist (slot-or-string line-format-description)
(princ (etypecase slot-or-string
(string slot-or-string)
(symbol (slot-value time-info slot-or-string)))
> (print-table *standard-output*
'("|" name "||" calls "|" second "\\")
(list (make-instance 'time-info
:name "foo"
:calls 100
:second 10)
(make-instance 'time-info
:name "bar"
:calls 20
:second 20)))
First, you probably don't want the quote there, if you're using a macro (you do want it there if you're using a function, however). Second, do you want any padding between your separators and your values? Third, you're probably better off with a function, rather than a macro.
You also seem to be using "array" and "list" interchangeably. They're quite different things in Common Lisp. There are operations that work on generic sequences, but typically you would use one way of iterating over a list and another to iterate over an array.