How to get values from controller - zend-framework

I am trying to print hello world.
For that i created class and return function in models folder, and the returning value is "hello world".
In controller, i am getting the values from module like this:
$value = new getValue();
$this->view->index = $value->hello_world();
I don't know how to get the values from controllers and print into views php folder.

In fac, you put "Hello world" string into the variable "index" of the controller's view when your are doing this $this->view->index = $value->hello_world();.
So, if your $value->hello_world(); function correctly return an "Hello world" string, for print it into the controller's view, you just have to do add this php code echo $this->index; into your view file.

I really think you should read a tutorial first of all. It can be quite hard to try to figure out how Zend Framework works just by starting to code right away.
The Quick Start guide suggested by #palmplam should be fine.
In addition, I found the Rob Allen's tutorial really useful when I started using Zend Framework. It contains plenty of sample code.


neo4jphp: Cannot instantiate abstract class Everyman\Neo4j\Transport

maybe a simple question but for me as starter with Neo4j a hurdle. I installed the neo4jphp with composer in the same directory as my application. Vendor-Subfolder has been created and the everyman/neo4j folder below is available. For a first test I used this code snippet from the examples:
spl_autoload_register(function ($className) {
$libPath = 'vendor\\';
$classFile = $className.'.php';
$classPath = $libPath.$classFile;
if (file_exists($classPath)) {
use everyman\Neo4j\Client,
$client = new Client(new Transport('localhost', 7474));
I always stumple upon the error
Fatal error: Cannot instantiate abstract class Everyman\Neo4j\Transport
Googling brought me to a comment from Josh Adell stating
You can't instantiate Everyman\Neo4j\Transport, since it is an abstract class. You must instantiate Everyman\Neo4j\Transport\Curl or Everyman\Neo4j\Transport\Stream depending on your needs
So I thought I just need to alter the use-statements to
use everyman\Neo4j\Client,
but this doesnt work, debugging shows, that the autoloader only get "Transport.php" instead of "everyman\Neo4j\Transport\Curl.php". For "Client.php" its still working ("vendor\everyman\Neo4j\Client.php") so I am guessing that the use-statement is wrong or the code is not able to handle an additional subfolder-structure.
works fine but I read that this is deprecated and should be replaced by composer / autoload.
Anyone has a hint what to change or had the same problem?
Thanks for your time,
Curl is the default transport. You only need to instantiate your own Transport object if you want to use Stream instead of Curl. If you really want to instantiate your own Curl Transport, the easiest change to your existing code is to modify the use statement to be:
use everyman\Neo4j\Client,
everyman\Neo4j\Transport\Curl as Transport;
Also, you don't need to register your own autoload function if you are using the Composer package. vendor/autoload.php does that for you.
Thanks Josh, I was trying but it seems I still stuck somewhere. I am fine with using the default CURL - so I shrinked the code down to
use everyman\Neo4j\Client;
$client = new Everyman\Neo4j\Client('localhost', 7474);
The folder structure is main (here are the files and the composer.json with the content
"require": {
"everyman/Neo4j": "dev-master"
and in the subfolder "vendor" we have the "autoload.php" and the subfolder everyman with the related content. When I run the file I come out with
Fatal error: Class 'Everyman\Neo4j\Client' not found
which does not happen when I have the autoloadfunction. I guess I made a mistake somewehere - can you give me a hint?
Thanks a lot, B
Hmmm... I was just trying around and it seems the Transport CLASS is not needed in the use-statement and the class instantiation. This seems to work:
use everyman\Neo4j\Client;
$client = new Client();
also valid for having a dedicated server/port:
$client = new Everyman\Neo4j\Client('localhost', 7474);
If you have more input I would be happy to learn more - thanks, all input & thoughts are very appreciated.

view helper in zend framework 2

the thing is these this lines:
$loginUrl = $this->view->url(array('controller'=>'auth', 'action'=>'index'));
$registerUrl = $this->view->url(array('controller'=>'register', 'action'=>'index'));
based on rob allens' Zend_Auth login/logout tutorial (win7/apache),
are placed in a view helper, and this one:
echo $this->url(array('controller'=>'index','action'=>'add'));
is placed in the index view script.
The generated links Do work fine in LOCAL, but in REMOTE only the 3rd line works.
ANY IDEAS? Where should i look for this? wich way to follow?
I was tempt to think in the remote server conf but the 3rd line works fine, so..
Try this helper instead of view Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_Url:
//simple($action, $controller = null, $module = null, array $params = null)
//so your lines will look like:
$loginUrl = $this->_helper->url->simple('index','auth');
$registerUrl = $this->_helper->url->simple('index','register');
P.S. your lines work properly on Win7 and Ubuntu servers check registry of the lines
I found out that was the server. (.htacces and mod_rewrite) was not included in the package.
I think the third line was working because it was in the index controller, but when calling the others, then happened the object not found.
To work out this, i found an example using zend debug (was in german) so i inferred it (and then wrote to the hosting service), but still not quite sure how to check (phpinfo?) if a host have this features available or not in your package.

ZEND execute/call function stored in string

i have a problem with calling a function which name is a string.
I made few helpers which i want to echo in my phtml file like this:
echo $this->EditProfile();
echo $this->ViewProfile();
The EditProfile() and ViewProfile() are names of the View Helpers which i created and i'm calling them in view. And this method is working fine. But when i want dynamicly call a function by name stored in database im trying to do this in this way:
im getting the names of helpers from database and store them into array and then trying to display them in foreach.
foreach ($this->modules as $key => $module)
echo $this->$module['name'];
the variable
contains a valid name of Helper which i want to call in phtml file (checked with Zend_debug::dump() and with just an echo $module['name'] in foeach and id display it properly... but this echo its not working and not calling the View Helper, nothing is displayed
when i try eval or call_user_func too nothing is displayed too... How can i do this in foreach or other loop?
ok solved it myself :)
dont know is this solution properly but its actually working ;)
instead call_user_func i mentioned that magical function __call is same as call_user_func_array
so i edited code like this below
foreach ($this->modules as $key => $module)
in this case array is null cause none parameters are passed to function. If in my helper ill need parameters ill pass them in this array in future.
And this solution works fine for me :)
If someone have better solution please post it here and share your opinion ;)

Launching a custom view from a custom model. Zend_possible?

You have to promise not to giggle, but my situation is following:
Instead of using partials and helpers and other similar tools that we use already, we want to use a custom view outside all frames and borders of the actual application. Basically, we need at this point to load clean HTML into a variable upon a certain reaction a model. That is monkeys business and can be done by virtually anyone without using a keyboard.
The problem is that the HTML pages that we want to create are supposed to be quite extensive and are a trainwreck to debug/maintain/expand due to the inate "return $arrlglllgll;" approach. To make a smooth and humane script, we would very much love to use the .phtml style with clean html mixed up with php injections without actually rendering it.
Is that possible and how?
I am currently struggling with
$mailView = new Zend_View();
Where test.php is a file I have been trying to reach with any means and corelations imaginable, but ultimately failed every time due to
exception 'Zend_View_Exception' with message 'script 'test.php' not found in path (\library\Extras\Controller\Action\Helpers\)' in \library\Zend\View\Abstract.php:875
Stack trace: blablabla
Loading a custom view from a controller is butt-easy, just provide the relative path and you're set, but it seems that I cannot find anything if I shoot from within a library. Any advice?
In case anybody wonders, this is a lot easier than I ever thought it to be...
// Set the view
$layout = new Zend_Layout();
$view = $layout->getView();
// Send inherited custom parameters
$view->params = $params;
You can thus use the $view as a real view and load any $view->helper as you please.
To save rendered view, type...
$savingParameter = $view->render('controller/subfolder/' . $page . '.phtml');

Dynamically setting view directory

I am making a customer portal application using ZF. And the portal needs to work for different company brands. So I need to use all of the same backend code/controllers/etc, but dynamically change the view directory based off of the hostname.
Right now my view directory structure looks something like this:
and so on.
I am using the addScriptPath() function in bootstrap.php like so
protected function _initView()
$view = new Zend_View();
$view->env = APPLICATION_ENV;
$view->addScriptPath(APPLICATION_PATH . '/views/scripts/brand1');
$view->addHelperPath(APPLICATION_PATH . '/views/helpers');
However when this is run, it is looking for all views using /views/scripts/brand1/(action).phtml instead of looking for views using the correct scheme /view/scripts/brand1/(controller)/(action).phtml
tl;dr is it possible to dynamically choose the view directory and have it work like the default /views/scripts/(controller)/(action).phtml behavior?
I knew I would find the answer after I posted here. In case anyone else encounters the same problem, the solution was using:
$view->setBasePath(APPLICATION_PATH . '/views/brand1');
And then modifying the directory structure to: