Drop-down menus in Emacs.app 23 (Lion) only work after several clicks - emacs

I am using Emacs.app 23.3.1 on MacOS 10.7.1 (Lion). When I try to use the GUI drop-down menus, they will not appear unless I click on the menu several times. The top-level menu item (e.g., File, Edit, Options) will highlight to acknowledge the click, but the menu will not appear. I have seen this question, but no fix ever appeared. I am not using Synergy. It is obviously not the end of the world, but it is an annoyance. I would prefer not to use the text-only menubar system. This behavior does not appear in Aquamacs.


In Eclipse IDE how to disable the closing of an editor tab via plain right-click

I am using Eclipse Oxygen (Ver 4.7.0) on CentOS with the UI shown via MobaXterm's X Windows server on Windows 7.
In Eclipse I have the weird problem that when I right-click on an editor tab the tab closes immediately! No context menu, nothing, just the tab vanishes. I would like to disable this, but I couldn't find any entry for right-clicking in the Keys section of the Preferences.
Is there another place where the right-click behaviour is set? Or how else can I disable this? The problem occurs only for editor tabs.
Additional details:
The right-click behaves correctly inside an editor tab by bringing up the context menu. This shows that the right-click is not genearlly broken in the X Window system.
The right-click behaves correctly in other X applications like PyCharm.
An explanation
A closer look revealed that Eclipse does show the context menu on right-click press-down, but on right-click release-up it registers a left-click event.
Due to the particular situation of when the context menu was drawn, the mouse pointer than just always happens to sit over the top entry in the menu. And this top entry is Close. The following screenshot might illustrate this a bit (unfortunately without the mouse pointer):
The immediate solution for me is to move the mouse after pressing the right mouse button and before releasing it.
Still I don't know why this happens only when right-clicking a tab and only for me - and probably not for many other people...

Emacs 24 shows drop-down menu

I use emacs in terminal mode. I know how to get the menu through F10 key. Emacs used to show the menu in terminal mode as text in a separate buffer. Either since a recent update, or I installed some package, I notice emacs starts to create a graphic drop-down list for menu items (see the screenshot). However, I only see it on one of my computer (Mac OS), my other computers still show the menu in "text mode". Can anyone tell me how to enable the graphic dropdown list menu feature? Is this a new feature of latest Emacs 24.3 or it can be enabled via some package?
This is described in the NEWS file for Emacs 24.4:
* Emacs now supports menus on text-mode terminals.
If the terminal supports a mouse, clicking on the menu bar, or on
sensitive portions of the mode line or header line, will drop down the
menu defined at that position. Likewise, clicking C-mouse-2 or
C-mouse-2 or C-mouse-3 on the text area will pop up the menus defined
for those locations.
If the text terminal does not support a mouse, you can activate the
first menu-bar menu by typing F10, which invokes `menu-bar-open'.
If you want the previous behavior, whereby F10 invoked `tmm-menubar',
customize the option `tty-menu-open-use-tmm' to a non-nil value.
(Typing M-` always invokes `tmm-menubar', even if `tty-menu-open-use-tmm'
is nil.)
Looks like a nice feature.

pop up buffer menu is slow

When clicking C-mouse-1 in emacs you get a pop up buffer menu to select opened buffers from.
I noticed after switching from emacs 23 to 24 that the menu is slow to open "categories".
For example I have :
Dired by name
Moving the mouse to one of these categories wont open the list of buffers inside it without moving the mouse a little more.
Meaning, I would move the mouse lets say on Fundamentals, it gets highlighted but doesn't show the second level popup with the list of buffers, I need to move the mouse some more "while still on Fundamentals" to reveal the list.
This was not the behavior in emacs 23 where the second level list opens instantly once you hover the mouse on the category.
Any reason for that? And a possible fix?
Sounds like the difference between Lucid menus and Gtk menus. IOW it's probably not the change in Emacs version but the fact that your Emacs-23 was built with the Lucid toolkit whereas your Emacs-24 is built with the Gtk toolkit.

Eclipse Dialogs Have No Title Bar and Can't Be Moved in Gnome 3

I just installed Eclipse from the Android website and the dialogs have no title bar and seem to be docked at the top of the Eclipse main window. I can't find a way to move them or get the titlebar back. I'm using Gnome 3 as desktop/window manager.
For example, if I choose Search | File... from the main menu, it comes up, but without titlebar. If I press Alt+F7, I can move the entire window, but the dialog will not move relative to the window.
How do I fix this?
You are missing an important information, your operating system and desktop environment. Let me guess? Linux/Gnome? Or Cinnamon?
Gnome has the, erm, great feature to attach modal dialogs at the main window.
You can install dconf-editor and set the key org/gnome/shell/overrides/attach-modal-dialogs to false.
In Cinnamon you can easily disable this feature in the System Settings > Windows > Attach dialog windows (may not be the actual text as I translated it from my locale). You need to switch the settings to Expert mode to see the Windows entry.

Eclipse Back/Forward navigation using mouse buttons

There is an addin for Visual Studio called MouseNavi that allows you to use mouse thumb buttons to navigate your history.
Does a similar extension exist for Eclipse?
I don't know of any Eclipse plugin that does this, but assuming you're using Windows:
This one should enable you to do what you want: http://www.highrez.co.uk/downloads/XMouseButtonControl.htm
With that tool you can assign each mouse button a sequence of keys (Alt+Left for example) and because it can be made application specific it won't interfere with other programs where you don't want that mapping.
Alt+Left and Alt+Right to navigate through the latest opened editors.
Also, Alt+L to open up the shortcuts popup, so you can see what's available.
No real mouse navigation control though (not that I know of... at least). Although, should not be very difficult to create one and attach it to the same handlers that deal with the navigation commands.
^Q takes you to last edited location. You can cycle using it. No mouse bindings.