Facebook app with ssl certificate - facebook

Two weeks ago i bought a SSL Certificate for my domain. I have an app in Facebook and for Safari works fine but in Chrome the following message appears:
"Error 501 (net::ERR_INSECURE_RESPONSE): Error desconocido."
I have set the "Secure Canvas URL" in the configuration of the app in Facebook.
What's the problem?
I have just checked it out in Internet Explorer and Firefox and works fine.
In both browsers enter the game directly.
With respect the Certificate and app settings, the certificate is valid for www and the domain, and in app setting i just typed the domain name.
Well, the function from Facebook that arise the problem is:
I hope this could be helpful.

It is a known problem that Chrome handles this less elegant: http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=87957
But that does not take away the fact that it should work with a valid certificate. Can you checn with a few other browsers, like IE and Firefox? Please get back when those give any indication of the underlying problem.

This problem happens to me for my app, but only on Chrome on Ubuntu (Chrome on Windows 7 is fine, and Firefox [version 13 at the moment] on Ubuntu is fine), and it only happens when secure browsing is forced on in Facebook (Account settings > Security > Secure browsing). By unchecking Browse Facebook on a secure connection (https) when possible, I no longer receive this problem.
Please downvote this answer (a lot, hahaha), because telling users to use a different operating system or to turn off secure browsing is not going to be received well! I'll report back if I come up with a real solution.

What's the problem?
Your SSL cert is invalid or not configured properly. This can happen for example when you use your domain with www in app settings, while the cert is ussued on a domain without www, etc. It can be something else misconfigured also.

I know it´s an old Thread but I just got a similar problem when facing some Free Hosts that uses shared SSL cert instead of Custom Domain Certs. On setting up your Canvas App, on "Secure Canvas URL", use the URL provided by the HOST instead of your custom URL.
Ex: If your host is openshift, they give an URL similar to -> php-blablabla.rhcloud.com. Use this one instead of blablabla.com (which would be the domain you paid for).
Hope this helps someone.


Facebook login worked on localhost but not on hosting

We have a website that uses Facebook for login, when we run it locally used to work fine. We had a Facebook application with App Domains and Site URL pointing localhost and worked just fine.
However, when we moved into production, we uploaded the site to our hosting and changed the setting in the FB app to match this change.
Now we put "xxxx.com" in App Domains and "https://www.xxxx.com/" in Site URL (it works in both HTTP and HTTPS).
However, when trying to log in I get a 401 error.
I tried every different combination in the FB app that I could think of but still it's not working.
It can't be the code because used to work fine running it in localhost with the app set-up pointing to localhost but I can't make it work on our hosting...
Any ideas?
HTTP Error 401 - Unauthorized
The error code says it all.
See if setting App Domains to blank will help.
If your using an iPhone app go to settings and go to wifi. Click on your wifi. Now go down to renew lease. Click on that. This will solve the problem. I had the same thing happen to me and nobody had an answer. It took me an hour of messing with my phone to find this solution. Hope this was helpful for you.

Facebook App loading blank page

I created an app on facebook, for my website. Now it loads for my but not for any one else, it just loads a blank page, so obviously ive done something wrong but i cant figure out what
any help would be great
here is the link to the app
Your page doesn't have secure version served over HTTPS, so it fails for everyone who use "Secure Browsing" option on Facebook.
NOTE: SSL certificate is a requirement as of October 2011.
Firefox gives the following message regarding your SSL certificate when trying to connect to https://www.exoticsworld.co.uk/?fb_source=search&ref=ts:
Secure Connection Failed
An error occurred during a connection to www.exoticsworld.co.uk.
SSL received a record that exceeded the maximum permissible length.
(Error code: ssl_error_rx_record_too_long)
So see to it that you’l get that fixed. Ask your server admin (or whoever installed that certificate for you), if you don’t know what this is all about.

Facebook canvas redirects to main facebook page

I coded a stub application for Facebook.
When I'm trying access the app url (http://apps.facebook.com/myappname) it all works fine. It works from other servers as well.
However, a specific co-worker of mine is also trying to access it and he gets redirected to facebook.com
A day ago he was able to log-in, and we are not aware of any changes.
Thoughts, anyone?
This is common for when you don't have the required SSL server's url in the app settings. That other user that was redirected has allow only https set in his user preferences. Since you have no https version set, then he gets redirected away. If you do have the SSL server's url in your app settings, then the SSL cert may be bad. Many people try to get away with using a "fake" cheap SSL cert. The cert must be a real (read: expensive) one.

Custom facebook page tab issue

So, for whatever reason, some people can't see the custom facebook page tab. Not sure why, especially when I can see it just fine.
Link: http://on.fb.me/rKNxUS
Let me know if you need more info.
Do you have a https version of the page tab? If they're account always uses ssl and you don't you might run into issues. Other times I've seen resetting the app secret help with issues like this.
It shows a standard browser error page to me. "This webpage is not available Google Chrome's connection attempt to incontrolwebsites.com was rejected. The website may be down, or your network may not be properly configured."
May it be possible you didn't upload the webpage to the production server?
If it opens correctly from your machine: check that you don't have a custom DNS setting to point to your local webserver instead of the production server.

Facebook iFrame tab problem with secure url (https)

i am making a facebook tab which using iframe to show the tab content from other url. Everything work fine but when users use secure http connection (https) the tab no longer loads and shows error saying page not secure.
The pages that the iframe showing is not using ssl. Do i need to have a ssl to show the page in secure connection or i have to change some setting in facebook?
You will need to buy an SSL certificate, make sure it is properly installed on your server, and make sure your the page is properly working over SSL (no warnings). Once this is setup, plug the SSL url of your page onto your fan page tab application settings, and it will work. You will want to do this as Facebook is continually encouraging users to enable the always-on SSL option on their account, and at some point SSL may be the only option on Facebook and they probably won't give you much of a warning to enable it.
for now it's an option to have ssl certificate but starting from October the first, it will be required
i have set up my application, it works well for almost all browsers except google chrome, it seems to have a warning about my secure url of the ifram and doesnt load it, the only way i could work around it is visiting the actual url of the iframe, confirmed the ssl warning, then went back to the application on fb, so it finally worked
lousy solution i know, but there was nothing else i could do