Is there an easy way to rename a directory in Basic4Android? - basic4android

I would like to rename a directory that I created on the SD card and thought I could easily do that through the File object (something like File.Rename). However, I don't see something that easy. Do I have to copy all of the directory structure to a new directory with the new name, delete all the files in the old directory, and then delete the old directory to do this? Or is there an easy way that I don't know about?

You can use Phone.Shell to run the 'mv' command:
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
RenameFolder(File.DirRootExternal, "test1", "test2")
End Sub
Sub RenameFolder(Parent As String, CurrentFolder As String, NewFolder)
Dim p As Phone
Dim args(2) As String
args(0) = File.Combine(Parent, CurrentFolder)
args(1) = File.Combine(Parent, NewFolder)
p.Shell("mv", args, Null, Null)
End Sub


%3d instead of = in file path, then i try to open file from resources

I write some tests and to get absolute path from relative path i use this function
private def getAbsolutePath(filePath: String): String = {
and then i do:
i get:
As you can see, instead of =, I get some strange symbol. At the same time, when I try to read these files with a park, he can read the path without %3d, and with %3d he gets the error "Path does not exist".
How can I fix this?
Seems like its URL encoded, maybe because using stuff from files and resources are designed to work with Universal Resource Locators. You can URLDecode it like so:
def getAbsolutePath(filePath: String): String = {
val path = getClass.getResource(filePath).getFile
URLDecoder.decode(path, "UTF-8")

Unzip all file without it's folder using Java

Is it possible to unzip all files from the zip folder without its folder?
Example: has two subfolders called folder1(having files like 1.txt, 2.xlsx, 3.pdf) and folder2(having files like 4.txt, 5.pdf)
Note: The source can any type of archive files like .zip, .rar, .tar, .7-zip etc
This is my code:
String sevenZipLocation = "C:\\Program Files\\7-Zip\\7z.exe";
String src = source filepath (zip file)
String target = output path (output path)
String[] command={sevenZipLocation,"x",src,"-o"+target,"-aou","-y"};
ProcessBuilder p = new ProcessBuilder( command );
Process process = p.start();
InputStream is = process.getInputStream();
InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(is);
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr);
String line;
while ((line = br.readLine()) != null){
System.out.println("line1 "+line);
When I execute this code the output like
unzip folder ----- folder1(having files like 1.txt, 2.xlsx, 3.pdf) and folder2(having files like 4.txt, 5.pdf)
But I want to extract the only file from all folders and the output like
1.txt, 2.xlsx, 3.pdf, 4.txt, 5.pdf in the output path.
Is there any command for that. Thanks.
All you need to change:
String[] command={sevenZipLocation,"e",src,"-o"+target,"-aou","-y","*.*","-r"};
PS. I don't think Java is the best choice to run OS commands. You'll be wasting a lot of time. But if you insist, don't forget there might be an errorstream too.

Compute file content hash with Scala

In our app, we are in need to compute file hash, so we can compare if the file was updated later.
The way I am doing it right now is with this little method:
protected[services] def computeMigrationHash(toVersion: Int): String = {
val migrationClassName = MigrationClassNameFormat.format(toVersion, toVersion)
val migrationClass = Class.forName(migrationClassName)
val fileName = migrationClass.getName.replace('.', '/') + ".class"
val resource = getClass.getClassLoader.getResource(fileName)
logger.debug("Migration file - " + resource.getFile)
val file = new File(resource.getFile)
val hc = Files.hash(file, Hashing.md5())
logger.debug("Calculated migration file hash - " + hc.toString)
It all works perfectly, until the code get's deployed into different environment and file file is located in a different absolute path. I guess, the hashing take the path into account as well.
What is the best way to calculate some sort of reliable hash of a file content that well produce the same result for as log as the content of a file stays the same?
Having perused the source code - only the file contents are hashed - the path does not come into play.
public static HashCode hash(File file, HashFunction hashFunction) throws IOException {
return asByteSource(file).hash(hashFunction);
Therefore you need not worry about locality of the file. Now why you end up with a different hash on a different fs .. maybe you should compare the size/contents to ensure eg no compound eol's were introduced.

Wxpython drag and drop folder path, Popen not working with spaces on Windows

I have the below code which allows the user to drag and drop a folder to get the folder path. I then take this folder path and use it to pass through to a command line application in Windows using Popen. This all works fine except if there are spaces in the folder path, which then fails. I am currently getting round this by using win32api.GetShortPathName(folder_list) which shortens them to DOS 8.3 spec, but I would like to use the full absolute path. I know the command line application takes paths with spaces as I also use a batch file with drag and drop which works with spaces in paths. I have tried inserting escapes, etc, still no luck. How can I get this to work properly with full folder paths with spaces?
class SubmissionPane(wx.Panel):
def __init__(self, parent, queue_control):
wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, -1)
self.parent = parent
self.queue_control = queue_control
self.selected_folder = None
self.txtTitle = wx.TextCtrl(self, pos=(125, 70), size=(215, 25), style= wx.SUNKEN_BORDER, value="Enter Series Title Here")
self.drop_target = MyFileDropTarget(self)
def SetSubmissionFolders(self, folder_list):
"""Called by the FileDropTarget when files are dropped"""
print "Setting submission folders", folder_list
self.selected_folders = folder_list
class MyFileDropTarget(wx.FileDropTarget):
def __init__(self, window):
print "Creating a drop file target..."
self.window = window
def OnDropFiles(self, x, y, filenames):
I then submit this to Popen like this:
command1 = commandLineApplication + folder_list
process = Popen(command1, shell=True, stdin=PIPE)
You probably just need to put quotes around each of the file paths. That usually works. The win32api.GetShortPathName is a neat trick though.
Here's one way to do it:
n = ['"%s"' % x for x in folderlist]
Then do the
You mentioned in your code.

Potential flaw with SBT's method?

I'm working on an SBT plugin where I'd like to zip up a directory. This is possible due to the following method in IO:
def zip(sources: Traversable[(File,String)], outputZip: File): Unit
After tinkering with this method, it seems that simply passing it a directory and expecting the resulting zip file to have the same file & folder structure is wrong.. Passing a directory (empty or otherwise) results in the following:
[error]...:zipper: ZIP file must have at least one entry
Therefore, it appears that the way to get use the zip method is by stepping through the directory and adding each file individually to the Traversable object.
Assuming my understanding is correct, this strikes me as very odd - vey rarely do users need to cherry-pick what is to be added to an archive.
Any thoughts on this?
It seems like you can use this to compose a zip with files from multiple places. I can see the use of that in a build system.
A bit late to the party, but this should do what you need:
val parentFolder: File = ???
val folderName: String = ???
val src: File = parentFolder / folderName
val tgt: File = parentFolder / s"$", tgt)
Here is some code for zipping directories using sbt's IO class:
IO.withTemporaryDirectory(base => {
val dirToZip = new File(base, "lib")
IO.write(dirToZip / "test1", "test")
IO.write(dirToZip / "test2", "test")
val zip: File = base / (""), zip)
val out: File = base / "out"
IO.unzip(zip,out) mustEqual(Set(out /"test1", out / "test2"))
IO.delete((out ** "*").get)
//Create a zip containing this lib directory but under a different directory in the zip
val finder: PathFinder = dirToZip ** "*" --- dirToZip //Remove dirToZip as you can't rebase a directory to itself x rebase(dirToZip, "newlib"), base / "")
IO.unzip(base / "",out) mustEqual(Set(out /"newlib"/"test1", out / "newlib"/ "test2"))
See the docs
for tips on creating the Traversable object to pass to