How to express queries in Tuple Relational Calculus? - tuple-relational-calculus

Consider a relation of scheme Building(Street, Number, No.Apartments, Color, Age).
TRC: find the oldest building in Downing Street.
The associated SQL statement would be:
SELECT MAX(Age) AS ‘Oldest building’, Street FROM Building WHERE Street = ‘Downing Street’;
My answer using TRC: (B stands for Building relation)
{V.*|V(B) | V.BAge >=Age ^ V.Bstreet = ‘Downing Street’}
V.* (it returns evry single tuple of Building)
V(B) (it maps variables V to Building’s tuples)
V.BAge >=Age ^ V.Bstreet = ‘Downing Street’(here I set the condition…maybe..)

If this is still relevant: the hint would be to realize that the oldest building is the one such that no other building is older than it.


Given an existing table, generate code for defining an empty table with the same schema

I would like to take an existing table that I deserialized from a binary file or obtained from a remote process and generate code that will create an empty copy of the table so that I can have a human-readable representation of the schema that I can use to easily re-create the table.
For example, assume I have a trade table in memory and I want to generate code that will return an empty table of the same schema.
q)show meta trade
c | t f a
-----| -----
time | n
sym | s g
price| f
size | i
stop | b
cond | c
ex | c
I'm aware I can obtain an empty copy of trade by running 0#trade. However, I'd like to have a general function (let's say it's called getSchema) that will behave something like this:
q) getSchema trade
"trade:([]time:`timespan$(); sym:`g#`symbol$(); price:`float$(); size:`int$(); stop:`boolean$(); cond:`char$(); ex:`char$())"
I think it would be straightforward to implement this by processing the result of meta trade, but I was wondering if there was was a more straightforward or publicly available implementation of this function. Thanks.
I haven't seen such function available in public. An example is below, but it does not cover all cases (this is left for an exercise)
getSchema: {
typeMapping: "nsfibc"!("timespan";"symbol";"float";"int";"boolean";"char");
c: exec c from meta x;
t: exec t from meta x;
statement: string[x],":([]";
statement,: "; " sv string[c],'": `",/:(typeMapping#t),\:"$()";
statement,: ")";
//Expects table's name as symbol
What is not covered:
attributes: Attribute should go in the middle of "; " sv string[c],'": _code_for_attribute_ `",/:(typeMapping#t),\:"$()" statement
types: typeMapping must be enriched to cover the rest of Q types
keys. If table is keyed, then keyed columns are listed inside square brackets t: ([keyed_columns] other_columns)
foreign keys. To be fair they are seldom in use, so I would ignore them
The following should work nicely, however it will only render types atomic types, which will conform to how tables are normally defined. This method just utilizes the string representation of the empty schema that you can achieve via -3!
This should handle keyed tables and attributes but not foreign key.
/ Render the types with -3!
typs:ssr[-3!value flip 0!0#get x;"\"\"";"`char$()"];
/ Append the column names to the types
colNameType:(string[cols 0!get x],\:":"),'";" vs 1_-1_typs;
/ Ensure the correct keys are shown, add in ;
colnametyp:#[colNameType;count[keys x] - 1;,;"]"],\:";";
/ Combine
raze string[x],":([",(-1_raze colnametyp),")"
q)trade:2!([]time:`timespan$(); sym:`g#`symbol$(); price:`float$(); size:`int$(); stop:`boolean$(); cond:`char$(); ex:`char$());
q)getSchema `trade

How to use Postgresql ts_delete function

I am trying to use Postgresql Full Text Search. I read that the stop words (words ignored for indexing) are implemented via dictionary. But I would like to give the user a limited control over the stop words (insert new ones), so I grouped then in a table.
From the example below:
select strip(to_tsvector('simple', texto)) from longtxts where id = 23;
I can get the vector:
{'alta' 'aluno' 'cada' 'do' 'em' 'leia' 'livro' 'pedir' 'que' 'trecho' 'um' 'voz'}
And now I would like to remove the elements from the stopwords table:
select array(select palavra_proibida from stopwords);
That returns the array:
Then, following documentation:
ts_delete(vector tsvector, lexemes text[]) tsvector remove any occurrence of lexemes in lexemes from vector ts_delete('fat:2,4 cat:3 rat:5A'::tsvector, ARRAY['fat','rat'])
I tried a lot. For example:
select ts_delete((select strip(to_tsvector('simple', texto)) from longtxts where id = 23), array[(select palavra_proibida from stopwords)]);
But I always receive the error:
ERROR: function ts_delete(tsvector, character varying[]) does not exist
LINE 1: select ts_delete((select strip(to_tsvector('simple', texto))...
HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.
Could anyone help me? Thanks in advance!
ts_delete was introduced in PostgreSQL 9.6. Based on the error message, you're using an earlier version. You may try select version(); to be sure.
When you land on the PostgreSQL online documentation with a web search, it may correspond to any version. The version is in the URL and there's a "This page in another version" set of links at the top of each page to help switching to the equivalent doc for a different version.

The provided start does not map to a value

I have a traversal as follows:
I'm trying to select a user vertex, their linked social profile vertex, and some other counts. The issue is that all users may not have a socialProfile edge. When this is the case the traversal fails with the following error:
The provided start does not map to a value: v[8280]->[TitanVertexStep(OUT,[socialProfileOf],vertex), PropertyMapStep(value)]
I did find this thread from the gremlin team. I tried wrapping the logic inside of .by() with a coalesce(), and also appending a .fold() to the end of the statement with no luck.
How do I make that selection optional? I want to select a socialProfile if one exists, but always select the demoUser.
coalesce is the right choice. Let's assume that persons in the modern graph have either one or no project associated with them:
gremlin> g.V().hasLabel("person").as("user","project").
==>{user=marko, project=lop}
==>{user=vadas, project=N/A}
==>{user=josh, project=ripple}
==>{user=peter, project=lop}
Another way would be to completely exclude it from the result:
But obviously this will only look good if each branch returns a map / selects more than 1 thing, otherwise you're going to have mixed result types.

Assigning a whole DataStructure its nullind array

Some context before the question.
Imagine file FileA having around 50 fields of different types. Instead of all programs using the file, I tried having a service program, so the file could only be accessed by that service program. The programs calling the service would then receive a DataStructure based on the file structure, as an ExtName. I use SQL to recover the information, so, basically, the procedure would go like this :
Datastructure shared by service program :
D FileADS E DS ExtName(FileA) Qualified
Procedure called by programs :
P getFileADS B Export
D PI_IDKey 9B 0 Const
D LocalDS E DS ExtName(FileA) Qualified
D NullInd S 5i 0 Array(50) <-- Since 50 fields in fileA
Clear LocalDS;
Clear PO_DS;
exec sql
INTO :LocalDS :nullind
If SqlCod <> 0;
Return *Off;
PO_DS = LocalDS;
Return *On;
P getFileADS E
So, that procedure will return a datastructure filled with a record from FileA if it finds it.
Now my question : Is there any way I can assign the %nullind(field) = *On without specifying EACH 50 fields of my file?
Something like a loop
i = 1;
DoW (i <= 50);
if nullind(i) = -1;
%nullind(datastructure.field) = *On;
Cause let's face it, it'd be a pain to look each fields of each file every time.
I know a simple chain(n) could do the trick
chain(n) PI_IDKey FileA FileADS;
but I really was looking to do it with SQL.
Thank you for your advices!
OS Version : 7.1
First, you'll be better off in the long run by eliminating SELECT * and supplying a SELECT list of the 50 field names.
Next, consider these two web pages -- Meaningful Names for Null Indicators and Embedded SQL and null indicators. The first shows an example of assigning names to each null indicator to match the associated field names. It's just a matter of declaring a based DS with names, based on the address of your null indicator array. The second points out how a null indicator array can be larger than needed, so future database changes won't affect results. (Bear in mind that the page shows a null array of 1000 elements, and the memory is actually relatively tiny even at that size. You can declare it smaller if you think it's necessary for some reason.)
You're creating a proc that you'll only write once. It's not worth saving the effort of listing the 50 fields. Maybe if you had many programs using this proc and you had to create the list each time it'd be a slight help to use SELECT *, but even then it's not a great idea.
A matching template DS for the 50 data fields can be defined in the /COPY member that will hold the proc prototype. The template DS will be available in any program that brings the proc prototype in. Any program that needs to call the proc can simply specify LIKEDS referencing the template to define its version in memory. The template DS should probably include the QUALIFIED keyword, and programs would then use their own DS names as the qualifying prefix. The null indicator array can be handled similarly.
However, it's not completely clear what your actual question is. You show an example loop and ask if it'll work, but you don't say if you had a problem with it. It's an array, so a loop can be used much like you show. But it depends on what you're actually trying to accomplish with it.
for old school rpg just include the nulls in the data structure populated with the select statement.
select col1, ifnull(col1), col2, ifnull(col2), etc. into :dsfilewithnull where = :id;
for old school rpg that can't handle nulls remove them with the select statement.
select coalesce(col1,0), coalesce(col2,' '), coalesce(col3, :lowdate) into :dsfile where = :id;
The second method would be easier to use in a legacy environment.
pass the key by value to the procedure so you can use it like a built in function.
One answer to your question would be to make the array part of a data structure, and assign *all'0' to the data structure.
dcl-ds nullIndDs;
nullInd Ind Dim(50);
nullIndDs = *all'0';
The answer by jmarkmurphy is an example of assigning all zeros to an array of indicators. For the example that you show in your question, you can do it this way:
D NullInd S 5i 0 dim(50)
NullInd(*) = 1 ;
Nullind(*) = 0 ;
*inlr = *on ;
return ;
That's a complete program that you can compile and test. Run it in debug and stop at the first statement. Display NullInd to see the initial value of its elements. Step through the first statement and display it again to see how the elements changed. Step through the next statement to see how things changed again.
As for "how to do it in SQL", that part doesn't make sense. SQL sets the values automatically when you FETCH a row. Other than that, the array is used by the host language (RPG in this case) to communicate values back to SQL. When a SQL statement runs, it again automatically uses whatever values were set. So, it either is used automatically by SQL for input or output, or is set by your host language statements. There is nothing useful that you can do 'in SQL' with that array.

Erlang mnesia equivalent of "select * from Tb"

I'm a total erlang noob and I just want to see what's in a particular table I have. I want to just "select *" from a particular table to start with. The examples I'm seeing, such as the official documentation, all have column restrictions which I don't really want. I don't really know how to form the MatchHead or Guard to match anything (aka "*").
A very simple primer on how to just get everything out of a table would be very appreciated!
For example, you can use qlc:
F = fun() ->
Q = qlc:q([R || R <- mnesia:table(foo)]),
The simplest way to do it is probably mnesia:dirty_match_object:
mnesia:dirty_match_object(foo, #foo{_ = '_'}).
That is, match everything in the table foo that is a foo record, regardless of the values of the fields (every field is '_', i.e. wildcard). Note that since it uses record construction syntax, it will only work in a module where you have included the record definition, or in the shell after evaluating rr(my_module) to make the record definition available.
(I expected mnesia:dirty_match_object(foo, '_') to work, but that fails with a bad_type error.)
To do it with select, call it like this:
mnesia:dirty_select(foo, [{'_', [], ['$_']}]).
Here, MatchHead is _, i.e. match anything. The guards are [], an empty list, i.e. no extra limitations. The result spec is ['$_'], i.e. return the entire record. For more information about match specs, see the match specifications chapter of the ERTS user guide.
If an expression is too deep and gets printed with ... in the shell, you can ask the shell to print the entire thing by evaluating rp(EXPRESSION). EXPRESSION can either be the function call once again, or v(-1) for the value returned by the previous expression, or v(42) for the value returned by the expression preceded by the shell prompt 42>.