Is a document/NoSQL database a good candidate for storing a balance sheet? - nosql

If I were to create a basic personal accounting system (because I'm like that - it's a hobby project about a domain I'm familiar enough with to avoid getting bogged-down in requirements), would a NoSQL/document database like RavenDB be a good candidate for storing the accounts and more importantly, transactions against those accounts? How do I choose which entity is the "document"?
I suspect this is one of those cases were actually a SQL database is the right fit and trying to go NoSQL is the mistake, but then when I think of what little I know of CQRS and event sourcing, I wonder if the entity/document is actually the Account, and the transactions are Events stored against it, and that when these "events" occur, maybe my application also then writes out to a easily queryable read store like a SQL database.
Many thanks in advance.

Personally think it is a good idea, but I am a little biased because my full time job is building an accounting system which is based on CQRS, Event Sourcing, and a document database.
Here is why:
Event Sourcing and Accounting are based on the same principle. You don't delete anything, you only modify. If you add a transaction that is wrong, you don't delete it. You create an offset transaction. Same thing with events, you don't delete them, you just create an event that cancels out the first one. This means you are publishing a lot of TransactionAddedEvent.
Next, if you are doing double entry accounting, recording a transaction is different than the way your view it on a screen (especially in a balance sheet). Hence, my liking for cqrs again. We can store the data using correct accounting principles but our read model can be optimized to show the data the way you want to view it.
In a balance sheet, you want to view all entries for a given account. You don't want to see the transaction because the transaction has two sides. You only want to see the entry that affects that account.
So in your document db you would have an entries collection.
This makes querying very easy. If you want to see all of the entries for an account you just say SELECT * FROM Entries WHERE AccountId = 1. I know that is SQL but everyone understands the simplicity of this query. It just as easy in a document db. Plus, it will be lightning fast.
You can then create a balance sheet with a query grouping by accountid, and setting a restriction on the date. Notice no joins are needed at all, which makes a document db a great choice.

Theory and Architecture
If you dig around in accounting theory and history a while, you'll see that the "documents" ought to be the source documents -- purchase order, invoice, check, and so on. Accounting records are standardized summaries of those usually-human-readable source documents. An accounting transaction is two or more records that hit two or more accounts, tied together, with debits and credits balancing. Account balances, reports like a balance sheet or P&L, and so on are just summaries of those transactions.
Think of it as a layered architecture -- the bottom layer, the foundation, is the source documents. If the source is electronic, then it goes into the accounting system's document storage layer -- this is where a nosql db might be useful. If the source is a piece of paper, then image it and/or file it with an index number that is then stored in the accounting system's document layer. The next layer up is digital records summarizing those documents; each document is summarized by one or more unbalanced transaction legs. The next layer up is balanced transactions; each transaction is composed of two or more of those unbalanced legs. The top layer is the financial statements that summarize those balanced transactions.
Source Documents and External Applications
The source documents are the "single source of truth" -- not the records that describe them. You should always be able to rebuild the entire db from the source documents. In a way, the db is just an index into the source documents in the first place. Way too many people forget this, and write accounting software in which the transactions themselves are considered the source of truth. This causes a need for a whole 'nother storage and workflow system for the source documents themselves, and you wind up with a typical modern corporate mess.
This all implies that any applications that write to the accounting system should only create source documents, adding them to that bottom layer. In practice though, this gets bypassed all the time, with applications directly creating transactions. This means that the source document, rather than being in the accounting system, is now way over there in the application that created the transaction; that is fragile.
Events, Workflow, and Digitizing
If you're working with some sort of event model, then the right place to use an event is to attach a source document to it. The event then triggers that document getting parsed into the right accounting records. That parsing can be done programatically if the source document is already digital, or manually if the source is a piece of paper or an unformatted message -- sounds like the beginnings of a workflow system, right? You still want to keep that original source document around somewhere though. A document db does seem like a good idea for that, particularly if it supports a schema where you can tie the source documents to their resulting parsed and balanced records and vice versa.

You can certainly create such a system.
In that scenario, you have the Account Aggregate, and you also have the TimePeriod Aggregate.
The time period is usually a Month, a Quarter or a Year.
Inside each TimePeriod, you have the Transactions for that period.
That means that loading the current state is very fast, and you have the full log in which you can go backward.
The reason for TimePeriod is that this is usually the boundary in which you actually think about such things.

In this case, a relational database is the most appropriate, since you have relational data (eg. rows and columns)
Since this is just a personal system, you are highly unlikely to have any scale or performance issues.
That being said, it would be an interesting exercise for personal growth and learning to use a document-based DB like RavenDB. Traditionally, finance has always been a very formal thing, and relational databases are typically considered more formal and rigorous than document databases. But, like you said, the domain for this application is under your control, and is fairly straight forward, so complexity and requirements would not get in the way of designing the system.
If it was my own personal pet project, and I wanted to learn more about a new-ish technology and see if it worked in a particular domain, I would go with whatever I found interesting and if it didn't work very well, then I learned something. But, your mileage may vary. :)


SaaS system with dynamic data model in production

I want to design a product which allows customers to create their own websites. A customer will be able to maintain his website's data model on the fly, do queries on it and display the output on a html page. I doubt a traditional RDMBS is the right choice for two reasons; with every customer the amount of data will grow and the RDBMS might reach its limits even if scaled. As the data model is highly dynamic doing many DDL queries will slow down the whole system.
I'm trying to figure out which database/datastorage system might be the best option for such a system. Recently I read a lot through NoSQL solutions like Cassandra and MongoDB and it looks promising in terms of performance but comes with a flaw: it's not relational data so data have to be denormalized.
I don't know what will be the impact of denormalizing a dynamic customer defined data model, because the customer models and inserts data first (in a relational way) and then does the queries afterwards. The denormalization has to happen automatically which leads to another problem: Can I create one table for each query, even if some queries might be similar? There might exist a high redundancy of data after a while.
Does creating/updating tables on the fly have any impact?
Every time the customer changes data the same data has to be changed in all tables which hold a copy of the same entity (like the name of an employee has to be changed in "team member" and also in "project task"). Are those updates costly?
Is it possible to nest data with unlimited depth like {"team": {"members": [{"name": "Ben"}]}}?
There might be even better/other approaches, I'm happy for any hints.
Adding clarification to the requirements
My question actually is, how can I use a NoSQL DB like Cassandra to maintain relational data and will the solution still perform better compared to a RDBMS?
The customer thinks relational (because in fact, data are always relational in my opinion) no matter what DBMS is used. And this service is not about letting the customer chose the underlying data storage. There can only be one.
A customer can define his own relational data model by using a management frontend provided by the application. The data model may be changed at any time by the customer. In RDBMS a DDL on a production system is not a good idea. On top of the data schema the customer can add named queries and use them as a data source on any web page he creates.
An example would be a query for News given the name "news" and in a web page it would be used like <ul><li query="news"><h1>[news.title]</h1></li></ul>, which would execute the query and iterate through the data and repeat the <li> on each iteration. That is the most simple example though.
In more complex examples if using SQL there might be extensive use of sub queries which performs bad. In NoSQL it seems there is the option to first denormalize and prepare a table with the data needed by the query and then just query that table. Any changes to involved data would lead to an update for that table. That means for every query the customer creates the system will automatically create and maintain a table and its data, so there will be a lot of data redundancy. Benchmarks state that Cassandra is fast in writing so that might be an option.
Let me put my 2 cents in.
Talking about of ability for users having own data models is not about SaaS.
In the pure SaaS paradigm, each user has the same functionality and data model. He could add his own objects, but not the classes of objects.
So scaling in this paradigm is a rather obvious (though frankly, it could be not so trivial) solution. You can get cloud DB with built-in multi-tenant support (like Azure, for example), you can use Amazon's RDS and add more instances as the user amount growth, you can use sharding (for instance, a partition by users) if the database supports it, etc.
But when we're talking about custom data model for each user is more like IaaS (infrastructure). It is some more low-level thing and you just say: "Ok, guys, you may build any data model you want, whatever".
And I believe that if you move the responsibility for the data model creation to the user, you should also move the responsibility for database selection, as IaaS provides. So the user would say:" "Ok, I need key-value database here" and you provide him Cassandra's table for example. If he wants RDBMS, you provide him one also.
Otherwise, you have to consider not the data model itself, but also the data strategy that your customer needs. So some customer may need to have key-value storage (that needs to be backed by some noSQL DB), the other may need RDBMS. How would you know it?
For instance, consider the entity from your example: {"team": {"members": [{"name": "Ben"}]}}. One user would use this model for the single type of queries something like "get the members for the team" and "add the member for the team". Another one user may need to query frequently for some stats information (average team player age, games played). And these two scenarios could demand different database types: first is for key-value search, the other is RDBMS. How would you guess the database type and structure as key-value storages are modeled around queries?
Technically, you may even try to guess the database type depending on the users' data model and queries, but you need to add some restrictions for users' creativity. Otherwise, it would be very untrivial task.
And about scaling, as each model is unique, you need to have add database instances as users grow. Of course, you can have multiple users in the single database instance in the different schemas, and you will need to determine the users' amount per instance by experiments or performance testing.
You may also look at the document-oriented databases, but I think that you need review your concept and make some changes. Maybe you have some obvious restrictions yet, but I just didn't get it from your post.

In NoSQL, how do you handle massive updates to common dependant data?

I really want to understand the NoSQL approach, but some aspects baffle me. And the most readily prominent docs don't seem to address them (that I've found, so far).
For example, I'm looking at the CouchDB website...
Self-Contained Data
An invoice contains all the pertinent information about a single transaction the seller, the buyer, the date, and a list of the items or services sold. [...] Self-contained documents, there’s no abstract reference on this piece of paper that points to some other piece of paper with the seller’s name and address. Accountants appreciate the simplicity of having everything in one place. And given the choice, programmers appreciate that, too.
By "one abstract reference" I think they mean an FK, right? And in an analogous SQL DB the "some other piece of paper" would be a row in a sellers table?
Ok, but what happens when it turns out someone messed up and the seller's address is actually on Maple Avenue, not Maple Lane And you have 96,487 invoices with that say Maple Lane.
What is the orthodox NoSQL way of dealing with that inevitability?
Do you scan your 4.8 million invoice "documents" for the 96k with "Lane", dredge them up, and execute 96k writes?
And if so, in this described CouchDB-based app, WHO goes in and performs that? Because, guessing here, but I imagine your front end probably doesn't have a view with a Seller form. Because your sellers are all embedded inside invoices, right? So in NoSQL, does this sort of data correction & maintenance become the DBA's job?
(Also, do you actually repeat all of the seller's info on every single invoice involving that seller? Doesn't that get expensive?)
And in a huge, busy system, how do you ensure that all that repeated seller data is correct and consistent?
I'm considering which storage technology to look at for a series of upcoming projects. NoSQL is obviously extremely popular and widely adopted. In some domains it's kind of the "Golden Path"/default choice. If I want to use PostgreSQL with Node.js I'll have to scrounge for info about less popular libraries and support.
So there's significant real-world pressure towards MongoDB, CouchDB, etc.
Yet in the systems I'm designing, the questions I mention above are going to really matter. Is there a proven, established, and practical way of addressing these concerns?
What is the orthodox NoSQL way of dealing with that inevitability?
Two possible approaches:
Essentially the same as the pre-SQL (i.e. paper filing cabinets) way:
Update the master file for the customer.
Use the new address on all new invoices.
Historical invoices will continue to have wrong data. But that's okay, and arguably even better than the RDBMS way, because it accurately reflects history.
Go to the extra work of updating all the affected documents. With properly built indexes or views, this isn't that hard (you won't have to scan all 4.8 million invoices--your view will direct you to the 18 actually affected by the change)
I imagine your front end probably doesn't have a view with a Seller form.
Why not? If you do seller-based queries, I sure hope you have a seller-based view (or several).
Because your sellers are all embedded inside invoices, right?
That's irrelevant. Views can index any part of the data.
do you actually repeat all of the the seller's info on every single invoice involving that seller?
Of course. You would repeat it every time you print an invoice on paper, right? Your database document is a "document", same as a printed invoice is.
Doesn't that get expensive?
If you're storing your entire database on a mobile phone, maybe. Otherwise, hard drives are cheap these days.
Yet in the systems I'm designing, the questions I mention above are going to really matter.
NoSQL isn't right for every job. If transactional integrity is important (and it likely is for a financial app like the one you seem to be discussing), it likely is not the right tool.
Think of CouchDB as a sync protocol with a database tacked on for good luck.
If your core feature is the ability to sync, then CouchDB is probably a good fit. If that's not a feature core to your application, then it's probably the wrong tool for the job.

Is it better to use multiple databases when you are managing independent sets of things in MongoDB?

If, as an example, you have a blogging website done with MongoDB to store data
Is it better to have a database per blogger? given that their blogs and comments are completely independent from other bloggers. Or just lump everything together? or it doesn't make too much difference?
I'm imagining the same web app (not independent webs/urls per blogger) is used by all bloggers. So when someone logs in / accesses the blog the code would find the right database to use and haul data out it.
Does this have any downsides? is this normal for handling these kinds of things?
I am making plenty of assumptions about your needs. But, generally, there are 3 paths to multi-tenant apps in MongoDB:
Single collection per customer; never, ever do this.
Single database per customer. Good. You will trade off free space if your product is on the freemium model. Either way, you will want to run with "smallfiles" option. As stated, you will build the routing system for your environment. Thus, you will want to connect to the proper database for the proper customer.
customer_id key per document + path slug. Good. The trade off here is recovery of free space. Traditionally, MongoDB does not recover space used by deleted documents. Thus customers creating and deleting blog posts would create unused space. By using 'usePowerOf2Sizes' collections, you will recover disk space of deleted documents. However, 'usePowerOf2Sizes' creates bloated padding space.
To get over the disk space padding, take a look at the compression used here:
Recap, I would recommend using customer_id plus the compression. It gives you the best of both worlds.
As stated in the comments under the original question, there's really no performance benefit to splitting up your MongoDB store into separate databases per blogger, due to the overhead of having each database and minimum storage.
On the flipside: You are going to make some cross-user analysis more difficult for yourself. As a very simple example, based on your blogging example: Imagine you want to look at average post count per user. This is pretty simple if your users (and posts) are in the same database (typically in the same collections), and you can likely use the aggregation framework for this task. This task will not be so straightforward with an unbounded number of databases, where you'll need to first enumerate all databases, then perform your aggregations/averaging once per database. This could end up being a slower operation than within a single-database architecture.
Having said all that: You still might have some reason to split data across databases. Maybe you have to separate data due to legal reasons, or to ensure customers that their sensitive data won't be commingled with other companies' data. Maybe your customer needs full read/write access to their database, and so you use per-database configuration as a security boundary. I'm sure there are other reasons as well...
It is perfectly normal to allocate 100's of databases if that is all you will see.
Database separation can have many benefits. They can be sharded independantly, since sharding occurs on database level. Databases also have the upside of being completely isolated instances (including locks) of the data within them (good example: space allocation occurs on database level).
This means they can be moved around the network as users data is accessed more and since a single users data might not be that big it would be easier than moving all of your users data to a more powerful node.
However, you must consider the problematic sides in the application of managing the connections to each database. There will be over head on it and you will need to have far more complex coding than what is considered standard.
Considering space, you will not see a drastic usage of space. The most problematic part of using separate databases is the journal allocation. Every collection you use in separate databases will also, of course, pre-allocate itself but this is actually considered one of the upsides to using database separation (movement of databases between nodes, isolation).
So the space problem is really only a problem if your scenario makes it one.
is this normal for handling these kinds of things?
For a normal blogger site, no, and I do not know enough about the complexities of your scenario to say any different. Normal operation would be to lump everything together, since you could see into the region of 1,000's maybe 1,000,000's of users and database separation just won't scale over that very well.

Example of a task that a NoSQL database can't handle (if any)

I would like to test the NoSQL world. This is just curiosity, not an absolute need (yet).
I have read a few things about the differences between SQL and NoSQL databases. I'm convinced about the potential advantages, but I'm a little worried about cases where NoSQL is not applicable. If I understand NoSQL databases essentially miss ACID properties.
Can someone give an example of some real world operation (for example an e-commerce site, or a scientific application, or...) that an ACID relational database can handle but where a NoSQL database could fail miserably, either systematically with some kind of race condition or because of a power outage, etc ?
The perfect example will be something where there can't be any workaround without modifying the database engine. Examples where a NoSQL database just performs poorly will eventually be another question, but here I would like to see when theoretically we just can't use such technology.
Maybe finding such an example is database specific. If this is the case, let's take MongoDB to represent the NoSQL world.
to clarify this question I don't want a debate about which kind of database is better for certain cases. I want to know if this technology can be an absolute dead-end in some cases because no matter how hard we try some kind of features that a SQL database provide cannot be implemented on top of nosql stores.
Since there are many nosql stores available I can accept to pick an existing nosql store as a support but what interest me most is the minimum subset of features a store should provide to be able to implement higher level features (like can transactions be implemented with a store that don't provide X...).
This question is a bit like asking what kind of program cannot be written in an imperative/functional language. Any Turing-complete language and express every program that can be solved by a Turing Maching. The question is do you as a programmer really want to write a accounting system for a fortune 500 company in non-portable machine instructions.
In the end, NoSQL can do anything SQL based engines can, the difference is you as a programmer may be responsible for logic in something Like Redis that MySQL gives you for free. SQL databases take a very conservative view of data integrity. The NoSQL movement relaxes those standards to gain better scalability, and to make tasks that are common to Web Applications easier.
MongoDB (my current preference) makes replication and sharding (horizontal scaling) easy, inserts very fast and drops the requirement for a strict scheme. In exchange users of MongoDB must code around slower queries when an index is not present, implement transactional logic in the app (perhaps with three phase commits), and we take a hit on storage efficiency.
CouchDB has similar trade-offs but also sacrifices ad-hoc queries for the ability to work with data off-line then sync with a server.
Redis and other key value stores require the programmer to write much of the index and join logic that is built in to SQL databases. In exchange an application can leverage domain knowledge about its data to make indexes and joins more efficient then the general solution the SQL would require. Redis also require all data to fit in RAM but in exchange gives performance on par with Memcache.
In the end you really can do everything MySQL or Postgres do with nothing more then the OS file system commands (after all that is how the people that wrote these database engines did it). It all comes down to what you want the data store to do for you and what you are willing to give up in return.
Good question. First a clarification. While the field of relational stores is held together by a rather solid foundation of principles, with each vendor choosing to add value in features or pricing, the non-relational (nosql) field is far more heterogeneous.
There are document stores (MongoDB, CouchDB) which are great for content management and similar situations where you have a flat set of variable attributes that you want to build around a topic. Take site-customization. Using a document store to manage custom attributes that define the way a user wants to see his/her page is well suited to the platform. Despite their marketing hype, these stores don't tend to scale into terabytes that well. It can be done, but it's not ideal. MongoDB has a lot of features found in relational databases, such as dynamic indexes (up to 40 per collection/table). CouchDB is built to be absolutely recoverable in the event of failure.
There are key/value stores (Cassandra, HBase...) that are great for highly-distributed storage. Cassandra for low-latency, HBase for higher-latency. The trick with these is that you have to define your query needs before you start putting data in. They're not efficient for dynamic queries against any attribute. For instance, if you are building a customer event logging service, you'd want to set your key on the customer's unique attribute. From there, you could push various log structures into your store and retrieve all logs by customer key on demand. It would be far more expensive, however, to try to go through the logs looking for log events where the type was "failure" unless you decided to make that your secondary key. One other thing: The last time I looked at Cassandra, you couldn't run regexp inside the M/R query. Means that, if you wanted to look for patterns in a field, you'd have to pull all instances of that field and then run it through a regexp to find the tuples you wanted.
Graph databases are very different from the two above. Relations between items(objects, tuples, elements) are fluid. They don't scale into terabytes, but that's not what they are designed for. They are great for asking questions like "hey, how many of my users lik the color green? Of those, how many live in California?" With a relational database, you would have a static structure. With a graph database (I'm oversimplifying, of course), you have attributes and objects. You connect them as makes sense, without schema enforcement.
I wouldn't put anything critical into a non-relational store. Commerce, for instance, where you want guarantees that a transaction is complete before delivering the product. You want guaranteed integrity (or at least the best chance of guaranteed integrity). If a user loses his/her site-customization settings, no big deal. If you lose a commerce transation, big deal. There may be some who disagree.
I also wouldn't put complex structures into any of the above non-relational stores. They don't do joins well at-scale. And, that's okay because it's not the way they're supposed to work. Where you might put an identity for address_type into a customer_address table in a relational system, you would want to embed the address_type information in a customer tuple stored in a document or key/value. Data efficiency is not the domain of the document or key/value store. The point is distribution and pure speed. The sacrifice is footprint.
There are other subtypes of the family of stores labeled as "nosql" that I haven't covered here. There are a ton (122 at last count) different projects focused on non-relational solutions to data problems of various types. Riak is yet another one that I keep hearing about and can't wait to try out.
And here's the trick. The big-dollar relational vendors have been watching and chances are, they're all building or planning to build their own non-relational solutions to tie in with their products. Over the next couple years, if not sooner, we'll see the movement mature, large companies buy up the best of breed and relational vendors start offering integrated solutions, for those that haven't already.
It's an extremely exciting time to work in the field of data management. You should try a few of these out. You can download Couch or Mongo and have them up and running in minutes. HBase is a bit harder.
In any case, I hope I've informed without confusing, that I have enlightened without significant bias or error.
RDBMSes are good at joins, NoSQL engines usually aren't.
NoSQL engines is good at distributed scalability, RDBMSes usually aren't.
RDBMSes are good at data validation coinstraints, NoSQL engines usually aren't.
NoSQL engines are good at flexible and schema-less approaches, RDBMSes usually aren't.
Both approaches can solve either set of problems; the difference is in efficiency.
Probably answer to your question is that mongodb can handle any task (and sql too). But in some cases better to choose mongodb, in others sql database. About advantages and disadvantages you can read here.
Also as #Dmitry said mongodb open door for easy horizontal and vertical scaling with replication & sharding.
RDBMS enforce strong consistency while most no-sql are eventual consistent. So at a given point in time when data is read from a no-sql DB it might not represent the most up-to-date copy of that data.
A common example is a bank transaction, when a user withdraw money, node A is updated with this event, if at the same time node B is queried for this user's balance, it can return an outdated balance. This can't happen in RDBMS as the consistency attribute guarantees that data is updated before it can be read.
RDBMs are really good for quickly aggregating sums, averages, etc. from tables. e.g. SELECT SUM(x) FROM y WHERE z. It's something that is surprisingly hard to do in most NoSQL databases, if you want an answer at once. Some NoSQL stores provide map/reduce as a way of solving the same thing, but it is not real time in the same way it is in the SQL world.

Too much data duplication in mongodb?

I'm new to this whole NOSQL stuff and have recently been intrigued with mongoDB. I'm creating a new website from scratch and decided to go with MONGODB/NORM (for C#) as my only database. I've been reading up a lot about how to properly design your document model database and I think for the most part I have my design worked out pretty well. I'm about 6 months into my new site and I'm starting to see issues with data duplication/sync that I need to deal with over and over again. From what I read, this is expected in the document model, and for performance it makes sense. I.E. you stick embedded objects into your document so it's fast to read - no joins; but of course you can't always embed, so mongodb has this concept of a DbReference which is basically analogous to a foreign key in relational DBs.
So here's an example: I have Users and Events; both get their own document, Users attend events, Events have users attendees. I decided to embed a list of Events with limited data into the User objects. I embedded a list of Users also into the Event objects as their "attendees". The problem here is now I have to keep the Users in sync with the list of Users that is also embedded in the Event object. As I read it, this seems to be the preferred approach, and the NOSQL way to do things. Retrieval is fast, but the fall-back is when I update the main User document, I need to also go into the Event objects, possibly find all references to that user and update that as well.
So the question I have is, is this a pretty common problem people need to deal with? How much does this problem have to happen before you start saying "maybe the NOSQL strategy doesn't fit what I'm trying to do here"? When does the performance advantage of not having to do joins turn into a disadvantage because you're having a hard time keeping data in sync in embedded objects and doing multiple reads to the DB to do so?
Well that is the trade off with document stores. You can store in a normalized fashion like any standard RDMS, and you should strive for normalization as much as possible. It's only where its a performance hit that you should break normalization and flatten your data structures. The trade off is read efficiency vs update cost.
Mongo has really efficient indexes which can make normalizing easier like a traditional RDMS (most document stores do not give you this for free which is why Mongo is more of a hybrid instead of a pure document store). Using this, you can make a relation collection between users and events. It's analogous to a surrogate table in a tabular data store. Index the event and user fields and it should be pretty quick and will help you normalize your data better.
I like to plot the efficiency of flatting a structure vs keeping it normalized when it comes to the time it takes me to update a records data vs reading out what I need in a query. You can do it in terms of big O notation but you don't have to be that fancy. Just put some numbers down on paper based on a few use cases with different models for the data and get a good gut feeling about how much works is required.
Basically what I do is first try to predict the probability of how many updates a record will have vs. how often it's read. Then I try to predict what the cost of an update is vs. a read when it's both normalized or flattened (or maybe partially combination of the two I can conceive... lots of optimization options). I can then judge the savings of keeping it flat vs. the cost of building up the data from normalized sources. Once I plotted all the variables, if the savings of keeping it flat saves me a bunch, then I will keep it flat.
A few tips:
If you require fast lookups to be quick and atomic (perfectly up to date) you may want a favor a solution where you favor flattening over normalization and taking the hit on the update.
If you require update to be quick, and access immediately then favor normalization.
If you require fast lookups but don't require perfectly up to date data, consider building out your normalized data in batch jobs (using map/reduce possibly).
If your queries need to be fast, and updates are rare, and do not necessarily require your update to be accessible immediately or require transaction level locking that it went through 100% of the time (to guarantee your update was written to disk), you can consider writing your updates to a queue processing them in the background. (In this model, you will probably have to deal with conflict resolution and reconciliation later).
Profile different models. Build out a data query abstraction layer (like an ORM in a way) in your code so you can refactor your data store structure later.
There are lot of other ideas that you can employ. There a lot of great blogs on line that go into it like and make sure you understand CAP theorem.
Also consider a caching layer, like Redis or memcache. I will put one of those products in front my data layer. When I query mongo (which is storing everything normalized), I use the data to construct a flattened representation and store it in the cache. When I update the data, I will invalidate any data in the cache that references what I'm updating. (Although you have to take the time it takes to invalidate data and tracking data in the cache that is getting updated into consideration of your scaling factors). Someone once said "The two hardest things in Computer Science are naming things and cache invalidation."
Try adding an IList of type UserEvent property to your User object. You didn't specify much about how your domain model is designed. Check the NoRM group
for examples.