What does "multiple scopes" mean in when talking about MEF (Managed Extensibility Framework) and .NET 4.5? - mef

In What's new in .NET 4.5 microsoft says that MEF will now support "multiple scopes". What does this mean? I can't find documentation on that anywhere.

I belive you question is anwered fully in this blog:


Sitemap does not appear to work on .Net Core

SiteMapPath .Net component works fine on .Net environment. But it seems not on .Net Core.
For e.g., if the https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/UploadFile/2f59d0/implementing-sitemap-in-Asp-Net/ is developed choosing .Net Core, the breadcrumps as expected do not show up.
But I couldn't find any official doc from Microsoft on that. Does any one know.
Thank you.

Develop a GEF4 rcp application

I have been using eclipse GEF 3.x for developing graphical editors. While there are many examples for this framework, GEF4 doesn't seem to have many. Since gef4 is rewritten based on Java fx, putting up more examples will popularize the framework. For instance after doing lot of searching I found out that IVisualPart Is used instead of IEditorPart. Any pointers to a comprehensive example would be helpful
The GEF repository at GitHub contains examples for the individual components, i.a. the "MVC Logo Example" that demonstrates usage of the MVC technology stack that is offered by GEF for the development of graphical applications, and the "Zest Graph Example" that demonstrates usage of the Zest technology stack that is offered by GEF for the development of graph-based graphical applications.
Moreover, you can register for a free GEF tutorial here: https://info.itemis.com/en/gef/tutorials/
The terminology was changed from IEditPart and IEditPolicy to IVisualPart and IPolicy. Moreover, IVisualPart is divided into IContentPart, IFeedbackPart, and IHandlePart. For details, take a look at the documentation in the GitHub Wiki, especially the MVC documentation.

What happens in a .Net 4 app when referencing .net 2 assemblies?

I have an application I want to upgrade to .NET 4, but I have a couple 3rd party assemblies that reference the .NET 2 BCL.
I seem to remember reading something that says they should play nice, but I can't find any documentation on the subject. ( I think my question posed to Google is just too broad, with not enough .Net 4 material out there yet )
Can anyone help me find documentation on what will happen in this case?
If I'm reading Scott Guthrie's post, Multi-Targeting Support (VS 2010 and .NET 4 Series), correctly then that will work fine.
Of Interest?: .NET 4.0 project reference 2.0 assembly
The .NET Framework 4 works side by side with older Framework versions. Applications that are based on earlier versions of the Framework will continue to run on the version targeted by default.
I wanted to reference StructureMap in one of my class libraries. Orginally it was created by VS2010 to use the .NET 4 client profile. Turns out, I had to changed this to the full .NET 4 framework, otherwise structuremap would not be recognized.

Entity Framework - Contains Method

Someone has an answer to this missing feature in Entity Framework. Does anyone have a solution to the missing Contains method in Entity Framework that works? I've tried a number of those on here and through Google, but none of them seem to actually work.
You may consider using EF 4.0 it's implemented there also StartsWith, EndsWith and many others.
As it was already answered, Entity Framework 4.0 Beta 2 has support for this method, but it requires Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2 to be downloaded.
In Visual Studio 2008 SP1 you can either use manual LINQ expressions construction, like it is described here, or Entity SQL, like we have already recommended here.

How to extend windows explorer functionality?

How would I go about extending the functionality of windows explorer in XP?
Is there some way whereby I could create a "plugin" of some sorts that could hook into explore.exe to add additional folder browsing functionality? What language could I use to achieve this?
This is an expansion of a question I asked here.
There's a great series of tutorials on CodeProject which might help you. C++ is required there.
There is an old O'reilly book called 'Visual Basic Shell Programming' that explains the API's for this in some detail. While taken from a VB6-centric point of view, the API's are all exposed through COM, so they can be used from any language that supports this. This article discusses using the windows shell with .Net and a tool to build an interop assembly.