Perl extract matches from list - perl

I'm fairly new to perl but not to scripting languages. I have a file, and I'm trying to extract just one portion of each line that matches a regex. For example, given the file:
Not a flag
I'd like to extract the list [123, 456, 789]
The regex is obviously /^FLAG\((\w+)/. My question is, what's an easy way to extract this data in perl?
It's obviously not hard to set up a loop and do a bunch of =~ matches, but I've heard quite a bit about perl's terseness and how it has an operator for everything, so I'm wondering if there's a slick, simple way to do this.
Also, can you point me towards a good perl reference where I can find out slick ways to do other things like this when the opportunity next arises? There are many perl resources on the web, but 90% of them are too simple and the other 10% I seem to lose the signal in the noise.

Here's how I would do it... Did you learn anything new and/or helpful?
my $file_name = "somefile.txt";
open my $fh, '<', $file_name or die "Could not open file $file_name: $!";
my #list;
while (<$fh>)
push #list, $1 if /^FLAG\((\w+)/;
Things worth pointing out:
In a while loop condition (and ONLY in a while loop condition), reading from a filehandle will set the value to $_ and check that the file was read automatically.
A statement can be modified by attaching an if, unless, for, foreach, while, or until to the end of it. Then it works as a conditional or loop on that one statement.
You probably know that regex capture groups are stored in $1, $2, etc., but you might not have known that the statement will work even if the statement has an if suffix. The if is evaluated first, so push #list, $1 if /some_regex/ makes sense and will do the match first, assigning to $1 before it is needed in the push statement.

Assuming that you have all of the data together in a single string:
my #matches = $data =~ /^FLAG\((\w+)/mg;
The /g modifier means to match as many times as possible, the /m makes ^ match after any newline (not only at the beginning of the string) and a match in list context returns all of the captures for all of those matches.
If you're reading the data in line-by-line then Platinum Azure's solution is the one you want.

map is your friend here.
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Slurp;
my #matches = map { /^FLAG\((\w+)/ } read_file('file.txt');


Perl, find a match and read next line in perl

I would like to use targetfolder/*
to read some number from ASCII files.
#list = <#ARGV>;
# Is the whole file or only 1st line is loaded?
foreach $file ( #list ) {
open (F, $file);
# is this correct to judge if there is still file to load?
while ( <F> ) {
sub match_replace {
# if I want to read the 5th line in downward, how to do that?
# if I would like to read multi lines in multi array[row],
# how to do that?
if ( /^\sName\s+/ ) {
$name = $1;
I would recommend a thorough read of perlintro - it will give you a lot of the information you need. Additional comments:
Always use strict and warnings. The first will enforce some good coding practices (like for example declaring variables), the second will inform you about potential mistakes. For example, one warning produced by the code you showed would be readline() on unopened filehandle F, giving you the hint that F is not open at that point (more on that below).
#list = <#ARGV>;: This is a bit tricky, I wouldn't recommend it - you're essentially using glob, and expanding targetfolder/* is something your shell should be doing, and if you're on Windows, I'd recommend Win32::Autoglob instead of doing it manually.
foreach ... { open ... }: You're not doing anything with the files once you've opened them - the loop to read from the files needs to be inside the foreach.
"Is the whole file or only 1st line is loaded?" open doesn't read anything from the file, it just opens it and provides a filehandle (which you've named F) that you then need to read from.
I'd strongly recommend you use the more modern three-argument form of open and check it for errors, as well as use lexical filehandles since their scope is not global, as in open my $fh, '<', $file or die "$file: $!";.
"is this correct to judge if there is still file to load?" Yes, while (<$filehandle>) is a good way to read a file line-by-line, and the loop will end when everything has been read from the file. You may want to use the more explicit form while (my $line = <$filehandle>), so that your variable has a name, instead of the default $_ variable - it does make the code a bit more verbose, but if you're just starting out that may be a good thing.
match_replace(): You're not passing any parameters to the sub. Even though this code might still "work", it's passing the current line to the sub through the global $_ variable, which is not a good practice because it will be confusing and error-prone once the script starts getting longer.
if (/^\sName\s+/){$name = $1;}: Since you've named the sub match_replace, I'm guessing you want to do a search-and-replace operation. In Perl, that's called s/search/replacement/, and you can read about it in perlrequick and perlretut. As for the code you've shown, you're using $1, but you don't have any "capture groups" ((...)) in your regular expression - you can read about that in those two links as well.
"if I want to read the 5th line in downward , how to do that ?" As always in Perl, There Is More Than One Way To Do It (TIMTOWTDI). One way is with the range operator .. - you can skip the first through fourth lines by saying next if 1..4; at the beginning of the while loop, this will test those line numbers against the special $. variable that keeps track of the most recently read line number.
"and if I would like to read multi lines in multi array[row], how to do that ?" One way is to use push to add the current line to the end of an array. Since keeping the lines of a file in an array can use up more memory, especially with large files, I'd strongly recommend making sure you think through the algorithm you want to use here. You haven't explained why you would want to keep things in an array, so I can't be more specific here.
So, having said all that, here's how I might have written that code. I've added some debugging code using Data::Dumper - it's always helpful to see the data that your script is working with.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use warnings;
use strict;
use Data::Dumper; # for debugging
for my $file (#ARGV) {
print Dumper($file); # debug
open my $fh, '<', $file or die "$file: $!";
while (my $line = <$fh>) {
next if 1..4;
chomp($line); # remove line ending
close $fh;
sub match_replace {
my ($line) = #_; # get argument(s) to sub
my $name;
if ( $line =~ /^\sName\s+(.*)$/ ) {
$name = $1;
print Data::Dumper->Dump([$line,$name],['line','name']); # debug
# ... do more here ...
The above code is explicitly looping over #ARGV and opening each file, and I did say above that more verbose code can be helpful in understanding what's going on. I just wanted to point out a nice feature of Perl, the "magic" <> operator (discussed in perlop under "I/O Operators"), which will automatically open the files in #ARGV and read lines from them. (There's just one small thing, if I want to use the $. variable and have it count the lines per file, I need to use the continue block I've shown below, this is explained in eof.) This would be a more "idiomatic" way of writing that first loop:
while (<>) { # reads line into $_
next if 1..4;
chomp; # automatically uses $_ variable
} continue { close ARGV if eof } # needed for $. (and range operator)

How is a Perl filehandle a scalar if it can return multiple lines?

I have kind of fundamental question about scalars in Perl. Everything I read says scalars hold one value:
A scalar may contain one single value in any of three different
flavors: a number, a string, or a reference. Although a scalar may not
directly hold multiple values, it may contain a reference to an array
or hash which in turn contains multiple values.
--from perldoc
Was curious how the code below works
open( $IN, "<", "phonebook.txt" )
or die "Cannot open the file\n";
while ( my $line = <$IN> ) {
my ( $name, $area, $phone ) = split /\|/, $line;
print "$name $phone $phone\n";
close $IN;
Just to clarify the code above is opening a pipe delimited text file in the following format name|areacode|phone
It opens the file up and then it splits them into $name $area $phone; how does it go through the multiple lines of the file and print them out?
Going back to the perldoc quote from above "A scalar may contain a single value of a string, number, reference." I am assuming that it has to be a reference, but doesn't even really seem like a reference and if it is looks like it would a reference of a scalar? so I am wondering what is going on internally that allows Perl to iterate through all of the lines in the code?
Nothing urgent, just something I noticed and was curious about. Thanks.
It looks like Borodin zeroed in on the part you wanted, but I'll add to it.
There are variables, which store things for us, and there are operators, which do things for us. A file handle, the thing you have in $IN, isn't the file itself or the data in the file. It's a connection that the program to use to get information from the file.
When you use the line input operator, <>, you give it a file handle to tell it where to grab the next line from. By itself, it defaults to ARGV, but you can put any file handle in there. In this case, you have <$IN>. Borodin already explained the reference and bareword stuff.
So, when you use the line input operator, it look at the connection you give in then gets a line from that file and returns it. You might be able to grok this more easily with it's function form:
my $line = readline( $IN );
The thing you get back doesn't come out of $IN, but the thing it points to. Along the way, $IN keeps track of where it is in the file. See seek and tell.
Along the same lines are Perl's regexes. Many people call something like /foo.*bar/ a regular expression. They are slightly wrong. There's a regular expression inside the pattern match operator //. The pattern is the instructions, but it doesn't do anything by itself until the operator uses it.
I find in my classes if I emphasize the difference between the noun and verb parts of the syntax, people have a much easier time with this sort of stuff.
Old Answer
Through each iteration of the while loop, exactly one value is put into the scalar variables. When the loop is done with a line, everything is reset.
The value in $line is a single value: the entire line which you have not broken up yet. Perl doesn't care what that single value looks like. With each iteration, you deal with exactly one line and that's what's in $line. Remember, these are variables, which means you can modify and replace their values, so they can only hold one thing at a time, but there can be multiple times.
The scalars $name, $area, and $phone have single values, each produced by split. Those are lexical variables (my), so they are only visible inside the specific loop iteration where they are defined.
Beyond that, I'm not sure which scalar you might be confused about.
The old-fashioned way of opening files is to use a bare name for the file handle, like so
open IN, 'phonebook.txt'
A file handle is a special type of value, like scalar, hash, array etc. but it has no prefix symbol to differentiate it. (This isn't actually the full extent of the truth, but I am worried about confusing you if I add even more detail.)
Perl still works like this, but it is best avoided for a couple of reasons.
All such file handles are global, and there is no way to restrict access to them by scope
There is no way to pass the value to a subroutine or store it in a data structure
So Perl was enhanced several years ago so that you can use references to file handles. These can be stored in scalar variables, arrays, or hashes, and can be passed as subroutine parameters.
What happens now when you write
open my $in, '<', 'phonebook.txt'
is that perl autovivifies an anonymous file handle, and puts a reference to it in variable $in, so yes, you were right, it is a reference. (Another thing that was changed about the same time was the move to three-parameter open calls, which allow you to open a file called, say, >.txt for input.)
I hope that helps you to understand. It's an unnecessary level of detail, but it can often help you to remember the way Perl works to understand the underlying details.
Incidentally, it is best to keep to lower-case letters for lexical variables, even for file handle references. I often add fh to the end to indicate that the variable holds a file handle, like $in_fh. But there's no need to use capitals, which are generally reserved for global variables like Package::Names.
Update - The Rest of the Story
I thought I should add something to explain what I have mised out, for fear of misleading people who care about the gory detail.
Perl keeps a symbol table hash - a stash - that work very like ordinary Perl hashes. There is one such stash for each package, including the default package main. Note that this hash nothing to do with lexical variables - declared with my - which are stored entirely separately.
Ther indexes for the stashes are the names of the package variables, without the initial symbol. So, for example, if you have
our $val;
our #val;
our %val;
then the stash will have only a single element, with a key of val and a value which is a reference to an intermediate structure called a typeglob. This is another hash structure, with one element for each different type of variable that has been declared. In this case our val typeglob will have three elements, for the scalar, array, and hash varieties of the val variables.
One of these elements may also be an IO variable type, which is where file handles are kept. But, for historical reasons, the value that is passed around as a file handle is in fact a reference to the typeglob that contains it. That is why, if you write open my $in, '<', 'phonebook.txt' and then print $in you will see something like GLOB(0x269581c) - the GLOB being short for typeglob.
Apart from that, the account above is accurate. Perl autovivifies an anonymous typeglob in the current package, and uses only its IO slot for the file handle.
Scalars in Perl are denoted by a $ and they can indeed contain the type of values you mention in your questions but next to that they can also contain a file handle. You can create file handles in Perl in two ways one way is Lexical
open my $filehandle, '>', '/path/to/file' or die $!;
and the other is global
open FILEHANDLE, '>', '/path/to/file' or die $!;
You should use the Lexical version which is what you're doing.
The while loop in your code uses the <> operator on your lexical filehandle which returns a line out of your file every time it's called, until it's out of lines (when End Of File is reached) in which case it returns false.
I went into a bit more detail on file handles as it seems it's a concept you're not completely clear on.

Perl - Code review [closed]

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I am working on a program that takes information from a CSV file as a source to search with through a text file that has "customer packages". I am getting odd counts on only some of the entries, and I can't seem to figure out what is causing the duplicate counts. Can anyone look through my code and tell me if my logic/syntax is off? (probably is). All i am trying to accomplish is to count the total occurances in the text file of an entry in the csv file (packageid,package_description)
Thanks for the help! im going nuts over here.
use strict;
use Text::CSV;
# Variables already declared in the other PL file ** Remove if consolidating **
my $file2 = 'master_plist.csv';
my $csv2 = Text::CSV->new(); # Create a Text::CSV object
open (CSV2, "<", $file2) or die $!; #open CSV file for parsing
while (<CSV2>) {
if ($csv2->parse($_)) {
my #columns2 = $csv2->fields(); # Parse CSV and load into an array for each row.
my $packID = $columns2[0];
my $packDESC = $columns2[1];
my $val = 'customer_packages_report.txt';
chomp ($val);
my $cnt=0;
open (HNDL, "$val") || die "wrong filename";
while ($val = <HNDL>)
while ($val =~ /$packID - $packDESC/ig)
#if ($packDESC =~ /\(/g) {
# $packDESC =~ s/\(/\(/g;
print "Total iterations of $packDESC: $cnt\n";
close (HNDL);
# End original code
} # Close IF
} # Close WHILE
close CSV;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Text::CSV;
# Variables already declared in the other PL file ** Remove if consolidating **
my $file2 = 'master_plist.csv';
my $csv2 = Text::CSV->new(); # Create a Text::CSV object
open (CSV2, "<", $file2) or die "I die while opening $file2! $!"; #open CSV file for parsing
while ($each_csv2_line=<CSV2>) {
if ($csv2->parse($each_csv2_line)) {
my #columns2 = $csv2->fields(); # Parse CSV and load into an array for each row.
my $packID = $columns2[0];
my $packDESC = $columns2[1];
my $val = 'customer_packages_report.txt';
chomp ($val);
my $cnt=0;
open (HNDL,"<","$val") or die "wrong filename: $val! $!";
while (<HNDL>){
$cnt++ while (/$packID - $packDESC/ig);
#if ($packDESC =~ /\(/g) {
# $packDESC =~ s/\(/\(/g;
print "Total iterations of $packDESC: $cnt\n";
close (HNDL);
# End original code
} # Close IF
} # Close WHILE
# end of script
close CSV;
My recommendations:
Use $HNDL instead of HNDL <- lexical variables for filehandles more better.
Try to catch all mistakes (by defined and ==0 and eq "")
I try to format your code and add some features that i sometimes use. Be better than me and read first Style Coding for Little Perl Monk. And you can be more impressive with this language and write not only writeonly code.
Example (and also a quote):
"The situation is exactly the same for the line-input operator, <>, although Perl does this for you automatically.
It looks like you’re testing the line from STDIN in this while:
while (<STDIN>) {
However, this is a special case in which Perl automatically converts to check $_ for definedness:
while ( defined( $_ = <STDIN> ) ) { # implicitly done
Effective Perl Programming, page 24.
You could do a number of things to improve your code:
use warnings;.
Use proper indentation.
Use descriptive variable names. Instead of $file2 (has no meaning, and why is there no file 1?), use $package_file or whatever makes sense.
if you are already using Text::CSV, you can use $csv->getline() to go through the file line by line. This will simplify your code. See the documentation for an example.
chomp($val) removes a newline from the end of a string. You are using it on a string literal you just declared, which has no newline. That doesn't make sense.
Never use the same variable ($val) to do two completely different things. This is extremely confusing.
Might the variables that you are interpolating in the regex contain special characters? If so, you need to escape them. For example, if $packDESC contained a period, it would match any character in the regex. To treat the contents of the variable literally, use \Q..\E, as in this example: /\Q$packID - $packDESC\E/ig.
You are opening customer_packages_report.txt and going through it line-by-line on every line of the csv file. You could simplify this by reading it in once and storing the results in an array.
You don't need a while loop to count matches: $cnt = () = /$packID - $packDESC/ig;. This puts the match in array context, returning an array of matches, then puts it back in scalar context to count the matches. A little bit tricky, but simpler.
It's hard to say exactly what is causing your problem without seeing the data. Might you have some unnecessary repetition that stems from your nested looping over both files? I would start by rewriting to improve your code, then see if the problem still exists.
Your code seems to compile with perl -c without errors, so that's good. If I were to guess, I would assume your problem lies in having meta characters in some of your fields. The regex /$packID - $packDESC/ is vulnerable to meta characters. For example
my $str = "foo? bar";
$str =~ /$str/; # returns false, because ? is a meta character
In the above example, the question mark ? is a quantifier which affects whatever comes before it, so that o? means "0 or 1 o". To solve the meta character problem, use the \Q ... \E escape:
$str =~ /\Q$str/; # will now match
Terminating the escape sequence with \E is optional.
Some other things to note:
It is very good that you use use strict. You should also always use warnings. Not doing so is not removing the issues with your code, only hiding them.
You create a Text::CSV object with default settings. Depending on your input, that may or may not be appropriate. Setting binary => 1 is recommended in the documentation.
Using the parse() function may not be the best option, the documentation has good things to say about getline.
As loldop points out in the comments, you are reusing $val to read from your file. While technically that should work, it is asking for trouble.
Style and practice notes and practical tips:
Using three-argument open and lexical file handles is a good thing to do. Three-argument in essence means to use an explicit open mode, which makes your script safer to use. Using lexical file handles means that you will not have global scope on your file handle, which is a good thing.
This code
my #columns2 = $csv2->fields();
my $packID = $columns2[0];
my $packDESC = $columns2[1];
Can be written like this
my ($packID, $packDESC) = $csv2->fields();
You are chomping $val right after you assign it. That is redundant, because chomp by default only removes newlines from the end of your strings, and you did not add any such. It doesn't change anything, but not required here. If you read something from stdin or a file, you would probably want to use chomp, though.
Using die without referring to the error $! is a sure way to make yourself annoyed.
Do not underestimate how much easier it becomes to write code when you use proper indentation. Use a text editor with automatic indentation and colouring. I can warmly recommend vim (gvim if you are using windows). Though it has a learning curve, is is a powerful editor that also often comes already installed on many systems.
Since so many people have already commented on your program itself, I'm going to talk about how you can become a better Perl programmer, and help write in such a way that will help eliminate many of your issues.
Take a look at Perl::Tidy and run your program thorough that. That will help improve your syntax and Perl and will help you catch a lot of the various issues you're having.
Also, you should get a copy of Perl Best Practices which is where most of Perl Tidy is taken from. And, as someone already referenced Effective Perl Programming is another excellent book.
The big issue with Perl is that few people learn it. Most are tossed into a situation where we had to pick it up ourselves. Plus, Perl is a fairly old and rather crufty language. Most Perl books still lean heavily on Perl 3.x ways of programming and fail to mention such basics as using use strict; and use warnings;.
You combine old programming practices, with most people learning Perl by hacking their way through old programs with old syntax (and probably written by people who learned Perl by hacking their way through even older programs), and you can see why Perl has a reputation of being a write-only language.
You may want to use the getline method from Text::CSV, which saves a few lines of code.
The problem is likely to be because you have regex metacharacters in the strings you are searching for. Escape them with \Q...\E in the regex so that they are taken literally. In the rewrite below I have also added \s* instead of a literal space, just in case there isn't exactly one space on either side of the hyphen.
I have also changed the filehandles to lexical ones, which have the advantage that they will be closed automatically when the handle goes out of scope.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Text::CSV;
my $file2 = 'master_plist.csv';
my $csv2 = Text::CSV->new();
open(my $csv_fh, '<', $file2) or die $!;
while (my $row = $csv2->getline($csv_fh)) {
my ($packID, $packDESC) = #$row;
my $val = 'customer_packages_report.txt';
open(my $fh, '<', $val) or die "wrong filename";
my $cnt = 0;
while ($val = <$fh>) {
while ($val =~ /\Q$packID\E\s*-\s*\Q$packDESC\E/ig) {
print "Total iterations of $packDESC: $cnt\n";

Can someone suggest how this Perl script works?

I have to maintain the following Perl script:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
die "Usage: $0 <file1> <file2>\n" unless scalar(#ARGV)>1;
undef $/;
my #f1 = split(/(?=(?:SERIAL NUMBER:\s+\d+))/, <>);
my #f2 = split(/(?=(?:SERIAL NUMBER:\s+\d+))/, <>);
die "Error: file1 has $#f1 serials, file2 has $#f2\n" if ($#f1 != $#f2);
foreach my $g (0 .. $#f1) {
print (($f2[$g] =~ m/RESULT:\s+PASS/) ? $f2[$g] : $f1[$g]);
print STDERR "$#f1 serials found\n";
I know pretty much what it does, but how it's done is difficult to follow. The calls to split() are particulary puzzling.
It's fairly idiomatic Perl and I would be grateful if a Perl expert could make a few clarifying suggestions about how it does it, so that if I need to use it on input files it can't deal with, I can attempt to modify it.
It combines the best results from two datalog files containing test results. The datalog files contain results for various serial numbers and the data for each serial number begins and ends with SERIAL NUMBER: n (I know this because my equipment creates the input files)
I could describe the format of the datalog files, but I think the only important aspect is the SERIAL NUMBER: n because that's all the Perl script checks for
The ternary operator is used to print a value from one input file or the other, so the output can be redirected to a third file.
This may not be what I would call "idiomatic" (that would be use Module::To::Do::Task) but they've certainly (ab)used some language features here. I'll see if I can't demystify some of this for you.
die "Usage: $0 <file1> <file2>\n" unless scalar(#ARGV)>1;
This exits with a usage message if they didn't give us any arguments. Command-line arguments are stored in #ARGV, which is like C's char **argv except the first element is the first argument, not the program name. scalar(#ARGV) converts #ARGV to "scalar context", which means that, while #ARGV is normally a list, we want to know about it's scalar (i.e. non-list) properties. When a list is converted to scalar context, we get the list's length. Therefore, the unless conditional is satisfied only if we passed no arguments.
This is rather misleading, because it will turn out your program needs two arguments. If I wrote this, I would write:
die "Usage: $0 <file1> <file2>\n" unless #ARGV == 2;
Notice I left off the scalar(#ARGV) and just wrote #ARGV. The scalar() function forces scalar context, but if we're comparing equality with a number, Perl can implicitly assume scalar context.
undef $/;
Oof. The $/ variable is a special Perl built-in variable that Perl uses to tell what a "line" of data from a file is. Normally, $/ is set to the string "\n", meaning when Perl tries to read a line it will read up until the next linefeed (or carriage return/linefeed on Windows). Your writer has undef-ed the variable, though, which means when you try to read a "line", Perl will just slurp up the whole file.
my #f1 = split(/(?=(?:SERIAL NUMBER:\s+\d+))/, <>);
This is a fun one. <> is a special filehandle that reads line-by-line from each file given on the command line. However, since we've told Perl that a "line" is an entire file, calling <> once will read in the entire file given in the first argument, and storing it temporarily as a string.
Then we take that string and split() it up into pieces, using the regex /(?=(?:SERIAL NUMBER:\s+\d+))/. This uses a lookahead, which tells our regex engine "only match if this stuff comes after our match, but this stuff isn't part of our match," essentially allowing us to look ahead of our match to check on more info. It basically splits the file into pieces, where each piece (except possibly the first) begins with "SERIAL NUMBER:", some arbitrary whitespace (the \s+ part), and then some digits (the \d+ part). I can't teach you regexes, so for more info I recommend reading perldoc perlretut - they explain all of that better than I ever will.
Once we've split the string into a list, we store that list in a list called #f1.
my #f2 = split(/(?=(?:SERIAL NUMBER:\s+\d+))/, <>);
This does the same thing as the last line, only to the second file, because <> has already read the entire first file, and storing the list in another variable called #f2.
die "Error: file1 has $#f1 serials, file2 has $#f2\n" if ($#f1 != $#f2);
This line prints an error message if #f1 and #f2 are different sizes. $#f1 is a special syntax for arrays - it returns the index of the last element, which will usually be the size of the list minus one (lists are 0-indexed, like in most languages). He uses this same value in his error message, which may be deceptive, as it will print 1 fewer than might be expected. I would write it as:
die "Error: file $ARGV[0] has ", $#f1 + 1, " serials, file $ARGV[1] has ", $#f2 + 1, "\n"
if $#f1 != $#f2;
Notice I changed "file1" to "file $ARGV[0]" - that way, it will print the name of the file you specified, rather than just the ambiguous "file1". Notice also that I split up the die() function and the if() condition on two lines. I think it's more readable that way. I also might write unless $#f1 == $#f2 instead of if $#f1 != $#f2, but that's just because I happen to think != is an ugly operator. There's more than one way to do it.
foreach my $g (0 .. $#f1) {
This is a common idiom in Perl. We normally use for() or foreach() (same thing, really) to iterate over each element of a list. However, sometimes we need the indices of that list (some languages might use the term "enumerate"), so we've used the range operator (..) to make a list that goes from 0 to $#f1, i.e., through all the indices of our list, since $#f1 is the value of the highest index in our list. Perl will loop through each index, and in each loop, will assign the value of that index to the lexically-scoped variable $g (though why they didn't use $i like any sane programmer, I don't know - come on, people, this tradition has been around since Fortran!). So the first time through the loop, $g will be 0, and the second time it will be 1, and so on until the last time it is $#f1.
print (($f2[$g] =~ m/RESULT:\s+PASS/) ? $f2[$g] : $f1[$g]);
This is the body of our loop, which uses the ternary conditional operator ?:. There's nothing wrong with the ternary operator, but if the code gives you trouble we can just change it to an if(). Let's just go ahead and rewrite it to use if():
if($f2[$g] =~ m/RESULT:\s+PASS/) {
print $f2[$g];
} else {
print $f1[$g];
Pretty simple - we do a regex check on $f2[$g] (the entry in our second file corresponding to the current entry in our first file) that basically checks whether or not that test passed. If it did, we print $f2[$g] (which will tell us that test passed), otherwise we print $f1[$g] (which will tell us the test that failed).
print STDERR "$#f1 serials found\n";
This just prints an ending diagnostic message telling us how many serials were found (minus one, again).
I personally would rewrite that whole hairy bit where he hacks with $/ and then does two reads from <> to be a loop, because I think that would be more readable, but this code should work fine, so if you don't have to change it too much you should be in good shape.
The undef $/ line deactivates the input record separator. Instead of reading records line by line, the interpreter will read whole files at once after that.
The <>, or 'diamond operator' reads from the files from the command line or standard input, whichever makes sense. In your case, the command line is explicitely checked, so it will be files. Input record separation has been deactivated, so each time you see a <>, you can think of it as a function call returning a whole file as a string.
The split operators take this string and cut it in chunks, each time it meets the regular expression in argument. The (?= ... ) construct means "the delimiter is this, but please keep it in the chunked result anyway."
That's all there is to it. There would always be a few optimizations, simplifications, or "other ways to do it," but this should get you running.
You can get quick glimpse how the script works, by translating it into java or scala. The translator delivers following java code:
public class script extends CRoutineProcess implements IInProcess
VarArray arrF1 = new VarArray();
VarArray arrF2 = new VarArray();
VarBox call ()
// !/usr/bin/perl -w
if (!(BoxSystem.ProgramArguments.scalar().isGT(1)))
BoxSystem.die("Usage: ").join(BoxSystem.foundArgument.get(0
).toString()).join(" <file1> <file2>\n")
arrF1.setValue(BoxConsole.readLine().split("(?=(?:SERIAL NUMBER:\\s+\\d+))")));
arrF2.setValue(BoxConsole.readLine().split("(?=(?:SERIAL NUMBER:\\s+\\d+))")));
if ((arrF1.length().isNE(arrF2.length())))
BoxSystem.die("Error: file1 has $#f1 serials, file2 has $#f2\n");
for (
VarBox varG :,arrF1.length()))
BoxSystem.print((arrF2.get(varG).like("RESULT:\\s+PASS"))) ? arrF2.get(varG) : arrF1.get(varG)
return STDERR.print("$#f1 serials found\n");

Should I manually set Perl's #ARGV so I can use <> to open, scan, and close files?

I have recently started learning Perl and one of my latest assignments involves searching a bunch of files for a particular string. The user provides the directory name as an argument and the program searches all the files in that directory for the pattern. Using readdir() I have managed to build an array with all the searchable file names and now need to search each and every file for the pattern, my implementation looks something like this -
sub searchDir($) {
my $dirN = shift;
my #dirList = glob("$dirN/*");
for(#dirList) {
push #fileList, $_ if -f $_;
#ARGV = #fileList;
while(<>) {
## Search for pattern
My question is - is it alright to manually load the #ARGV array as has been done above and use the <> operator to scan in individual lines or should I open / scan / close each file individually? Will it make any difference if this processing exists in a subroutine and not in the main function?
On the topic of manipulating #ARGV - that's definitely working code, Perl certainly allows you to do that. I don't think it's a good coding habit though. Most of the code I've seen that uses the "while (<>)" idiom is using it to read from standard input, and that's what I initially expect your code to do. A more readable pattern might be to open/close each input file individually:
foreach my $file (#files) {
open FILE, "<$file" or die "Error opening file $file ($!)";
my #lines = <FILE>;
close FILE or die $!;
foreach my $line (#file) {
if ( $line =~ /$pattern/ ) {
# do something here!
That would read more easily to me, although it is a few more lines of code. Perl allows you a lot of flexibility, but I think that makes it that much more important to develop your own style in Perl that's readable and understandable to you (and your co-workers, if that's important for your code/career).
Putting subroutines in the main function or in a subroutine is also mostly a stylistic decision that you should play around with and think about. Modern computers are so fast at this stuff that style and readability is much more important for scripts like this, as you're not likely to encounter situations in which such a script over-taxes your hardware.
Good luck! Perl is fun. :)
Edit: It's of course true that if he had a very large file, he should do something smarter than slurping the entire file into an array. In that case, something like this would definitely be better:
while ( my $line = <FILE> ) {
if ( $line =~ /$pattern/ ) {
# do something here!
The point when I wrote "you're not likely to encounter situations in which such a script over-taxes your hardware" was meant to cover that, sorry for not being more specific. Besides, who even has 4GB hard drives, let alone 4GB files? :P
Another Edit: After perusing the Internet on the advice of commenters, I've realized that there are hard drives that are much larger than 4GB available for purchase. I thank the commenters for pointing this out, and promise in the future to never-ever-ever try to write a sarcastic comment on the internet.
I would prefer this more explicit and readable version:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
foreach my $file (<$ARGV[0]/*>){
open(F, $file) or die "$!: $file";
# search for pattern
close F;
But it is also okay to manipulate #ARGV:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
#ARGV = <$ARGV[0]/*>;
# search for pattern
Yes, it is OK to adjust the argument list before you start the 'while (<>)' loop; it would be more nearly foolhardy to adjust it while inside the loop. If you process option arguments, for instance, you typically remove items from #ARGV; here, you are adding items, but it still changes the original value of #ARGV.
It makes no odds whether the code is in a subroutine or in the 'main function'.
The previous answers cover your main Perl-programming question rather well.
So let me comment on the underlying question: How to find a pattern in a bunch of files.
Depending on the OS it might make sense to call a specialised external program, say
grep -l <pattern> <path>
on unix.
Depending on what you need to do with the files containing the pattern, and how big the hit/miss ratio is, this might save quite a bit of time (and re-uses proven code).
The big issue with tweaking #ARGV is that it is a global variable. Also, you should be aware that while (<>) has special magic attributes. (reading each file in #ARGV or processing STDIN if #ARGV is empty, testing for definedness rather than truth). To reduce the magic that needs to be understood, I would avoid it, except for quickie-hack-jobs.
You can get the filename of the current file by checking $ARGV.
You may not realize it, but you are actually affecting two global variables, not just #ARGV. You are also hitting $_. It is a very, very good idea to localize $_ as well.
You can reduce the impact of munging globals by using local to localize the changes.
BTW, there is another important, subtle bit of magic with <>. Say you want to return the line number of the match in the file. You might think, ok, check perlvar and find $. gives the linenumber in the last handle accessed--great. But there is an issue lurking here--$. is not reset between #ARGV files. This is great if you want to know how many lines total you have processed, but not if you want a line number for the current file. Fortunately there is a simple trick with eof that will solve this problem.
use strict;
use warnings;
searchDir( 'foo' );
sub searchDir {
my $dirN = shift;
my $pattern = shift;
local $_;
my #fileList = grep { -f $_ } glob("$dirN/*");
return unless #fileList; # Don't want to process STDIN.
local #ARGV;
#ARGV = #fileList;
while(<>) {
my $found = 0;
## Search for pattern
if ( $found ) {
print "Match at $. in $ARGV\n";
continue {
# reset line numbering after each file.
close ARGV if eof; # don't use eof().
WARNING: I just modified your code in my browser. I have not run it so it, may have typos, and probably won't work without a bit of tweaking
Update: The reason to use local instead of my is that they do very different things. my creates a new lexical variable that is only visible in the contained block and cannot be accessed through the symbol table. local saves the existing package variable and aliases it to a new variable. The new localized version is visible in any subsequent code, until we leave the enclosing block. See perlsub: Temporary Values Via local().
In the general case of making new variables and using them, my is the correct choice. local is appropriate when you are working with globals, but you want to make sure you don't propagate your changes to the rest of the program.
This short script demonstrates local:
$foo = 'foo';
sub print_bar {
local $foo;
$foo = 'bar';
sub print_foo {
print "Foo: $foo\n";