Binary representation of float to decimal conversions in Perl - perl

I read Stack Overflow question How do I convert a binary string to a number in Perl? on how to convert binary integers to decimal or vice versa in Perl. But how do I do this for float as well?
For example, conversion from 5.375 to 101.011 and vice versa.

sub number_to_binary_string {
my $in = shift;
my $sign = $in < 0 and $in = abs $in;
my $out = sprintf "%b.", int $in;
substr $out, 0, 0, '-' if $sign;
$in -= int $in;
do {
if ($in >= .5) {
$out .= '1';
$in -= .5;
else {
$out .= '0';
$in *= 2;
} while $in > 0;
return $out;
sub binary_string_to_number {
my $in = shift;
my ($int,$frac) = split /\./, $in;
my $sign = $int =~ s/^-//;
my $out = oct "0b$int";
my $mult = 1;
for my $digit (split //, $frac) {
$mult *= .5;
$out += $mult * $digit;
$out = -$out if $sign;
return $out;

Below is a machine- and build-specific implementation (NV = little-endian double).
It returns the number stored exactly, and it supports NaN, Infinity, -Infinity and -0 and subnormals. It trims leading zeros and trailing decimal zeroes.
sub double_to_bin {
my ($n) = #_;
my ($s, $e, $m) = unpack 'a a11 a52', unpack 'B64', "".reverse pack 'F', $n;
$s = $s ? '-' : '';
$e = oct("0b$e");
if ($e == 0x7ff) {
return ($m =~ /1/) ? 'NaN' : $s . 'Infinity'
} elsif ($e == 0x000) {
$m = "0$m"; $e -= 52;
} else {
$m = "1$m"; $e -= 1075;
if ($e >= 0) {
$m .= ('0' x $e);
} elsif ($e >= -52) {
substr($m, $e+53, 0, '.');
} else {
$m = '0.' . ('0' x (-$e-53)) . $m;
$m =~ s/^0+(?!\.)//;
$m =~ s/(?:\..*1\K|\.)0+\z//;
return $s . $m;

Here's a sketch of an interesting "portable" implementation. It doesn't handle any of the interesting edge-cases like integers, NaNs, infinities, or even negative numbers because I'm lazy, but extending it wouldn't be so hard.
(my $bin = sprintf "%b.%032b", int($num), 2**32 * ($num - int($num)))
=~ s/\.?0+$//;
The 2**32 seems like an architecture-specific magic number but in fact it's basically just how many bits of precision you want after the dot. Too small and you get harmless truncation; too large and there's potential for overflow (since %b probably casts to UV sometime before doing its formatting).

$TO_BIN = '-b';
$TO_DEC = '-d';
($op, $n ) = #ARGV;
die("USAGE: $0 -b <dec_to_convert> | -d <bin_to_convert>\n") unless ( $op =~ /^($TO_BIN|$TO_DEC)$/ && $n );
for (split(//,$n)) {
if ($_ eq ".") {
} else {
if (defined $f) { $f.=$_ } else { $i.=$_ }
$ci = sprintf("%b", $i) if $op eq $TO_BIN;
$ci = sprintf("%d", eval "0b$i") if $op eq $TO_DEC;
#f=split(//,$f) if $f;
if ($op eq $TO_BIN) {
while( $f && length($cf) < 16 ) {
($f *= 2) =~ s/(\d)(\.?.*)/$2/;
$cf .= $1 ? '1' : '0';
} else {
for ($i=1;$i<#f;$i++) {
$cf = ($cf + $f[#f-$i])/2;
$cf=~s/^.*\.|^/./ if $cf;


Caesar Cipher -- "Isn't numeric in addition (+)"

I'm creating a Caesar cipher using Perl, but I cant seem to find the error in the code.
I keep getting the error message:
Argument "hello" isn't numeric in addition (+) at ./ line 66, <> line 1.
which is the line $translated += $symbol.
use warnings;
$x = 26;
sub getMode {
$e = "encrypt decrypt";
while ( 'True' ) {
print "Do you wish to encrypt or decrypt a message? \n";
$mode = <STDIN>;
chomp( $mode );
if ( $mode = split( //, $e ) ) {
return $mode;
else {
print "Enter either 'encrypt' or 'decrypt'.\n";
sub getMessage {
print "Enter your message:";
$input = <STDIN>;
chomp( $input );
return $input;
sub getKey {
$key = 0;
while ( 'True' ) {
print "Enter the key number (1-26): ";
$key = int( <> );
chomp( $key );
if ( $key >= 1 and $key <= $x ) {
return $key;
sub getTranslatedMessage {
( $mode, $message, $key ) = #_;
if ( $mode =~ /^d/ ) {
$key = -$key;
$translated = '';
foreach $symbol ( $message ) {
if ( $symbol =~ /[A-Za-z]/ ) {
$num = ord( $symbol );
$num += $key;
if ( $symbol =~ /^[A-Z]/ ) {
if ( $num > ord( 'Z' ) ) {
$num -= 26;
elsif ( $num < ord( 'A' ) ) {
$num += 26;
elsif ( $symbol = /^[a-z]/ ) {
if ( $num > ord( 'z' ) ) {
$num -= 26;
elsif ( $num < ord( 'a' ) ) {
$num += 26;
$translated += chr( $num );
else {
$translated += $symbol;
return $translated;
$mode = getMode();
$message = getMessage();
$key = getKey();
print "Your translated text is: '\n' ";
print( getTranslatedMessage( $mode, $message, $key ) );
In Perl, + is numeric addition only. String concatenation is . / .=.
if ($mode = split(//,$e)){
is incorrect. I believe you want something like:
my %valid_mode = ( 'encrypt' => 1, 'decrypt' => 1);
if ( $valid_mode{$mode} ) {
return $mode
The code you have is setting $mode into the number of characters in $e (in an inefficient way).
foreach $symbol ($message){
in Perl, strings are first class entities; they aren't automatically interpreted as arrays of characters. So to loop over the characters, you need to so something else. The simplest way is:
foreach $symbol ( split //, $message ) {
elsif ($symbol= /^[a-z]/){
= should be =~.
There is also a problem with which code is in which blocks that prevents upper case characters from being added to the output. It looks to me like the closing brace for your fir st if ($symbol =~ should be just before the later else, and other braces possibly fixed up to match.
Putting all your }'s on a line of their own, indented the same as the line with the corresponding { is a much better idea. It will help you see mismatched braces much more easily.
Here is corrected code, with use strict added and all variables declared:
use warnings;
use strict;
my $x = 26;
sub getMode{
my %valid_mode = ( 'encrypt' => 1, 'decrypt' => 1 );
while ('True'){
print"Do you wish to encrypt or decrypt a message? \n";
my $mode = <STDIN>;
chomp ( $mode);
if ($valid_mode{$mode}) {
return $mode;
else {
print "Enter either 'encrypt' or 'decrypt'.\n";
sub getMessage{
print"Enter your message:";
my $input = <STDIN>;
chomp ($input);
return $input;
sub getKey{
my $key = 0;
while ('True'){
print"Enter the key number (1-26): ";
$key = int(<>);
chomp ($key);
if ($key >= 1 and $key <= $x){
return $key;
sub getTranslatedMessage{
my ($mode, $message, $key) = #_;
if ($mode =~ /^d/){
$key = -$key;
my $translated = '';
foreach my $symbol (split //, $message){
if ($symbol =~ /[A-Za-z]/){
my $num = ord($symbol);
$num += $key;
if ($symbol =~ /^[A-Z]/){
if ($num > ord('Z')){
$num -= 26;
elsif ($num < ord('A')){
$num += 26;
elsif ($symbol=~ /^[a-z]/){
if ($num > ord('z')){
$num -= 26;
elsif ($num < ord('a')){
$num += 26;
$translated .= chr($num);
$translated .= $symbol;
return $translated;
my $mode = getMode();
my $message = getMessage();
my $key = getKey();
print"Your translated text is:\n";
print(getTranslatedMessage($mode, $message, $key));
print "\n";
Over all, I suggest you write smaller chunks of code and test them to make sure they worked before assembling them all together.

How to make this Perl program print in descending order?

This code works but it prints in ascending order. Do I need to change my whole formula?
print "Enter an integer \n";
my $root = <STDIN>;
my #nums = (100..200);
my $i = 0;
# code in while loop executes as long as condition is true
while ( $i < $#nums )
print "$nums[$i]\n",if($nums[$i] % $root == 0); $i++;
Just set $i to $#nums instead of 0 and decrement it -- instead of incrementing. You'll need to change the loop condition to $i >= 0 (it should be $i <= $#nums in your code, otherwise it skips 200 when 10 was entered).
use warnings;
use strict;
print "Enter an integer \n";
my $root = <>;
my #nums = (100 .. 200);
my $i = $#nums;
while ( $i >= 0 ) {
print "$nums[$i]\n" if $nums[$i] % $root == 0;
There are more than a few ways to do it ... not all equally good:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
sub run {
my $root = $_[0] // get_root();
my #nums = (100 .. 200);
my #functions = (
sub {
my ($root, $nums) = #_;
my $i = #$nums;
while ($i--) {
print "$nums->[$i]\n" unless $nums->[$i] % $root;
sub {
my ($root, $nums) = #_;
for my $n ( reverse #$nums ) {
print "$n\n" unless $n % $root;
sub {
my ($root, $nums) = #_;
my $i;
while ($i++ < #$nums) {
print "$nums->[#$nums - $i]\n" unless $nums->[#$nums - $i] % $root;
sub {
my ($root, $nums) = #_;
my #multiples = reverse grep !($_ % $root), #$nums;
print "$_\n" for #multiples;
for my $i ( 0 ... $#functions ) {
print "=== Function $i ===\n";
$functions[$i]->($root, \#nums);
sub get_root {
return scalar <STDIN>;
print "Enter an integer \n";
my $root = <STDIN>;
my #nums = (100..200);
#nums = reverse #nums; #Just reverse the arrays
my $i = 0;
# code in while loop executes as long as condition is true
while ( $i < $#nums )
print "$nums[$i]\n",if($nums[$i] % $root == 0); $i++;
May be it will helps you.
for (my $i = $#nums; $i >= 0; --$i) { ... }
for (my $i = #nums; $i--; ) { ... }
for my $i (reverse 0 .. $#nums) { ... }
for (1 .. #nums) { my $i = -$_; ... } # Or: my $i = #nums-$_;
for my $num (reverse #nums) { ... }

Collatz Conjecture - Iteration rather than Recursion

I am working on something for learning purposes where I have tackled Collatz using recursion. If you see below I make use of #_ and $_ to keep the for alive.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
sub collatz {
my ($num, $count) = #_;
if ($num == 1) {
return $count;
} elsif ($num % 2 == 0) {
return collatz($num/2, $count);
} else {
return collatz($num*3 + 1, $count);
my $max = 0;
my $saved = 0;
for (1..1000) {
my $length = collatz($_, 0);
print "Num: " . $_ . " Length: " . $length . "\n";
if ($length > $max) {
$max = $length;
$saved = $_;
print "The longest sequence starts with " . $saved . "\n";
I am trying to use iteration instead of recursion but I just can't think of how to tackle this. I am not after the code in the question, I just want some tips / hints on how to tackle this to get the same result.
I suspect I will need to use a while or an until field.
Any help would be appreciated, again I don't want the exact answer.
Here is my second attempt, which is giving me an error of
Can't return outside a subroutine at line 38.
my $number = 0;
my $counter = 0;
while ($number != 1000) {
if ($number == 1) {
return $counter;
elsif ($number % 2 == 0) {
return ($number / 2, $counter);
else {
return ($number * 3 + 1, $counter);
print "number" . $number . "counter" . $counter . "\n";
Basically you have tail recursion, which is nice and simple to eliminate.
Instead of collatz calling itself to generate the next step in the sequence, you simply change the variables in-place and loop back to the top.
In its crudest form this would be
sub collatz2 {
my ($num, $count) = #_;
if ($num == 1) {
return $count;
elsif ($num % 2 == 0) {
$num = $num / 2;
else {
$num = $num * 3 + 1;
goto NEXT;
but it should be written much more nicely than that.
I ended up with this
sub collatz {
my ($num) = #_;
my $count = 1;
while ($num > 1) {
$num = $num % 2 ? $num * 3 + 1 : $num / 2;
Consider adding the logic that returns when the condition is met in the while.
my $iter = 0;
while($num != 1){ #do stuff; $iter++ }
Just use a for or while loop with the end condition that your number == 1.
use strict;
use warnings;
my $max_num = 0;
my $max_steps = 0;
for my $num (1..1000) {
my $steps = 0;
for (my $i = $num; $i != 1; $steps++) {
$i = $i % 2 ? 3 * $i + 1 : $i / 2;
print "Num: " . $num . " Length: " . $steps . "\n";
if ($steps > $max_steps) {
$max_num = $num;
$max_steps = $steps;
print "The longest sequence starts with " . $max_num . "\n";

How to find range

I have two sets of ranges. Each range is a pair of integers (start and end) representing some sub-range of a single larger range.
I need to determine which ranges from set A overlap with which ranges from set B.
I think your input got truncated, because I can't see any way to get the last rows of your expected output.
But, for the portion that's there, I think you want a script like this:
my %cover;
foreach my $line ( <STDIN> )
chomp $line;
my ( $tag, $lo, $hi ) = split /\s+/, $line;
map { $cover{$_}++ } ($lo .. $hi);
my $beg = 0;
my $end = 0;
my $cnt = 0;
foreach my $val ( sort { $a <=> $b } keys %cover )
if ($cover{$val} != $cnt || $val > $end + 1)
if ($cnt > 0)
print "chr1\t$beg\t$end\t$cnt\n";
$cnt = $cover{$val};
$beg = $val;
$end = $val;
} else
$end = $val;
if ($cnt > 0)
print "chr1\t$beg\t$end\t$cnt\n";
You didn't tell us, though, what to do with chr1 or how to related it between the input and output (are there other values that could appear there, for example?) so I just hardcoded that in the output. You'll have to change that part appropriately.
Also, my script outputs slightly different ranges than your "expected output," specifically where two ranges abut. My script, for example, outputs
chr1 556 579 1
chr1 580 592 2
but your expected output gives 580 instead of 579 for the first line. I'm not sure your expected output is correct. If you really did want 580 there (which doesn't make a lot of sense), then you could modify the script above to output $end+1 when $val == $end+1. That just seems weird though.
Here's that modified version of the code that gives the weird behavior when ranges abut:
my %cover;
foreach my $line ( <STDIN> )
chomp $line;
my ( $tag, $lo, $hi ) = split /\s+/, $line;
map { $cover{$_}++ } ($lo .. $hi);
my $beg = 0;
my $end = 0;
my $cnt = 0;
foreach my $val ( sort { $a <=> $b } keys %cover )
if ($cover{$val} != $cnt || $val > $end + 1)
## unusual value for '$end' when ranges abut.
$end = $val if ($val == $end + 1);
if ($cnt > 0)
print "chr1\t$beg\t$end\t$cnt\n";
$cnt = $cover{$val};
$beg = $val;
$end = $val;
} else
$end = $val;
if ($cnt > 0)
print "chr1\t$beg\t$end\t$cnt\n";

Uninitialized variable issue in Perl program

use warnings;
use Scalar::Util qw(looks_like_number);
sub term_value();
sub factor_value();
sub expression_value()
$num = #_;
#expression = $_[0];
print "expression[0]: " . $expression[0] . "\n";
$index = $_[$num-1];
print "index: $index\n";
$result = &term_value(#expression, $index);
$more = 1;
$op = $expression[$index];
print "$op\n";
if ($op eq "+" || $op eq "-")
$value = &term_value(#expression, $index);
if ($op eq '+')
$result = $result + $value;
} else {
$result = $result - $value;
$more = 0;
return $result;
sub term_value()
$num = #_;
#expression = $_[0];
print "expression[0]: " . $expression[0] . "\n";
$index = $_[$num-1];
print "index: $index\n";
$result = &factor_value(#expression, $index);
$more = 1;
$op = $expression[$index];
if ($op eq "*" || $op eq "/")
$value = &factor_value(#expression, $index);
if ($op eq '*')
$result = $result * $value;
} else {
$result = $result / $value;
} else {
$more = 0;
return $result;
sub factor_value()
$num = #_;
#expression = $_[0];
print "expression[0]: " . $expression[0] . "\n";
$index = $_[$num-1];
print "index: $index\n";
$result = 0;
$c = $expression[$index];
if ($c eq '(')
$result = &expression_value(#expression, $index);
} else {
while (looks_like_number($c))
$result = 10 * $result + $c - '0';
$c = $expression[$index];
return $result;
#Collect argument and separate by character
#one_char = split(//, $ARGV[0]);
$index = 0;
$result = &expression_value(#one_char, $index);
print $result . "\n";
My console returns these warnings:
Use of uninitialized value $op in string eq at line 58.
Use of uninitialized value $op in string eq at line 58.
Use of uninitialized value $op in string eq at line 25.
Use of uninitialized value $op in string eq at line 25.
about the $op variable being uninitialized. I'm thinking this may be a scope problem...but I can't figure it out. I've tried everything I could think of (initializing the variable outside of the loop, etc.), but none of it seems to make a difference when running the program. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
You're only using package (~global) variables, which is a huge problem given that you are using recursive functions! Start by adding
use strict;
Primarily, this will identify the variables you haven't declared. Use my to declare them in the appropriate scope.
You're trying to pass arrays to the subs, but you're failing. The only thing that can be passed to a sub is a list of scalars. If you want to pass an array to a sub, you'll need to pass a reference (~pointer) to the array.
sub foo {
my ($expressions, $index) = #_;
print($expressions->[$index], "\n");
foo(\#expressions, $index);
This is the reason you're getting the warnings. You are assigning one element to an array (#expression = $_[0]), then you try to index the second or later element.
By using prototype (), you're telling Perl the sub takes no arguments. Then you use & to tell Perl to ignore the prototype so you can pass arguments to your subs. Get rid of both the () after the sub names and & before sub calls.
my $more = 1;
while ($more) {
if (cond) {
} else {
$more = 0;
can be reduced to
while (1) {
last if !cond;
Higher Order Perl has a chapter on parsing. See section 8.1.2 for how you would build an expression parser and evaluator from scratch.
You can also take a look at the demo calculator script provided with Parse::RecDescent.
Just out of curiosity, I wanted to see what can be achieved without using parsers. The following script makes a lot of assumptions, but "works" for the simple cases.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Regexp::Common qw(balanced number);
die "Need expression\n" unless #ARGV;
my ($expression) = #ARGV;
my $result = evaluate_expression($expression);
"'%s' evaluated to %g\n",
$expression, $result
my $expected = eval $expression;
unless ($result == $expected) {
die "Wrong result, should have been '$expected'\n";
sub evaluate_expression {
my ($expression) = #_;
my $n = qr!$RE{num}{real}!;
my $mul = qr![*/]!;
my $add = qr![+-]!;
my $subexpr = qr!$RE{balanced}{-parens=>'()'}{-keep}!;
1 while
$expression =~ s!
my $s = $1;
$s =~ s{(?:^\()|(?:\)\z)}{}g;
1 while
$expression =~ s!($n) \s* ($mul) \s* ($n)!"$1 $2 $3"!geex;
1 while
$expression =~ s!($n) \s* ($add) \s* ($n)!"$1 $2 $3"!geex;
return $expression;
C:\Temp> z "((1+1)*3 +2)*5"
'((1+1)*3 +2)*5' evaluated to 40
C:\Temp> z "(1+1)*3 + 2*5"
'(1+1)*3 + 2*5' evaluated to 16
But, of course, it's fragile:
C:\Temp> z "2*3+2*5"
'2*3+2*5' evaluated to 610
Wrong result, should have been '16'
As a bit of a corollary to Sinan's answer, here is a "parser" written from the other side of the camel.
use 5.010;
use strict;
use warnings;
my #ops;
use overload map {
my $op = $_;
$op => sub {
my ($x, $y) = #_[$_[2] ? (1, 0) : (0, 1)];
bless [$x, $op, $y]
} #ops = qw(+ - / *);
my %ops = map {$_ => eval "sub {\$_[0] $_ \$_[1]}"} #ops;
sub eval {
my $self = shift;
return $$self[0] if #$self == 1;
my ($x, $op, $y) = map {ref eq 'main' ? $_->eval : $_} #$self;
my $ret = $ops{$op}->($x, $y);
say "$ret = $x $op $y";
BEGIN {overload::constant integer => sub {bless [$_[1]]}}
eval->eval for "#ARGV";
Which when run:
$ perl 2*3+2*5
6 = 2 * 3
10 = 2 * 5
16 = 6 + 10