Post photos to wall issue - facebook

I can login to Facebook within my application and can also retrieve the information of the Facebook account of my application users.
However, when I post a photo to my users' Facebook wall, it always return NULL. Why?

You need to prompt the user for publish_stream extended permission. Facebook has a post that walks you through this step by step.


posting on facebook user wall from my website

I have a website which use facebook connect.
I want that a user can post on his wall when clicking a button.
I add the permission : publish_stream and I was expected that when authenticating to facebook, the facebook dialog will ask for permission to posting on the wall (because I asked for publish_stream) but it does not. so I am getting the dialog only when trying to post on its wall instead of when user is first signed up using facebook connect.
Am I doing somthing wrong ?

Is this possible to write a post on user wall on standard facebook login?

I am wonder is this possible to create app which fetch some data from external source and post it on user wall after user logged to his facebook account. Is this possible on facebook?

Post to facebook wall after user adding facebook app to their facebook page

Do we have permission to post to a facebook page wall after their admin add our facebook app to their facebook page? Is that posible?
In order to publish anything you must have the publish_stream permission.

Facebook Api Post Wall When User Offline

I'm getting the permissions of the user settings page of the application on myfacebook (publish_stream). Even if the user that permits has logged out how can i send something to is wall (as Formspring)
Per, after the user has logged out of your app/website, all you need to do is user an "App Access token" to post to that user's wall as long as you do still have publish_stream permissions for that user.
Enables your app to post content, comments, and likes to a user's
stream and to the streams of the user's friends. With this permission,
you can publish content to a user's feed at any time. However, please
note that Facebook recommends a user-initiated sharing model. Please
read the Platform Policies to ensure you understand how to properly
use this permission.

legal question about facebook authorization

I am having problems with the facebook authorization process within my app.
I want to post something on the users facebook page with a dialog which is shown to the user first, and request the "publish_stream" permission.
If I do so the user is redirected every 2 hours to the request page where it says that the user has already allowed this app to do this, which is very annoying for the user....
So my question is what happens if I don't ask about permission to post on the wall, but still show the user the dialog which shows what is posted on his page? is this legal ? can I get any problems what so ever by doing this?
Cause posting on the users wall without asking permission, works just fine.
thanks for the help
The Facebook documentation states that if you prompt for publish_stream, you will be able to post on the users wall indefinitely, and thus you wouldn't also need offline_access.
publish_stream Enables your app to
post content, comments, and likes to a
user's stream and to the streams of
the user's friends. With this
permission, you can publish content to
a user's feed at any time, without
requiring offline_access. However,
please note that Facebook recommends a
user-initiated sharing model.
There is no legal issues there. However users will be pi**ed off.
But when you request a token with offline_access and then use that token for publish_stream, your token will not expire.