Why I got so many posts without any content from Graph API? - facebook

I am developing a social media monitoring service. And I'm now trying to fetch the posts and comments from a certain group of users.
However, I found that a lot of empty posts are fetched by Graph API https://graph.facebook.com/somebodysuid/posts?access_token=xxxx . That is, a lot of posts are of the following form:
"id": "somebodysuid_xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"from": {
"name": "XXX YYY AAA",
"id": "somebodysuid"
"type": "status",
"created_time": "2011-08-03T05:49:11+0000",
"updated_time": "2011-08-03T05:49:11+0000",
"comments": {
"count": 0
"id": "somebodysuid_yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy",
"from": {
"name": "XXX YYY AAA",
"id": "somebodysuid"
"type": "status",
"created_time": "2011-07-24T23:31:35+0000",
"updated_time": "2011-07-24T23:31:35+0000",
"comments": {
"count": 0
Through these are indeed posts, but they're totally useless. The worst thing is, half of the data I fetched are of this kind....
Can somebody please explain why so many empty posts would the API fetch? Can this be solve by any way?

Those posts are probably updates made through the "new share form" where users can tag places and friends and attach geo-locations without adding any additional message.
Those type of posts are typed as "status" but graph api does not return the other meta-datas yet (location, tags, etc...) that's why you see them empty.
Let's hope FB will fix that quickly :(

I think FB has started to add activity information that appears on a Facebook web page, such as "John Doe is now friends with Tom Jones", or "Fred Smith and 2 others have changed their profile image". This activity information is a) incomplete in the returned feed and b) does odd things when you look for more information by asking the graph API for detail based on the posts id field.
My current guess is that this is new functionality for the feed - I have been unable to find documentation or mention of it. They are very difficult to process at this time, since they look like other things and contain no identifying detail.
Here is the question I posted looking for help. It give another example:
Facebook graph "user/home" feed now contains activities as post items that are difficult to identify


Can I aggregate Facebook Likes, Tweets, and Google Pluses?

I'm building a voting application on my new website, cabinethardware.org. I'd like the voting to be done in such a way that when someone votes for a project (to receive a $1000 rebuilding grant) that they are encouraged to plug the project via social networks. My programmer has had difficulty with the application, and it occurred to me that one way of doing it is to just put like, tweet and G+ buttons on the site and add them together. So if a project gets 24 likes, 12 tweets, and 18 G+, it would have 64 votes. It doesn't bother me if someone votes on all three engines.
Before a project is eligible for a grant, it must receive 100 votes. My question is, is there a way that I can aggregate the likes, tweets, and G+ so that I can see on the backend how many votes each project has, without going to each project and adding them up by hand? Also, I'd like to display to customers the combined total.
Does anyone know of a way to combine the count of these three?
For Google+, you would only need to perform one API call to the Google+ APIs that would be searching the Google+ public data. Searching the Google+ public data is demonstrated in the API explorer.
The post response contains information about reshares and +1s:
"verb": "post",
"object": {
"objectType": "note",
"content": "Setting up a server-side flow project that accesses Google+ data using the .NET stack can be a little tricky, I walk you through it in this blog post.",
"url": "https://plus.google.com/109716647623830091721/posts/g8LjdGAXdDc",
"replies": {
"totalItems": 0,
"selfLink": "https://www.googleapis.com/plus/v1/activities/z125srm50lf1slxrd04cfftatqyoglnoqio/comments"
"plusoners": {
"totalItems": 6,
"selfLink": "https://www.googleapis.com/plus/v1/activities/z125srm50lf1slxrd04cfftatqyoglnoqio/people/plusoners"
"resharers": {
"totalItems": 0,
"selfLink": "https://www.googleapis.com/plus/v1/activities/z125srm50lf1slxrd04cfftatqyoglnoqio/people/resharers"
For Facebook, you can use the Pages API to count likes for your page, you can experiment with this in their API explorer.
The following data shows their response data:
"about": "Build and distribute amazing social apps on Facebook. https://developers.facebook.com/ ",
"company_overview": "Facebook Platform enables anyone to build social apps on Facebook, mobile, and the web.\n\n",
"is_published": true,
"talking_about_count": 39241,
"username": "FacebookDevelopers",
"website": "http://developers.facebook.com",
"were_here_count": 0,
"category": "Product/service",
"id": "19292868552",
"name": "Facebook Developers",
"link": "https://www.facebook.com/FacebookDevelopers",
"likes": 952596,
"cover": {
"cover_id": "10151121467948553",
"source": "https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/299374_10151121467948553_45631061_n.png",
"offset_y": 0
Likes are just a member in the response data.
For twitter, you can query for mentions of a user with their search API and passing a search string for the user as #user. A count of the objects within results is going to be your mention count. The response data is a little too much to paste in here but here's an example query using their API.

How to get who and when a user shared a Facebook post

For my Facebook posts my friends share (not likes) I would like get who shared it and when. Using the graph api I can get the like or comment information and the number of times a post has been shared.
What I am looking for is a graph api call or Facebook fql query for shares which returns a result set similar to this:
data": [
"id": "user_id_1",
"name": "Username 1",
"created": "some date"
"id": "user_id_2",
"name": "Username 2",
"created": "some other date"
I am also looking for the exact thing for long time now. Since Facebook shows the list of users who shared the post, I was expecting that the same will be available in Graph API. But unfortunately nothing such exists till date.
The best workaround I could find for this problem is scraping the Facebook page for the list of users who shared the given post. I haven't yet tried this solution but this should solve the problem for now. The only issue here is, if Facebook changes the HTML structure of that page, the scraper will have to modified.

Displaying Different Copy / Images Based on the Number of Likes

We're working on developing a program that will (hopefully) automatically swap out creative with new creative once a certain like threshold is met (i.e. if 100 people like the page, something new appears). Can we add coding so our system is able to tell how many "likes" are generated? I know that the number of likes are displayed, I'm just not sure if there is a way for a program to actually read how many likes there are.
I don't see if in any of the Facebook attributes in the developer's platform.
What you'll have to do is acquire an access token for your page and then query the facebook platform for the number of likes periodically (possibly with a cron job of sorts).
You can read more about how to get the page access token at this URL
Facebook has given us a great took to help us mine all the data it holds - its called the Graph API Explorer and with it you can see what data will be returned when you query the API. When you query the API with only the page_id you'll get a response similar to this :
"id": "XXXXXXXXX",
"name": "My Awesome Page",
"picture": "foo.jpg",
"link": "https://www.facebook.com/pages/XXXXXXXX",
"likes": 345,
"category": "Product/service",
"website": "XXXXXXX",
"founded": "2011",
"description": "...",
For more information about how to use the Graph API you can see this link :
Facebook does provide good documentation:
As you can see there, there is a field "likes" containing the number (count) of likes for a page.

Programatically differentiate between facebook pages and profiles

I'm writing an app which requires me to determine whether I show the fb "like" button or not. fb profiles don't have "likes" but pages do. any recommendations on how I can programatically differentiate between a fb profile and a fb page? the only input i get from the user is the fb profile/page URL and based on that I need to determine whether its a page or a profile and then display the like button.
Yes, you can look at the type attribute of the returned JSON. For example, take a look at actual, redacted Graph API responses that I receive for a user and a page:
//This is JSON for a user
//Call to https://graph.facebook.com/123456789
"id": "123456789",
"name": "Sean Hill",
"first_name": "Sean",
"last_name": "Hill",
//more attributes
"type": "user" // <--- This one
//This is JSON for a page
//Call to https://graph.facebook.com/thesolusean
"id": "323796444951",
"name": "Solusean",
"picture": "https://fbcdn-profile-a.akamaihd.net/hprofile-ak-snc4/50290_323796444951_3601170_s.jpg",
"link": "https://www.facebook.com/thesolusean",
"likes": 28,
// more attributes
"type": "page" // <---- This one
Without knowing which programming language you're using, this is the best answer I can give.
So far it seems the only quick way to know whether given profile is page or actual user is by looking at category attribute. If this attribute is present then its a page otherwise it could be user. FB reference docs doesn't seem to have any clear guidance (see https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/reference/profile). In additional most of the APIs that return profile as part of other response only includes partial information of id, name and category:
"from": {
"category": "Magazine",
"name": "Astronomy Magazine",
"id": "108218329601"
Note: I'm confused by #Sean Hill's answer. There is no type attribute in profile objects.

Scope of Facebook API

I am trying to learn and create a Facebook API on the go. However, I haven't found any page on the developer pages that specifies the scope of the Facebook API in great detail. I understand public information can be accessed using Graph API. But at the same time understand that further access is possible, not sure how much though.
Is there anyway to access the 'Edit news feed options' of a user that authorizes an application?
I don't really understand what you mean by "scope", but the Graph API is not more than a series of URLs to contact the facebook servers with queries and obtain answers in form of JSON objects.
You can start learning by looking at the reference for the API here:
There are unofficial APIs for every language you can imagine, for example java: http://code.google.com/p/facebook-java-api/ , c#: http://facebooksdk.codeplex.com/ , etc.
To read the news feed, you can access it by:
https://graph.facebook.com/me/home?access_token=TOKEN (where TOKEN is the access token)
Fb will respond with a JSON object similar to the one pasted below.
"data": [
"id": "11111_1111111111,
"from": {
"name": "Name",
"id": "11111111"
"message": "SOME_MESSAGE",
"actions": [
"name": "Comment",
"link": "http://www.facebook.com/111111/posts/11111"
"name": "Like",
"link": "http://www.facebook.com/11111/posts/11111"
"type": "status",
"created_time": "2011-04-20T20:19:04+0000",
"updated_time": "2011-04-20T20:19:04+0000"
etc etc etc
"paging": {
"previous": "https://graph.facebook.com/me/home?access_token=TOKEN",
"next": "https://graph.facebook.com/me/home?access_token=TOKEN"
Having that, you can use the ID for the person or the message to perform new queries, as explained in the FB API page:
All of the objects in the Facebook
social graph are connected to each
other via relationships. Bret Taylor
is a fan of the Coca-Cola page, and
Bret Taylor and Arjun Banker are
friends. We call those relationships
connections in our API. You can
examine the connections between
objects using the URL structure
The connections supported for people
and pages include:
Almost every information on FB is accessible through the Graph API, provided the user authorized the app with the rigth permissions: