How does `rake` know where to look for Rakefiles? - rake

I'm trying to better understand how rake works. I've looked on the rake website to see how it works but there isn't a clear explanation for how rake searches for Rakefiles and the steps it goes through in resolving dependencies. Can someone explain how rake works?

By default rake will look for one of these files under the directory you execute it from:
You can look at Rake's Application docs to see this list
Additionally, any ruby file including other rakefiles can be included with a standard Ruby require command:
require 'rake/loaders/external-rakefile'
alternatively, you can import them:
import 'rake/loaders/external-rakefile'
To make a set of Rake tasks available for use from any directory, create a .rake subdirectory within your home directory, and place the appropriate Rake files there. Any rake command with the -g option will use these global Rake files (read more here):
rake -g -T
Additionally, if -g option is set, Rake will first try to load the files form RAKE_SYSTEM environment variable, if that is not set, it will default to a home user directory/.rake/*.rake. These files will be loaded/imported in addition to one of the default files listed above.
Otherwise it will load the first default file (from the above list), and additionally import all the rake files from the rakelib directory (under location you run rake from), OR this directory can be specified using:
--rakelibdir=RAKELIBDIR or -R RAKELIBDIR: Auto-import any .rake files in RAKELIBDIR. (default is 'rakelib')


-sh /usr/local/sbin/wpa_supplicant no such file or directory

I have built the TI wilink utilities which then I have integrated in my rootfs. This done using petalinux 2016.4 and have created a install template app in yocto build to copy all the tools and libraries in the rootfs.
When I bring up the BOOT.bin and image.ub, I see the files and libraries but when I try to run for example wpa_supplicant it does not work
even wpa_supplicant -h wont work.
It shows me error:
-sh: /usr/local/sbin/wpa_supplicant: no such file or directory.
The file is present and also has executable permissions.
Do you have any idea why it is not able to run ?
Typically, this means that executable file is built for the wrong architecture, i.e. there is a mismatch between the environment where are you running and environment for which you are building. This is how you can make sure they do match or not (execute on target):
# file /usr/local/sbin/wpa_supplicant
# uname -m
If you see mismatch, then it all boils down to how are you building TI wilink.

Build libraries in external folder of AOSP source code

I noticed that a simple
$ . build/
$ lunch
$ aosp_hammerhead-eng
$ make -j16
Would not build also the external libraries in the ./external folder.
How am I supposed to build source code in such folder?
In particular, I am modifying source code in the libselinux in ./external/selinux/libselinux/src/
I found out that, by using the mm command, it is possible to build all of the modules in the current directory.
So, if you are in ./external/selinux/libselinux/ you can build all code inside such directory just by typing the command mm.
I also found that the same code I was modifying inside the ./external/selinux/libselinux/ is also located in ./external/libselinux/. However, this directory is linked to the make -j16 command.

Snapcraft Placing Default Config Files

I am trying to build an application release by using, and I have almost all working.Snapcraft already compiles the source code, generates the .snap file, includes all the dependencies, and so on.However, I am stuck at how I can initialize some configuration files in the SNAP_USER_DATA folder after the first app install.I do not want to place the files in the default read-only path SNAP, as the default parameters should be modified by the user, also I need to generate some additional files, like server certificates.So I need to copy some files, and also run a script after the first install. Is this possible?
Because snaps are installed as root, it's impossible to do exactly as you ask at install time, as $SNAP_USER_DATA is user-specific, so it'll always be root's. However, you can do this at install-time using a system-wide directory, such as $SNAP_DATA, using the install hook:
$ snapcraft init
Created snap/snapcraft.yaml.
Edit the file to your liking or run `snapcraft` to get started
Create the hook. In our case we'll just create a new file in $SNAP_DATA, but you could do whatever you wanted.
$ mkdir -p snap/hooks
$ echo "touch \$SNAP_DATA/foo" >> snap/hooks/install
$ chmod a+x snap/hooks/install
Build the snap.
$ snapcraft
Preparing to pull my-part
Pulling my-part
Preparing to build my-part
Building my-part
Staging my-part
Priming my-part
Snapping 'my-snap-name' |
Snapped my-snap-name_0.1_amd64.snap
Install the snap. This will run the install hook.
$ sudo snap install my-snap-name_0.1_amd64.snap --devmode --dangerous
my-snap-name 0.1 installed
Notice a file was created in $SNAP_DATA.
$ ls /var/snap/my-snap-name/current
The only way to get similar functionality for $SNAP_USER_DATA would be to wrap your real command in a script that creates the config. This command is then run by the user, which means you get the $SNAP_USER_DATA you intend. Of course, this isn't at install-time.

How to submit a package to PyPI under a different user than my ~/.pypirc

As far as I can tell from the docs, unlike with say git and .gitignore files, setuptools will only look in your $HOME directory for a .pypirc file.
Mostly I am submitting as 'myself', but now I want to submit a specific project via my employer's dev team account. register --help doesn't seem to indicate any way to supply a username/password other than the one from my ~/.pypirc
There's the setup.cfg file which could appear in my project root, but it seems that only allows to specify args accepted by the command, so same as above.
Same for .pydistutils.cfg (?)
Surely I can't be the only one - what's the usual way to do this?
I found a workaround, which is to use
After installing twine I was able to create a project-specific .pypirc file in the project root, containing the company username/password.
Before using twine you have to generate the package using though, so the procedure is (from your project root):
$ python sdist
$ twine register --config-file=./.pypirc dist/*
$ twine upload --config-file=./.pypirc dist/*

Does not make sense that I have to have files before import

How do I import an external package from scratch?
I've written a library package in Go and testing to distribute through github. I am following and using mac but getting error message
cmd I put is following.
$ mkdir $HOME/go
$ export GOPATH=$HOME/go
$ export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin
$ mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/
$ mkdir $GOPATH/src/
Then I put
$ go get
Still errors with go install
can't load package: package no Go source files in /Users/user_name/go/src/
I do not understand why we need files to import an external package in Go. External package means that I get something and create files from the external package.
My question is how I import an external package from scratch. Most of documents just say something like
go get
this gives me "$GOPATH not set."
I am getting frustrated setting up the environment for "go get" to work, as a beginner. Thanks a lot in advance.
How do I import an external package from scratch?
Go is a static type language thus it needs to resolve any reference to external package at compile time. The "go" tool expects the source of external packages in locally accessible path thus you need to use "go get" to download them.
From what you described, you probably did not set the GOPATH. Use ECHO $GOPATH to check if it is set correctly.
For my GO project, I normally use GOPATH as workspace, similar to virtualenv in Python or rbenv/rvm in Ruby. Let say my project "myproject" has root at /projects/myproject, my source file will be located at /projects/myproject/src/myproject and there is an import of "", then
> cd /projects/myproject
> export GOPATH=`pwd` # or export GOPATH=/projects/myproject
> go get
After "go get" command, the source of "" will be downloaded to /projects/myproject/src/
When you use "go build" or "go install" then, it will compile as the external packages is in the $GOPATH/src folder.
If you install Go in the default folder, you need to include Go installed bin folder in the PATH environment variable. After that GOPATH is the other environment variable you need for "go" tool to work.
That's how I done it:
1. Setup your workspace first
mkdir $HOME/go
export GOPATH=$HOME/go
export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin
2. Create the project
mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/
mkdir $GOPATH/src/
touch $GOPATH/src/
3. Install it
go install
4. Run it
cd $GOPATH/bin
I used the following vagrant image:
From the help output for go get, it says:
By default, get uses the network to check out missing packages but does not use it to look for updates to existing packages.
When you created the $GOPATH/src/ directory prior to running go get, it assumed that the package had already been downloaded so skipped to the step of trying to build and install the package. That failed because the directory contained no Go source files.
So the simple fix is to not create the folder associated with the package you are trying to download: go get will do that for you.