Ajax ComboBox rendering incorrectly - ajaxcontroltoolkit

I'm using the ComboBox from the AjaxControlToolkit v4.1.50731. When it displays on the page, the dropdown list renders well below the origin of the control. Unfortunately, I can't post an image due to SO restrictions.
I kept the code to a minimum on the page to avoid any possible conflicts:
<AjaxToolKit:ComboBox ID="ComboBox1" runat="server">
<asp:ListItem Text="Mild" Value="0" />
<asp:ListItem Text="Medium" Value="1" />
<asp:ListItem Text="Hot" Value="2" />
Any idea why this is happening or how it can be corrected?

The issue was caused by CSS styling but I couldn't isolate it the exact cause. To resolve the problem, I created a new page with no styling and only the combo box control, calling it "PlainComboBox.aspx". Then I used an iframe tag in the page where I wanted to display the combo box, as seen below:
<iframe src="PlainComboBox.aspx" frameborder="0" height="130" >
<p>Your browser does not support iframes.</p>
This isolated the combo box from any styling issues elsewhere on the page and rendered correctly.


Add aria-hidden to Title element

I am trying to make a business critical SAPUI5 application more accessible using screen readers by adding ARIA labels and landmarks. One issue is that some SAPUI5 elements such as sap.m.Title's without text have been used (abused) for layout purposes. I would like to add the aria-hidden attribute or a SAPUI5 analogue to these Title elements. But I can't figure out how to do this. I would like to change
<Title text="" class="title" />
<Title aria-hidden="true" text="" class="title" />
But setting aria-hidden on the Title like this seems to be invalid. How would I go about setting a standard HTML attribute on a SAPUI5 control?
Thank you in advance for your help!

Office Fluent UI / Fabric UI Modal - how can I control where it appears?

I'm currently using the MS Fluent UI controls (formerly known as Office Fabric UI | https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/fluentui#/controls/web) and I'm getting stuck with the 'Modal' control.
I am triggering a Modal dialog control as the onClick event for a DocumentCard control. The problem is I can't see any way to keep the new model dialog centred on the screen.
It appears to always center on the element which contains all of the document cards (and there are a lot of cards.. so you end up having to scroll down quite a lot to see the modal dialog).
Is there any way of simply setting it to "center on the (visible) window"?
Below is a snippet from the React Component which hosts the Document Card and Modal dialog..
return (
<DocumentCard onClick={showModal}>
<DocumentCardTitle title={this.props.Title} shouldTruncate />
<Image {...imageProps} className={styles.image} />
<DocumentCardTitle title={this.props.event.Description}
shouldTruncate showAsSecondaryTitle />
<Modal isOpen={isModalOpen} onDismiss={hideModal} isBlocking={true}>
<span id={titleId}>{this.props.Title}</span>
I think you just need to raise the modal out of the DocumentCard. The following might be what you're looking for
return (
<DocumentCard onClick={showModal}>
<DocumentCardTitle title={this.props.Title} shouldTruncate />
<Image {...imageProps} className={styles.image} />
<DocumentCardTitle title={this.props.event.Description} shouldTruncate showAsSecondaryTitle />
<Modal isOpen={isModalOpen} onDismiss={hideModal} isBlocking={true}>
<span id={titleId}>{this.props.Title}</span>

How do I get rid of reblog/like history on photo reblog page on tumblr?

As in the photo above, I would like to get rid of the scroll bar along with the history of all the likes and reblogs which are located once you click on the photo on my blog. Where would I locate this in the custom CSS on tumblr and which code would I use?
I have been looking at this code, but not sure where to go next.
{block:IndexPage}{LinkOpenTag}<div class="photo"><img src="{PhotoURL-500}" alt="{PhotoAlt}" width=250px/></div>{LinkCloseTag}
<ul class="like_and_reblog_buttons">
Thank you.
OK, so in the template on line 408 I simply wrapped the notes component in html comments so they don't get rendered in the browser.
Simply changing:
<div class="notes">{PostNotes}</div>
<div class="notes">{PostNotes}</div>
Full html template saved here: https://pastebin.com/yva5npcW
I've also removed the redundant
</center></center> that tag is obsolete:
Nothing is being rendered in those erroneous tags.

Why are Breadcrumbs sapui5 minimized?

in my SAPUI5-application i use breadcrumbs. This feature is quite nice, but on a specific word ("Vertrag") the link to the overriding breadcrumb is collapsed and there's a dropdown-field. By changing the word from "Vertrag" to "Vertrags", the overriding breadcrumb isn't collapsed anymore.
Can you help me, to disaple this dropdown-field?
XML-file containing the breadcrumb:
<FlexBox height="50px" alignItems="Start" justifyContent="Center">
<Breadcrumbs currentLocationText="{i18n>Contract}">
<Link press="onPressBreadcrumb" text="{i18n>Overview}" id="Overview"/>
Not OK
I think, this must be a issue on calculation width of the flex box. Try to play with margins, pattern or other stuff that affect rendering.
Or try to force for test like this
<FlexBox height="50px" alignItems="Start" justifyContent="Center">
<Breadcrumbs currentLocationText="{i18n>Contract}">
<Link press="onPressBreadcrumb" text="{i18n>Overview}" id="Overview"/>
It may be necessary to test it on all popular browsers.

frame doesn't work in gwt app

i have gwt app, and one of the 'page'(or display) has a iframe whose url point to google web page, however when deploy the app, google page doesn't show up. here is the code
<g:HTMLPanel styleName="{style.ctntBox}">
<div id="contactForm">
<g:Frame url="http://www.google.com/"></g:Frame>
if i replace the google webpage with a static image stored locally, it show up fine:
<g:HTMLPanel styleName="{style.ctntBox}">
<div id="contactForm">
<g:Image url="img/myImg.jpg"></g:Image>
can anyone tell me why it won't work with external link? Thanks
Answered on the GWT group: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/google-web-toolkit/nwlTBBVGJSA/pho1SVeviQEJ
Copied here for convenience:
Google refuses to be displayed in a frame using the X-Frame-Options HTTP header.
See http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/issues/detail?id=7055
The code you provided creates the UI, including the frame, just fine. The thing you're not doing is setting a height and width for your frame, so it's effectively invisible. Change your code to the following and you'll see your frame.
<g:HTMLPanel styleName="{style.ctntBox}">
<div id="contactForm">
<g:Frame url="http://www.google.com/" height="150px" width="150px" />
The reason you didn't have to specify the height and width for an image is because they are implicitly defined by the image itself. There's no way for GWT to know how big you want an iframe to render on your page, so you have to explicitly set the size.