Bing Maps Multiple Pushin Infoboxes - bing-maps

I have a map where I have multiple pushpins, and would like the infobox to support HTML content. I'm using the native infobox class, and while I have used a custom infobox, as many have suggested, I'd like to figure this one out.
The code is at:
Its not compressed or encoded, so you can just view the source.
at line 84, the options for the Infobox are set. In the description, I've tried setting a var , but am missing the syntax somewhere. Something like this :
var ibDescription = document.getElementById('ibDescription');
ibDescription.innerHTML =;
Any guidance would be most appreciated !

Looks like you've figured this out already:
pinInfobox.setOptions({title:, description:, visible:true, offset: new Microsoft.Maps.Point(0,25)});
One thing I noted was that you are only using one InfoBox. I use one info box per pushpin, so I set the infobox detail at the time it is created and then only have to hide or show it.


Autodesk forge highlight child object

Recently i've been working on this repository to build a custom visual in Power BI to visualize the issues extracted from Bim track'S API.
The idea was visualizing them in associaton to the model's ROOMS.
In order to do that I worked with a NWC file, so i cuold export rooms as a geometry.
What i would like to do now is to highligt the rooms if a connected issue is selected from a table.
The problem is When i select an issue from a table, in the selection tree i can see highlighted the parent object name (ROOM) instead of the child (solid), and i think that is why i can't achieve my purpose (if not please correct me).
what i have
what i wold like to do
Does anyone know a way to do that?
If you would like to change your selection between (FIRST_OBJECT, LAST_OBJECT, LEAF_OBJECT) you can change viewer selection settings in order to test:
If you would like to achieve this programmatically :
could help you as well.
If I well understood, you want to highlight the child (which contain the mesh) instead of the parent.
The object highlight (isolate) is done in /forgePowerbiView/src/visual.ts with this code:
const dbIds = options.dataViews[0] =>
console.log('dbIds: ' +dbIds)
this.forge_viewer.impl.setGhostingBrightness(true); //for isolate effect
Take a look at this link Enumerating leaf nodes on Viewer. This will help you to get the dbIds you want to isolate.

HERE api maps style, How can i delete all objects from map?

Can i erase all layers in
How can i delete objects like this?
screenshot below from lanzarote island:
That would be hard work to customize map style looks like you attached.
We recommend to use "Day Reduced" template in map style editor.
And you'll need to customized the map style based on the template.

How do I use OSM custom tags in Mapbox style

Here's a brief description of what I'd like to do (and I'm very, very new to this but seem to have hit a wall):
Display a map of color-coded buildings based on a custom tag (miamioh_lds).
What I've tried: in Mapbox Studio Classic starting with the Emerald style (coordinates 84.7286, 39.5033)
#building [miamioh_lds="uitcp"] {
polygon-fill: #f61313;
I would expect Hoyt Hall to be red, but it is not, even if I remove all other #building CartoCSS statements.
I would like the building filled, which is why I'm using tags and fill instead of using a data source, which seems to be focused at adding markers. I'm using Mapbox because my goal is to bring the map into Tableau (which I'll use to add a marker off dynamic data, which is why I need a fill, not a marker here).
Can I use custom tags in CartoCSS? If so, what am I doing wrong?

Element Checkbox got its label always to the left and needs a link

How can I change the positions of checkbox and label and how to implement a link into the label?
$acceptGTC = new Element\Checkbox('AGBs');
$acceptGTC->setLabel('I Accept the GTC (show it).');
I tried to overwrite the view helper for checkboxes.
added to module.config.php
'viewhelpers' => array('checkbox'=>'Application\View\Helper'),
But it still uses the original one...
Do I have to tell zend to use my FormCheckbox?
I don't exactly know the way you are rendering your Zend_Form_Element, but in order to enhance the rendering as you want you should build a custom decorator, and add it to this element.
You should read the Zend documentation on Zend_Form_Decorators, everything is quite well explained and should lead you to a fancy solution.

tt_news: use news title as download title in list view

My news should not contain any text, except for the title. Instead, in the list view the title should directly point to the first attached file (a PDF).
Now I thought the simplest solution for that would be to hide the title, show only the attached files and give them the title of the related news entry via TypoScript.
For the detail view this code works fine:
plugin.tt_news.newsFiles {
labelStdWrap.cObject = TEXT
labelStdWrap.cObject.dataWrap = DB:tt_news:{GPvar:tx_ttnews|tt_news}:title
labelStdWrap.cObject.wrap3 = {|}
labelStdWrap.cObject.insertData = 1
...but it uses the GPvar for the currently displayed news, which of course is not present in list view.
So my question is: how do I get the ID of the currently iterated news entry, if possible at all?
I am open to other solutions as well.
You will need to use custom itemMarkerArrayFunc - fastest by copying the sample into your own extension: typo3conf/ext/tt_news/res/example_itemMarkerArrayFunc.php and adding custom marker to $markerArray.
The mentioned sample even demonstrates access to files so I assume that should not be a problem to modify it for your needs.
Note: if you haven't any own ext to copy the func into it, and you don't want to create such, try to copy it somewhere under fileadmin folder, modifying files in original destination is wrong idea, cause you'll lost all changes after next tt_news' update.
Easiest solution I found is using the labelStdWrap:
plugin.tt_news.newsFiles {
labelStdWrap = TEXT
labelStdWrap.field= title
More options can be found here: