programmatically create UITableViewController IOS 5 - ios5

When starting a new project (single view based), I began to get a strange crash when attempting to use a custom UITableViewController. The custom UITableViewController works just fine in other application started a while back, but now it seems to fail when used in new projects.
This is how I am instantiating the UITableViewController:
TestViewController * tableViewController = [[TestViewController alloc] initWithStyle:UITableViewStyleGrouped];
[self.view addSubview:tableViewController.tableView];
The compiler is a lot more strict now, so I make sure to add the required protocols in the headers as follows:
#interface TestViewController : UITableViewController <UITableViewDelegate, UITableViewDataSource> {
I get the following message:
-[__NSMallocBlock__ numberOfSectionsInTableView:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x654dcd0
In the implementation for the custom UITableViewController, I am hard coding the number of section and rows, but I am still getting this problem.
I don't know where to go from here, I appreciate any help I can get,


Assigning ViewController to a delegate, Is it good?

I am newbie in iOS programming, Recently I came across a tutorial where author assigned a ViewController to a textField delegate. Is it good to do this? As Xcode is giving me warning.
discussIDTextField.delegate = self;
self is DiscussViewController and above code is inside DiscussViewController.m
Code works fine but I don't like yellow bubbles showing on my screen while writing codes. If I want to get rid of this warning what should I do?
Warning : Assigning id from incompatible type
The view controller (self) has to implement the UITextFieldDelegate protocol. So your #interface definition should look something like this:
#interface DiscussViewController : UIViewController <UITextViewDelegate>
And then of course in the implementation implement some of the delegated protocol methods.
In your .h file add UITextFieldDelegate between < > so that your view controller becomes text field delegate and then in the .m file implement delegate methods that you need.
#interface DiscussViewController : UIViewController <UITextFieldDelegate>

NSObject ModalView and Delegate

I'm modifying someone else's code and trying to use a ViewController however it is currently an NSObject. So below I have added newDelegate
#interface myAppDelegate : NSObject <UITableviewDelegate, newDelegate>
in my code I try to bringup a modalview with
[self presentModalViewController:newModalView animated:YES];
I get the error message 'myAppDelegate' may not respond to '-presentModalViewController:animated:' that's fair enough, it is an NSObject. Can someone help me with a possible approach?
If someone wrote code with an NSObject as a UIViewController, you've got a lot of problems. "Modifying someone else's code" means to me "I'm the new vendor after the old guy screwed it up so bad by lying to the client and SAYING they could do iPhone dev work". Maybe go back to the client and say "we need to redevelop from scratch, this is garbage"? :)
As for the issue at hand - app delegates ARE NSObjects -- so that part looks right. However, an app delegate should not usually be a UITableViewDelegate. You'd have a window property and a rootViewController property in the app delegate, and the final call of appDidFinishLaunchingWithOptions: would instantiate the view controller and load it into the window. That view controller would then handle any views (and likely be the UITableViewDelegate in this case).
The presentModalViewController: code is built-in to UIViewController, so you're not going to be able to it to work directly from the app delegate.

Possible to use UIActionSheet from Application Delegate?

I have a common UIActionSheet which I use across about 10 different view/view controllers. I'm wondering if it's possible to use UIActionSheet from the app delegate in order to prevent code duplication?
So far my attempts to use an action sheet from the delegate haven't worked, I suspect my problem lies when calling the showInView method - do I need to instantiate an object of my view controller then use viewController.view here? If so how can I then tell which view called the action sheet method from the delegate?
I didn't try the approach proposed by c_phlat, but I wonder to what self.view is mapped.
I did manage to do it like this:
[actionSheet showInView:window];
it works just as well.
I was having the same problem, and I recently figured out a way to fix it in my app. The key for me was to make my app delegate class an extension of UIViewController rather than NSObject. (I think UIViewController is a subclass of NSObject anyway, so this shouldn't affect your app too much.)
In other words, change the main implementation line in your app delegate interface file from something like this:
#interface YourAppDelegate : NSObject <UIApplicationDelegate, UIActionSheetDelegate> {
To this:
#interface YourAppDelegate : UIViewController <UIApplicationDelegate, UIActionSheetDelegate> {
You should now be able to use the showInView: method with your action sheet within your app delegate implementation:
[yourActionSheet showInView:self.view];

Creating a new ViewController and xib for programmatic display (with addSubview)

I am writing a library to be used by developers for the iPhone (similar to the way that OpenFeint is implemented) and I am trying to create a ViewController with an associated XIB so that I can instantiate it in my code with
SplashScreenViewController *splashScreenViewController = [[SplashScreenViewController alloc] init];
UIWindow *topApplicationWindow = [self getTopWindow];
[topApplicationWindow addSubview:splashScreenViewController.view];
However, while this works with simple controls (UIButtons, etc), nothing shows up with my SplashScreenViewController. SplashScreenViewController is very simple:
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#interface SplashScreenView : UIViewController {
and the implementation is empty. In my View XIB (SplashScreenView.xib), I have tried setting the File's Owner's class to SplashScreenViewController which didn't work, then I tried it the way I've seen it done in OpenFeint which is to add a View Controller in IB and make the main UIView a child of it and make it of class SplashScreenViewController instead. That also does not work (does not display).
I'm wondering if anyone has a good idea for what I might be missing, or if someone can recommend a walkthrough for creating new ViewControllers the way that I'm attempting to.
Try 2 things :
Call initWithNibName not just init. Maybe the OpenFeint you were talking about were overriding the init to call initWithNibName , that's why you don't see it.
Set SplashScreenViewController as your file owner, and connect his view outlet to your
view in IB.
Hope it helps.
Instead of [splashScreenViewController alloc], try [SplashScreenViewController alloc]. I'm surprised you didn't get a compiler warning.

How Do I (Re)Use the Same Nib in Multiple View Controllers

Okay I just typed this whole question out and then managed to delete it. Sigh. Anyway, standard disclosure that I have searched everywhere and banged my head on the keyboard and can't figure this out.
I'm building a basic app based on the utility application template (with a MainViewController and FlipsideViewController). Side note: I still don't understand the purpose of MainView and FlipsideView in this scheme so if someone can explain it that wouldn't be too terrible :D
Anyway, at the bottom of both of these views I want to have a toolbar. It was easy enough to add that to a given view with IB, but I want the toolbar to have its own controller and model because I want to keep its state consistent across the two views. Accordingly I'd like to load that view from a nib but it seems I'm doing something wrong. I followed the advice here: NSViewController and multiple subviews from a Nib but obviously borked it up so more insight would be appreciated.
I did the following things:
I created ToolBarViewController which is basically empty but is the file owner of ToolBar.xib. Inside ToolBar.xib I have a view with a frame the size of the toolbar and inside that a toolbar. In MainView.xib I've got a view element of the same size which is wired up to toolBarView found in the code below...
In MainViewController.h:
#import "ToolBarViewController.h"
#interface MainViewController : UIViewController <FlipsideViewControllerDelegate, MKMapViewDelegate> {
ToolBarViewController *toolBarViewController;
IBOutlet UIView *toolBarView;
#property(nonatomic, retain) ToolBarViewController *toolBarViewController;
#property(nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet UIView *toolBarView;
In MainViewController.m:
#synthesize toolBarViewController;
#synthesize toolBarView;
- (void)loadView
[super loadView];
toolBarViewController = [[ToolBarViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"ToolBar" bundle:nil];
[[toolBarViewController view] setFrame:[toolBarView frame]];
[[self view] replaceSubview:toolBarView with:[toolBarViewController view]];
When I build and run I get the warning for the last line above that 'UIView' may not respond to 'replaceSubview:with' and on running it the following exception is thrown:
*** -[MainView replaceSubview:with:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x450c540
Can anyone explain what I'm doing wrong? Thanks!å
There is no such method as [UIView replaceSubview:with:]. That's an NSView method. You should have gotten a warning about this when you compiled.
To do the same thing, you'd need to use [[self view] insertSubview:aboveSubview:] and then [toolbarView removeFromSuperview].
That said, I'm not certain if this is how you want to mess with the toolbar. I'd probably try something more like:
self.toolbarItems = [toolbarViewController toolbarItems];
That's because there's no such UIView's replaceSubview:with: (there's a method like that for NSView on the Mac, though).
Remember that Objective-C warnings are usually errors ;) in general I tend to never leave them without treatment, and I even turn them into errors: