reorder cells dynamically through code(without dragging cell) with the animation - iphone

I have sorted data coming from server and I am displaying it on tableview, however, there is a another functionality on cell, that If I do that functionality, cells should be rearranged accordingly.
I want to have animation like reordering cell using reordercontrol of table view cell.
Does anyone know, how to animate like reordering cells?

Check this post at Matt Gallagher's blog Cocoa With Love.
It has a great project that shows how to animate rows and a lot of cool stuff about customizing UITableviews.


How to enable Horizontal paging for each Section in UITableView

I was using an app the other day which appeared to separate its UITableView sections (events for each day of the month) into separate PageViews. Here is a gif of the functionality:
When I tried using a page view to accomplish this it seemed that you could only use separate ViewControllers for each page, rather than different sections.
Any idea on how one would go about doing this? I’m at a loss.
You can do that by using a collectionView as reusable tableView cell, which means, sections and cells from your tableView can be a collectionView. And then you set your collectionView cells as big as the example.
If you would like to do this in one UI element, use UICollectionView.
UITableView appearing and interactions are very limited.
this could be a good starting point:

How To Replicate This User Interface Design?

I want to create a UI like the on in app. Is it a UIScrollView with UITableView cells in it?
Notice how each block/cell has multiple data values in it.
This is all about customising the table view and table view cells. The best tutorial I've found is Cocoa with Love: Easy custom UITableView drawing. It's a good place to start.
This is a UITableView with UITableViewStyleGrouped and multiple sections. The spacing between sections appears to be increased from the default value.
The cell backgrounds have a slight gradient added to give them depth. Each section appears to have a different custom layout of labels, and, in the one case, a custom slider-like object. The object on the right is a standard UITableViewCellAccessoryDetailDisclosureButton.
You can achieve similar effects by subclassing UITableViewCell.

How to recreate a Pulse-like UI?

I was wondering how to make image display through a table like the application Pulse on iPhone. I used UIScrollView but it did not help much. It only displayed images in a nice array-like manner but you could not produce an event or click on the image.
What's the best way to produce a Pulse like application for displaying images and heading information in an array-like style?
use Ray Wenderlich tutorial about THIS topic
The Ray Wenderlich pulse tutorial does have an issue where if the horizontal table view has not been scrolled (or its first element is aligned with the left of the screen) you can't drag right and have the content pull that way and then bounce back. This makes the scrolling experience feel pretty bad.
The simple solution though is to put the horizontal table view inside a scroll view and then everything just works.
It looks like a UITableView with rows that are composed of UIImageViews. Its got a nice touch where you can scroll horizontally within a row, like with Twitter's app. That's most likely done with a UIScrollView (scroll bars removed, with end bounce). Peter Boctor wrote a web blog post on how to do something similar, if I recall.
It's a UITableView with each row containing a UITableView that is rotated by 90°. The cells for the UITableView in each row are custom views that are likely either subclasses of UIImageView or just plain UIView.

Mimic ABNewPersonViewController UI

I'd like to replicate the iOS 4.x ABNewPersonViewController UI layout (see link text) in a custom view but I'm unsure about the best way to achieve this. I was thinking of a single grouped UITableView, but what about the first section? How do I achieve the smaller cells (first,last,company)? And finally the "add photo canvas" is it just a sub UIView with a background image for the shadow and the rounded border or can this be done programmatically?
Many thanks in advance!
your idea about a single grouped UITableView could work. The way to get the smaller cells as well as the photo cell would be to subclass UITableViewCell and create it like that. and yes the photo canvus is just a custom UIView added on top of the UITableView. I'm not sure i see the point of rolling your own here, but thats how i'd start. Also i think i recall seeing a tutorial on how to build this page..try googling for it.

Left area of section in iPhone TableView

I have a section where I would like to customize the left area of a section a TableView - a bit like viewForHeaderInSection.
I have thought at using a cell for the section instead, but it would be a lot of nitty-gritty.
If I understand your question correctly, you want to customise the left-hand-side of some, or every cell in a UITableView? Then you need to make create your own custom table view cells. I normally make these cells in Interface Builder; this post helped me out. See also the Customizing Cells section of Apple's Table View Programming Guide for iOS.
I read your question to mean that there is one custom element to the left of a bunch of cells. The only way I know of offhand is to use a cell as you describe and then have a left view and a tableview inside of it.