Delete GWT module development mode? - gwt

I have a GWT application with several modules. I have deleted one that I don't need anymore (JasperReportTest) - I deleted JasperReportTest.gwt.xml file and classes referring to that module.
But when I try to run my application in development mode I get this in my console:
Loading modules
[ERROR] Unable to find 'com/mycompany/myapp/JasperReportTest.gwt.xml' on
your classpath; could be a typo, or maybe you forgot to include a
classpath entry for source?
If I run compile everything works fine. How can I delete the module, so development mode won't try to load it? I searched project for string "JasperReportTest" and I didn't find it. Where is loading of this module written?

Solved - problem was that in Run configurations I had that module in startup command

Have a look at the Google → Web Toolkit in your project's properties.

I was getting the same behaviour, and the good place to remove the reference to the unwanted module is in "run configuration" dialog but in the "arguments" tab', not in GWT one.


Another GWT module may need to be recompiled

I'll start with the other threads I've read:
GWT module may need to be (re)compiled REDUX
Some subtlety of GWT compilation - "gwt module may need to be (re)compiled."
Google App Engine - recompile GWT module
GWT Maven : Module 'xxx' may need to be (re)compiled
I have taken the following steps to fix this:
Cleared my browser cache.
Deleted gwt-unitCache folder.
Deleted *.nocache.js.
Deleted every file that was left over from a previous build. (I did this by looking at the date and time it was created.)
Run both maven clean and gwt:clean on my project.
Compile by right clicking on the project and going to Google > GWT Compile.
Run maven package.
Put the war in my JBoss EAP 6.1 (JBoss AS 7) folder.
Connect to it and still get the "GWT module may need to be recompiled" error.
What else could be causing this error to come up?
This has happened to me in the past when I imported a GWT project to a different computer. Seems you have already done some things I have tried. Before you start, right click on your project, hit Refresh, so you don't miss anything that's not in sync with the file system. There are multiple things it may be, so here's all the things I did to get it working:
Before the following steps also helps if you use the same version of GWT that was originally used to create your project. Also, make sure gwt-servlet.jar, gwt-servlet-deps.jar, validation-api-1.0.0.GA.jar, and validation-api-1.0.0.GA-sources.jar in your libs directory are the same as the ones from your GWT SDK directory (only if your app uses them).
Delete gwt-UnitCache
Open up the war directory.
Delete ALL compiled module folders.
Delete the war/WEB-INF/deploy folder.
Delete the war/WEB-INF/classes folder. It may be hidden in Eclipse, so you may have to do it via your file system.
Now, on the menus: click Project > Clean...
Make sure a build happens too. Either make "Build automatically" is selected, or use the option in the "Clean" dialog.
Do a GWT Compile. If you have more than one module, ONLY compile the main module. Any inherited modules will also be compiled.
I hope this helps. Ask if you need any clarifications.

No Class Def Found Error in my JSP file

I have a jsp file called AddBidding.jsp which adds bids for a facility. I am using the Google App Engine's datastore (objectify). When I try to run the file using localhost:8888/AddBidding.jsp. However, it keeps giving me NoClassDefinitionFound Error. Can I know what causes this error? I know it's due to the classpath but how do I fix it in Eclipse GAE?
I am making some assumptions over here since there are not too many details about which class is giving you the NoClassDefFound Error. Just ensure that all the external(additional) JARs that you use are present in the WEB-INF\lib folder also. For e.g. put all the Objectify and dependent JARs in the WEB-INF\lib folder and then try.
Right Click the Project on Project Explorer View > "Configure Build Path"
In Source [tab] Make sure your Default output folder is right
In Libraries [tab] you have Web App Libraries
If not Add Library...
That should get you working.

"Unable to find XXX.gwt.xml on your classpath" error in GWT

After importing a Maven GWT project into Eclipse the debugger doesn't work, complaining that it's
Unable to find ProjectName.gwt.xml on your classpath
How do you fix this error?
It turns out that when you debug some GWT project as Web Applications, Eclipse does not append the module name (i.e. the gwt.xml file) to the list of arguments. I tried adding it manually, but forgot to add the complete package name that houses the gwt.xml file. The module should have been referred to as, not just Project.gwt.xml.
I found that Davek804's comment helped me: I simply deleted the debug configuration (Run=>Debug Configuration=>right click and deleted project will run
Try going to Run -> Run Configurations in the menu and then select the Classpath tab and add the missing project.

Location of config file for devmode in Eclipse?

I have a multi module GWT project (say a.gwt.xml, b.gwt.xml, c.gwt.xml) that I am building in eclipse and testing in devmode. All was working well until I deleted one of the gwt module file and associated source. Now when I try to launch devmode from eclipse it fails with the following error message.
Loading modules
[ERROR] Unable to find 'com/fubar/b.gwt.xml' on your classpath; could be a typo, or maybe you forgot to include a classpath entry for source?
[ERROR] shell failed in doStartup method
I assume that this means there is a stale reference to the now defunct b.gwt.xml but I can't seem to find it in any of the config files. Any ideas?
At present I am working around this by doing a copy+rename a.gwt.xml -> b.gwt.xml (so there are effectively 2 copies of the a module names a + b) which works fine but compiles 2 copies of same module :(
What I think is your runtime configuration which is gone wrong. Individual projects should be fine. Open the runtime configuration which you were running and check the entries in GWT! If the module you have deleted still exists here, then you need to remove it.
Runtime config for project
You can refer to the following Video.
To rename
Right Click on the project.
Select Run As ---> Run Configurations.
In the Arguments Tab, change the Old Module Names in Program
Also Make sure, in GWT Tab, Selected module name is correct.
ALREADY I HAVE ANSWERED THIS HERE : GWT:how can i rename my module

GWT tries to load a deleted module

I am using Eclispe with Google plugin for AppEngine and GWT. Recently I created a test GWT module, but eventually it has been deleted from the project and I can not find any sign of it in the project now.
However, whenever I run the web app locally, I get in console the following message:
Loading modules
[ERROR] Unable to find 'com/XXXXXX/Test.gwt.xml' on your classpath; could be a typo, or maybe you forgot to include a classpath entry for source?
Has anyone got any idea where it can be hiding?
Open Run Configurations... from the Run pulldown menu and go to tab Arguments. In the Program arguments box delete the path to your deleted module.
It could be there in two places -
When you invoke GWTC (via the compile option in Eclipse), the module name is passed to the compiler. This causes GWT to look for com/xxx/Test.gwt.xml file
You could have a module that inherits the module "". Check your gwt.xml file if this is the case
I think (1) is more likely the culprit.