Insert into table with Identity and foreign key columns - tsql

I was trying to insert values from one table to another from two different databases.
My issue is I have two tables with a relation and the first table is having an identity column also.
eg table first(id, Name) - table second(id, address)
So now both the table exist with values in a db and i am trying to copy values from this db to another db.
So when I insert values from first db to second db the the first table will insert values for the Id column by itself so now I have to link that id to the second table.
How can I do that?
UPDATE using MSSQL server 2000

You can use #scope_identity immediately after your insert in SQL server 2000 which will give you the last id within the current scope but I'm not sure how that would work with bulk inserting of data

If this were SQL Server 2005 or later I would suggest using the output clause in your insert statement to retrieve the ids just inserted, but that was not available in SQL Server 2000.
If your data contains some column or series of columns which is unique other than the identity column, then you can query your first table based on that series of columns to get the ids and use that to populate your second table.

If the target tables were empty you could use SET IDENTITY_INSERT ON - this would allow to insert original values to identity columns, and you will not have to update referenced IDs. Of course if there is any existing ids that can overlap inserted ids - that is not the solution.
If names in first tables are unique, you could boild mapping between new and old ids and perform update something like this:
FROM second S
INNER JOIN first_original FO ON =
If names are not unique, then original ids should be saved in "first" in order to provide mapping between old and new ids. It can be temporary new column that can be deleted after ids in "second" will be updated.
Or as Rich Andrews said you could use #scope_identity, but in this case you will have to perform insert one by one - declare a cursor on source table, insert each record, get its new id and insert it into "second" table.


Db2 zos update set of values in tables

There are set of values to update. Example: table t1 has column c1 which has to be updated from 1 to x. There are around 300 such sets available in a file and around 15 such tables with over 100k of records.
What is the optimal way of doing this?
Approaches I can think of are:
individual update statement for old with new value in all tables
programmatically read the file and create dynamic update statement
using merge into table syntax
In one of the tables the column is primary key with tables referencing them as foreign key

Query time after partition in postgres

I have table location in postgres database with more then 50.000.000+ rows, and i decide to do partition!
Table parent have columns id,place and i want to do partition onplace column, with php and mysql i get all distinct places(about 300) and foreach
CREATE TABLE child_place_name (CHECK (place=place_name))INHERITS(location)
and after that in each child table
INSERT INTO child_place_name SELECT * FROM location WHERE place=place_name
and that works perfectly!
After i delete rows from parent class with
DELETE FROM location WHERE tableoid=('location'::regclass)::oid;
i that affected all rows is table!
Then i try to do query and a get times and realize that now is time for query 3 or more times longer then before.
I also have problem that my affect on speed: first i can't set primary key on id column in child tables, but i set index key on place(also index is set on place column in parent table), and also i can't set unique key on id and place columns i got error multiple parameters in not allowed(or something like that)
All i want is select side of table i don't need rules or triggers to set when i insert in parent table,cause that is another problem,only i want to know what is wrong with this approach!Maybe 300+ tables is to much?

Merging postgres data

I have data in two postgresql databases that needs to be merged into 1. Just to be clear, both databases have "good" data in them from a certain date that needs to be combined. This isn't merely appending the data from one into another. In other words, let's say that table foo has an serial id field. Both databases have a foo with ID=5555 and both values are valid (but different). So, the target database's foo keeps 5555 and the new record should get added with a new ID of nextval(foo_id_seq).
So, it's a big mess.
My thoughts are to create a tmp schema in the target db and to copy the needed data from source db. Then I need to essentially "upsert" the data. New records get inserted with new ideas (and foreign keys updated) and records that exist in both dbs get updated.
I don't believe there is a tool that will help me with this.
My questions.
How best to handle generating the new id? I know I could do it via selects and just leaving out the id column, but that's a lot of typing and would be slow. My thinking is to create a temporary trigger for these tables that will override the id supplied when doing an insert.
Finally notes:
Both databases are offline. And I'm the only one that can get to them.
Both database have the exact same schema
Target database is 9.2
try using something like:
INSERT INTO A(id, f1, f2)
SELECT nextval('A_seq'), tmp_A.f1, tmp_A.f2
FROM tmp_A
WHERE IN (select FROM A);
INSERT INTO A(id, f1, f2)
SELECT, tmp_A.f1, tmp_A.f2
FROM tmp_A
The idea - use one INSERT .. SELECT .. to insert the data with conflicts in id fields and other INSERT .. SELECT .. to insert the data without the conflict.
Or simply generate new id for every inserted record:
INSERT INTO A(id, f1, f2)
SELECT nextval('A_seq'), tmp_A.f1, tmp_A.f2
FROM tmp_A;

Prevent insertion if the records already exist in sqlite

I am programming for iPhone and i am using SQLITE DB for my app.I have a situation where i want to insert records into the table,only if the records doesn't exist previously.Otherwise the records should not get inserted.
How can i do this?Please any body suggest me a suitable query for this.
Thank you one and all,
Looking at SQLite's INSERT page
You can do it using the following syntax
INSERT OR IGNORE INTO tablename ....
INSERT OR IGNORE INTO tablename(id, value, data) VALUES(2, 4562, 'Sample Data');
Note : You need to have a KEY on the table columns which uniquely identify a row. It is only if a duplicate KEY is tried to be inserted that INSERT OR IGNORE will not insert a new row.
In the above example if you have a KEY on id, then another row with id = 2 will not be inserted.
If you have a KEY only on id and value then a combination of id = 2 and value = 4562 will cause a new row not be inserted.
In short there must be a key to uniquely identify a ROW only then will the Database know there is a duplicate which SHOULD NOT Be allowed.
Otherwise if you do not have a KEY you would need to go the SELECT and then check if a row is already there, route. But here also whichever condition you are using on columns you can add them as a KEY to the table and simply use the INSERT OR IGNORE
In SQLite it is not possible to ALTER the table and add a constraint like UNIQUE or PRIMAY KEY. For that you need to recreate the table. Look at this FAQ on
Hello Sankar what you can do is perform a select query with the record you wish to insert and then check the response via SQLite's SQLITE_NOTFOUND flag you can check whether that record already exists or not. If it doesn't exist you can insert it otherwise you skip inserting.
I hope this is helpful.

Is there a way to quickly duplicate record in T-SQL?

I need to duplicate selected rows with all the fields exactly same except ID ident int which is added automatically by SQL.
What is the best way to duplicate/clone record or records (up to 50)?
Is there any T-SQL functionality in MS SQL 2008 or do I need to select insert in stored procedures ?
The only way to accomplish what you want is by using Insert statements which enumerate every column except the identity column.
You can of course select multiple rows to be duplicated by using a Select statement in your Insert statements. However, I would assume that this will violate your business key (your other unique constraint on the table other than the surrogate key which you have right?) and require some other column to be altered as well.
Insert MyTable( ...
Select ...
From MyTable
Where ....
If it is a pure copy (minus the ID field) then the following will work (replace 'NameOfExistingTable' with the table you want to duplicate the rows from and optionally use the Where clause to limit the data that you wish to duplicate):
INTO #TempImportRowsTable
FROM [NameOfExistingTable]
-- WHERE ID = 1
) AS createTable
-- If needed make other alterations to the temp table here
INSERT INTO [NameOfExistingTable]
SELECT * FROM #TempImportRowsTable
DROP TABLE #TempImportRowsTable
If you're able to check the duplication condition as rows are inserted, you could put an INSERT trigger on the table. This would allow you to check the columns as they are inserted instead of having to select over the entire table.