Facebook iframe app cannot be opened from mobile device - facebook

I'm developing a facebook app (iframe), but it cannot be opened from mobile browser. It always redirects to wall page. Is this always like this? Or did I do something wrong?
I have set Mobile Web URL on my developers page as well.


Facebook mobile iframe apps

Quick question. I've created a number of iframe apps for Facebook which work fine on PC, Mac etc. But not on mobile devices. The icon just doesn't show when you visit the page. I assumed this was because I'd not defined a mobile site URL. I've now done this, but I'm still not seeing an icon. Am I missing the point?
what icon do you mean? if you defined your mobile site url correctly, your app shows up in the search field. if you're talking about a page tab, it's not possible at all. the mobile native apps don't support this. but you can always link to your mobile site url in newsfeed!

Facebook canvas app vs Facebook mobile web app

I'm a bit confused about the difference between a facebook canvas application and a facebook mobile web application. Here is the context of my confusion..
I have a canvas application, let us call its namespace as myfbapp, and I basically can access it from https://apps.facebook.com/myfbapp and after I login to FB it opens up with in Facebook. I'm using java (apache / tomcat) for my server side implementation and for simplicity sake let us say I just have an index.html and a authenticationfilter.java (which implements Filter) in my web application. I don't have any Facebook specific Javascript API (no FB.init() javascript or anything like that ) or code in my index.html. Whenever user accesses my canvas application I first get a request to my web application where I get the signed_request , oauth_token , FB user ID etc which I can use for my internal authentication, session creation etc. I have absolutely no issues with this canvas application and every thing works fine. Please note that when user accesses this app the request I get from the browser to my app server has the signed_request , user_id etc.
Now I wanted to make this app available on mobile devices as well and I thought, oh well all I need to do is add the mobile URL for this app in the mobile web app section in Facebook for the same myfbapp. I did that and as expected when I login to facebook from my android phone myfbapp is listed under the apps section, so far so good. The problem starts when I click on the app. I get the request on my app server but it doesn't contain the signed_request , user_id etc.. ????? I was expecting the mobile app to work the same way as the canvas app but apparently it doesn't or I'm doing some thing wrong.
Then I started reading more about facebook mobile app at http://developers.facebook.com/docs/guides/mobile/web/#register where it talks about adding various Facebook Javascript API's in the index.html (I never did anything like that in my canvas app) and then I started thinking , may be then mobile web app is more (or exactly) like a regular web app with FB connect and not like canvas application (meaning it doesn't really load with in Facebook) , is this true?
On mobile facebook you can not see any custom pages/tabs. They are apparently wokring on that at the moment.
So it will be different to a canvas app. Your mobile app will be a completely seperate site and page not in an iFrame on Facebook.
Some behaviour i discovered recently with Facebook Canvas / Page Tabs on mobile devices.
Maybe this helps to understand a little bit better how facebook behaves in mobile context.
Mobile Browser
Access App URL
Example URL http://apps.facebook.com/myapp/
Redirects to the configured mobile website under Settings > Website > Mobile Site URL and adds additional params /?ref=web_canvas&code=<signed_request_code_field>
About the signed_request code field
An OAuth Code which can be exchanged for a valid user access token via a subsequent server-side request
Access App Center
There is no way to access the Facebook App Center via the mobile browser.
Access Page Tab
Example URL http://facebook.com/a_facebook_page/custom_page_tab_url
Custom Page Tabs are not visible via the mobile browser.
Facebook Open Graph Search
Searching for myapp returns the link to the Facebook Canvas.
Same behaviour like Access App URL via Mobile Browser
Mobile Facebook Client
Access App URL
There is no way to access this url directly.
Access App Center
There is no way to access the Facebook App Center.
Access Page Tab
Example URL http://facebook.com/a_facebook_page/custom_page_tab_url
Custom Page Tabs are not visible via the mobile facebook client.
Facebook Open Graph Search
It says that this app is not compatible with this devices.
You need to register an iOS / Android App and send the user to this app to get rid of this error. Probably it helps the user if you add the link to the standalone application to the Facebook description of the app. Which should then be visible there.

Redirecting a user from a custom tab on Facebook if on a mobile device

I currently have a custom app on Facebook that works fine on desktop PC's (full version of Facebook). As you would know you can't access custom apps from mobile devices and it redirects you to the wall of the page.
Is there a way to redirect them to a mobile web app if they try to access the app from a mobile device? So that way when people share links to the app I can at least show them something.
I saw the Mobile Web URL option in my app but am unsure on how this will actually work.
You are referring to the "mobile tab access" Vitrue announced this week? :)
What they are doing is this (basically):
Create a special link to the tab (mydomain.com/tablink1 or something, NOT the ?sk=app_xxxx URL in the browser bar)
On that link they have code which does a conditional redirect
If it's a regular browser/device, redirect to the tab (?sk=app_xxxx)
If it's a mobile browser/device, redirect to an alternate mobile webpage with the same content as the tab (mydomain.com/mobilecontent1)
The redirect is not on the actual tab, since the mobile browsers will never get there. It has to be on a separate page.
So if they try to access the tab on a mobile device with the regular tab URL they will not get redirected. It only works if they go to the special redirect URL. Vitrue's application publishes that special redirect URL to the Page wall.
It works very well to make sure everything you post to your Wall (which mobile users can see) does not break, but it does not really provide a redirect for mobile users trying to get to your tab.
That's the best we can do right now though, until Facebook actually comes up with a mobile tab solution (bug filed here: https://developers.facebook.com/bugs/264010470314544)
Good luck!

Can a desktop Facebook app have a canvas page as well?

Can a desktop Facebook app have a canvas page as well?
We have a desktop app and would like to extend it to include a canvas page.
According to StackOverflow post here a Facebook Connect can have a canvas page, but I am not sure whether a desktop app can have.

How to modify url to get iphone version of facebook page?

I'm creating a facebook page for my application and I want it readable on mobile safari for iPhone, but the normal facebook pages don't show up properly (see attached image) The wall, info, discussion pages don't show up.
I know I can prepend m.facebook to a url to make it the mobile version, but what about the iphone version? touch.facebook seems to redirect to facebook login.
Facebook http://www.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/6f62d603e3.jpg
Use m.facebook.com.