I want to search a column and get values where value containts \ .
I tried select * from "Values" where "ValueName" like '\'. But returns no value.
Also tried like "\" and like'\''%' etc. But no results.
See the DB2 Documentation on the LIKE predicate, in particular the parts about escape expressions.
What you want is
select * from Values where ValueName like '\\%' escape '\'
To give an example of usage:
create table backslash_escape_test
backslash_escape_test_column varchar(20)
insert into backslash_escape_test(backslash_escape_test_column)
values ('foo\');
insert into backslash_escape_test(backslash_escape_test_column)
values ('no slashes here');
insert into backslash_escape_test(backslash_escape_test_column)
values ('foo\bar');
insert into backslash_escape_test(backslash_escape_test_column)
values ('\bar');
select count(*) from backslash_escape_test where
backslash_escape_test_column like '%\\%' escape '\';
returns 3 (all 3 rows with \ in them).
select count(*) from backslash_escape_test where
backslash_escape_test_column like '\\%' escape '\';
returns 1 (the \bar row).
select * from Values where ValueName like '%\\%'
values is a not so good name because it may be confused with the values keyword
Don't escape it. You just need wildcards around it like this:
select count(*)
from escape_test
where test_column like '%\%'
But, suppose you really do need to escape the slash. Here's a simpler, more straightforward answer:
The escape-expression allows you to specify whatever character for escaping that you wish. So why use a character that you're looking for, thus requiring you to escape it? Use any other character instead. I'll use a plus sign as an example, but it could be a backslash, pound-sign, question-mark, anything other than a character you are looking for or one of the wildcard characters (% or _).
select count(*)
from escape_test
where test_column like '%\%' escape '+';
Now you don't have to add anything into your like-pattern.
To hold myself to the same standard of proof that #Michael demonstrated --
create table escape_test
( test_column varchar(20) );
insert into escape_test
values ('foo\'),
('no slashes here'),
select 'test1' trial, count(*) result
from escape_test
where test_column like '%\%'
select 'test2', count(*)
from escape_test
where test_column like '%\\%' escape '\'
select 'test3', count(*)
from escape_test
where test_column like '%\%' escape '+'
Which returns the same number of rows for each method:
----- ------
test1 3
test2 3
test3 3
I am trying to manipulate string data in a column such as if the given string is '20591;#e123456;#17507;#c567890;#15518;#e135791' or '26169;#c785643', then the
result should be like 'e123456;c567890;e135791' or 'c785643'. The number of digits in between can be of any length.
Some of the things I have tried so far are:
select replace('20591;#e123456;#17507;#c567890;#15518;#e135791','#','');
This leaves me with '20591;e123456;17507;c567890;15518;e135791', which still includes the digits without 'e' or 'c' prefixed to them. i want to get rid of 20591, 17507 and 15518.
Create function that will keep a pattern of '%[#][ec][0-9][;]%' and will get rid of the rest.
The most important advise is: Do not store any data in a delimited string. This is violating the most basic principle of relational database concepts (1.NF).
The second hint is SO-related: Please always add / tag your questions with the appropriate tool. The tag [tsql] points to SQL-Server, but this might be wrong (which would invalidate both answers). Please tag the full product with its version (e.g. [sql-server-2012]). Especially with string splitting there are very important product related changes from version to version.
Now to your question.
Working with (almost) any version of SQL-Server
My suggestion uses a trick with XML:
(credits to Alan Burstein for the mockup)
DECLARE #table TABLE (someid INT IDENTITY, somestring VARCHAR(50));
INSERT #table VALUES ('20591;#e123456;#17507;#c567890;#15518;#e135791'),('26169;#c785643')
--the query
SELECT t.someid,t.somestring,A.CastedToXml
,STUFF(REPLACE(A.CastedToXml.query('/x[contains(text()[1],"#") and empty(substring(text()[1],2,100) cast as xs:int?)]')
.value('.','nvarchar(max)'),'#',';'),1,1,'') TheNewList
FROM #table t
CROSS APPLY(SELECT CAST('<x>' + REPLACE(t.somestring,';','</x><x>') + '</x>' AS XML)) A(CastedToXml);
The idea in short:
By replacing the ; with XML tags </x><x> we can transform your delimited list to XML. I included the intermediate XML into the result set. Just click it to see how this works.
In the next query I use a XQuery predicate first to find entries, which contain a # and second, which do NOT cast to an integer without the #.
The thrid step is specific to XML again. The XPath . in .value() will return all content as one string.
Finally we have to replace the # with ; and cut away the leading ; using STUFF().
UPDATE The same idea, but a bit shorter:
You can try this as well
SELECT t.someid,t.somestring,A.CastedToXml
,REPLACE(A.CastedToXml.query('data(/x[empty(. cast as xs:int?)])')
.value('.','nvarchar(max)'),' ',';') TheNewList
FROM #table t
CROSS APPLY(SELECT CAST('<x>' + REPLACE(t.somestring,';#','</x><x>') + '</x>' AS XML)) A(CastedToXml);
Here I use ;# to split your string and data() to implicitly concatenate your values (blank-separated).
UPDATE 2 for v2017
If you have v2017+ I'd suggest a combination of a JSON splitter and STRING_AGG():
SELECT t.someid,STRING_AGG(A.[value],';') AS TheNewList
FROM #table t
CROSS APPLY OPENJSON(CONCAT('["',REPLACE(t.somestring,';#','","'),'"]')) A
GROUP BY t.someid;
You did not include the version of SQL Server you are on. If you are using 2016+ you can use SPLIT_STRING, otherwise a good T-SQL splitter will do.
Against a single variable:
DECLARE #somestring VARCHAR(1000) = '20591;#e123456;#17507;#c567890;#15518;#e135791';
SELECT NewString = STUFF((
SELECT ','+split.item
FROM STRING_SPLIT(#somestring,';') AS s
CROSS APPLY (VALUES(REPLACE(s.[value],'#',''))) AS split(item)
WHERE split.item LIKE '[a-z][0-9]%'
FOR XML PATH('')),1,1,'');
Against a table:
-- Against a table
DECLARE #table TABLE (someid INT IDENTITY, somestring VARCHAR(50));
INSERT #table VALUES ('20591;#e123456;#17507;#c567890;#15518;#e135791'),('26169;#c785643')
SELECT t.*, fn.NewString
FROM #table AS t
SELECT NewString = STUFF((
SELECT ','+split.item
FROM STRING_SPLIT(t.somestring,';') AS s
CROSS APPLY (VALUES(REPLACE(s.[value],'#',''))) AS split(item)
WHERE split.item LIKE '[a-z][0-9]%'
FOR XML PATH('')),1,1,'')
) AS fn;
someid somestring NewString
----------- -------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------
1 20591;#e123456;#17507;#c567890;#15518;#e135791 e123456,c567890,e135791
2 26169;#c785643 c785643
I have a bunch of rows with values that look like below. It's json extract that I unfortunately have to parse out and load. Anyway, my json parsing tool for some reason doesn't want to parse this full column out so i need to do it in TSQL. I only need the unique_id field:
[{"unique_id":"12345","system_type":"Test System."}]
I tried the below SQL but it's only returning the first 5 characters of the whole column. I know what the issue is which is I need to know how to tell the substring to continue until the 4th set of quotes which comes after the value. I'm not sure how to code the substring like that.
select substring([jsonfield],CHARINDEX('[{"unique_id":"',[jsonfield]),
CHARINDEX('"',[jsonfield]) - CHARINDEX('[{"unique_id":"',[jsonfield]) +
LEN('"')) from etl.my_test_table
Can anyone help me with this?
Thank you, I appreciate it!
Since you tagged 2016, why not use OPENJSON()
Here's an example:
[SampleData] NVARCHAR(MAX)
VALUES ( N'[{"unique_id":"12345","system_type":"Test System."}]' )
,( N'[{"unique_id":"1234567","system_type":"Test System."},{"unique_id":"1234567_2","system_type":"Test System."}]' )
SELECT b.[unique_id]
FROM #TestData [a]
OPENJSON([a].[SampleData], '$')
[unique_id] NVARCHAR(100) '$.unique_id'
) AS [b];
Giving you:
You can get all the fields as well, just add them to the WITH clause:
SELECT [b].[unique_id]
, [b].[system_type]
FROM #TestData [a]
OPENJSON([a].[SampleData], '$')
[unique_id] NVARCHAR(100) '$.unique_id'
, [system_type] NVARCHAR(100) '$.system_type'
) AS [b];
Take it step by step
First get everything to the left of system_type
SELECT LEFT(jsonfield, CHARINDEX('","system_type":"',jsonfield) as s
FROM -- etc
Then take everything to the right of "unique_id":"
SELECT RIGHT(S, LEN(S) - (CHARINDEX('"unique_id":"',S) + 12)) as Result
SELECT LEFT(jsonfield, CHARINDEX('","system_type":"',jsonfield) as s
FROM -- etc
) X
Note, I did not test this so it could be off by one or have a syntax error, but you get the idea.
If your larger string ist just a simple JSON as posted, the solution is very easy:
JSON_VALUE(N'[{"unique_id":"12345","system_type":"Test System."}]','$[0].unique_id');
JSON_VALUE() needs SQL-Server 2016 and will extract one single value from a specified path.
I have two columns, COL1 and COL2. COL1 has value like 'Birds sitting on $1 and enjoying' and COL2 has value like 'the.location_value[/tree,\building]'
I need to update third column COL3 with values like 'Birds sitting on /tree and enjoying'
i.e. $1 in 1st column is replaced with /tree
which is the 1st word from list of comma separated words with in square brackets [] in COL2 i.e. [/tree,\building]
I wanted to know the best suitable combination of string function in postgresql to use to achieve this.
You need to first extract the first element from the comma separated list, to do that, you can use split_part() but you first need to extract the actual list of values. This can be done using substring() with a regular expression:
substring(col2 from '\[(.*)\]')
will return /tree,\building
So the complete query would be:
select replace(col1, '$1', split_part(substring(col2 from '\[(.*)\]'), ',', 1))
from the_table;
Online example: http://rextester.com/CMFZMP1728
This one should work with any (int) number after $:
select t.*, c.col3
from t,
lateral (select string_agg(case
when o = 1 then s
else (string_to_array((select regexp_matches(t.col2, '\[(.*)\]'))[1], ','))[(select regexp_matches(s, '^\$(\d+)'))[1]::int] || substring(s from '^\$\d+(.*)')
end, '' order by o) col3
from regexp_split_to_table(t.col1, '(?=\$\d+)') with ordinality s(s, o)) c
Note:it is not the most efficient though. It splits col2's values (in the square brackets) each time for replacing $N.
Update: LATERAL and WITH ORDINALITY is not supported in older versions, but you could try a correlating subquery instead:
select t.*, (select array_to_string(array_agg(case
when s ~ E'^\\$(\\d+)'
then (string_to_array((select regexp_matches(t.col2, E'\\[(.*)\\]'))[1], ','))[(select regexp_matches(s, E'^\\$(\\d+)'))[1]::int] || substring(s from E'^\\$\\d+(.*)')
else s
end), '') col3
from regexp_split_to_table(t.col1, E'(?=\\$\\d+)') s) col3
from t
I want to convert a column of type "character varying" that has integers with commas to a regular integer column.
I want to support numbers from '1' to '10,000,000'.
I've tried to use: to_number(fieldname, '999G999G999'), but it only works if the format matches the exact length of the string.
Is there a way to do this that supports from '1' to '10,000,000'?
select replace(fieldname,',','')::numeric ;
To do it the way you originally attempted, which is not advised:
select to_number( fieldname,
regexp_replace( replace(fieldname,',','G') , '[0-9]' ,'9','g')
The inner replace changes commas to G. The outer replace changes numbers to 9. This does not factor in decimal or negative numbers.
You can just strip out the commas with the REPLACE() function:
insert into Foo VALUES (REPLACE('1,234,567', ',', '')::numeric);
select * from Foo; -- Will show 1234567
You can replace the commas by an empty string as suggested, or you could use to_number with the FM prefix, so the query would look like this:
SELECT to_number(my_column, 'FM99G999G999')
There are things to take note:
When using function REPLACE("fieldName", ',', '') on a table, if there are VIEW using the TABLE, that function will not work properly. You must drop the view to use it.
maybe someone can help me out with a postgres query.
the table structure looks like this
nummer nachname vorname cash
2 Bert Brecht 0,758
2 Harry Belafonte 1,568
3 Elvis Presley 0,357
4 Mark Twain 1,555
4 Ella Fitz 0,333
How can I coalesce the fields where "nummer" are the same and sum the cash values?
My output should look like this:
2 Bert, Brecht 2,326
Harry, Belafonte
3 Elvis, Presley 0,357
4 Mark, Twain 1,888
Ella, Fitz
I think the part to coalesce should work something like this:
array_to_string(array_agg(nachname|| ', ' ||coalesce(vorname, '')), '<br />') as name,
Thanks for any help,
string_agg(nachname||CASE WHEN vorname IS NULL THEN '' ELSE ', '||vorname END, E'\n') AS name,
sum(cash) AS total_cash
FROM Table1
GROUP BY nummer;
See this SQLFiddle; note that it doesn't display the newline characters between names, but they're still there.
The CASE statement is used instead of coalesce so you don't have a trailing comma on entries with a last name but no first name. If you want a trailing comma, use format('%s, %s',vorname,nachname) instead and avoid all that ugly string concatenation business:
nummer, string_agg(format('%s, %s', nachname, vorname), E'\n'),
sum(cash) AS total_cash
FROM Table1
GROUP BY nummer;
If string_agg doesn't work, get a newer PostgreSQL, or mention the version in your questions so it's clear you're using an obsolete version. The query is trivially rewritten to use array_to_string and array_agg anyway.
If you're asking how to sum numbers that're actually represented as text strings like 1,2345 in the database: don't do that. Fix your schema. Format numbers on input and output instead, store them as numeric, float8, integer, ... whatever the appropriate numeric type for the job is.