Crystal Report to Print Envelope Labels - crystal-reports

Anybody ever tried to use crystal reports to generate envelope labels? The requirement is to print 8 labels (2 columns, 4 rows) on a letter size paper. How can I control the repeat flow to meet such requirement?

You can format the Details section to have multiple columns. Size the columns and spacing between them to accommodate the label.


Series of sharps (Diése) in Crystal Report

i have a crystal report document, where i made 4 summaries, 3 of them works fine but the 4th just displays a series of sharps (########).
This problem will come when space is not sufficient for the field to display the number. Increase the size of the filed that displays the number.

SSRS Dataset Rendering

I have created a stored procedure where its columns can change names and the number of columns fluctuate as well. Is there a way to auto generate the report in SSRS depending on the result set. My main concern is to output from 3 columns to lets say 10 columns. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
You can toggle the visibility of columns using the Column Visibility in conjunction with some parameter you define for control flow. It is a bit more difficult to do column wise shifting then row shifting, as with groups. Another thought would be to look into column grouping. In SSRS you can simulate the PIVOT command using column groups.
You can use the matrix, which will show the number of columns as they are generated.
Include (Drag from DATASETS) your data in DATA and the field (dynamic column) in columns.
Hope this helps you.

Creating an extra slice in pie chart in crystal report

I have a SQL which counts the number of rows. Say the result is 80.
I would like to have a parameter that is user-input, to be the total. Lets say the user enters 100.
How would I use the two numbers, 80 and 100, to create a pie chart that shows the data takes up 80% of the total?
I cannot find a way to add custom slice in a pie chart in Crystal Report, is it even possible?
Your best bet may be to stick your SQL in a stored procedure then pass the crystal parameter to the sproc to generate the "dummy" slice.
You can add multiple items to your chart.
Create a formula that calculates the difference between your measured value and your total. In your case this would be total_rows_entered_by_user - number_of_rows. Add the number of rows and the formula to the chart:

Displaying multiple columns / dataset rows per detail section

I need to create a report where each page contains four columns. I initialy had them as subreports but I guess they dont need to be.
How do I make it so each entry in a supplied dataset is represented as a column? Say if I had a dataset with 6 rows, the report would span two pages with four columns on the first and two on the second.
In other horizontal reports I had one dataset row represented as a row in the detail section of the report. But now I need four dataset set rows for each detail section, as the detail section contains four columns.
Guess what I really am looking for is a vertical detail section, sort of, while retaining the rest of the report horizontal.
I suggest using a Crosstab - these are the Crystal equivalent of pivot tables in Excel, or matrixes in SSRS.

Max number of Columns in Crystal reports?

What is the maximum number of columns that can be displayed in crystal report?
[Including all formats like landscape, A4....etc]
As far as I know there is no theoretical limit to the number of columns you can have in a Crystal Report. You can alter the paper size, (depending upon the printer driver,) to something ridiculously large.
For example, the Cute PDF driver I have installed allows a page of 24 x 108 inches - over 2.7 meters. You can also shrink the column to virtually no width. I have done this when exporting data to a CSV file via a report, with no requirement for the report to be printed, with around 40 different columns of data in a line.