why does my UIViewController get retained an extra time when using initWithNibName? - iphone

I'm working on an app that has a Main view that wants to spawn a child view when a button is touched. So when I receive the button event, the MainViewController spawns the child view by calling initWithNibName and storing the ChildViewController in an ivar. I then show the ChildView by attaching an animation and setting childVC.view.hidden = NO.
This works, but I noticed that the ChildViewController was never getting released after closing the ChildView. I realized that the ChildVC's retain count went from 1 to 2 when I first access the child view. So something in the nib loading guts appears to be retaining my ChildVC again (in addition to the initial retain I expect during object initialization).
Can somebody help me figure out why the ChildVC is getting retained the extra time, and how can I make sure that it gets fully released when I want to close the child view?
Edit: here's some code, only slightly simplified. These are methods on the parent view controller.
m_childViewController = [[ChildViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"ChildViewController" bundle:nil];
[m_childViewController setParentDelegate:self]; // this is a weak reference
// m_childViewController retain count here is 1, as expected
m_childViewController.view.hidden = YES;
// m_childViewController retain count is now 2, not expected
[self.view addSubview:m_childViewController.view];
[self addTransitionEntrDir:YES]; // code omitted
m_childViewController.view.hidden = NO;
NSAssert( child == m_childViewController, #"unexpected childVC" );
// if child view is now hidden, we should remove it.
if( m_childViewController != nil && m_childViewController.view.hidden )
[m_childViewController.view removeFromSuperview];
[m_childViewController release]; m_childViewController = nil;
// BUG: m_childViewController retain count is still 1 here, so it never gets released

Without code it is difficult to say exactly, but are you sure you are not assigning your ChildVC to a retain property of some other object? This would explain the unexpected retain you see.
Sorry for the previous answer, where I tried to convey this same message but I mixed everything up.
keep in mind that the view property of a UIViewController is retained:
The view that the controller manages.
#property(nonatomic, retain) UIView *view
so, if you assign to it like this:
childVC.view = [[xxxxx alloc] initWithNibName:...];
this explains what you are seeing.
Use instead:
childVC.view = [[[xxxxx alloc] initWithNibName:...] autorelease];

I found the problem, the leaky ChildViewController was instantiating an object that retained a ref back to it.
The interesting part is that I wasn't simply forgetting to release this reference. I did have a call to release it, but that code was never running because it assumed that viewDidUnload would run and give me a chance to release everything, but it didn't. I put me deinit code inside dealloc instead, and it works now.


setDelegate:self and retainCount

i have a UIView [self] with 2 custome UIViews [articalBottomPanel] [movingSharePanel]
every custome view is declared in a single class
first view [articalBottomPanel] delegate's will be set to self
second view will take also [self.artical] , [self]
as here :
[self.articalBottomPanel setDelegate:self];
[self.articalBottomPanel.btnCommment addTarget:self action:#selector(commentBtnPressed:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside];
[self.movingSharePanel setArtical:self.artical];
[self.movingSharePanel setParentView:self];
My dealloc is
- (void)dealloc
NSLog(#"ArticalViewController : dealloc");
[movingSharePanel_ release];
[articalBottomPanel_ release];
[super dealloc];
the problem is : when i pop the view [self] dealloc not called ?!
the question is : before pop this view [self] ,
is it want to do any releases more than the release at delloc ?!
Have you made delegate as #property(retain)? If yes then make it assign. If not then make sure your ViewController is released. Check if after pushing it, you release it or not.
retainCount is useless. Don't call it.
Specifically, the absolute retain count of an object is an irrelevant implementation detail that should generally be ignored (it is only useful if you also have an exact inventory of every retain/release, but if you have that, the retain count isn't useful, either).
See this answer for a brilliant explanation of how to track down exactly who/what is still retaining the object.

Strange memory address resulting in BAD_ACCESS

I'm trying to wrap my head around a strange problem in my iPad app. It's a pretty simple app, only one root view controller with a little board game inside.
Sometimes, seemingly at random, the app freezes and I get a BAD_ACESS on a delegate reference I use in one of my classes. I've been solving BAD_ACCESS-problems for a long time, but this is very strange. The object the delegate is referring to is the root view controller, and that should never b released. I put a log line in the -(void)dealloc method and that never occurs. I even tried to over retain the object but it still disappears.
Even if I run the app in the profiler with NSZombie detection on, the profiler just stops when this happens. Doesn't show any results whatsoever.
Another strange thing I noticed was the memory address. If I log it like NSLog(#"%p", delegate); i get "0x1" as a result. A nil pointer is 0x0 so testing for if(delegate) does return true even though the object has vanished. And even if the object itself was deallocated, the memory address would still be intact?
The problem only occurs after some use, between like 15 and 45 sec.
Doed someone know how to tackle this problem? I'd be greatly thankful.
This is how the delegate is assigned. The _delegate is the root view controller which is always active.
-(id)initWithDelegate:(NSObject <TheGameDelegate>*)_delegate level:(int)_level;
self = [super init];
if(self != nil)
delegate = [_delegate retain];
Here is where it crashes:
time -= 1;
if(delegate) // this is always true
NSLog(#"%p", delegate); // this prints a normal memory address until right before crash when it prints "0x1"
[delegate theGameTick:self]; // accessing deleagte gives BAD_ACCESS
Thanks in advance!
imo, your delegate implementation is weird.Retaining delegates is not the good idea. Try adding to the header:
#property (nonatomic, assign) id delegate and then the method would look like
-(id)initWithDelegate:(id)_delegate level:(int)_level;
self = [super init];
if(self != nil)
self.delegate = _delegate;
as well as in further methods you reference to self.delegate.(you can add the required protocol as well, i skipped it for clearer code)

Should I retain or assign the viewcontroller in this case?

#property (nonatomic, retain) PracticalSignsMainViewController *practicalVC;
if (self.practicalVC == nil) {
PracticalSignsMainViewController *vc = [[PracticalSignsMainViewController alloc] init];
self.practicalVC = vc;
[vc release];
I only want to make one viewcontroller object in this case and change the data that it acts upon. However is it correct to retain or assign this viewcontroller (and why so)? It is used in a navigation-hierachy.
Retain. Typically you want object properties to be retained, and primitive properties to be assigned. The answer here is really good: Use of properties for primitive types
If you're planning to cache a view controller that's used in a navigation, you would need to retain it. The reason is that while the navigation controller retains it temporarily, once the user hits the back button the navigation controller will send the view controller a release message. If you haven't retained the view controller anywhere else at that point it will be deallocated.
If you're creating a new instance each time, that would be fine, but obviously that would destroy a cached instance if the property uses assign semantics.
Firstly, your code is right, but it can be more simple.
If you did the following synthesize,
#synthesize practicalVC; // synthesize release the existing reference if has
the following code is same as your code.
self.practicalVC = [[[PracticalSignsMainViewController alloc] init] autorelease];
As you mentioned, if your app does not need many access to the view controller, you need not to have view controller's instance separately.
============== Modified ====================
And I modified my answer after seeing answers of #6NSString #Abizern.
Regarding autorelease and coding style.
1. autorelease,
#6NSString said that "it uses autorelease which many avoid unless returning an newly alloced object."
But even if you use "autorelease" in return statement, the retain count of the returned object is not immediately decreased. It will be decreased at an appropriate time.
So If we want to decrease the retaincount explicitly and immediately, we should use paired "release".
-(NSObject*)testAuto {
return [[[NSObject alloc] init] autorelease];
self.anObj = [self testAuto];
// the retainCount of anObj is 2
-(void)testAuto {
self.anObj = [[[NSObject alloc] init] autorelease];
[self testAuto];
// the retainCount of anObj is also 2
-(void)testAuto {
self.anObj = [[[NSObject alloc] init] autorelease];
[self.anObj release]; // Yes, yes, you may say this code does not look good. :)
[self testAuto]
// the retainCount of anObj is 1
As you see, (I naturally tested above code again) "autorelease"s both in return statement and in alloc statement are almost same. And if you want to manage retain count harder, we should use "release".
I think "autorelease" in alloc statement is better than one in return statement because "autorelease" in return can be omitted. :)
2. Coding style,
As the end of "1. autorelease", I think, autorelease in alloc statement would be more safe to avoid missing release.

How to change the UIImage of a UIImageView from a subview?

I want to change an image on a view, from a popup dialog of 4-6 icons (imagine like changing your image on a messenger application).
The way I implement this modal popup is by creating a new view at IB, with opacity on the background, and then I load this as a subview:
IconsViewController *iconsViewController = [[IconsViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"IconsView" bundle:nil];
[self.view addSubview:iconsViewController.view];
So, when the user touches an icon, I have
- (IBAction)iconIsSelected:(id)sender {
switch ([sender tag]) {
case 1:
[(ParentViewController*)[self superview] changeIcon];
case 2:
// same here..
[self.view removeFromSuperview];
[self release];
The changeIcon just sets the image to a corresponding icon.
As you can guess, this is not working - the changeIcon message never works.
I can't understand what am I doing wrong, any help much appreciated!
You have a few choices here...
First one is create a property on your IconsViewController of type ParentViewController*, for example:
#property (readwrite,nonatomic,assign) ParentViewController* parentController; // weak reference
To break this down further:
readwrite because we want to be able to access the value via [self parentController] but also change it via [iconsViewController setParentController:self]
nonatomic because I'm not too worried about threading
assign to make it a "weak reference" where the parent will not be retained by the child. If they each retain the other, it could lead to memory leaks later because unless explicitly released you'd end up with a retain circle causing neither object to hit a zero retain count.
When you load from nib, set the property:
IconsViewController *iconsViewController = [[IconsViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"IconsView" bundle:nil];
iconsViewController.parentController = self;
Then, call to it from inside of iconIsSelected like this:
[[self parentController] changeIcon];
Alternatively, you can create a delegate protocol:
#protocol IconViewSelectedDelegate (NSObject)
- (void) changeIcon;
And use that protocol as a property, instead of the parent view controller type. This is more abstract, but it keeps the design cleaner. The parent view controller would then implement that delegate protocol, as one of many others.
Another option is to use NSNotificationCenter and publish/subscribe to events from your dynamic view. This is the "loosest" coupling between the two objects, but it might be overkill for this scenario.
The superview of a view is a view, not a view controller, yet you cast the superview to be of class ParentViewController. If the view has no superview, it returns nil, and message to nil are no-ops (which explains why you don't crash there).
BTW, that [self release] at the end is highly suspicious.

passing handles between a ViewController and a View

I have an array of booleans (soundArray) that is modified based on user input. Therefore it is owned by the main UIView that the user is interacting with. Meanwhile, in another separate controller (GestureController), I need access to this soundArray, so I can pass it as a parameter in a method call.
I'm pretty sure a ViewController shouldn't be digging out properties of a UIView it doesn't own (correct MVC), so I've created another pointer to the soundArray in the ViewController (MusicGridController) that owns the main UIView (MusicGridView).
In GestureController, I have the following code:
// instantiate the sound thread
NSArray *soundArrayPointers = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:self.musicGridViewController.soundArray, nil];
[NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:#selector(metronome:) toTarget:[MusicThread class] withObject:soundArrayPointers];
(eventually I'll have more soundArrays in that array).
Now, in MusicGridController, I need to set the pointer to the SoundArray in the UIView MusicGridView... so I did this:
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
self.view.frame = CGRectMake(20, 0, 480, 480);
MusicGridView *tempview = self.view; // this line gives me a warning that I am initializing from a distinct Objective-C type, which I don't understand.
self.soundArray = tempview.soundArray;
I tried self.soundArray = self.view.soundArray, but it threw an error, and I don't understand why. So my question is: Is this a correct implementation? How do I get from one viewController to a property of a given UIView?
I'm not sure I understand who the NSArray belongs to, or who it should belong to, but you can try utilizing the AppDelegate if it's supposed to be a global object (accessed by more than one view and/or controller).
Now, to solve your problem. Your implementation is not wrong, and the warning will go away if you add (MusicGridView *) before self.view. This is related to the error you got when you tried self.soundArray = self.view.soundArray, and the reason is simple: UIView doesn't have a soundArray property, and self.view is a pointer to a UIView. By casting self.view to a MusicGridView *, you get rid of the warning, and your code should work fine.