Accounting format issue when exporting - crystal-reports

I have managed to get the report I am working on looking how I would like, setting a column to display using the accounting format which works perfectly when previewing/printing.
However when I try and export this it loses this accounting format and defaulting to it's original format.
I am using version CR
In Crystal Reports
From Exported PDF
Setting accounting format

This is a hack, but you could replace the field with two separate fields, one on the left which displays only the currency symbol, and another on the right which displays only the number.


Is there a better way to format this date field in Crystal Reports? Im having trouble with a scheduling program and getting the correct data

I have a program that runs reports on a schedule. For some reason the data it pulls is not the same as what Crystal Reports pulls. I was told it has to do with the way that the PO Enter Date field is formatted. It pulls fine from Crystal Reports but the scheduler shows different data. Im not sure where to go from here.
THEN (DateSerial ((TONUMBER("20"+Mid
ELSE (DateSerial ((TONUMBER("20"+Mid
The Crystal Runtime doesn't always "follow" custom formatting defined in Crystal Designer.
If you need a specific formatting, convert the date to formatted text using a formula such as:
ToText({POP.PODADD}, 'yyyyMMdd')
The 2nd argument gives you control over the desired formatting.

Crystal Reports date from DB

I have a problem to display a date in crystal reports. The field is from database, and it shows the time, too. I need to display only the date.
I observed that if I click on the Text Format from the date, in the Font tab at Sample it is showed with time. I think that is the problem, but I can't modify, I can't delete the time from the Sample box.
Do you have any idea how to resolve this?
The data-type of the column inside the database seems to be text/varchar instead of datetime.
The best would be to fix the data-type on the table inside the database.
If you don't have the option to change the datatype directly on the database, you can use following formula to convert it to DateTime inside the report.
If IsDate({Table.DateTimeColumn}) Then DateTime({Table.DateTimeColumn})
On the properties of the formula field there will be the option for the different formats then.

number format changed while exporting from 2008 Crystal Report to excel .csv file

From 2008 Crystal Report view, the number format reads as 580015704027 in which is correct.
When exporting data from .rpt to .csv, that number format changes to 5.80016E+11.
How do I make it stick so that it will be exported correctly while on automation?
Thank you,
Here is the solution.
This solution works if you are using a database field with number format.
Right click on the filed go to Format Field.
Move to tab Number.
select last option (1,123.0000)
Now export to .CSV format.

CSV date format issue while showing the records

In my application, user select in which format they want the report. They enter one number which is format like 2000-1-4 and then they select CSV format and the data according to this number gets populated in that CSV.
Now the problem is when they enter this number which can be a date like 2012-1-4 then in CSV this number gets converted into 1/4/2012 which is wrong but when they give number like 883-17-8 then its coming as it is which is fine.
Is there any way i can resolve this? Someone please help me on this.
How the value is displayed depends on regional settings of operating system. (E.g. for windows 7 see Region and Language). In additional seetings there is also spcified CSV separator (List separator), etc..

Field text is being truncated inconsistently

I created a label report (2 columns). The fields used are, Suffix, Contact Name, Company Name, Job Title and Department – simple contact data.
The Department field is the last one and in the report of 78 records the Department field decided not to display the entire field text twice.
I have "Can Grow" set as default on all fields, I checked the margins and label width to ensure the text is not being truncated because of the labels being too wide for the margins. I modified the data in the database by abbreviating certain words and it shows the change but it still truncates after 50 characters. Other times the Department name is 80+ characters and it displays all of the data.
This problem is happening onscreen when I preview the report and also when various users print it. The default printers have not changed.
This one has me stumped. Is this an application bug (if so is there a Service Pack for CR 11.5?) or does it have anything to do with printer drivers in need of update?
Thanks in advance for your help on this puzzle.
I did specify data source
The text in the database is without any special characters or anythig else that might be out of place
No I am not using Underlaying Following sections anywhere in the document is my version of CR (lloks like I am behind - however, when I click on verify for updates it tells me there aren't any. Do you ahve a link to the SP2 download?)
No formula in the Custom string option
Mine worked by simply going to the Database Menu option: Database-->Verify Database, and the field sizes were updated
It could happen if the length of the field in the Data Source is less than your string. To check this:
In the Field Explorer right click on the data source name and choose "Show Field Type"
The length of the field is written between ( ). If it is less than your string length, you have to re-build your data source. For example, if your data source is a view, you have to drop and create it again and then verify your data base in crystal report.
Hope it helps.
Random troubleshooting thoughts. One of these could even work :)
You didn't specify your datasource, but can you preview your data before it goes into Crystal? If the actual data is randomly truncated, then the problem isn't Crystal, it's the data.
Does this data have any special characters, i.e. accents, foreign currencies, etc? That could be a problem (I don't know if this could even create problems, never used them in Crystal)
In the Section Expert, are you using the Underlaying Following Sections option for fancy formatting? If so, your 'grown' fields may be hidden by some other field in the following section.
My Crystal Reports XI Developer Edition is (that's service pack 2). Is your Crystal up to date?
In the Format Field pane, there is an option to make a custom Display String. Sometimes I forget I have a formula and then don't understand why it's not doing what i want.