MongoDB sharding scalability - performance of queries hitting a single chunk? - mongodb

In doing some preliminary tests of MongoDB sharding, I hoped and expected that the time to execute queries that hit only a single chunk of data on one shard/machine would remain relatively constant as more data was loaded. But I found a significant slowdown.
Some details:
For my simple test, I used two machines to shard and tried queries on similar collections with 2 million rows and 7 million rows. These are obviously very small collections that don’t even require sharding, yet I was surprised to already see a significant consistent slowdown for queries hitting only a single chunk. Queries included the sharding key, were for result sets ranging from 10s to 100000s of rows, and I measured the total time required to scroll through the entire result sets. One other thing: since my application will actually require much more data than can fit into RAM, all queries were timed based on a cold cache.
Any idea why this would be? Has anyone else observed the same or contradictory results?
Further details (prompted by Theo):
For this test, the rows were small (5 columns including _id), and the key was not based on _id, but rather on a many-valued text column that almost always appears in queries.
The command db.printShardingStatus() shows how many chunks there are as well as the exact key values used to split ranges for chunks. The average chunk contains well over 100,000 rows for this dataset and inspection of key value splits verifies that the test queries are hitting a single chunk.
For the purpose of this test, I was measuring only reads. There were no inserts or updates.
Upon some additional research, I believe I determined the reason for the slowdown: MongoDB chunks are purely logical, and the data within them is NOT physically located together (source: "Scaling MongoDB" by Kristina Chodorow). This is in contrast to partitioning in traditional databases like Oracle and MySQL. This seems like a significant limitation, as sharding will scale horizontally with the addition of shards/machines, but less well in the vertical dimension as data is added to a collection with a fixed number of shards.
If I understand this correctly, if I have 1 collection with a billion rows sharded across 10 shards/machines, even a query that hits only one shard/machine is still querying from a large collection of 100 million rows. If values for the sharding key happen to be located contiguously on disk, then that might be OK. But if not and I'm fetching more than a few rows (e.g. 1000s), then this seems likely to lead to lots of I/O problems.
So my new question is: why not organize chunks in MongoDB physically to enable vertical as well as horizontal scalability?

What makes you say the queries only touched a single chunk? If the result ranged up to 100 000 rows it sounds unlikely. A chunk is max 64 Mb, and unless your objects are tiny that many won't fit. Mongo has most likely split your chunks and distributed them.
I think you need to tell us more about what you're doing and the shape of your data. Were you querying and loading at the same time? Do you mean shard when you say chunk? Is your shard key something else than _id? Do you do any updates while you query your data?
There are two major factors when it comes to performance in Mongo: the global write lock and it's use of memory mapped files. Memory mapped files mean you really have to think about your usage patterns, and the global write lock makes page faults hurt really badly.
If you query for things that are all over the place the OS will struggle to page things in and out, this can be especially hurting if your objects are tiny because whole pages have to be loaded just to access a small pieces, lots of RAM will be wasted. If you're doing lots of writes that will lock reads (but usually not that badly since writes happen fairly sequentially) -- but if you're doing updates you can forget about any kind of performance, the updates block the whole database server for significant amounts of time.
Run mongostat while you're running your tests, it can tell you a lot (run mongostat --discover | grep -v SEC to see the metrics for all you shard masters, don't forget to include --port if your mongos is not running on 27017).
Addressing the questions in your update: it would be really nice if Mongo did keep chunks physically together, but it is not the case. One of the reasons is that sharding is a layer on top of mongod, and mongod is not fully aware of it being a shard. It's the config servers and mongos processes that know of shard keys and which chunks that exist. Therefore, in the current architecture, mongod doesn't even have the information that would be required to keep chunks together on disk. The problem is even deeper: Mongo's disk format isn't very advanced. It still (as of v2.0) does not have online compaction (although compaction got better in v2.0), it can't compact a fragmented database and still serve queries. Mongo has a long way to go before it's capable of what you're suggesting, sadly.
The best you can do at this point is to make sure you write the data in order so that chunks will be written sequentially. It probably helps if you create all chunks beforehand too, so that data will not be moved around by the balancer. Of course this is only possible if you have all your data in advance, and that seems unlikely.

Disclaimer: I work at Tokutek
So my new question is: why not organize chunks in MongoDB physically to enable vertical as well as horizontal scalability?
This is exactly what is done in TokuMX, a replacement server for MongoDB. TokuMX uses Fractal Tree indexes which have high write throughput and compression, so instead of storing data in a heap, data is clustered with the index. By default, the shard key is clustered, so it does exactly what you suggest, it organizes the chunks physically, by ensuring all documents are ordered by the shard key on disk. This makes range queries on the shard key fast, just like on any clustered index.


Should data be clustered as databases or collections [duplicate]

I am designing a system with MongoDb (64 bit version) to handle a large amount of users (around 100,000) and each user will have large amounts of data (around 1 million records).
What is the best strategy of design?
Dump all records in single collection
Have a collection for each user
Have a database for each user.
Many Thanks,
So you're looking at somewhere in the region of 100 billion records (1 million records * 100,000 users).
The preferred way to deal with large amounts of data is to create a sharded cluster that splits the data out over several servers that are presented as single logical unit via the mongo client.
Therefore the answer to your question is put all your records in a single sharded collection.
The number of shards required and configuration of the cluster is related to the size of the data and other factors such as the quantity and distribution of reads and writes. The answers to those questions are probably very specific to your unique situation, so I won't attempt to guess them.
I'd probably start by deciding how many shards you have the time and machines available to set up and testing the system on a cluster of that many machines. Based on the performance of that, you can decide whether you need more or fewer shards in your cluster
So you are looking for 100,000,000 detail records overall for 100K users?
What many people don't seem to understand is that MongoDB is good at horizontal scaling. Horizontal scaling is normally classed as scaling huge single collections of data across many (many) servers in a huge cluster.
So already if you use a single collection for common data (i.e. one collection called user and one called detail) you are suiting MongoDBs core purpose and build.
MongoDB, as mentioned, by others is not so good at scaling vertically across many collections. It has a nssize limit to begin with and even though 12K initial collections is estimated in reality due to index size you can have as little as 5K collections in your database.
So a collection per user is not feasible at all. It would be using MongoDB against its core principles.
Having a database per user involves the same problems, maybe more, as having singular collections per user.
I have never encountered some one not being able to scale MongoDB to the billions or even close to the 100s of billions (or maybe beyond) on a optimised set-up, however, I do not see why it cannot; after all Facebook is able to make MySQL scale into the 100s of billions per user (across 32K+ shards) for them and the sharding concept is similar between the two databases.
So the theory and possibility of doing this is there. It is all about choosing the right schema and shard concept and key (and severs and network etc etc etc etc).
If you were to witness problems you could go for splitting archive collections, or deleted items away from the main collection but I think that is overkill, instead you want to make sure that MongoDB knows where each segment of your huge dataset is at any given point in time on the master and ensure that this data is always hot, that way queries that don't do a global and scatter OP should be quite fast.
About a collection on each users:
By default configuration, MongoDB is limited to 12k collections. You can increase the size of this with --nssize but it's not unlimited.
And you have to count index into this 12k. (check "namespaces" concept on mongo documentation).
About a database for each user:
For a model point of view, that's very curious.
For technical, there is no limit on mongo, but you probably have a limit with file descriptor (limit from you OS/settings).
So as #Rohit says, the two last are not good.
Maybe you should explain more about your case.
Maybe you can cut users into different collections (ex: one for each first letter of name etc., or for each service of the company...).
And, of course use sharding.
Edit: maybe MongoDb is not the best database for your use case.

Timeseries storage in Mongodb

I have about 1000 sensors outputting data during the day. Each sensor outputs about 100,000 points per day. When I query the data I am only interested in getting data from a given sensor on a given day. I don t do any cross sensor queries. The timeseries are unevenly spaced and I need to keep the time resolution so I cannot do things like arrays of 1 point per second.
I plan to store data over many years. I wonder which scheme is the best:
each day/sensor pair corresponds to one collection, thus adding 1000 collections of about 100,000 documents each per day to my db
each sensor corresponds to a collection. I have a fixed number of 1000 collections that grow every day by about 100,000 documents each.
1 seems to intuitively be faster for querying. I am using mongoDb 3.4 which has no limit for the number of collections in a db.
2 seems cleaner but I am afraid the collections will become huge and that querying will gradually become slower as each collection grows
I am favoring 1 but I might be wrong. Any advice?
I followed the advice of
Instead of storing one document per measurement, I have a document containing 128 measurement,startDate,nextDate. It reduces the number of documents and thus the index size but I am still not sure how to organize the collections.
When I query data, I just want the data for a (date,sensor) pair, that is why I thought 1 might speed up the reads. I currently have about 20,000 collections in my DB and when I query the list of all collections, it takes ages which makes me think that it is not a good idea to have so many collections.
What do you think?
I would definitely recommend approach 2, for a number of reasons:
MongoDB's sharding is designed to cope with individual collections getting larger and larger, and copes well with splitting data within a collection across separate servers as required. It does not have the same ability to split data which exists in many collection across different servers.
MongoDB is designed to be able to efficiently query very large collections, even when the data is split across multiple servers, as long as you can pick a suitable shard key which matches your most common read queries. In your case, that would be sensor + date.
With approach 1, your application needs to do the fiddly job of knowing which collection to query, and (possibly) where that collection is to be found. Approach 2, with well-configured sharding, means that the mongos process does that hard work for you
Whilst MongoDB has no limit on collections I tried a similar approach to 2 but moved away from it to a single collection for all sensor values because it was more manageable.
Your planned data collection is significant. Have you considered ways to reduce the volume? In my system I compress same-value runs and only store changes, I can also reduce the volume by skipping co-linear midpoints and interpolating later when, say, I want to know what the value was at time 't'. Various different sensors may need different compression algorithms (e.g. a stepped sensor like a thermostat set-point vs one that represents a continuous quantity like a temperature). Having a single large collection also makes it easy to discard data when it does get too large.
If you can guarantee unique timestamps you may also be able to use the timestamp as the _id field.
When I query the data I m only interested in getting data from a
given sensor on a given day. I don t do any cross sensor queries.
But that's what exactly what Cassandra is good for!
See this article and this one.
Really, in one of our my projects we were stuck with legacy MongoDB and the scenario, similar to yours, with the except of new data amount per day was even lower.
We tried to change data structure, granulate data over multiple MongoDB collections, changed replica set configurations, etc.
But we were still disappointed as data increases, but performance degrades
with the unpredictable load and reading data request affects writing response much.
With Cassandra we had fast writes and data retrieving performance effect was visible with the naked eye. If you need complex data analysis and aggregation, you could always use Spark (Map-reduce) job.
Moreover, thinking about future, Cassandra provides straightforward scalability.
I believe that keeping something for legacy is good as long as it suits well, but if not, it's more effective to change the technology stack.
If I understand right, you plan to create collections on the fly, i.e. at 12 AM you will have new collections. I guess MongoDB is a wrong choice for this. If required in MongoDB there is no way you can query documents across collections, you will have to write complex mechanism to retrieve data. In my opinion, you should consider elasticsearch. Where you can create indices(Collections) like sensor-data-s1-3-14-2017. Here you could do a wildcard search across indices. (for eg: sensor-data-s1* or sensor-data-*). See here for wildcard search.
If you want to go with MongoDB my suggestion is to go with option 2 and shard the collections. While sharding, consider your query pattern so you could get optimal performance and that does not degrade over the period.
Approach #1 is not cool, key to speed up is divide (shard) and rule. What-if number of singal itself reaches 100000.
So place one signal in one collection and shard signals over nodes to speed up read. Multiple collections or signals can be on same node.
How this Will Assist
Usually for signal processing time-span is used like process signal for 3 days, in that case you can parallel read 3 nodes for the signal and do parallel apache spark processing.
Cross-Signal processing: typically most of signal processing algorithms uses same period for 2 or more signals for analysis like cross correlation and as these (2 or more signals) are parallel fetch it'll also be fast and ore-processing of individual signal can be parallelized.

mongodb - Reclaim disk space regularly with no downtime

We have a replica set of 1 primary, 1 secondary, and 1 arbiter. We delete collections often, so I am looking for a fast way to reclaim disk space used by deleted collections with no downtime, current database size is close to 3TB.
I've been researching various ways of doing this, 2 common approaches are:
repairDatabase(): which needs free space equal the size of used space to be able to run, it will take the primary offline, then start initial Sync on the secondary,which is very lengthy process, during which only one node is available for read only from secondary during repairDatabase, and read/write during initial Sync.
run initial Sync on a new node, then claim as primary and retire the old one. Repeat the process for secondary. With this option, both primary and secondary are available, but very lengthy process and take almost 1 week to run initial Sync twice.
is there a better solution to reclaim disk space on a regular basis and relatively faster than the above solutions.
Note that every single collection is subject to deletion.
there's no easy way to achieve this, unless you design your DB structure to keep different collections in different databases, which in turn will mean storing them in different paths in your HDD as long as you have the directoryPerDB set to true in your mongo.conf. This is a workaround and depending on your app it might be unpractical.
While it's true that dropping a collection won't free the hdd space, it's also true that the used space it's not lost. It will be eventually reused for new collections.
That being said, unless you are really short on space, don't reclain that space. The CPU and I/O cost of doing that regularly is far more expensive than the storage capacity cost in every provider I know of.
I'd take a look at using MongoDB's sharding functionality to address some of your issues. To quote from the documentation:
Sharding is a method for storing data across multiple machines.
MongoDB uses sharding to support deployments with very large data sets
and high throughput operations.
While sharding is frequently used to balance thru put for a large collection across more servers, to avoid hot spots and spread the overall load, it's also useful for managing storage for large collections. In your specific case I'd investigate the use of shard tags to pin a collection to a specific shard.
Again, to quote the documentation, shard tags are useful to
isolate a specific subset of data on a specific set of shards.
For example, let's say you split your production environment into a couple of shards, shard1 and shard2. You could, using shard tags and the sharding tools, pin the collections that you frequently delete onto shard2. In this use case shard1 contains all your normal collections. When you then choose to reclaim disk storage via your second option, you'd perform this only on the shard that has the deleted collections - that way you avoid have to recreate more static data. It should run faster that way (how much faster is a function of how much data is in the deleted collections shard at any given time).
It also has the secondary benefit that as each shard (actually replica set within each shard) requires smaller servers as they only contain a subset of the overall data.
The specifics of the best way to do this will be driven by your exact use case - number and size of collections, insert, update, query and deletion frequency, etc. I described a simple 2 shard case but you can do this with many more shards. You can also have some shards running on higher performance hardware for collections that have more transaction volume.
I can't really do sharding justice within the limited space here other than to point you in the right direction to investigate it. MongoDB has a lot of good information within their documentation and their 2 online DBA courses (Which are free) get into this in some detail.
Some useful links:

MongoDB: BIllions of documents in a collection

I need to load 6.6 billion bigrams into a collection but I can't find any information on the best way to do this.
Loading that many documents onto a single primary key index would take forever but as far as I'm aware mongo doesn't support the equivalent of partitioning?
Would sharding help? Should I try and split the data set over many collections and build that logic into my application?
It's hard to say what the optimal bulk insert is -- this partly depends on the size of the objects you're inserting and other immeasurable factors. You could try a few ranges and see what gives you the best performance. As an alternative, some people like using mongoimport, which is pretty fast, but your import data needs to be json or csv. There's obviously mongodrestore, if the data is in BSON format.
Mongo can easily handle billions of documents and can have billions of documents in the one collection but remember that the maximum document size is 16mb. There are many folk with billions of documents in MongoDB and there's lots of discussions about it on the MongoDB Google User Group. Here's a document on using a large number of collections that you may like to read, if you change your mind and want to have multiple collections instead. The more collections you have, the more indexes you will have also, which probably isn't what you want.
Here's a presentation from Craigslist on inserting billions of documents into MongoDB and the guy's blogpost.
It does look like sharding would be a good solution for you but typically sharding is used for scaling across multiple servers and a lot of folk do it because they want to scale their writes or they are unable to keep their working set (data and indexes) in RAM. It is perfectly reasonable to start off with a single server and then move to a shard or replica-set as your data grows or you need extra redundancy and resilience.
However, there are other users use multiple mongods to get around locking limits of a single mongod with lots of writes. It's obvious but still worth saying but a multi-mongod setup is more complex to manage than a single server. If your IO or cpu isn't maxed out here, your working set is smaller than RAM and your data is easy to keep balanced (pretty randomly distributed), you should see improvement (with sharding on a single server). As a FYI, there is potential for memory and IO contention. With 2.2 having improved concurrency with db locking, I suspect that there will be much less of a reason for such a deployment.
You need to plan your move to sharding properly, i.e. think carefully about choosing your shard key. If you go this way then it's best to pre-split and turn off the balancer. It will be counter-productive to be moving data around to keep things balanced which means you will need to decide up front how to split it. Additionally, it is sometimes important to design your documents with the idea that some field will be useful for sharding on, or as a primary key.
Here's some good links -
Choosing a Shard Key
Blog post on shard keys
Overview presentation on sharding
Presentation on Sharding Best Practices
You can absolutely shard data in MongoDB (which partitions across N servers on the shard key). In fact, that's one of it's core strengths. There is no need to do that in your application.
For most use cases, I would strongly recommend doing that for 6.6 billion documents. In my experience, MongoDB performs better with a number of mid-range servers rather than one large one.

MongoDB: Sharding on single machine. Does it make sense?

created a collection in MongoDB consisting of 11446615 documents.
Each document has the following form:
"_id" : ObjectId("4e03dec7c3c365f574820835"),
"httpReferer" : "",
"words" : ["SEX", "DRUGS", "ROCKNROLL", "WHATEVER"],
"howMany" : 3
httpReferer: just an url
words: words parsed from the url above. Size of the list is between 15 and 90.
I am planning to use this database to obtain list of webpages which have similar content.
I 'll by querying this collection using words field so I created (or rather started creating) index on this field:
db.my_coll.ensureIndex({words: 1})
Creating this collection takes very long time. I tried two approaches (tests below were done on my laptop):
Inserting and indexing Inserting took 5.5 hours mainly due to cpu intensive preprocessing of data. Indexing took 30 hours.
Indexing before inserting It would take a few days to insert all data to collection.
My main focus it to decrease time of generating the collection. I don't need replication (at least for now). Querying also doesn't have to be light-fast.
Now, time for a question:
I have only one machine with one disk were I can run my app. Does it make sense to run more than one instance of the database and split my data between them?
Yes, it does make sense to shard on a single server.
At this time, MongoDB still uses a global lock per mongodb server.
Creating multiple servers will release a server from one another's locks.
If you run a multiple core machine with seperate NUMAs, this can
also increase performance.
If your load increases too much for your server, initial sharding makes for easier horizontal scaling in the future. You might as well do it now.
Machines vary. I suggest writing your own bulk insertion benchmark program and spin up a various number of MongoDB server shards. I have a 16 core RAIDed machine and I've found that 3-4 shards seem to be ideal for my heavy write database. I'm finding that my two NUMAs are my bottleneck.
In modern day(2015) with mongodb v3.0.x there is collection-level locking with mmap, which increases write throughput slightly(assuming your writing to multiple collections), but if you use the wiredtiger engine there is document level locking, which has a much higher write throughput. This removes the need for sharding across a single machine. Though you can technically still increase the performance of mapReduce by sharding across a single machine, but in this case you'd be better off just using the aggregation framework which can exploit multiple cores. If you heavily rely on map reduce algorithms it might make most sense to just use something like Hadoop.
The only reason for sharding mongodb is to horizontally scale. So in the event that a single machine cannot house enough disk space, memory, or CPU power(rare), then sharding becomes beneficial. I think its really really seldom that someone has enough data that they need to shard, even a large business, especially since wiredtiger added compression support that can reduce disk usage to over 80% less. Its also infrequent that someone uses mongodb to perform really CPU heavy queries at a large scale, because there are much better technologies for this. In most cases IO is the most important factor in performance, not many queries are CPU intensive, unless you're running a lot of complex aggregations, even geo-spatial is indexed upon insertion.
Most likely reason you'd need to shard is if you have a lot of indexes that consume a large amount of RAM, wiredtiger reduces this, but its still the most common reason to shard. Where as sharding across a single machine is likely just going to cause undesired overhead, with very little or possible no benefits.
This doesn't have to be a mongo question, it's a general operating system question. There are three possible bottlenecks for your database use.
network (i.e. you're on a gigabit line, you're using most of it at peak times, but your database isn't really loaded down)
CPU (your CPU is near 100% but disk and network are barely ticking over)
In the case of network, rewrite your network protocol if possible, otherwise shard to other machines. In the case of CPU, if you're 100% on a few cores but others are free, sharding on the same machine will improve performance. If disk is fully utilized add more disks and shard across them -- way cheaper than adding more machines.
No, it does not make sense to shard a on a single server.
There are a few exceptional cases but they mostly come down to concurrency issues related to things like running map/reduce or javascript.
This is answered in the first paragraph of the Replica set tutorial