Yii - How to call external javascript on every CActiveForm validation? - forms

I would like to make a "preview container" for form values in Yii. (so every time the user finishes entering data, the "preview container" below the form will display them, to let the user knows how the item actually looks like).
To achieve this, the only way is to call a Javascript function to update the "preview container" (using jQuery). The CActiveForm is:
$form = $this->beginWidget('CActiveForm', array(
How do we modify it to call a javascript function each time the fields are validated?
(Note: whenever we switch between the input fields, the fields are validated dues to enableAjaxValidation=>true)
Thanks in advanced.

With jQuery you can define your own listener functions for the fields you want to update, which is probably going to be cleaner than trying to hook into the validation functions.You could monitor onchange or blur or whatever is most appropriate to your data.
The js can be loaded via Yii's registerScript function or, again, whatever is most appropriate for your app. A listener function would normally be loaded on DOM ready, i.e., with the POS_READY attribute for registerScript.
You can search the tutorials as well as this basic tutorial for more info.


AEM: Display an Alert box after server side validation

I have a form in AEM. When the submit button is clicked control goes to forward.jsp. I have done some validations in forward.jsp and would like to generate on alert on the page once the validation is failed. How can I pass the alert to the page?
// validation success
} else{
// code for alert
FormsHelper.redirectToReferrer(slingRequest, slingResponse);
If you want to do the validation server-side, but show an alert client-side, I recommend you use JavaScript to make an AJAX call. You could change your submit button so that when it is clicked, it fires an AJAX call instead of submitting a form. See http://api.jquery.com/jquery.ajax/ for a description of how this could be done using jQuery, but other options would also work for making the AJAX request.
In the response to that AJAX request you can put whetever you need. It can be a status code, a string of JSON, or a blurb of HTML. You then would write client-side JavaScript to handle the response and do whatever is appropriate based on the given response--such as show an alert on the page.
An example of this sort of approach if seen at http://michaelsoriano.com/how-to-ajax-validate-forms/
This topic is more complicated that you might think. Basically you can see sample implementation in the foundation components such as /libs/foundation/components/form/text/text.jsp. They all use the com.day.cq.wcm.foundation.forms.LayoutHelper#printErrors method to check if they are errors on field. This is happening over the com.day.cq.wcm.foundation.forms.ValidationInfo class which is set as request attribute in order to transfer the field state between the different classes. You can check also the com.day.cq.wcm.foundation.forms.FieldHelper class which performs actually the validation. Putting some sort of logic in the forward.jsp is the wrong ways

Dynamically loading content through Groovy server page upon form submit

I have a Groovy project (vanilla; no Grails) with an index.gsp that takes form input from the user and sends it in a POST request to a Groovy script. The form is set up like this:
<form action="somewhere" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
// some other inputs
<input type="submit"/>
Is there any way (ideally not using Javascript) to dynamically load content on the same page after the user submits? Redirecting to another GSP might also work. Just something simple, like a string containing whatever the user typed. It seems like Grails has plenty of options, but unfortunately I can't use it.
As you mentioned, Grails is capable of doing what you need without any complex code. Since you can't use it, you will have to use JQuery(Javascript) to make an AJAX call. AJAX is the he only way that I know to achive that.
Just make an AJAX call to your groovy script. JQuery.ajax has a success function to be called if the request succeeds. You can use it to update a hidden dive after the form. This success function has the data returned from the server as an argument, that data could be the string containing whatever the user typed. In that case just add the data to the hidden div and then make that div visible.
function onSucceed(data) {
You can learn about JQuery.ajax() in this link AJAX

Field and Form Validation with ember.js

I've integrated Boronine's excellent field validation code for ember.js from jsfiddle. While that is wonderful, I still need to perform form level validation, to ensure that when the user submits the form, everything is okay.
What's the best way to do that? Is there a way that I can mark a field as having been validated, so that the form handler can simply walk the fields to see what has been validated or not?
MP.SignUpFormView = Em.View.extend({
submitLogin:function (event) {
// walk through object fields to perform validation here, but how?!
For clarity, I am using Handlebars and binding, not trying to walk DOM objects or the like.
The pattern you're trying to use makes sense in applications that follow a document-scripting pattern, which Ember does not. You can force this work, but you'll find each next step in the application will get harder and harder.
In Ember display is backed by data objects so form fields in an Ember application are bound to a property on some object and as changes are made, the values are updated immediately. You don't even really need a <form> except maybe for styling.
When a user wants to take some action on this object (like persisting it to a server) the application's current state will answer the question "what happens when a user wants to take this action right now?" A user clicking a button here doesn't mean "now serialize the data in the form and do something" it means "I'm done changing the properties of this object and would like to do something else in the application now."
Your handlebars template would look something like this:
{{view Ember.Textfield valueBinding="name"}}
{{view Ember.Textfield valueBinding="age"}}
<button {{action save content}}>Save</button>
And a possible state in your application where this can be handled
save: function(router, event){
if (event.context.validate()){

how to redirect a page through controller in zend

When I click on a submit button i want the page to redirect to the following page?
header('Location: /pdp/policy-info.phtml');
I wrote the above code in the controller code but I am not able to redirect to the above page. it stays on the same page.
the filename is called policy-info.phtml in the view.
Also once I redirect, would I be able access my form values through $_POST?
Or is there an alternative.
ok it sounds to me like you may be missing a few concepts:
You will never redirect to a phtml file. (unless you have written some custom rewrite/route rules) Zend uses the MVC architecture, urls exist in this fashion: /module/controller/view/key1/value1/keyx/valuex/
generally zend urls don't terminate with file extensions. Also you will never directly call a view file from your browser.
In your form tag, you specify where the form submits to with the action attribute. For your url i'm assuming the pdp controller and policy-info action
If you want to redirect after a form submit from with your controller you would use:
# maybe you want to execute some code and then execute
# additional code in another controller without re-bootstrapping
$this->_forward('policy-info', 'pdp');
If you redirect you will not have access to your POST unless you saved those values elsewhere (like in your session). If you forward, I believe the values will still be available in the second action.
actually there maybe a few ways to do what you want to do. I haven't tried this first method yet but it should work.
Render a new veiw script from your controller/action if isPost():
public function myAction(){
$form = My_Form();
$this->view->form = $form;
//if form is posted and submit = Submit
if ($this_request->isPost() && $this_request->getPost()->submit == 'Submit') {
if ($form->isValid($this->_request->getPost()) {
//this is where you want to capture form data
$data = $form->getValues();
//render a new viewscript or _forward to a new action and perform your processing there.
$this->render('path to phtml file');
//if user needs to press a button to accept submit = accept
...do some more stuff...
I think this or some variation will work.Note: I don't think _forward resets the request object, so your $_POST data should not be affected.
Also if this policy-info does not require additional input from the user and is just informational you could easily just _forward('action') to a blank action and the router will display the view script.

can i send data to a javascript function on the server iphone

I i'm wondering if it is possible to call a javascript function from my application. The js function is on the server. Let's say i have a some inputs in the app. Then i have this submit button which calls the IBAction, from the IBAction i want to call:
function mySubmit(){
and pass it the data the user entered and then get back a response (in my app) not in the server
Is this possible to do? if so, can you provide some useful links?
Thanks in advance and have a nice saturday ;)
The js function is on the server
Are you sure this is your case? Don't you mean that your js submits a form that is itself treated on the server side?
Javascript is normally a client-side scripting language, which is executed on client-side, contrary to e.g. PHP which is only executed server-side.
[EDIT] (As stated by #Dr.Dredel in the comments, as there exists server-side javascript, but these usages are not yet very common and I don't think it corresponds to your context)
If you need to call a javascript function from an already loaded HTML page in a WebView, you can simply use the UIWebView's stringByEvaluatingJavascriptFromString:. You can pass a string representing javascript code to this function, so you can build a string that represent a function call with string or int arguments for example without any problem.
But if you intend to load your HTML page just to call a javascript fonction which in turn submit a form that sends the form's data to your server… This is clearly the wrong way!
You should instead considering performing the NSURLRequest to your server directly in Objective-C (maybe using ASIHTTPRequest to perform a POST request and easily set the values for each keys of the form you intend to send). In addition, doing this directly in ObjC will avoid loading the HTML page for nothing and rely on the js script, and will allow you to directly get the response in the delegate method.