isosurface function MATLAB usage - matlab

Hi can any one give me a simple example of how to use the isosurface function in MATLAB.
The example given if you type help isosurface is quite confusing. Searching on google did not help as no one gives simple examples anywhere. All of them use predefined functions like
For starters, suppose i have points (x,y,z) where z=0 and at each point I define a constant
function f(x,y,z)=6. So if I use the isosurface function on the isovalue 6 I would like MATLAB to give me a 3d plot with the XY plane highlighted in some colour, say green.

I don't quite understand your example, but here's how you use isosurface to draw a sphere:
%# create coordinates
[xx,yy,zz] = meshgrid(-15:15,-15:15,-15:15);
%# calculate distance from center of the cube
rr = sqrt(xx.^2 + yy.^2 + zz.^2);
%# create the isosurface by thresholding at a iso-value of 10
%# make sure it will look like a sphere
axis equal

The example you gave is very uninteresting, in fact maybe even problematic.
By collapsing all points to z=0, you no longer can/need to use ISOSURFACE, and CONTOUR should be called instead. Even then, a constant function f(X,Y)=6 won't show anything either...
Since #Jonas already showed how to use ISOSURFACE, here is an example for the CONTOUR function:
%# create a function to apply to all X/Y coordinates
[X,Y] = meshgrid(-2:0.1:2,-1:0.1:1);
f = #(X,Y) X.^3 -2*Y.^2 -3*X;
%# plot the function surface
subplot(121), surfc(X,Y,f(X,Y))
axis equal, daspect([1 1 3])
%# plot the iso-contour corresponding to where f=-1
subplot(122), contour(X,Y,f(X,Y),[-1 -1]),
axis square, title('Contour where f(X,Y)=-1')


Overlay the data points which make-up a contour plot matrix on the same plot in MATLAB

Hope the title gave an adequate description of my problem. Basically, I am generating a contour plot in MATLAB using the contourf (x,y,z) function, where x and y are vectors of different lengths and z is a matrix of data with dimensions of x times y. The contourf plot is fine, however, I am looking to overlay this plot with the actual data points from the matrix z. I have tried using the scatter function, but I am getting an error message informing me that X and Y must be vectors of the same length - which they're not. Is there any other way to achieve this?
Thanks in advance for any help/suggestions!
I think meshgrid should help you.
z = peaks; %// example 49x49 z data
x = 1:20;
y = 1:49;
z = z(y,x); %// make dimensions not equal so length(x)~=length(y)
[c,h] = contourf(x,y,z);
clabel(c,h); colorbar;
[xx,yy]=meshgrid(x,y); %// this is what you need
hold on;
plot(xx,yy,'k.'); %// overlay points on contourf
Notice plot suffices instead of scatter. If you insist, scatter(xx(:),yy(:),10), for example, does the trick. Although my example isn't particularly interesting, this should hopefully get you started toward whatever you're going for aesthetically.

MATLAB: Area and centre of mass of a plotted figure

I have made a function that allows a user to draw several points and interpolate those points. I want the function to calculate the centre of mass using this vector :
I think I should therefore first calculate the area of the figure (I drew this example to illustrate the function output). I want to do this using Green's theorem
However since I'm quite a beginner in MATLAB I'm stuck at how to implement this formula in order to find the centre of mass. I'm also not sure how to get the data as my output so far is only the x- and y cordinates of the points.
function draw
fig = figure();
hax = axes('Parent', fig);
axis(hax, 'manual')
[x,y] = getpts();
M = [x y]
T = cumsum(sqrt([0,diff(x')].^2 + [0,diff(y')].^2));
T_i = linspace(T(1),T(end),1000);
X_i = interp1(T,x',T_i,'cubic');
Y_i = interp1(T,y',T_i,'cubic');
The Center Of Mass for a 2D coordinate system should just be the mean of the interpolated x-coordinates and y-coordinates. The Interpolation should give you evenly spaced coordinates which you can use to your advantage. So simply add to your existing function:
CenterOfMass= [mean(X_i),mean(Y_i)]
hold on
should give you the center of mass assuming that all points are weighted equally.

project a sphere to a plane using matlab

This is probably very basic matlab, so forgive me.
I use the command sphere to create a 3D sphere and have the x,y,z matrices that will produce it using surf. For example:
I'd like to project (or sum) this 3D sphere into one of the Cartesian 2D planes (for example X-Y plane) to obtain a 2D matrix that will be the projection of that sphere. Using imshow or imagesc on the output should look something like this:
simple summing obviously doesn't work, how can I accomplish that in Matlab?
It is possible that I completely misunderstand your question, in which case I apologize; but I think one of the following three methods may in fact be what you need. Note that method 3 gives an image that looks a lot like the example you provided... but I got there with a very different route (not using the sphere command at all, but computing "voxels inside" and "voxels outside" by working directly with their distance from the center). I inverted the second image compared to the third on since it looked better that way - filling the sphere with zeros made it look almost like a black disk.
%% method 1: find the coordinates, and histogram them
[x y z]=sphere(200);
xv = linspace(-1,1,40);
[xh xc]=histc(x(:), xv);
[yh yc]=histc(y(:), xv);
% sum the occurrences of coordinates using sparse:
sm = sparse(xc, yc, ones(size(xc)));
sf = full(sm);
imagesc(sf); axis image; axis off
caxis([0 sf(19,19)]) % add some clipping
title 'projection of point density'
%% method 2: fill a sphere and add its volume elements:
xv = linspace(-1,1,100);
[xx yy zz]=meshgrid(xv,xv,xv);
rr = sqrt(xx.^2 + yy.^2 + zz.^2);
vol = zeros(numel(xv)*[1 1 1]);
proj = sum(vol,3);
imagesc(proj); axis image; axis off; colormap gray
title 'projection of volume'
%% method 3: visualize just a thin shell:
vol2 = ones(numel(xv)*[1 1 1]);
vol2(rr<1) = 0;
projShell = sum(vol2,3);
imagesc(projShell); axis image; axis off; colormap gray
title 'projection of a shell'
You can project on the X-Y plane in Matlab by using:
[x,y,z] = sphere(64);
But I think you should not use Matlab for this, because the problem is so simple you can do this analytically...
I would look at map projections, which are designed for this purpose.
A search on "map projections matlab" yields documentation on a Matlab mapping toolbox. However, if you want or need to roll your own, there is a good summary at the USGS website, as well as a wikipedia article.

MATLAB - fill ezpolar plot

I just have a brief question regarding MatLab.
Say that we have the equation:
r^2 = 2 sin(5t)
I know that I can fill a polar plot by writing, say:
t = linspace(0,2*pi,200);
r = sqrt(abs(2*sin(5*t)));
x = r.*cos(t);
y = r.*sin(t);
But say I use the ezpolar instead by giving the equation above a function handle and then typing:
ezpolar(function handle)
Is there any way I can then fill this polar plot? Or do I have to use the procedure outlined above?
Any tips/help will be greatly appreciated!
You can use ezpolar, then modify the resulting figure. If you look at the returned handle from ezpolar, you'll see it is the line itself drawn in the axis. The points from that line object can be extracted, then used to lay a new polygon on top of the same axis. The benefit is, you get to keep all the nice polar lables.
hold on;
fill(get(h, 'XData'), get(h, 'YData'), 'k');

How do I make a surf plot in MATLAB with irregularly spaced data?

I know I can create a 3D surface plot in MATLAB by doing:
x = linspace(1,10,100);
y = linspace(10,20,100);
[X Y] = meshgrid(x,y);
Z = X * Y;
But this requires that all the nodes for the height map generated line up. I have a set of data which has arbitrary points (x,y) and a height (z). Is there a simple way to plot a graph which will generate a surface between the points in a similar fashion to surf?
Appologies, after some hunting I managed to answer my own question:
You can use the trisurf function:
tri = delaunay(x,y);
If you have dense data you will want to do shading interp (or another value, check doc shading) so you don't get a black blob due to the grid.
It looks like you've found your answer by using DELAUNAY and TRISURF to generate and plot a triangulated surface.
As an alternative, you could also fit a regularly-spaced grid to your nonuniformly-spaced points in order to generate a surface that can be plotted with the SURF command. I discuss how this can be done using the TriScatteredInterp class (or the deprecated function GRIDDATA) in my answer to this other question on SO.