Flash Builder (Zend Studio) using SVN with Local Sources - eclipse

When I first installed the Flash Builder 4.5 trial and created a new project from existing sources which happened to be an svn repository checked out to my local web server, I had svn info including revision number and the ability to right-click to svn tools in the PHP Explorer View. At some time this disappeared in the last few weeks, now I need to go back to the folder (in Windows) containing the working copy to perform an update, commit, or to browse the log.
I have the default Zend Studio installation and then I tried to fix this by installing subclipse from http://subclipse.tigris.org/update_1.6.x, that hasn't worked either.
I have tried going thru every Preference I could think of.
I do not want to use subclipse to check-out because I want to save them to a specific path that I have in my virtual hosts file for my local Apache server.
Any thoughts on how to turn this behavior back on?


Eclipse Project - need to have a copy locally and a copy on a remote server

I develop in PHP using Zend Studio - operating as an Eclipse plugin - has a really nice feature called "Automatic Upload" that can be configured on a per Project basis. This feature allows one to define a remote connection to a server for a Project, and also specify whether file copy to the remote server is "manual" or "on save".
We use the "on save" option extensively, as it allows us to edit a file via Eclipse, save it, and immediately see the file in play on our remote web server.
Specifically the functionality we are after is as follows:
Create or edit a local file in Eclipse
On Save of the local copy, automatically creates / updates the remote copy
On Delete of the local copy, deletes the remote copy
(cut/copy & paste behave in a conceptually equivalent way)
Manual batch "upload to remote" and "download from remote" menu options that allows full upload / download of all files as well as manual cherry picking of files to upload or download.
This feature is really nice and has very broad application so I expected it to be standard Eclipse functionality, however I have installed Eclipse Oxygen, and can't find it. I have subsequently done rather a lot of searching, and although there are some manual options that have appeared, the closest I can find to an automated copy equivalent is the Parallel Development Tools plug-in which provides a "Synchronized Project" option.
Synchronized Projects require git running on both local and remote and a git folder structure inserted into the Project. Additionally, hidden files are injected into every Project sub-folder.
The above renders Synchronized Projects too "heavy" and potentially problematic to manage for us.
So I am fairly desperately looking for an Eclipse Oxygen (or Neon is fine) plug-in that provides the functionality outlined above.
Your input is greatly welcomed. Thanks in advance!
While not exactly remote sync, a little lateral thinking has given me exactly what we need. What I did is as follows:
Remote (linux)
Install Samba
Use Samba to present the desired folder as a Windows share
Local (PC)
Windows File explorer
mapped the remote windows share to a local mapped drive
downloaded and installed the File Sync plug-in from Eclipse market place
right-clicked on my Project and selected Properties => File synchronisation, and configured the desired folders (setting the "remote" as the mapped drive)
and one final item (because we are mapping from a Windows local to a Linux remote) : Window => Preferences => General => Workspace Set "New text file line delimiter" to "Other => Unix"
And hey presto, everything is working 100%.
You can do this by a project builder Ant buildfile. Alternative, there are others build system that are implements the Eclipse project builder (to be executed on save), but which must be installed separately. You can also implement your own incremental project builder in Java.

Upload files from Eclipse Juno?

I am building a new workspace in Ubuntu 12.10 with Eclipse Juno. I have configured my project, imported my files, established a local Git repo and synced it to a remote on GitHub. However, all my efforts to be able to upload files (php, html, css, and other website files) to servers have failed.
I have both Remote System Explorer (RSE) and Aptana Studio 3. Though I have successfully established connections both to localhost for testing and to my live webserver, none of my attempts to upload have succeeded.
Ideally, when I save any file in Eclipse, it would automatically be copied to my /var/www for my localhost test server. I have researched several sync options without success.
Additionally, I want to be able to use Ctrl+Shift+U or similar to upload the current file to my public server.
I have spent much of the last two days reading and researching, but have found minimal documentation, and blog entries are for obsolete versions.
I have no Deploy menu item, the Aptana Publish menu item is disabled, and if I use Eclipse's Export command from the right-click menu, and choose my localhost connection, I get error "Unable to use connection." This, despite being able to browse the contents in RSE's pane. When I try to export to the public server, the error is "This operation will remove previous team provider settings that were set for MyProjectName. Are you sure you want to do this?"
I am making the change to Eclipse for a more efficient workflow but so far it has cost me many days of frustration and I still can't upload a simple .html file?!
Ok, as I understand it, you want to copy a file at save and upload it via FTP, yes?
You should look into Ant. You can configure Eclipse to run an Ant script when you save or build a project.
How to copy files with Ant
Ants FTP task
How to get ant to run when building a project
this post might be helpful for you, if you use Eclipse RSE: How to synchronize files over FTP with Eclipse RSE?
Moreover they mention there some problems with jdk7 (for the older eclipse version). Check that too.
For the actions you to be performed automatically/on keypress, well for that I didn't find any quick solution.

How to migrate from TortiseSVN to an Eclipse plugin to manage an established SVN project

I have been working with the same Subversion working copy as a sub-directory of my local server's htdocs folder for months now. I was working in PHPDesigner7 and managing my repository with TortiseSVN. As I am the only one working, I just commit and keep working without any real need for multiple checkouts or updates.
I recently moved from PHPDesigner7 to Eclipse for my every day IDE. I have created a project and used my working copy root as the location. I have been writing all my code in eclipse for about six weeks now, and it seems like it would be much easier to do SVN operations within the IDE. I want to start integrating SVN into my Eclipse workflow, but I want to keep my working copy in the same place it has been. There are a lot of files like Adobe Bridge index files and Docblox configuration files that I do not keep under source control, but are still important to my tools. If I create a new checkout these files will not be present. I also like being able to do local server testing directly from my working copy.
How can I use my existing working copy from within the Eclipse IDE? I have installed Subclipse, but I set my eclipse project up before I decided to try switching SVN management to the IDE. Is it as simple as making my workspace the same as the working copy? I have just been using the Eclipse default workspace. Would I be better off with a fresh Eclipse project? Are there any caveats I need to be aware of when moving from Tortise to Subclipse? I especially wonder if Subclipse does many small commit operations, or if I can continue making fewer heavily commented larger commits? Does anyone prefer the subversive plugin? If so why?
The root directory of your eclipse project should be the root of your working copy. Then you just have to right-click on the project and choose Team - Share Project, and follow the tutorial. At some point Eclipse will ask you if you want to keep the existing .svn files or not. Just choose to keep them.
The workflow in Eclipse is exactly the same as with any other SVN client. You update and commit when you want to. And you may also continue using TortoiseSVN to perform your SVN operations if you prefer. You'll just have to refresh your eclipse project after each operation.

Team Foundation Server with Blackberry Project in Eclipse not synching correctly

I am using eclipse 3.5.2 with Team Foundation Everywhere plugin (TFS plugin).
I have several blackberry projects in my eclipse workspace which i have successfully added to TFS. However I have found that the BlackBerry_App_Descriptor.xml is not being updated in TFS when i make changes to it.
For example when I change the name and version number of the application TFS see's no change in the file so when I check in the server version is still the old data. We are developing on several machines so having changes i do on my machine not propigate to the others is causing problems.
Does anyone know why this is happening? I can see from visual inspection of the .xml file that it is changing but why does TFS not considered it any different?
I have tried manually 'check out for edit' on the file, then change the name and check it back in. But it sees that there are no changes and disreguards my checkin.
Incase anyone else runs into this, it seems that the eclipse plugin for TFS is having issues with comparing XML files. If i manually change the XML contents and save to disk. Then do 'Compare local with server version' it will say 'files are identical'. What I ended up doing was removing the file from TFS. Doing my edits on a local version then readding it. It gets the updates into TFS so the whole team gets the same version. Wish it would just work though because now everytime we want to change anything in an xml file its a long process instead of being a simple update/checkin

Move CVS repository without rechecking out in Eclipse?

We are migrating from a Server 2000 machine to a Server 2008. I have already found great instructions for packing up my repository and moving it to the new machine.
My development tool is Eclipse. My goal is to not remove all of my projects and check them all back out. That will be a huge pain.
What is the easiest way to point Eclipse over to the new server without removing my existing projects?
The hard method looks to be running some kind of a script that edits about 9 billion CVS\Root files and updates the ip address.
Change the repo settings within Eclipse from the CVS Repositories perspective. Right-click on your repository definitions, change the settings to the new server.
When you save the settings, Eclipse will ask you to confirm that you're changing the server, and then it will update all the required metatdata files.