iPhone Core plot: how to zoom in this following example? - iphone

I am not talking about just resize the image,
I want to zoom in the price, then people focus on that price.
I want to do a resize action, then data will reload the specify area of the chart.
Similar as this application:

You can zoom in by adjusting the plot ranges on the plot space. Reduce the length of the range to zoom in and increase it to zoom out. No need to reload the data unless you want to add more detail (== more data points) at the higher zoom level.


Fusioncharts Timeseries

Currently I am running into an issue in FusionCharts where TimeSeries view is inaccurate when using min or max aggregation on step-line graphs. While the data when zoomed in is accurate, upon zooming out the data becomes warped and inaccurate. Currently I can not find anything in the documentation about force limiting the zoom so that users are unable to zoom out to a distorted view. While the features of the chart are great, the distortion is to the level that it renders the chart useless. Does anyone know a way to limit the zoom out function to a max time range or increase the amount of points shown on the graph?
You can use the binning feature available in FusionTime.
Read more about it here: https://www.fusioncharts.com/dev/fusioncharts-aspnet-visualization/components/fusiontime-components/fusioncharts-net-binning

Is there a way to check for markers whos icons intersect / overlap visibly?

I am building a map and want to use the leaflet markercluster plugin to cluster any markers that intersect visibly (the icons overlap each other). I can't seem to figure out a way to check whether the markers icons intersect though.
I've examined the documentation and the Marker objects. The marker object has no "bounds" object and has no function to return the bounds of the icon.
Yes, it's possible.
This is implemented in some Leaflet plugins, like Leaflet.LayerGroup.Collision - the technique involves fetching the computed style of each icon's HTML element to get the actual size in CSS pixels, offset those numbers by the relative pixel position of the marker's LatLng, and using a rtree data structure to speed up the calculation of the overlaps. Do have a look at the complete source for LayerGroup.Collision plugin.
Note that this technique only takes into account the rectangular bounding boxes of the icons; while it would be possible to check for the individual transparent pixels, that would involve more complex data structures and a different technique to fetch the opacity of each pixel.

Resizing image generated by PaintCode app

I have imported a vector image to PaintCode app and then export its Swift to code. I want to use this vector image in a small View (30x30) but since I want it to work on different devices, I need it to be size-independent.
The original size of the vector image is 512x512. When I add its class to a UIView, only a very small part of the vector image can be seen:
I need to somehow resize the image that can be fit in any size of a frame. I read somewhere, that I have to draw a frame in PaintCode app around the image, I did it but nothing changed.
Start by selecting the "Frame" option from the toolbar
Apply the frame to you canvas...
nb: If you mess up the frame DELETE IT and start again, modifying the frame can change the underlying vector, which is annoying
Apply the desired resize options. This can be confusing the first time.
I group all the elements into a single group. Select the group and on the "box" next to the coordinates of the group, change all the lines to "wiggly" lines. This allows paint code the greatest amount of flexibility when resizing the image...
Finally, change the export options. I tend to use both "Drawing" and "Image" as it provides me the greatest amount of flexibility during development
You should also look at Resizing Constraints, Resizing Drawing Methods and PaintCode Power User: Frames for more details

ios-charts - problems using autoScaleMinMaxEnabled

I try to auto scale the y-axis for an LineChart. If I set the option autoScaleMinMaxEnabled, followed by an notifyDataSetChanged no auto scale occurs.
Also toggeling autoScaleMinMaxEnabled in ChartsDemo seems not to work. Is there a special trick?
Many thanks! - Tino
The "trick" is that min/max of the Y-axis is determined dynamically, during scrolling, depending on the y-values that are contained in the visible x-range.
If you want to see it working in the demo, then zoom in, enable autoScaleMinMaxEnabled, and then scroll to the right. Watch the Y-axis.

how to restrict scrolling for +ve part in cpxygraph

I am new to core plot SDK, implemented core plot in my app. i need to restrict -ve part of graph. i.e always i will have +ve values for graph((1,1),(10,15),(20,15)).i need horizontal , vertical scrolling for +ve part only.So i want to restrict remaining 3 parts of graph. I tried in all ways help less, so posted here. if any one already done with this type requirement, please help me ASAP.
Thanks in advance.
The easiest way to restrict the scrolling ranges is to set the globalXRange and globalYRange properties on your plot space. If you want more control, you can use a plot space delegate. CPTestApp (the Mac version) demonstrates both techniques.