I have a forum that made it by MYBB system and every photo in every post of my Forum just shown for Registered User, and when I share it in Facebook it doesn't show post photo in thumbnail!!
I want to know how can I register Facebook Crawler for this kind of thumbnail ?? or is there any way to make it shown for Facebook??
You need to
Add the Open Graph meta tags to your pages (see https://developers.facebook.com/docs/opengraph/ )
Ensure that the tags are available to Facebook's crawler (which won't be logged in to your site),
Check what facebook is detecting on your page using the debug tool ( http://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug )
I use Facebook share button to share my article (Title, description and image) on Facebook using Open Graph Meta and other default Meta
And my articles are echoed in post.php page like (mywebsite.com/post.php?id=post_id) which contents differ through post_id.
Well, while sharing a post on fb, facing some problems.
1: fb share doesn't detect the image belonging to the article/current post that is shared. (Thought the image URL in my Open Graph Meta is correct) and after sharing it on Facebook the link doesn’t redirect to the exact URL (mywebsite.com/post.php?id=post_id).
2: the fb share button is in my post.php page which shares different posts but sharing is counted same for all posts.
The FB share button has got an attribute (data-href="url-to-share") which my one is (data-href="<?php echo'post.php?id=post_id';?>").
Anyone know what and where is wrong with my code/URL addressing?
If your meta tags shows correct data then must be fb issue. I faced similar problem before.
Try debug your url in the FB debugger( https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/og/object/ ). It helps.
Fb haven't grab your updated data because they have their own time/interval to grab new data from the website(if im not mistaken). Using the debugger u'll see how the share will look like and show missing details if any.
We would like to use the Facebook Comment plugin (or something similar) on a website. The photos are being pulled in from Facebook to our site (built in PHP). We would like to enable commenting on a particular photo and post the comment back to Facebook. Addtionally, if a comment is made on Facebook, we would also like for the comment to display on the webpage.
From the website, we have only been able to get the comment to apply to the webpage, but not to the photo itself. Thus the comment posts on facebook with a link to the webpage, but does not display the individual photo.
Does anyone know how to successfully post comments on a particular photo from a webpage?
Using the Graph API, just do an HTTP POST to https://graph.facebook.com/PHOTOID/comments?access_token=ValidUserAccessToken with the correct parameters specified (such as message) as well as a user access token with the correct permissions specified.
See the comments connection of photo at https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/photo/
I added a like button to a page, somebody liked it but there wasnt fb:admins tag. Now the admin tag is filled but there is no new "page" in my profile associated with this page. How to fix it? I want Facebook to create a page for already created page. Thank you!
From the Facebook documentation on the Open Graph protocol:
Note that the Open Graph protocol is currently designed to support real-life objects. If your URL is a piece of content — such as a news article, photo, video, or similar — you should set og:type to article (see below). Pages of type article do not have publishing rights, and will not show up on user's profiles because they are not real world objects.
If your page is not set up as an article, you should use Facebook's URL Linter to determine the Open Graph tags that Facebook has retrieved from your webpage.
I'm trying to integrate open graph in my website, so that I can post a link to my relevant facebook page and it will display the relevant information (title, description etc).
Yet, even though it worked for some time, now it only displays my domain name regardless of the link I post. No images, no descs, nothing.
I've created a test page to find out what's wrong, but I've come to a dead end.
The test page is W3C valid, the Facebook debugger is parsing all the information correctly, the preview before I post the link to facebook is correct, but when I hit post it displays nothing, just the url.
I've tried several actions such as different doctypes, commenting out the open graph metas, moving js after the metas, removing the meta content-type to no avail, but if you can help me post the test page correctly to facebook, I think I'll be able to find what's wrong with my site.
My website: http://www.accorda.info
The test page: http://www.accorda.info/test.html
My facebook fan page: http://www.facebook.com/accorda.info
Replace the meta tag or delete some. I don't understand… Facebook OpenGraph Debug tool show IMBb info for your page.
Remember, Facebook don't update page info real-time. New meta tags can be visible in 2 days.
I am creating a facebook like to put on my site. This component will read all posts from a specific page`s wall and display them.
I want to get the required image post on my wall when any user like my page from my website.. I have multiple facebook likes on my page ..
My problem is that when a user like any of the like button it get any image from my page and post it my wall . But i want that it get the specific image and post to my wall..
i also tried to put og:image But no success :-(
Any suggestions please.
You haven't given enough code to diagnose your problems, but assuming that you've followed the open graph instructions on the Facebook Developers site - http://developers.facebook.com/docs/opengraph/ - It would be a good idea pass your target URL through the Facebook Debugger (formerly the URL Linter) it will help show you any errors you have regarding your open graph tagging implementation: