Easiest way to pass parameters to ActiveReports report from .NET code - activereports

How does one pass parameters needed by my SQL query in an ActiveReports report? I know about the code that goes into the ReportStart event, but how does one pass the values of the parameters to the report?

Figured it out. From your class running the report:
var report = new MyReport();
report.Parameters["Parm1"].PromptUser = false;
report.Parameters["Parm1"].Value = someVariable;
report.Parameters["Parm2"].PromptUser = false;
report.Parameters["Parm2"].Value = someVariable2.ToString("M-d-yyyy");
Apparently, when one new ups the report, it is parsed for parameters and they are added to the Parameters collection. So you would just need to set the properties as one wishes.

There is another way of doing it, please check here.


How to display data required using a database value

I am new to crystal reports and I am trying to get round formulations.
I am trying to display certain data in a report by using a particular value from the database. All the data i need to display is within the value '1' of the database.
I have tried with an if statement, which seems to work but displays true and false instead of the actual data. Can anyone help me with this please?
if {database.column} = 1 then
This is where I have got too, just need a little guidance please
Try using the code below:
if {database.column} = 1 then

Error in Opening Report from Form

I have a Form which will help me to filter out the records I want for my Report. The button will open the Report On Click.
This is the code in the button:
Private Sub Open_OEE_Click()
DoCmd.OpenReport "OEE_Report", acViewReport, , , acWindowNormal
End Sub
I keep getting the error:
I also have placed the query in my report under the Record Source as:
SELECT * FROM 3_OEE WHERE ((([3_OEE].RecordID)=Forms![3_OEE_Report]!cboRecordID) And (([3_OEE].Date_Recorded)=DateValue(Forms![3_OEE_Report]!Date_Recorded)) And (([3_OEE].MC_No)=Forms![3_OEE_Report]!cboMCNo) And (([3_OEE].Product)=Forms![3_OEE_Report]!cboProduct));
I want to search based on one criteria (text box or combo box) and not all four at once.
Am I missing out something?
MS-Access does tend to go a bit overboard with the brackets. Make the report's Record Source a bit easier to read by trimming out the unnecessary ones. You also need to get your date criterion in the right format - Access always uses US formatting in SQL queries and needs # signs around the date:
WHERE [3_OEE].RecordID = Forms![3_OEE_Report]!cboRecordID
And [3_OEE].Date_Recorded = Format(Forms![3_OEE_Report]!Date_Recorded, "\#mm/dd/yyyy\#")
And [3_OEE].MC_No = Forms![3_OEE_Report]!cboMCNo
And [3_OEE].Product = Forms![3_OEE_Report]!cboProduct;
I would also suggest creating a named query for this and setting the report's Record Source to the named query. You can then test the query in isolation without having to run the report (but make sure the Form is open and the relevant controls are populated).
I asked for help from another source.
Answer to Question

VB.NET 2010 RDLC Subreport "Data retrieval failed for the subreport"

Using VB.NET 2010 and SQL Server 2008 R2.
I have inherited an application with a RDLC report. I have not used those before. The report was created and works fine but the originator left out a set of data, a subreport for the "parent" record reported on.
I have tried to add a subreport, point the input parameters of the main to the sub(they use same information). Have the sub use a Dataset that points to a Stored procedure and display the results.
Any attempt to execute (and display) sub report data fails with the message
Data retrieval failed for subreport....located at....Please check the log files for more information.
Off what/where are the log files located?
I can pass in params and as long as I add a dataset w/a stored procedure, I can see the params if I put on report. If I add the stored procedure ...Nothing. I tried a fix found on internet to create a Copy of the XSD's stored procedure call... but that didn't work either.
Main report works fine without Sub.
What am I missing?
Shouldn't I be able to add a subreport, link up the parameters and have subreport display related information?
Here is my code to call main report:
Dim adapter As New SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter
Dim table As New DataTable
Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor
ReportViewer1.ProcessingMode = Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ProcessingMode.Local
ReportViewer1.LocalReport.ReportPath = Application.StartupPath & "\IndividualInterviewerDataReport.rdlc"
Dim ReportParameters(5) As Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ReportParameter
ReportParameters(0) = New Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ReportParameter("SurveyName", frmMain.SurveyName)
ReportParameters(1) = New Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ReportParameter("Interviewer", InterviewerId)
ReportParameters(2) = New Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ReportParameter("Panel", PanelMonth)
ReportParameters(3) = New Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ReportParameter("- Version: " + ProductVersion)
ReportParameters(4) = New Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ReportParameter("PanelYear", PanelYear)
ReportParameters(5) = New Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ReportParameter("SurveyNbr", frmMain.SurveyNum)
ReportViewer1.ShowPrintButton = True
ReportViewer1.ZoomPercent = 100
Me.spInterviewerDataByPanelTableAdapter.Connection.ConnectionString = My.Settings.DBConnection
Me.spInterviewerDataByPanelTableAdapter.Fill(Me.CodingControlDataSet.spInterviewerDataByPanel, frmMain.SurveyNum, PanelYear, PanelMonth, InterviewerId)
If I'm remembering correctly, you'll need to handle the SubreportProcessing event of the LocalReport object, and set the subreport data there. You do this by setting a property of the EventArgs parameter for the event handler.
Here's some code (adapted from Microsoft documentation):
'In your report setup code'
AddHandler Me.ReportViewer1.LocalReport.SubreportProcessing, _
AddressOf DemoSubreportProcessingEventHandler
'Event hander
Public Sub DemoSubreportProcessingEventHandler(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal e As SubreportProcessingEventArgs)
e.DataSources.Add(New ReportDataSource("DatasetNameInReport", MyDataTable ))
End Sub

Sending an array as a query parameter to a rest WS (nullpointerException)

I need to call a rest web service in playframework 2 and I need to send a query parameter which is an array. In regular html I would send it like:
GET http://host.com?a=1&a=2&a=3
But when I do it when I try to do it with the playframework 2 WS api I do the next:
Map<String,String[]> paramMap = new HashMap<String, String[]>();
paramMap.put("a",new String[]{"value1","value2"});
WS.WSRequestHolder holder = WS.url("http://host.com");
Set<String> keys = paramMap.keySet();
for (int i = 0; i < paramMap.get(key).length; i++)
holder.setQueryParameter(key, paramMap.get(key)[i]);
And the first time that setQueryParamater() arrives, everything goes perfect but the second time I get a NullPointerException and paramMap.get(key)[i] is not null. Is this possible? is there any workaround?
Thanks in advance!
In regular html you need to dsend it like:
GET http://host.com?a=1&a=2&a=3
Using ampershand(&) to separate parameters in query string instead of comma(,)
Edit: Sorry forgot to type: Like ur trying to do within the loop you should not have fields with same name. You should change it as:
I don't know if this causes NullPointerException you face. But even if does not i suggest you change ur implementation to keep one value per field (key, value)
Ok, it seems to be a bug in play-framework, but solved in 2.1 version.

Crystal Reports - Default Parameters

In Crystal reports, you can define default values for the report parameters.
For example, I might have a date range and set a default start of 12/01/2008 and a default end of 12/31/2008.
Is it possible to modify these defaults at runtime? For example:
1 - Default to the first and last days of the current month?
2 - Default to the first and last days of a proprietary company fiscal calendar? (i.e., look it up in a database)
3 - First & Last days of the current year?
You get the point. Is this possible? I'd even be open to a solution that involved running an external application to reach into the reports and modify them, if anyone knows how to do that.
To answer the question posed by Philippe Grondier, most of these reports are run from inside an application. I was hoping for something simpler than manipulating the crystal object at runtime; I have my hands full right now with figuring out other parts of that API. I might take a look in the future, though.
Are you planning to run your crystal report from the crystal reports interface or as an add-in embedded in another program (you can for example use the Crystal Reports ActiveX Designer Runtime Support - craxdrt.dll - in VB code) ? In this last case, it is possible to manipulate every object of the report before launching it. Objects such as parameters can then be updated according to your needs.
As a simple example of such runtime update, my report printing routine will allways check if there is a field named "printedBy" in the report. In case this field is found, its value will be settled to the the domain name of the user that requests the report and will be printed out.
At an higher level, you can even reshape the report SQL string to add specific filters that can be inherited from your code. By doing so you might not even need parameters anymore: let your code add the filtering values 'on the fly'
EDIT: some code examples:
(m_rapport is a CRAXDRT.report object, ActiveSession is my current session object)
If m_rapport.ParameterFields.Count > 0 Then
For i = 1 To m_rapport.ParameterFields.Count
If m_rapport.ParameterFields(i).Name = "{?PUB_DateDebutPeriode}" Then
m_rapport.ParameterFields(i).AddCurrentValue CDate(DateValue(sessionActive.dateDebutPeriode))
End If
If m_rapport.ParameterFields(i).Name = "{?PUB_DateFinPeriode}" Then
m_rapport.ParameterFields(i).AddCurrentValue CDate(DateValue(sessionActive.dateFinPeriode))
End If
If m_rapport.ParameterFields(i).Name = "{?PUB_id_Personne}" Then
m_rapport.ParameterFields(i).AddCurrentValue StringFromGUID(clientActif.id_Personne)
End If
Next i
I also have another function to change report's datasource at runtime, so that reports can be executed on different servers/locations.
Read my posting Crystal Reports: Named-Date-Range Parameters. Maybe you'll be able to leverage this technique for your purposes.