creating a cell for selecting an item - iphone

so i want to achieve something like this:
when clicking on this cell, there should pop a new tableview with the items availible, by clicking one of these items, it should go back and update the cell. normal stuff i think.
but i'm not shure how to do it the best way.
first i need to subclass a uitableview cell , because there is no default one for this, right?
and the rest?
should i set an ivar to the new popped tableviewcontroller with the selected cell and update the content after an item was selected? but then i had to reload table data , don't i ? wouldn't this break my selection, the scrolled way and all this stuff? would be a bit weird while the navigation-controller goes back to this tableview.
please help me with some best practices for this.
thanks and please leave a comment if something is unclear.

That cell style is UITableViewCellStyleValue1.
I would write a custom delegate protocol that the parent controller implements so that the child controller can inform it when the user has made the selection. But you can also use a property on the child controller. Or use a notification.
To update the cell in the parent view controller, just call [tableView reloadRowsAtIndexPaths:withRowAnimation:]. No need to reload the entire table.


Detect when NSTabview reloads in Swift

I am trying to add a label to the window whenever the tableview item count is zero. I figured that the best way to do this would be to check tableView.numberOfRows after tableview reloads . However, I can't seem to find a way to detect it when the tableview reloads. Is there a way to do this?
Table views don't spontaneously reload. You tell them when to reload. You should probably have a central data model object, and have it notify your view controller when the items count reaches zero. (You could set up your data model object to have a delegate, for example, and give the delegate a itemCountChanged(to:) method.)

TableView with TabBar using functions to reload de table without new ViewControllers

I have a TableView managed with CoreData and NSFetchedResultController. I want to add a TabBar to my TableView and add some items like: favourites, search and something else. Do I need a ViewController for each item? or Could I add each Item to a function in the tableViewController and manage the fetch queries there and reload the Table with the new fetch query?
Is this better to be manageg with a ToolBar instead of a TabBar?
You probably want a UITabBarController as it works with an array of child ViewControllers. You can write a custom container controller (more work), but I'd first read through the docs to get a better handle on how it operates and see if that's what you really want.

How can I put an editable table view in a tab bar application?

I am starting out with the tab bar application in XCode and I want to put a table view in one of the tabs. I know how to physically put the table view into a tab with interface builder, but I need to be able to edit the data in the table, so I'm not just left with blank cells.
So, how can I edit the data in the table?
Essentially, I want to put a navigation-based application inside the tab of a tab bar application.
Thanks for the help!
UITableViewCells don't, by themselves, support the ability for the user to edit their content. You can set up your UI to allow users to do so, but it'll take a little extra effort.
If what you're really looking for is for the user to be able to enter text into a table cell, I would add an Edit button to your text cells, so that the user can tap it to go into edit mode for a cell.
When a cell goes into edit mode, add a UITextField to the cell view and call its -makeFirstResponder method to bring up the keyboard.
When the user taps the Done button on the keyboard, call -resignFirstResponder on the text field to dismiss the keyboard, then update your table view's data source object (this is the object you've assigned to the UITableView's dataSource property) with the string from the text field's text property and remove the UITextField from your table cell and reload the table's data by calling its reloadData method. Or if you are keeping a reference to the edited table cell somewhere, you could just update the cell object directly instead of calling reloadData on the table.
You can't just add text to table cells in InterfaceBuilder. You'll need to hook your UITableView to a UITableViewDataSource, and have that data source provide the cells you want your table to display.
Here's a great starting point:
Give this a shot

What's the best way to refresh a UITableView within a UINavigationController hierarchy

I'm pretty new to iPhone development and have struggled to find what I consider to be a neat way around this problem.
I have a user interface where a summary of record data is displayed in a table inside a navigation controller. When the user clicks the accessory button for a row, a new view is pushed onto the navigation controller revealing a view where the user can edit the data in the corresponding record. Once done, the editing view is popped from the navigation controller's stack and the user is returned to the table view.
My problem is that when the user returns to the table view, the table still shows the state of the data before the record was edited. I must therefore reload the table data to show the changes.
It doesn't seem possible to reload the table data before it is displayed as the call only updates displayed records. Reloading it after the table has been displayed results in the old data changing before the user's eyes, which I'm not too happy with.
This seems to me like a pretty normal thing to want to do in an iPhone app.
Can anyone please suggest the best practice approach to doing this? I feel like I'm missing something.
Cheers - Steve.
The standard approach may sound like a lot of hassle at first, but is a useful pattern for a lot of situations.
In your tableview class create a method like:
-(void)editDone {
[self.tableView reloadData];
Add a property to your edit controller like:
#property (assign) id delegate;
Set the delegate when your accessory is clicked:
editController.delegate = self;
And when editing is complete, call your method like so:
[delegate performSelector:#selector(editDone) withObject:nil];
You can create similar methods to handle cancel of your edit component, or to carry out dismissing of modal edit controllers, etc. It's considered more classy to put all this in a protocol, if you like.
I'd implement this in the following way:
Save indexPath of a clicked cell.
Implement -[UIViewController viewWillAppear:] method of the view controller, which contains the UITableView. If saved indexPath is not nil, reload specified cells with:
-[UITableView reloadRowsAtIndexPaths:withRowAnimation:]

Customizing UITabBarController

I need to change font size and background color of the list displayed by "More" button of the UITabBarController. Is it possible ? How can I do it ?
Thanks a lot.
UITabBarController has a property called moreNavigationController, the root view of which is presumably the UITableView you see when you tap the "More" button.
If you want to customize the table view cells, you'll need to reassign its dataSource to an object you control. But, you'll need to implement every method of UITableViewDataSource and forward those messages to the original data source.
In your implementation of tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath:, you'll be able to customize the cell returned by the original data source's implementation of that method.
Sounds like a lot of work just to change some fonts, doesn't it?